List of compositions by Johann Pachelbel

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There are approximately 530 compositions that have been attributed to Johann Pachelbel. No standard numbering system exists, although several catalogues were published (by Jean M. Perreault, by Kathryn Jane Welter and one for organ works only by Antoine Bouchard), each with an own system. The following list is organized thematically and uses numbers assigned by Jean M. Perreault (see references below). In the list, * denotes that the ascription of the piece is questioned, and ! means that the composition is apparently lost.


[edit] Organ music

[edit] Chorale preludes

  • 1 - Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 2 - Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 3 - Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 4 - Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 5* - Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 8* - Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen, chorale-prelude
  • 9* - Ach wir armen Sünder, chorale-prelude
  • 10* - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr', chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Heinrich Buttstett)
  • 11* - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr', chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Johann Heinrich Buttstett)
  • 12* - Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr', chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 13 - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 14 - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 15* - Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 16* - Als der gütige Gott, chorale-prelude
  • 17 - An Wasserflüssen Babylon, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 18 - An Wasserflüssen Babylon, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 20 - An Wasserflüssen Babylon, chorale-prelude (no. 4)
  • 30* - Auf meinen lieben Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 31* - Auf meinen lieben Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 34* - Aus Jakobs Stamm ein Stern sehr klar, chorale-prelude
  • 35 - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 36* - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 45-52: Choräle zum praeambuliren (1) - (8), chorale preludes
  • 45 - (1) Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 46 - (2) Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 47 - (3) Nun lob, mein Seel', den Herren, chorale-prelude
  • 48 - (4) Vater unser im Himmelreich, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 49 - (5) Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 50a - (6a) Dies' sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot', chorale-prelude (no. 1a)
  • 50b - (6b) Dies' sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot', chorale-prelude (no. 1b), arrangement by Johann Gottfried Walther
  • 51 - (7) Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der von uns den Gotteszorn wandt, chorale-prelude
  • 52 - (8) Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 55* - Christ, der du bist der helle Tag, chorale-prelude
  • 58* - Christ lag in Todesbanden, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 59* - Christ lag in Todesbanden, chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Heinrich Bach)
  • 59bis* - Christ lag in Todesbanden, chorale-prelude (no. 3) (possibly by Johann Heinrich Buttstett or Heinrich Bach)
  • 61 - Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 62* - Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 63* - Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV 1096)
  • 64* - Christe, der du bist Tag und Licht, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 65* - Christe, du Lamm Gottes, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 66* - Christe, du Lamm Gottes, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 67* - Christe, wollst uns hören, chorale-prelude
  • 69* - Christus, der uns selig macht, chorale-prelude
  • 69bis* - Christus, der uns selig macht, chorale-prelude
  • 70* - Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Heinrich Bach)
  • 71* - Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund, chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Heinrich Bach)
  • 73* - Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, chorale-prelude
  • 80* - Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 81 - Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 82* - Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, chorale-prelude (no. 3) (possibly by Johann Peter Heuschkel)
  • 83 - Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, chorale-prelude (no. 4)
  • 85 - Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, chorale-prelude
  • 101* - Dies' sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot', chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 103 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 104 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 105 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 106 - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 107 - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 108* - Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 109 - Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 110* - Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 111* - Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Georg Böhm or Johann Heinrich Buttstett)
  • 112* - Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 114* - Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 115 - Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 116* - Es spricht der Unweisen Mund wohl, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 117* - Es stehn vor Gottes Thron, chorale-prelude
  • 118 - Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 119 - Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 120* - Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 121* - Esaia, dem Propheten das geschah, chorale-prelude
  • 166* - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 167* - Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 169* - Gleich wie ein Hirsch begehret, chorale-prelude
  • 170* - Gleich wie sich fein ein Vögelein, chorale-prelude
  • 171 - Gott der Vater wohn uns bei, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 172* - Gott der Vater wohn uns bei, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 174* - Gott hat das Evangelium, chorale-prelude (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 178* - Gott Vater, der du deine Sonn', chorale-prelude (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 179* - Gottes Sohn ist kommen, chorale-prelude
