List of diseases caused by insects

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[edit] Human Insect Diseases

Disease Insect Symptoms Area Treatment
Babesiosis Tick Fever until red urine South Europa and Africa Antibiotics
Dengue Mosquito Fever until Artritis (Sub) tropics and South Europe Nothing
FSME Tick Ill with flu until Meningitis Central and North Europe prevention and vaccination
Leishmaniasis Sandfly Fever, damage to the spleen and liver, and anaemia South hemisphere and Mediterranean Countries Treatment of infected
Lyme disease Tick Skin rash until paralysis Europe and North Africa Prevention and antibiotics
Malaria Mosquito Headache until heavy fever (Sub) tropics Prevention and anti-malaria
Ockelbo disease Mosquito Skin rash until Artritis Scandinavia and France -
Rickettsia Tick Fever with bleedings around the bite Global Prevention and antibiotics
West Nile virus Mosquito Fever until Meningitis Africa, Asia, North America, South and East Europe Nothing