List of current Home and Away characters

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These are the current main characters in the Seven Network soap opera Home and Away, as can be seen on the episodes being shown in Australia. The show is shown at different paces in other countries. As such, character lists may differ in the episodes in those countries.

For information on past characters, see List of Home and Away characters.

Current characters in Australia
Character First
Alf Stewart Pilot
Sally Fletcher Pilot
Colleen Smart 0036*
Martha MacKenzie 0169*
Irene Roberts 0887
Leah Patterson-Baker 2793
Matilda Hunter 3658
Kim Hyde 3677
Peter Baker 3762*
Dan Baker 3808
Ric Dalby 3818
Cassie Turner 3920
Amanda Vale 3994
Jack Holden 4020
Lucas Holden 4020
Tony Holden 4020
Rachel Hyde 4101
Belle Taylor 4115
Drew Curtis 4225
Brad Armstrong 4227


[edit] Characters

[edit] Baker Family

Dan Baker arrived in Summer Bay in episode 3808 in 2004. He was the brother of local detective Peter Baker (Nicholas Bishop), who had been injured in the Sarah Lewis hostage crisis. Dan quickly fell in love with the charm and quirkiness of Summer Bay, as well as single mother Leah Patterson (Ada Nicodemou). Dan and Leah got married in mid 2005, but the party was ruined by Dan's ex-wife Amanda Vale (Holly Brisley). In the 2005 season finale, Leah found out about Dan's old gambling habits and was devastated. After Dan's son by his ex-wife, Ryan (Isaac Gorman), was kidnapped because of his debts, they broke up, despite the fact that she was pregnant with his child. In early 2006, Dan and Leah worked things out, and once again were back together. However, when Dan discovered that Leah and his brother Peter had had a brief liaison, this led to Leah losing the baby. After a period of separation, Leah and Dan decided to give their marriage another chance, and are currently doing that. He was disgusted when his ex-wife, Amanda, and brother, Peter, started going out, but has decided to give them a chance.
Leah Poulos, daughter of Cypriot-born Theo and Helen Poulos, and sister to Demetrii, Alex and Chris, arrived in Summer Bay in episode 2793, 2000, as a runaway bride trying to get out of an arranged marriage. She soon found real love with local bad boy Vinnie Patterson (Ryan Kwanten), and in 2001 they were married. That same year, Leah gave birth to Vinnie "V.J." Patterson Jr (Cooper Scott). Things, however, took a turn for the worse when Vinnie went to jail to pay for his father's fraud crimes.
As Vinnie was apparently killed by a fire, Leah fell in love with Jesse McGregor (Ben Unwin). They became a couple, but after she became a surrogate mother for Flynn (Joel McIlroy) and Sally Saunders, Jesse and Leah broke up. After Peter Baker (Nicholas Bishop) told her that Vinnie was alive (albeit under a new identity in the Witness Protection Programme, as a result of having testified against a dangerous criminal), Leah went to drastic lengths to be with him, but fell in love with Dan Baker (Tim Campbell). In mid 2005, the couple got married. In the 2005 season finale, Leah found out that Dan had started gambling again and was devastated. They broke up, even though she was pregnant with his child. In early 2006, Dan and Leah patched things up and got back together. However, Leah then kissed Dan's brother Peter in a moment of weakness, and after an accident in which she fell into the sea, she caught pneumonia and lost the baby. When Dan discovered that she and Peter had kissed, they had a period of separation, though Leah and Dan are now back together.
Peter Baker is a police detective at the local police station, who is at the centre of most major crime storylines, especially the Zoe McCallister case. His death was faked in 2006, to avoid Dennis Gillen, gangster he had put away, and he was re-introduced in October 2006. This saw him meet his son for the first time. At the moment, he is in a happy relationship with Amanda Vale (Holly Brisley), his ex-sister-in-law whom he had an affair with while she and his brother were still married, much to the disgust of the majority of the residents of Summer Bay. Most residents are now giving the relationship a chance, but are still uneasy with it.
Drew Curtis arrived in Summer Bay on 2006-07-06 and was soon revealed to be the long-lost son of Peter Baker (Nicholas Bishop). Drew formed a relationship with the feisty Belle Taylor (Jessica Tovey) (on rebound from her old flame Ric Dalby), much to the disapproval of guardian Dan Baker (Tim Campbell) and Belle's mother Amanda Vale (Holly Brisley). Sick of the restrictions of their parents and the false accusations of Drew being the Summer Bay firebug, they briefly fled town. Having come to a compromise, Drew become infatuated with none other than Amanda. After a brief romance, the whole town found out, and despite Drew's claims he loved Amanda, he realised she was just using him. Drew has since realised he still loves Belle.