  • 181 - Herr Christ, der einig' Gottes Sohn, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 182* - Herr Christ, der einig' Gottes Sohn, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 182bis* - Herr Christ, der einig' Gottes Sohn, chorale-prelude (no. 3) (possibly by Johann Heinrich Buttstett or Christian Friedrich Witt)
  • 183 - Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 184* - Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 185* - Herr Gott, dich loben wir, chorale-prelude
  • 186* - Herr Gott nun schleuss den Himmel auf, chorale-prelude
  • 188* - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend, chorale-prelude
  • 189* - Herr Jesu Christ, ich weiss gar wohl, chorale-prelude (possibly by Johann Gottfried Walther)
  • 191* - Herr, wie du willst, chorale-prelude
  • 192* - Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen, chorale-prelude
  • 202 - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 203* - Ich hab' mein' Sach' Gott heimgestellt, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 205 - Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 206* - Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 209* - In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 210* - In dich hab ich gehoffet, Herr, chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 211* - In dir ist Freude, chorale-prelude
  • 218* - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Andreas Armsdorf)
  • 219* - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 220* - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 222* - Kaiser Augustus leget an, chorale-prelude
  • 223* - Komm Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 225* - Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Andreas Armsdorf or Johann Gottfried Walther)
  • 226* - Komm heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Andreas Armsdorf)
  • 227 - Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 228* - Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 231* - Kyrie eleison, chorale-prelude
  • 232* - Kyrie, Gott, heiliger Geist, chorale-prelude
  • 233* - Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit, chorale-prelude
  • 235* - Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott, chorale-prelude
  • 236 - Lob sei Gott in des Himmels Thron, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 237* - Lob sei Gott in des Himmels Thron, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 239* - Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich, chorale-prelude
  • 241* - Mag ich Unglück nicht widerstahn, chorale-prelude (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 361* - Mein' Seel', o Gott, muss loben dich, chorale-prelude
  • 362 - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 363 - Meine Seele erhebt den Herren, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 365* - Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht, chorale-prelude
  • 369* - Mit Fried' und Freud' ich fahr dahin, chorale-prelude
  • 380* - Nun bitten wir den heil'gen Geist, chorale-prelude (possibly by Johann Heinrich Buttstett)
  • 382* - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 383* - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 384 - Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 385* - Nun jauchzet, all ihr Frommen, chorale-prelude
  • 386 - Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 387* - Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 388* - Nun lasst uns Gott, dem Herren, chorale-prelude (no. 1) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 389* - Nun lasst uns Gott, dem Herren, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 393 - O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 394* - O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 396* - O Mensch bewein dein Sünde gross, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 397* - O Mensch bewein dein Sünde gross, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 398* - O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid, chorale-prelude
  • 422* - Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein reines Herz, chorale-prelude
  • 423* - Sei gegrüsset Jesu gütig, chorale-prelude
  • 475 - Vater unser im Himmelreich, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 476* - Vater unser im Himmelreich, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 478 - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 479* - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 480* - Vom Himmel kam ein Engelschar, chorale-prelude
  • 481* - Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, chorale-prelude
  • 482* - Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, chorale-prelude
  • 483 - Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 484 - Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 485* - Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 488 - Was mein Gott will, das geschah' allzeit, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 489 - Was mein Gott will, das geschah' allzeit, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 490* - Was mein Gott will, das geschah' allzeit, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 491 - Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 492* - Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 493* - Wenn meine Sünd' mich kranken, chorale-prelude
  • 494 - Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 495 - Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 497* - Wer Gott vertraut, chorale-prleude
  • 498bis* - Werde munter, meine Gemüte, chorale-prelude
  • 501 - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 502* - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 502bis* - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, chorale-prelude (no. 4) (possibly by Johann Sebastian Bach)
  • 503 - Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 504* - Wir danken dir, Herr Jesu Christ, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 505* - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 506* - Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 507 - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 508* - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält, chorale-prelude (no. 2) (possibly by Johann Michael Bach)
  • 509 - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 510* - Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält, chorale-prelude (no. 4)
  • 511 - Wo Gott der Herr nicht gibt sein' Gunst, chorale-prelude (no. 1)
  • 512 - Wo Gott der Herr nicht gibt sein' Gunst, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 513* - Wo Gott der Herr nicht gibt sein' Gunst, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 514* - Wo soll ich fliehen hin, chorale-prelude (possibly by Andreas Armsdorf)

