List of dead comic book characters

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Below is a list of fictional characters who have died in American comic books, specifically in the superhero genre, and thus far have not returned.

While characters frequently die in comic books, it is just as common for them to be resurrected. Writer Peter David split the blame for the phenomenon between creators, publishers, and fans: creators and publishers kill characters to increase drama and sales, while fans demand that characters they don't like be killed. However, if a character is killed, fans who liked the character vocally support their resurrection, creators often wish to use characters who have died, and publishers find that returns of popular characters lead to a boost in sales. This causes a vicious circle: After witnessing several improbable returns, fans begin to doubt that the characters are permanently dead at all, and death begins to lose its dramatic impact.[1] A death thus reversed is called a comic book death.

While it is a recurring theme that no character ever remains dead, there are some exceptions. Usually, characters associated with the origin story of a major character (e.g. Spider-Man's Uncle Ben or Batman's mother and father), or those whose deaths significantly altered the later development of major character (e.g. Gwen Stacy or Karen Page), remain "permanently" dead. However, from time to time, a superhero or other comics character is judged by their creators to have served their dramatic purpose, and remains dead because their story is simply over.

As there are no "rules" to fiction, all characters carry the possibility of being resurrected at any time. The following characters are present exceptions to the standard conventions of comic book death. Currently, they remain deceased.


[edit] List of dead comic book characters

[edit] DC Comics

DC Comics Universe

Character Issue Cause of death
Abin Sur Showcase #22, 1959 Died on Earth as a result of injuries sustained from an attack by Legion
Azrael Azrael: Agent of the Bat #100 (May 2003) Shot to death by Nicholas Scratch and Carlton Lehah.
Black Condor Infinite Crisis #1 (October 2005) Killed by an energy beam (presumably from Sinestro).
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) DC Countdown to Infinite Crisis (May 2005) Shot through the head by Maxwell Lord
Ch'p Green Lantern: Mosaic #2 Run over by a yellow truck.
Commander Steel Eclipso #13 (1993) Caught in the detonation of the Sunburst 300, while battling Eclipso.
Alexandra DeWitt Green Lantern vol. 2 #54 Strangled and stuffed in a refrigerator by Major Force. (See Women in Refrigerators.)
Crimson Fox (Constance D'Aramis) Starman #38 (1998) Killed by the Mist
Crimson Fox (Vivian D'Aramis) Justice League America #104 (1996) Killed by Marucie Puanteur
Sue Dibny Identity Crisis #1 (June 2004) Killed by Jean Loring
Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel) Eclipso #13 (1993) Killed by Eclipso.
Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny) 52 #42 (February 2007) Killed by Neron