[edit] Holden family

Tony Holden arrived in Summer Bay in 2005, in episode 4020, with his sons, police officer Jack and teenager Lucas, moving in next door to the Hunter family. He then began a relationship with Beth Hunter (his wife, Kate, died as the result of a road accident 14 years previously) and the Holdens eventually moved in with her and her children. Tony was the Physical Education teacher at Summer Bay High, until, due to staff cutbacks, Brad Armstrong (Chris Sadrinna) had to let him go. But he wasn't out of a job for long, with a position opening up at the Gym, when Kim Hyde (Chris Hemsworth) was accused of sexual assault.
Jack Holden and his family moved to Summer Bay in 2005 because he shot a teenage girl while on duty as a police officer. He married Martha MacKenzie (Jodi Gordon) in 2006, but they later separated, due to his work. To make matters worse, he was beaten up by an accomplice of Dennis Gillen, which made him temporarily unable to walk. Whilst in rehab, he met Sam, who helped Jack to eventually walk again. Their relationship bloomed, with Jack bonding with her son. But when Jack dug a little deeper he found out that she was on the run from a drug dealing husband, thus bringing her to Summer Bay.
Lucas Holden moved with his family, brother Jack and dad Tony, to Summer Bay in 2005. He soon found love with Matilda Hunter (Indiana Evans), his next door neighbour, and the night of Colleen's play they shared their first kiss, witnessed by the whole of Summer Bay. Their relationship fell apart when Lucas became friends with Belle Taylor (Jessica Tovey), who had single handedly split up her best friends Ric and Cassie. The two broke up and Lucas seemingly went off the rails. He got involved with the 'wrong crowd', and lashed out at those closest to him; resulting in Lucas punching his father, Tony! Lucas cleaned up his act when he realized he was rebelling because he was having difficulty accepting Beth Hunter as his 'mother'. Lucas looked after Matilda following the explosion and took tentative steps at a reconciliation. This was blown apart when Lee, the girl found in his bed and who he claimed he did not sleep with, returned and announced to everyone that she was pregnant with Lucas' baby. This turned out not to be true even though Lucas led everyone believe it was to protect Lee. When Matilda's self esteem issues lead her to 'counselling camp' she sought solace in the arms of Dean. Lucas couldn't accept this, and tried desperately to break them up, eventually finding out Dean was gay! He and Matilda decided that they just wanted to be friends, and he is currently in a relationship with Belle.

[edit] Hyde/Armstrong Family

Kim Hyde first appeared in the soap in the 3677th episode in 2004. He married Dr. Rachel Armstrong (Amy Mathews) and is to be the father of an unborn child carried by Kit Hunter.
Dr. Rachel Armstrong first appeared in the first episode of 2006, 4101. She married Kim Hyde in 2006. Her brother Brad Armstrong (Chris Sadrinna) is principal of Summer Bay High.
Rachel Armstrong's brother, Brad debuted in July 2006 when he was asked by Leah to save Rachel during her alcohol and sedative trip during the helicopter crash, and had a bit of an attraction to Sally. But having fled town for the city, he arrived back in town as the new Principal of Summer Bay High (much to Sally's chagrin) with fiancee Emily. However, Emily revealed to Sally that she had leukaemia and died in September 2006. Brad has since sought solace in Sally's arms, having suffered much the same fate as Sally had when she lost her husband Flynn to advanced melanoma. Recently Brad announced to the town with his recently inherited money from a trust kept by his mother Elaine, that the money would be spent on a new training fellowship to be named… The Flynn Saunders Fellowship. Something of which made sally love Brad even more.