[edit] Chorale variations

P T PC POP Composition
Musicalische Sterbens-Gedancken (1683)
376 81 123 101 Christus, der ist mein Leben (12 variations)
377a 82 124 102 Alle Menschen müssen sterben (8 variations)
377b - - - Alle Menschen müssen sterben (5 variations), arrangement by Johann Gottfried Walther
378 83 125 103 Herzlich tut mich verlangen (7 variations)
379 84 126 104 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (9 variations)
7a 85 127 105 Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen, chorale-partita [theme and 6 variations]
7b - - - Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen (arrangement by Johann Gottfried Walther), chorale-partita
129 87 129? 107 Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele, chorale-partita
498 86 130 106 Werde munter, mein Gemüte, chorale-partita (chorale and 4 partitas)

[edit] Magnificat fugues

P T PC POP Composition
Magnificat Fugues primi toni (mode I)
257 101 227 151 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 1 (D minor)
258 102 228 152 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 2 (D minor)
259 103 229 153 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 3 (D minor)
260 104 230 154 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 4 (D minor)
261 105 259 155 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 5 (D minor)
262 106 260 156 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 6 (D minor)
263 107 261 157 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 7 (D minor)
264 108 262 158 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 8 (D minor)
265 109 - 159 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 9 (D minor)
266 110 291 160 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 10 (D minor)
267 111 292 161 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 11 (D minor)
268 112 293 162 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 12 (D minor)
269 113 294 163 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 13 (D minor)
270 114 295 164 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 14 (D minor)
271 115 296 165 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 15 (D minor)
272 116 297 166 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 16 (D minor)
273 117 298 167 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 17 (D minor)
274 118 299 168 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 18 (D minor)
275 119 - 169 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 19 (D minor)
276 120 300 170 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 20 (D minor)
277 121 - 171 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 21 (D minor)
278 122 - 172 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 22 (D minor)
279 123 - 173 Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 23 (D minor)
280 - 325 - Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 24 (D minor)
281* - - - Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 25 (D minor)
282 - - - Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 26 (D minor)
283 - - - Magnificat fugue primi toni No. 27 (D minor)
Magnificat Fugues secundi toni (mode II)
284 124 231 174 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 1 (G minor)
285 125 232 175 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 2 (G minor)
286 126 233 176 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 3 (G minor)
287 127 234 177 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 4 (G minor)
288 128 263 178 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 5 (G minor)
289 129 264 179 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 6 (G minor)
290 130 265 180 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 7 (G minor)
291 131 266 181 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 8 (G minor)
292 132 301 182 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 9 (G minor)
293 133 302 183 Magnificat fugue secundi toni No. 10 (G minor)
Magnificat Fugues tertii toni (mode III)
294 134 235 184 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 1 (C major)
295 135 236 185 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 2 (C major)
296 136 237 186 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 3 (C major)
297 137 238 187 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 4 (G major)
298 138 267 188 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 5 (G major)
299 139 268 189 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 6 (G major)
300 140 269 190 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 7 (G major)
301 141 270 191 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 8 (G major)
302 142 303 192 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 9 (C major)
303 143 304 193 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 10 (C major)
304 144 305 194 Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 11 (C major)
305 - - - Magnificat fugue tertii toni No. 12 (G major; only the incipit is preserved; not a fugue)
Magnificat Fugues quarti toni (mode IV)
306 145 239 195 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 1 (A minor)
307 146 240 196 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 2 (E minor)
308 147 241 197 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 3 (A minor)
309 148 242 198 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 4 (A minor)
310 149 271 199 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 5 (A minor)
311 150 272 200 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 6 (A minor)
312 151 273 201 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 7 (E minor)
313 152 274 202 Magnificat fugue quarti toni No. 8 (A minor)
Magnificat Fugues quinti toni (mode V)
314 153 243 203 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 1 (F major)
315 154 244 204 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 2 (F major)
316 155 245 205 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 3 (F major)
317 156 246 206 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 4 (F major)
318 157 275 207 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 5 (F major)
319 158 276 208 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 6 (B-flat major)
320 159 277 209 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 7 (B-flat major)
321 160 278 210 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 8 (F major)
322 161 306 211 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 9 (F major)
323 162 307 212 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 10 (F major)
324 163 308 213 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 11 (F major)
325 164 309 214 Magnificat fugue quinti toni No. 12 (F major)
Magnificat Fugues sexti toni (mode VI)
326 165 247 215 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 1 (F major)
327 166 248 216 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 2 (F major)
328 167 249 217 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 3 (F major)
329 168 250 218 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 4 (F major)
330 169 279 219 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 5 (F major)
331 170 280 220 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 6 (F major)
332 171 310 221 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 7 (F major)
333 172 311 222 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 8 (F major)
334 173 312 223 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 9 (F major)
335 174 313 224 Magnificat fugue sexti toni No. 10 (F major)
Magnificat Fugues septimi toni (mode VII)
336 175 251 225 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 1 (C minor)
337 176 252 226 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 2 (C minor)
338 177 253 227 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 3 (C minor)
339 178 254 228 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 4 (C minor)
340 179 283 229 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 5 (C minor)
341 180 284 230 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 6 (C minor)
342 181 285 231 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 7 (C minor)
343 182 286 232 Magnificat fugue septimi toni No. 8 (C minor)
Magnificat Fugues octavi toni (mode VIII)
344 183 255 233 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 1 (G major)
345 184 256 234 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 2 (G major)
346 185 257 235 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 3 (G major)
347 186 258 236 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 4 (G major)
348 187 287 237 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 5 (G major)
349 188 288 238 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 6 (G major)
350 189 289 239 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 7 (G major)
351 190 290 240 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 8 (G major)
352 191 314 241 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 9 (G major)
353 192 315 242 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 10 (G major)
354 193 316 243 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 11 (G major)
355 194 317 244 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 12 (G major)
356 195 318 245 Magnificat fugue octavi toni No. 13 (G major)
- - 319 - Magnificat fugue peregrini toni

