List of districts and towns in Budapest

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Budapest, the capital of Hungary has 23 districts, each with its own municipal government.

[edit] The number of districts in Budapest

Budapest had 10 districts after coming into existence by the unification of the cities of Pest, Buda and Óbuda in 1873. On 1 January 1950, Budapest was amalgamated with several neighboring towns, and the number of its districts increased to 22. At that time there were changes in both the numbering and the extent of the districts.

[edit] The districts

Each district can be associated with one or more neighbourhoods named after former towns within Budapest. The districts in red are in Buda, those in blue in Pest, and the one in yellow is an island between them. (Note: two additional islands form parts of District III and District XIII.)

Listed below are the ordinal numbers of the districts, their official names (if there is one), and the names of the neighbourhoods within the districts.

District Neighborhoods
District I
Buda Castle, Castle District, Tabán, Gellérthegy, Krisztinaváros, southern Víziváros
District II Adyliget, Budakeszierdő, Budaliget, Csatárka, Erzsébetliget, Erzsébettelek, Felhévíz, Gercse, Hársakalja, Hárshegy, Hűvösvölgy, Kővár, Kurucles, Lipótmező, Máriaremete, Nyék, Országút, Pálvölgy, Pasarét, Pesthidegkút-Ófalu, Petneházy-rét, Remetekertváros, Rézmál, Rózsadomb, Szemlőhegy, Széphalom, Szépilona, Szépvölgy, Törökvész, Újlak, Vérhalom, northern Víziváros, Zöldmál.
District III Óbuda, Aquincum, Aranyhegy, Békásmegyer, Csillaghegy, Csúcshegy, Filatorigát, Hármashatárhegy, Kaszásdűlő, Mátyáshegy, Mocsárosdűlő, Óbudai-sziget, Remetehegy, Rómaifürdő, Solymárvölgy, Szépvölgy, Táborhegy, Testvérhegy, Törökkő, Ürömhegy, Újlak.
District IV
Újpest, Megyer, Káposztásmegyer, Székesdűlő, Istvántelek.
District V Belváros (in a narrow sense), Lipótváros
District VI
District VII
District VIII
Józsefváros, Kerepesdűlő, Tisztviselőtelep
District IX
Ferencváros, Gubacsidűlő, József Attila-lakótelep
District X
Felsőrákos, Gyárdűlő, Keresztúridűlő, Kőbánya-Kertváros
District XI
Albertfalva, Dobogó, Gazdagrét, Gellérthegy, Hosszúrét, Kamaraerdő, Kelenföld, Kelenvölgy, Kőérberek, Lágymányos, Madárhegy, Őrmező, Örsöd, Péterhegy, Pösingermajor, Sasad, Sashegy, Spanyolrét, Tabán
District XII
Budakeszierdő, Csillebérc, Farkasrét, Farkasvölgy, Istenhegy, Jánoshegy, Kissvábhegy, Krisztinaváros, Kútvölgy, Magasút, Mártonhegy, Németvölgy, Orbánhegy, Sashegy, Svábhegy, Széchenyihegy, Virányos.
District XIII Újlipótváros, Angyalföld, Vizafogó, Margaret Island
District XIV
Alsórákos, Herminamező, Istvánmező, Kiszugló, Nagyzugló, Rákosfalva, Törökőr, City Park
District XV Rákospalota, Pestújhely, Újpalota
District XVI Mátyásföld, Sashalom, Cinkota, Rákosszentmihály, Árpádföld, Kisszentmihály, Ilonatelep, Petőfikert, Nagyiccetelep, Szentgyörgytelep, Szabadságtelep, Huszkatelep
District XVII
Rákoskeresztúr, Rákoscsaba, Rákoscsaba-Újtelep, Rákosliget, Rákoshegy, Rákoskert, Akadémiaújtelep, Madárdomb, Régiakadémiatelep
District XVIII Pestszentlőrinc, Pestszentimre
District XIX
District XX
Gubacsipuszta, Kossuthfalva, Pacsirtatelep, Pestszenterzsébet, Pestszenterzsébet-Szabótelep
District XXI
District XXII Budatétény, Nagytétény, Budafok
District XXIII

[edit] Arrangement of districts

District I is a small area in central Buda (the western side), including the historic Castle. District II is in Buda again, in the northwest, and District III stretches along in the northernmost part of Buda.

To reach District IV, one must cross the Danube to find it in Pest (the eastern side), also at north. With District V, begin another circle begins: it is located in the absolute centre of Pest. Districts VI, VII, VIII and IX are the neighbouring areas to the east, going southwards, one after the other.

District X is another, more external circle also in Pest, while one must jump to the Buda side again to find Districts XI and XII, going northwards. No more districts remaining in Buda in this circle, we must turn our steps to Pest again to find Districts XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX (mostly external city parts), almost regularly in a semi-circle, going southwards again.

District XXI is the extension of the above route over a branch of the Danube, the northern tip of a long island (Csepel-sziget) south from Budapest. District XXII is still on the same route in southwest Buda, and finally District XXIII is again in southernmost Pest, irregular only because it was part of District XX until the mid-90s.

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