Jack Drake Identity Crisis #5 (October 2004) Killed by Captain Boomerang
Dream (Morpheus) Sandman #69 (1995) Executed by the Furies for the crime of filicide.
Epoch JLA/WildC.A.T.s (September 1997)
Fury (Hippolyta Trevor-Hall) JSA #80 'Died' of exposure in the Himalayas. Her spirit was taken into the dreamtime by her son Daniel, the new Dream of the Endless.
Dove (Don Hall) Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 (March 1986) Killed by Shadow-creatures during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Is remembered as being crushed by building debris instead.
Ice Justice League Task Force #14 (July 1994) Killed by Overmaster.
Flash (Barry Allen) Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 (November 1985) Literally ran himself to death destroying the Anti-Monitor's main weapon during the Crisis on Infinite Earths
Freedom Fighters Infinite Crisis #1 (October 2005) Most murdered in an attack by the Society
Hawk (Hank Hall) JSA #11 (April 2000) Placed in a crashing plane by Atom Smasher
Hector Hall JSA #80 Died' of exposure in the Himalayas. His spirit was taken into the dreamtime by his son Daniel, the new Dream of the Endless
Orpheus Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #182 (October, 2004) Killed by Black Mask to Ambush Batman.
Isis(Adrianna Tomez) 52(2007) Killed in a battle with Apokolip's Four Horsemen dying in the arms of Black Adam.
Jade Rann-Thanagar War: Infinite Crisis Special (February 2006) Caught in an anti-matter energy blast attempting to stop Alex Luthor during Infinite Crisis.
Katma Tui Action Comics Weekly #601 Murdered by Star Sapphire
Maxwell Lord Wonder Woman #219 Neck snapped by Wonder Woman
Alexander Luthor, Jr. Infinite Crisis #7 Killed by The Joker
Osiris (Amon Tomaz) 52 (2007) Devoured by Sobek.
Tommy Monaghan Hitman #60 (April 2001) Shot by Agent Truman's men
Ra's Al Ghul Batman: Death and the Maidens #9 (August 2004) Murdered by his estranged daughters Nyssa and Talia Al Ghul
Rocket Red (Dimitri Pushkin) The OMAC Project #5 (August 2005) Killed when he deliberately overloaded his battlesuit's power supply to destroy OMACs during Infinite Crisis
Sandman (Wesley Dodds) JSA: Secret Files and Origins #1 Threw himself from a cliff in the Himalayas rather than reveal the identity of the new Dr. Fate to Mordru
Shazam Day of Vengeance #6 Killed by the Spectre during his war on magic.
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown) Batman #633 Tortured and the injuries led to her death by Black Mask. Medical care that may have saved her life was deliberate withheld by Dr. Leslie Thompkins
Superboy (Kon-El) Infinite Crisis #6 (May 2006) Caught in the explosion of Alexander Luthor's tower
Superman (Kal-L) Infinite Crisis #7 (June 2006) Beaten by Superboy-Prime
The Question (Charles Szasz) 52 #38 (January 2007) Dies of Lung Cancer in Nanda Carbat.
Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker) Detective Comics #818 (2006) Wesker and the Scarface dummy were both shot in the head.
Vigilante (Adrian Chase) Vigilante #50 Suicide
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez) Eclipso #13 (1993) Killed by Eclipso.