[edit] Chaconnes

P T PC POP Composition
38 201 144 11 Chaconne, k.i., C major (25 variations)
39 202 145? 12 Chaconne, k.i., D major (1) (16 variations)
40 203 146? 13 Chaconne, k.i., D major (2) (13 variations)
41 204 147 14 Chaconne, k.i., D minor (16 variations)
42 205 148 15 Chaconne, k.i., F major (33 variations)
43 206 149 16 Chaconne, k.i., F minor (22 variations)
44* - - - Chaconne, k.i., A minor (incomplete, incipit only)

[edit] Arias with variations

P T PC POP Composition
Hexachordum Apollinis (1699)
193 211 131 1 Aria and 6 variations in D minor, Aria prima
194 212 132 2 Aria and 5 variations in E minor, Aria secunda
195 213 133 3 Aria and 6 variations in F major, Aria tertia
196 214 134 4 Aria and 6 variations in G minor, Aria quarta
197 215 135 5 Aria and 6 variations in A minor, Aria quinta
198 216 136 6 Aria and 8 variations in F minor, Aria sexta (Aria Sebaldina)
21* - 137 - Aria and 3 variations in C minor (incomplete, aria alone survives)
22 217 138 8 Aria and 6 variations in D major
24* - 139 - Aria and 7 variations in G major (incomplete, aria alone survives)
25 218 148 9 Aria and 3 variations in A major
26 219? 140? 10? Aria and 4 variations in A minor
27 219? 141? 10? Aria and 6 variations in A minor
29 220 143 7 Arietta and 9 variations in F major

[edit] Preludes

  • 401* - Preamble, organ, C major
  • 402* - Preamble, organ, E minor
  • 402bis - Preamble, organ, E minor (no. 2)
  • 403* - Preamble, organ, F major
  • 403bis - Preamble, organ, F sharp minor
  • 404* - Preamble, organ, A minor
  • 405bis - Prelude, organ, C major
  • 406 - Prelude, organ, D minor (no. 1)
  • 407 - Prelude, organ, D minor (no. 2)
  • 408 - Prelude, organ, E flat major
  • 409 - Prelude, organ, G major
  • 410 - Prelude, organ, G minor
  • 411 - Prelude, organ, A major
  • 412 - Prelude, organ, A minor
  • 412bis* - Prelude, organ, A minor (no. 2)

[edit] Preludes and fugues

  • 413 - Prelude and fugue, k.i., C major
  • 414* - Prelude and fugue, k.i., C minor
  • 414bis* - Prelude and fugue, organ, D major
  • 415 - Prelude and fugue, k.i., D minor
  • 416 - Prelude and fugue, organ, E minor (no. 1)
  • 417 - Prelude and fugue, organ, E minor (no. 2)