[edit] Saunders Family

Sally Fletcher is one of only two characters to have been in Home and Away from the first episode. She was married to Flynn Saunders who died from cancer and has a daughter Pippa (named after her foster mum Pippa) from which her friend Leah Paulos Patterson Baker (Ada Nicodemou) was surrogate mum to as Sally could not have the baby in her womb (Pippa is still Sally's biological daughter). Currently she is in a relationship with Rachel's brother Brad Armstrong(Chris Sadrinna). She also has two foster children, Cassie and Ric. At the end of 2006, Sally was stabbed by Rocco Cooper, a young boy whom she had taken in to live with her. He was being pressured by his brother to "eliminate" Sally because she had convinced Rocco to leave Johnny's gang. Sally is recovered now, and her adoptive son Ric has recently been released from jail after being found not guilty of Rocco's murder. It was proved that Johnny aranged someone to kill Rocco because he was mad at him for abandoning him and the gang.
Sally's adoptive daughter.

[edit] Stewart Family

Alfred Stewart is one of only two characters to have been in Home and Away from the first episode.
Martha Mackenzie is the granddaughter of Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), half-sister of Michael – known to all as "Macca" and cousin to Ric Dalby (Mark Furze). Martha is a fiesty tomboy but also likes to be treated like a lady from time to time. She joined the cast in 2005. Initially she clashed with Jack Holden (Paul O'Brien) and Martha played a trick on him which left him in hospital. However, this only brought them closer together and they eventually married in 2006. They separated after a few months, after Martha became fed up over Jack putting his job above her. Ironically, she started dating one of Jack's colleagues and long-time friends, Ash Nader, and was eventually made aware that he has a wife and kids of his own. She decided to stay with him, but after awhile realised that she would just be better of without him. However, she then found out that she was pregnant with his child, and decided to have an abortion. This is currently causing her a lot of pain. Martha has been acting like an idiot a lot lately, but her ex-husband Jack is always there by her side to help her out.
Ric Dalby made his first appearance in the 3818th episode in 2004. He is currently dating Matilda Hunter ([Indiana Evans]) after a long relationhsip with Cassie.

[edit] Vale/Taylor Family

Amanda Vale, a professional actress who had been living in Los Angeles for a couple of years with her young son, Ryan (Isaac Gorman), arrived in the middle of the 2005 season, episode 3994, on the eve of the wedding of Dan Baker (Tim Campbell), her ex, to Leah Patterson (Ada Nicodemou). She is currently in a relationship with Peter Baker, the brother of her son's father. Amanda is shocked to find out that her younger evil sister Kelli Vale (Alexa Ashton) has made a come back to the bay and getting revenge on Amanda for ruining her life since she was young.
Belle Taylor mysteriously arrived in Summer Bay in 2006 and quickly caught the eye of Ric Dalby (Mark Furze), making an enemy of Cassie Turner (Sharni Vinson) in the process. Her constant presence in their relationship put them under a lot of strain, which Belle took advantage of in an attempt to steel Ric away from Cassie. Her scheming paid off and Belle quickly snatched Ric up for herself.
She continued to create havoc in the bay causing a fierce rivalry between herself, Matilda Hunter (Indiana Evans) and Cassie. She has managed to, in her short time in the Bay, to have already broken up both Cassie and Ric and Matilda and Lucas Holden (Rhys Wakefield) despite her unflattering personality. Belle received her comeuppance when one spiteful remark upset Matilda so much that she gave Belle an almighty slap around the face, much to the amusement of Cassie.
Belle's purpose for coming to the Bay was to find her mother; and in April 2006 it was revealed that Amanda Vale (Holly Brisley), a woman she despised, was her mother. Belle become involved with Drew Curtis (Bobby Morley) but alas Drew fell for her mother. She seems to have found a soul-mate in Lucas. Despite Belle's attitude towards Amanda's sister Kelli Vale (Alexa Ashton), also known as her aunty, Belle will make enemies with her in the future.