[edit] Marvel Comics

[edit] Earth-616

Marvel Comics Universe

Character Issue Cause of death
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) Avengers #500 (September 2004) Murdered by Scarlet Witch with an explosion
Banshee X-Men: Deadly Genesis #2 (February 2006) Plane crash
Baron Blood Captain America #254 Decapitated by Captain America
Baron Heinrich Zemo Avengers #15 (April 1965) Crushed in an avalanche
Black Goliath Civil War #4 (September 2006) Killed by a clone of Thor
Captain America Captain America vol. 5 #25 (March 2007) Shot by a sniper, then shot three times in chest and stomach by a brainwashed Sharon Carter.
Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Graphic Novel #1 (1982) Cancer; although, his past self reappears in Civil War: The Return
Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) Thunderbolts #100 (March 2006) Torn apart by Baron Zemo
Copycat Deadpool #59 (December 2001) Killed by Sabretooth
Darkstar (Laynia Sergeievna Petrovna) New X-Men #255 (October 2002) Killed by Fantomex after being controlled by Weapon XII
Destiny (Irene Adler) Uncanny X-Men #255 (December 1989) Killed by Legion
Jean DeWolff Spectacular Spider-Man #107 Shot in the chest by the Sin-Eater
DJ (Mark Sheppard) New X-Men #23 (April 2006) Missile struck by William Stryker on bus of depowered students
Doctor Sun Fantastic Four #321 Killed by H.E.R.B.I.E.
Dryad (Callie Betto) New X-Men #23 (April 2006) Missile struck by William Stryker on bus of depowered students
Egghead (Elihas Starr) Avengers #230 Gun misfired, accidentally killing himself
Grand Director Captain America #236 Committed suicide
Nate Grey X-Man #75 (2001) Sacrificed himself to stop an alien race from killing the human race and harvesting their mitochondria.
Icarus (Jay Guthrie) New X-Men #27 (August 2006) Killed by Rev. William Stryker
Jack O'Lantern Civil War Killed by The Punisher
Jester Civil War Killed by The Punisher
Kraven the Hunter Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #294 (November 1987) Shot himself in the head after defeating and impersonating Spider-Man
Ned Leeds Spider-Man Vs. Wolverine #1 Killed by Jack O'Lantern.
Maggott (Japheth) Weapon X #5 (March 2003) Executed in a gas chamber at the Neverland Concentration Camp
Magik (Ilyana Rasputin) Uncanny X-Men #303 (August 1993) Legacy Virus
Mastermind Uncanny X-Men Annual #17 (1993) Legacy Virus
Microbe Civil War #1 (May 2006) Caught in explosion created by Nitro
Mimic (Earth-12) Exiles #73 (February 2006) Killed by Proteus
Miss America Giant-Size Avengers #1 Died giving birth to her child.
Mockingbird Avengers West Coast #100 (November 1993) Died fighting Mephisto
Namorita Civil War #1 (May 2006) Caught in explosion created by Nitro
Network (Sarah Vale) New X-Men #23 (April 2006) Missile struck by William Stryker on bus of depowered students
Night Thrasher Civil War #1 (May 2006) Caught in explosion created by Nitro
Harry Osborn Spectacular Spider-Man #200 (May 1993) Experimental formula to increase his strength turned out to be poisonous.
Karen Page Daredevil v2 #5 (March 1999) Killed by Bullseye
Uncle Ben Parker Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962) Shot by a burglar.
Pyro Cable #87 (January 2001) Legacy Virus
Quasar Annihilation: Nova #4 (July 2006) Killed by Annihilus
Quill (Maxwell Jordan) New X-Men #27 (August 2006) Shot by William Stryker's "Purifiers"
Revanche (Kwannon) X-Men #32 (May 1994) Killed by her lover when she contracted the Legacy Virus
Risque (Gloria Muñoz) New X-Men Annual 2001 Killed by the U-Men
Rubbermaid (Andrea Margulies) New X-Men #23 (2006) Missile struck by William Stryker on bus of depowered students
Supreme Intelligence Annihilation #5 (December 2006) Mercy-killed by Ronan the Accuser after being lobotomized
Gwen Stacy Amazing Spider-Man #121 (June 1973) Died falling from the top of the Brooklyn Bridge during a battle between Spider-man and the Green Goblin. Whether the fall or Spider-man's effort to catch her with his webs caused her death is a subject of much debate.
Synch (Everett Thomas) Generation X #70 Explosion whilst attempting to save fellow students.
Tag (Brian Cruz) New X-Men #23 (April 2006) Missile struck by William Stryker on bus of depowered students
Thanos Annihilation #4 (November 2006) Heart torn out by Drax the Destroyer
Thunderbird I (John Proudstar) X-Men #95 (October 1975) Died attempting to stop Count Nefaria from escaping in a jet. The jet exploded.
Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson) Thunderstrike #24 (1995) Died fighting the curse of the Bloodaxe
Wallflower (Laurie Collins) New X-Men #25 (June 2006) Shot in the head
Mariko Yashida Wolverine #57 (1992) Poisoned by Matsu'o Tsurabaya and Silver Fox

[edit] Ultimate Marvel

Ultimate Marvel Universe

Character Issue Cause of death
Beast Ultimate X-Men #44 (June 2004) Crushed by a Sentinel
Gambit Ultimate X-Men Annual #1 Energy drained by Rogue after being fatally injured by Juggernaut
Gwen Stacy Ultimate Spider-Man #62 Killed by Ultimate Carnage
Jean DeWolff Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 Killed by Ultimate Punisher

[edit] References

  1. ^ David, Peter [August 1990]. Peter David, Myra David. "Dead and Recovering Nicely..." But I Digress. Krause, 1994. ISBN 0-87341-286-9, 15-17.

[edit] See also

Comic book death