[edit] Toccatas

  • 454 - Toccata, organ, C major (no. 1)
  • 455 - Toccata, organ, C major (no. 2)
  • 456 - Toccata, organ, C major (no. 3)
  • 457 - Toccata, organ, C major (no. 4)
  • 458 - Toccata, organ, C major (no. 5)
  • 459 - Toccata, organ, C minor
  • 460 - Toccata, organ, D major
  • 461 - Toccata, organ, D minor
  • 462 - Toccata, organ, E minor
  • 463 - Toccata, organ, F major (no. 1)
  • 464 - Toccata, organ, F major (no. 2)
  • 465 - Toccata, organ, G minor (no. 1)
  • 466 - Toccata, organ, G minor (no. 2)
  • 467 - Toccata, organ, G minor (no. 3)
  • 468 - Toccata, organ, G minor (no. 4)
  • 471 - Toccatina, organ, D minor
  • 472 - Toccatina, organ, G major
  • 473 - Toccatina, organ, G minor

[edit] Toccatas and fugues

  • 469 - Toccata and fugue, organ, D minor
  • 470 - Toccata and fugue, organ, B flat major

[edit] Fantasias

  • 123 - Fantasia, k.i., C major
  • 124 - Fantasia, k.i., D minor (no. 1)
  • 125 - Fantasia, k.i., D minor (no. 2)
  • 125bis* - Fantasia, k.i., D minor (no. 3)
  • 126 - Fantasia, k.i., A minor
  • 127 - Fantasia, organ, E flat major
  • 128 - Fantasia, organ, G minor

[edit] Fugues

  • 131 - Fugue, k.i., C major (no. 1)
  • 132 - Fugue, k.i., C major (no. 2)
  • 133 - Fugue, k.i., D major (no. 1)
  • 134* - Fugue, k.i., D major (no. 2)
  • 135 - Fugue, k.i., E minor (no. 1)
  • 136* - Fugue, k.i., E minor (no. 2)
  • 137 - Fugue, k.i., G major
  • 138* - Fugue, k.i., G minor
  • 139 - Fugue, k.i., A major
  • 140* - Fugue, k.i., A minor
  • 141 - Fugue, k.i., B minor
  • 142 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 1)
  • 143 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 2)
  • 144 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 3)
  • 145 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 4)
  • 146 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 5)
  • 147 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 6)
  • 148 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 7)
  • 149 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 8)
  • 150 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 9)
  • 151 - Fugue, organ, C major (no. 10)
  • 152 - Fugue, organ, C minor
  • 153 - Fugue, organ, D major (no. 1)
  • 153bis - Fugue, organ, D major (no. 2)
  • 154 - Fugue, organ, D minor (no. 1)
  • 155* - Fugue, organ, D minor (no. 2)
  • 155bis - Fugue, organ, D minor (no. 3)
  • 156 - Fugue, organ, F major (no. 1)
  • 156bis - Fugue, organ, F major (no. 2)
  • 157* - Fugue, organ, F minor (identical to P268(1) Magnificat Fugue primi toni No. 12, transposed)
  • 158 - Fugue, organ, G major (no. 1)
  • 159 - Fugue, organ, G major (no. 2)
  • 160 - Fugue, organ, G minor
  • 161 - Fugue, organ, A major
  • 162 - Fugue, organ, A minor (no. 1)
  • 163 - Fugue, organ, A minor (no. 2)

[edit] Ricercars

P T PC POP Composition
418 291 320 261 Ricercare, organ, C major (no. 1)
- - 321 - Ricercare, organ, C major (no. 2)
419 292 322 262 Ricercare, organ, C minor
420* - - - Ricercare, organ, D major
421 291 320 261 Ricercare, organ, F-sharp minor

