List of countries by percentage of population suffering from undernourishment

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Map of world undernourishment levels by country. Data is probably missing from several nations.
Map of world undernourishment levels by country. Data is probably missing from several nations.

This is a list of countries by percentage of population suffering from undernourishment, as defined by the United Nations World Food Programme and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in its "The State of Food Insecurity in the World" 2006 report. Since data for industrialized nations is lacking, this article deals mostly with those countries considered "developing" by international standards.

Ranking Country Percentage of population suffering from undernourishment in 1990-92 Percentage of population suffering from undernourishment in 2001-2003
1 Eritrea 68% 73%
2 Democratic Republic of the Congo 31% 72%
3 Burundi 48% 67%
4 Tajikistan 22% 61%
5 Sierra Leone 46% 50%
6 Liberia 34% 49%
7 Zambia 48% 47%
7 Haiti 65% 47%
8 Ethiopia 61% 46%
9 Zimbabwe 45% 45%
9 Mozambique 66% 45%
9 Central African Republic 50% 45%
10 Tanzania 37% 44%
12 Madagascar 35% 38%
12 Angola 58% 38%
13 Yemen 34% 37%
14 Rwanda 43% 36%
15 North Korea 18% 35%
16 Malawi 50% 34%
17 Congo 54% 34%
18 Cambodia 43% 33%
18 Chad 58% 33%
19 Niger 41% 32%
20 Kenya 39% 31%
21 Bangladesh 35% 30%
21 Botswana 23% 30%
22 Armenia 52% 29%
23 Mongolia 34% 28%
23 Comoros 29% 28%
24 Gambia 22% 27%
24 Sudan 31% 27%
24 Dominican Republic 27% 27%
24 Nicaragua 30% 27%
25 Uzbekistan 8% 26%
26 Togo 33% 25%
26 Cameroon 33% 25%
26 Panama 21% 25%
27 Guinea 39% 24%
28 Pakistan 24% 23%
28 Guatemala 16% 23%
28 Bolivia 28% 23%
28 Namibia 34% 23%
28 Senegal 23% 23%
29 Honduras 23% 22%
29 Sri Lanka 28% 22%
30 Laos 29% 21%
30 Thailand 30% 21%
31 India 25% 20%
32 Philippines 26% 19%
32 Uganda 24% 19%
32 Swaziland 14% 19%
33 Venezuela 11% 18%
Developing World 20% 17%
34 Vietnam 31% 17%
34 Nepal 20% 17%
34 Burkina Faso 21% 17%
35 Paraguay 18% 15%
36 Côte d'Ivoire 18% 14%
36 Benin 20% 14%
36 Colombia 17% 14%
37 Georgia 44% 13%
38 Ghana 37% 12%
38 Lesotho 17% 12%
38 Peru 42% 12%
38 China 16% 12%
39 El Salvador 12% 11%
39 Trinidad and Tobago 13% 11%
39 Moldova 5% 11%
40 Serbia and Montenegro[1] 5% 10%
40 Azerbaijan 34% 10%
40 Mauritania 15% 10%
40 Suriname 13% 10%
40 Jamaica 14% 10%
41 Guyana 21% 9%
41 Nigeria 13% 9%
41 Bulgaria 8% 9%
41 Bosnia & Herzegovina 9% 9%
42 Turkmenistan 12% 8%
42 Kazakhstan <2.5% 8%
42 Brazil 12% 8%
43 Jordan 4% 7%
43 Croatia 16% 7%
43 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 15% 7%
44 Slovakia 4% 6%
44 Albania 5% 6%
44 Mauritius 6% 6%
44 Morocco 6% 6%
44 Indonesia 9% 6%
45 Myanmar 10% 5%
45 Mexico 5% 5%
45 Ecuador 8% 5%
45 Kuwait 24% 5%
45 Algeria 5% 5%
45 Gabon 10% 5%
46 Kyrgyzstan 21% 4%
46 Syria 5% 4%
46 Saudi Arabia 4% 4%
46 Iran 4% 4%
46 Chile 8% 4%
46 Costa Rica 6% 4%
47 Malaysia 3% 3%
47 Uruguay 7% 3%
47 Lebanon <2.5% 3%
47 Turkey <2.5% 3%
47 Egypt 4% 3%
47 Belarus <2.5% 3%
47 Russia 4% 3%
47 Ukraine <2.5% 3%
47 Estonia 9% 3%
47 Latvia 3% 3%
47 Slovenia 3% 3%
48 Romania <2.5% <2.5%
48 Poland <2.5% <2.5%
48 Czech Republic <2.5% <2.5%
48 Hungary <2.5% <2.5%
48 Lithuania 4% <2.5%
48 Tunisia <2.5% <2.5%
48 Libya <2.5% <2.5%
48 United Arab Emirates 4% <2.5%
48 Argentina <2.5% <2.5%
48 Cuba 7% <2.5%
48 South Korea <2.5% <2.5%

[edit] See also

[edit] External links