[edit] Other characters

  • Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger) (1992-), (the role was originated by Jacqui Phillips).
In the continuing tradition of the show, Irene Roberts has been a foster mother to kids in Summer Bay, such as Selina Cook, Chloe Richards and Joey Rainbow, to the Smith kids (Will, Hayley, and Nick), and Tasha Andrews in recent years. She rebuilt a relationship with her own estranged birth kids, Damian (who later became a priest), Finlay and Nathan (in prison until the early 2000s, when he reformed) in the early-mid 1990s after having them be taken away from her due to her alcoholism. She famously was a surrogate mother for Finlay, despite being a little too old! Irene has had the odd romantic relationship, such as Ken Smith, Paris Burnett and, most recently, Barry Hyde. Irene was once married to Murdoch Roberts (Fin, Damian and Nathan's father), who was murdered by Dodge in 1995 at Nathan's request. Irene first appeared in episode 887.
Colleen Smart has been in Summer Bay for years, as the mother of original character Lance Smart, a son of whom she is very proud. She first appeared in 1988, in episode 36 But it wasn't until 1999 that Colleen made a big impression on the Bay as the official town gossip (although she was one of Celia's gossiping mates in the early years of Home And Away). Colleen’s claim to fame is that she won the 'Miss Groper Pageant', years after the event she reorganised it and forced Tasha into the competition. Colleen once suffered a gambling addiction and was forced to go to “Gamblers Anonymous” classes by Shelley Sutherland. However, during her first class, Colleen said that it was Shelly who had the addiction. She currently works at the Diner and previously was a receptionist at Flynn’s surgery and likes to flirt with Amanda.
Matilda Hunter came to Summer Bay in early 2004 in episode 3658 with her twin brother Henry, furious that she had to move in with her mother, Beth, and soon-to-be-stepfather Rhys. She had several romances, first with Ric Dalby (Mark Furze), then Diesel Williams, and then Lucas Holden (Rhys Wakefield). Her continuing close relationship with Ric caused some friction with Cassie Turner (Sharni Vinson). She went through a number of traumas living in the Bay including being run over (by her brother Robbie), drugged and almost raped by evil Callan and abducted and held hostage by the strange Terry Rawlings. Initially happy with Lucas, his friendship with Belle Taylor (Jessica Tovey]]) (the destroyer of Ric and Cassie's relationship) put their relationship in trouble. Eventually, like Ric and Cassie, the pair broke up. Despite their break up Matilda hoped they could work things out, but was devastated when she caught Lucas in bed with another girl. However, it was just a misunderstanding, and she has made peace with Lucas and cemented their friendship.
As the youngest member of the Hunter family (Henry is 7 minutes older) Matilda likes to be the centre of attention and is quite the little actress, yet hates the way her family treats her as a little girl rather than the young woman she has grown into.
Matilda suffered horrific burns during the explosion at Jack and Martha's wedding, resulting in Matilda's body issues to come back. She developed an eating disorder and self loathing, much to the concern of her mother Beth and best friends Ric and Cassie. She was eventually admitted to hospital with bulimia and on Rachel's recommendation went to a retreat for teens with problems. She found solace in the arms of Dean, with whom she had a brief relationship with until it was revealed that he was gay. When best friend Cassie cheated on Ric with Macca, Matilda and Cassie had a falling out, in turn leading to Cassie leaving town with Macca, to live in the city. Matilda realised it was her first love, Ric who she truly loved. When Ric admitted he had feelings for Matilda they decided to give a shot and are now very much in love.

[edit] External links