[edit] Other keyboard music

P T PC Composition
164* - - Gavotte, k.i., F major
234bis - - Lied, k.i., G minor
366 - - Minuet, k.i., D minor
367* - 346? Minuet, k.i., G major (no. 1)
368* - 346? Minuet, k.i., G major (no. 2)
421bis* - 347 Sarabande, k.i., G minor
428* 301 327 Suite, k.i., C major (No. 25 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
429* 302 328 Suite, k.i., C minor (incomplete; 2 mvts. only)
430* 303 329 Suite, k.i., C-sharp minor
431* 304 330 Suite, k.i., D major
432* 305 331 Suite, k.i., D minor (No. 26 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
433* 306 332 Suite, k.i., E-flat major
434* 307 333 Suite, k.i., E major
435* 308 334 Suite, k.i., E minor (no. 1) (No. 28 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
436 309 335 Suite, k.i., E minor (no. 2) (No. 29 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
437* 311 337a? Suite, k.i., F major (no. 1) (apparently incomplete; 3 mvts. only; No. 32 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
438 310 336? Suite, k.i., F major (no. 2)
439* 312 338 Suite, k.i., F-sharp minor
440* 313? 339? Suite, k.i., G major (no. 1) (No. 34? in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
441* 314? 339? Suite, k.i., G major (no. 2)
442* 315 340a Suite, k.i., G minor (no. 1) (No. 33 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
443 316 340b Suite, k.i., G minor (no. 2) (No. 33 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
444 317 341 Suite, k.i., A-flat major
445* 318 342 Suite, k.i., A major (No. 36 in Max Seiffert's catalogue)
446* 319 343 Suite, k.i., A minor
447* 320 344 Suite, k.i., B-flat major
448* 321 345 Suite, k.i., B minor

[edit] Chamber music

P T PC Composition
Musicalische Ergötzung (1691)
370a 331 348 Suite in F major, 2vn, b.c.
371 332 349 Suite in C minor, 2vn, b.c.
372 333 350 Suite in E-flat major, 2vn, b.c.
373 334 351 Suite in E minor, 2vn, b.c.
374 335 352 Suite in C major, 2vn, b.c.
375 336 353 Suite in B-flat major, 2vn, b.c.
28 341 - Aria with 9 variations in A major, vn, 2vg
37 337 358 Canon and gigue in D major, 3vn, b.c.
427* - 359 Sonata in G major, vn, k.i.
449 340 354 Suite in F-sharp minor, vn, 2va, b.c.
450 339 355b? Suite in G major (no. 1), vn, 2va, vle (Perrault writes: The lack of figuration for the lower part means that it was not a b.c., so that this work may well count as the first true string quartet, at least within the Germanophone domain.)
451 338 355a? Suite in G major (no. 2), 2vn, 2va, b.c.
453 - - Suite [tonality unspecified], vn, 2va, k.i.(b.c.?)

[edit] Vocal music

[edit] Arias

  • 32 - Auf, werte Gäst, aria, Soprano or Tenor, 2vn, b.c. (1 strophe)
  • 33 - Augen, streuet Perlentränen, aria, Alto, Tenor, 4va, "va pro basso" (4 strophes)
  • 57* - Christ ist erstanden, aria, Soprano, vn, b.c. ((?)Achilles?)
  • 74 - Das angenehmste Wetter, aria, Tenor, 2vn
  • 75 - Das Gewitter, aria, Tenor, 2vn, b.c. (6 strophes)
  • 76 - Das Jahr fängt an, aria, Alto, 2vn, 2va, b.c. (4 strophes)
  • 86 - Der Widder Abrahams, aria, Alto, Tenor, 2vn, b.c. (5 strophes)
  • 100 - Die freuderfüllten Abendstunden, aria, Soprano, 2vn, 2va, b.c.
  • 113 - Es muss die Sinne ja erfreuen, aria, Tenor, 2vn, b.c. (7 strophes)
  • 165 - Geliebtes Vaterherz, aria, Bass, 2vn, 2va, b.c./vle
  • 180 - Guter Walter unsers Rat, aria, Tenor, 2vn, 2va, b.c.
  • 199 - Hör, grosser Mäcenat, aria, Alto, 2vn, 2va, b.c.
  • 240 - Mäcenas lebet noch, aria, Alto, 2vn, 2va, tr, b.c. (6 strophes)
  • 360 - Mein Leben, dessen Kreuz, aria, Tenor, 2vn, 2va, "va pro basso", org (6 strophes)
  • 379bis* - Nisi Domin[us] aedificaverit, (?)aria, Bass, (?)vn, b.c.
  • 391 - O grosses Musenlicht, aria, Tenor, 2vn, 2vg, b.c.
  • 425 - So ist denn dies der Tag, aria + chorus, Soprano, SSATB, 2vn, 3va, 4tr, timp, b.c. (8 strophes)
  • 426 - So ist denn nun die Treu, aria + chorus, Soprano 1 and 2, SSATB, 2fl, 2vn, 3va, b.c. (9 strophes)
  • 476bis - Verzag [(?)Vergess] doch nicht, du armer Sünder, aria, Tenor, vn, 4va, b.c.
  • 477 - Voller Wunder, voller Kunst, aria, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, b.c.
  • 500 - Wie nichtig, ach!, aria, Tenor, 3va, b.c.
  • 515 - Wohl Euch, die ihr in Gott verliebt, aria, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, b.c.

[edit] Motets

P T PC Composition
77 351 382 Der Herr ist König, darum toben die Völker, motet, SATB, SATB, (?)b.c.
78 352 383? Der Herr ist König und herrlich geschmückt, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
79 353 383? Der Herr ist König und herrlich geschmückt... Hallelluja, motet, SSATB, b.c.
122 354 388 Exurgat Deus, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
175 355 384 Gott ist unser Zuversicht und Stärcke, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
213 356 - Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
217 357 - Jauchzet Gott, alle Lande, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
381 358 385 Nun danket alle Gott, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
400 359 389 Paratum cor meum, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
424 360 386 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.
474 361 387 Tröste uns Gott, unser Heiland, motet, SATB, SATB, b.c.

[edit] Sacred concertos

  • 0* - Ach Gott, erhör mein Seufzen, sacred concerto
  • 60 - Christ lag in Todesbanden, sacred concerto, SATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c.
  • 84 - Der Name des Herren sei gelobet, sacred concerto, SAB, 2vn, [fg?], b.c.
  • 173* - Gott du Gott Israel, sacred concerto, SSATB, 2vn, 2va, b.c.
  • 176 - Gott ist unser Zuversicht und Stärcke, sacred concerto, SATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c.
  • 177 - Gott sei uns gnädig, sacred concerto, SSATB, 5tr, timp, 2vn, 4va, fg, b.c., org.
  • 215 - Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, sacred concerto, G major, SSATB, 2ob, 2vn, 3va, fg/vle, b.c.
  • 216 - Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, sacred concerto, D major, SSATB, 4tr, timp, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c.
  • 230 - Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, sacred concerto, SATB, 2 cornetti/clarini, 2vn, [va], b.c.
  • 238 - Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum, sacred concerto, SSATB, 2fl/2ob, 5tr, tb, timp, cymbal, harp, fg, 2vn, 3va, b.c.(org.)
  • 359 - Mein Herr Jesu, dir leb ich, sacred concerto, SATB, 3va, b.c.
  • 359bis* - Mein Herz ist bereit, sacred concerto
  • 364 - Meine Sünden betrüben mich, sacred concerto, SATB, ob, 4vg, fg/vle, b.c.
  • 487 - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, sacred concerto, SATB, 2vn, 2va, fg, b.c.

[edit] Masses

P T PC Composition
357 386 408 Mass in C major, SATB, 2clarini, 2vn, b.c.
358 387 407 Mass in D major "Missa Brevis", SATB, b.c.

[edit] Ingressus

  • 87 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SATB, 2vn, va, b.c., C major (no. 1)
  • 88 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., C major (no. 2)
  • 89 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 4tr, timp, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., org, C major (no. 3)
  • 90 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, [SATB((?)solo], 2vn, va, b.c., D major (no. 1)
  • 91 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., D major (no. 2)
  • 92 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 2vn, 3va, b.c., D minor
  • 93 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 2vn, 4va, fg, b.c., F major
  • 94 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SATB, 2vn, 3va (ad lib.), b.c., G major
  • 95 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SATB, 2vn, fg, b.c., G minor (no. 1)
  • 96 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 2vn, va, 2vg, fg, b.c., G minor (no. 2)
  • 97 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., A major
  • 98 - Deus in adjutorium meum intende, ingressus, SSATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., A minor

[edit] Magnificats

P T PC Composition
242 413 433 Magnificat in C major (no. 1), SATB, 2tr, 2vn, 2va, b.c.
243 411 434 Magnificat in C major (no. 2), SSATB, 2ob, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c.
244 412? 435? Magnificat in C major (no. 3), SSATB, 4tr, timp, 2vn, va, 2vg, fg, b.c.
245 414? 436? Magnificat in C major (no. 4), SSATB, 4tr, timp, 2vn, va, vg, fg, b.c.
246 417 437 Magnificat in D major (no. 1), SATB, 4va (ad libitum), b.c.
247 415 438 Magnificat in D major (no. 2), SSATB, 2cornetti, 2ob, 2vn, 3va, fg, "con Organo"
248 416 439 Magnificat in D major (no. 3), [chor.I]SSATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., [chor.II]SSATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c.
250 418 440 Magnificat in E-flat major, SATB, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c., org
251 419 441 Magnificat in F major (no. 1), SATB, 2vn, fg, b.c.
252 420 442 Magnificat in F major (no. 2), SSATB, 2vn, b.c.
253 421 444 Magnificat in G major, SATB, 2vn, b.c.
254 422 443 Magnificat in G minor, SATB, b.c.
255 423 445 Magnificat in B-flat major, SSATB, 2ob, 2vn, 3va, fg, b.c./org

[edit] Lost works

[edit] Chorale preludes

  • 2bis*! - Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 19! - An Wasserflüssen Babylon, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 68! - Christum wir sollen loben schon, chorale-prelude
  • 72! - Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist sehr freundlich, chorale-prelude
  • 168! - Gläubiges Herz, freue, chorale-prelude
  • 207! - Ich weiss dass mein Erlöser lebt, chorale-prelude
  • 221!* - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der von uns den Gotteszorn wandt, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 224!* - Komm Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 390!* - Nun lob' mein Seel' den Herren, chorale-prelude (no. 2)
  • 392!* - O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort, chorale-prelude
  • 395!* - O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, chorale-prelude (no. 3)
  • 499!* - Wie nach einer Wasserquelle, chorale-prelude

[edit] Chorale variations

  • 217bis!* - Jesu meine Freude, chorale-partita

[edit] Chamber music

  • 370b! - (1b) D major (first suite of Musicalische Ergötzung transposed from F major)
  • 452! - Suite, strings [2vn, 2va, vc, b.c.], G major (no. 3)
  • 516! - Zwillingspartita, 2vn, D major

[edit] Vocal music

  • 6! - Ach Herr, straff mich nicht, (?)aria, voice, 3 instruments
  • 56! - Christ ist erstanden, (?)aria, voice, "instruments" (no. 1)
  • 102! - Dixit Dominus, (?)motet, "4 vv, 5 insts"
  • 185bis! - Herr Gott, dich loben wir, (?)motet, (?)SATB, SATB
  • 187! - Herr hebe an zu segnen, motet/sacred concerto(?), SSATB, 5va, fg
  • 190! - Herr, wenn deine Wort nicht wäre, (?)motet, "a 5"
  • 200! - Ich bin die Auferstehung, (?)motet
  • 201! - Ich fahr dahin mit Freuden, (?)aria, voice, "5 insts"
  • 204! - Ich kann nicht mehr, (?)aria, "2 vv, 4 insts"
  • 208!* - Ich will den Herrn loben allezeit, (?)motet
  • 212!* - In nomine Jesu, (?)motet
  • 214! - Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, (?)motet, "a 13"
  • 229! - Kommt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Sohn, (?)motet, "a 13"
  • 234! - Laetatus sum, sacred concerto, SSATB, trombetta, 2 cornetti, trombone, 2vn, 2va, fg, org (only instrumental parts survive)
  • 249! - Magnificat, D major (no. 4), "a 13"
  • 256! - Magnificat, [key unknown], "a 13"
  • 486!* - Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, (?)motet, "a 9", SATB, SATB, b.c.
  • 496! - Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, (?)sacred concerto, "a 10. 4 Viol. CATB"

[edit] Miscellany

  • 23 [deleted]
  • 53!-54! - Zwei Chörichte Sonaten, in specie dessen Serenata
  • 99 - Deutlich Anweisung. Wie man durchs ganze Jahr bey wehrenden Gottesdienst, so wohl in den Vespern als Tagambt, bey S. Sebald m. der Orgel zu intonieren und zu respondiren sich zu verhalten habe.
  • 130 - Fugen und Praeambuln über die gewöhnlichsten Tonos figuratos ([s.l.]: W. M. Endter, 1704)
  • 399 [deleted]
  • 405* - Preis, Lob, und Herrlichkeit, chorale-prelude

[edit] Reference

  • Jean M. Perreault: "The thematic catalogue of the musical works of Johann Pachelbel". Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Md. 2004. 414 p. ISBN 0-8108-4970-4.