List of colors

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The following is a partial list of colors with associated articles. See also color names and the list of color topics.

Note that CMYK values are not included as there is no single way to obtain a CMYK quartet from an RGB triplet. Variations in paper and ink processes account for the various combinations of non-invertible matrices and look-up tables used in converting from RGB to CMYK. If you wish to obtain CMYK values for these colors, you will get appropriate conversion values from your graphics application when you define the type of ink and paper you will be printing on.

Most of the color values below are correct, where they are taken from computer domain-specific naming schemes such as X11 or HTML4. The appearance of actual color swatches displayed will vary depending on many parameters, such as the RGB work space of your application, the ICC profile of your display device, the value of your display device gamma, whether your display device has been recently calibrated, and the viewing surround conditions (ambient illumination level and its average color temperature). The HEX/RGB/HSV values displayed below imply a calibrated work space and display system using the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color space standard with a display gamma of 2.2 and a white point at D65.[1]

Note that there is no way to attribute single, 'true' RGB values to colors that do not belong to a standard naming scheme that is gamut-bound to electronic display systems, such as X11. Where color names belong to dye and pigment sets, the color appearance will greatly depend on the color temperature, position and intensity of the source illumination, among other factors such as the chemistry of the dispersion medium and the surface properties of the support. Care must be exercised where electronic simulation of natural substances is sought.

Direct name means that the color name can be used in Wikipedia without specifying the hex triplet.


Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Colors by shade - Fictional colors - See also

[edit] A

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Alice Blue #F0F8FF 240 248 245 208° 6% 100%
Alizarin Crimson #E32636 227 38 54 355° 83% 89%
Amaranth #E52B50 229 43 80 345° 78% 64%
Amber #FFBF00 255 191 0 45° 100% 100%
Amethyst #9966CC 153 102 204 270° 50% 80%
Antimony #9966CC 153 102 204 270° 50% 80%
Apricot #FBCEB1 251 206 177 30° 25% 87%
Aqua #00FFFF 0 255 255 180° 100% 100%
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 127 255 212 160° 50% 100%
Asparagus #7BA05B 123 160 91 92° 43% 63%
Azure #007FFF 0 127 255 210° 100% 100%

[edit] B

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Beige #F5F5DC 245 245 220 60° 10% 96%
Bistre #3D2B1F 61 43 31 24° 49% 24%
Black #000000 0 0 0 0% 0%
Blue #0000FF 0 0 255 240° 100% 100%
Bondi Blue #0095B6 0 149 182 191° 100% 71%
Bright green #66FF00 102 255 0 96° 100% 100%
Bright turquoise #08E8DE 8 232 222 177° 97% 91%
Brown #964B00 150 75 0 30° 100% 59%
Buff #F0DC82 240 220 130 49° 46% 94%
Burgundy #900020 128 0 32 345° 50% 50%
Burnt Orange #CC5500 204 85 0 25° 100% 80%
Burnt Sienna #E97451 233 116 81 14° 65% 91%
Burnt umber #8A3324 138 51 36 74% 54%

[edit] C

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Camouflage green #78866B 120 134 107 91° 20% 53%
Cardinal #C41E3A 196 30 58 350° 85% 77%
Carmine #960018 150 0 24 350° 100% 59%
Carnation #F95A61 249 90 97 357° 64% 98%
Carrot orange #ED9121 237 145 33 33° 86% 93%
Celadon #ACE1AF 172 225 175 123° 24% 88%
Cerise #DE3163 222 49 99 343° 78% 87%
Cerulean #007BA7 0 123 167 196° 100% 65%
Cerulean blue #2A52BE 42 82 190 224° 78% 75%
Chartreuse #7FFF00 127 255 0 90° 100% 100%
Chartreuse yellow #DFFF00 223 255 0 67.5° 100% 100%
Chestnut #CD5C5C 205 92 92 55% 80%
Chocolate #D2691E 210 105 30 25° 86% 82%
Cinnamon #7B3F00 123 63 0 31° 100% 48%
Cobalt #0047AB 0 71 171 215° 100% 67%
Copper #B87333 184 115 51 29° 72% 72%
Copper rose #996666 153 102 102 330° 65% 57%
Coral #FF7F50 255 127 80 16° 69% 100%
Coral Red #FF4040 255 64 64 82% 100%
Corn #FBEC5D 251 236 93 54° 63% 98%
Cornflower blue #6495ED 100 149 237 219° 58% 93%
Cream #FFFDD0 255 253 208 57° 18% 100%
Crimson #DC143C 220 20 60 348° 91% 86%
Cyan #00FFFF 0 255 255 180° 100% 100%

[edit] D

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Dark blue #0000C8 0 0 139 240° 100% 55%
Denim #1560BD 21 96 189 213° 89% 74%
Dodger blue #1E90FF 30 144 255 210° 88% 100%

[edit] E

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Emerald #50C878 80 200 120 140° 60% 78%
Eggplant #990066 153 0 102 320° 100% 60%

[edit] F

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Falu red #801818 128 24 24 81% 50%
Fern green #4F7942 79 121 66 106° 45% 47%
Flax #EEDC82 238 220 130 50° 45% 93%
Forest green #228B22 34 139 34 120° 76% 55%
French Rose #F64A8A 246 74 138 330° 76% 55%
Fuchsia #FF00FF 255 0 255 300° 100% 100%

[edit] G

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Gamboge #E49B0F 228 155 15 38° 94% 94%
Gold #FFD700 255 215 0 51° 100% 100%
Goldenrod #DAA520 218 165 32 43° 85% 85%
Gray #808080 128 128 128 0% 50%
Gray-asparagus #465945 70 89 69 117° 22% 35%
Green #00FF00 0 255 0 120° 100% 100%
Green-yellow #ADFF2F 173 255 47 84° 82% 100%

[edit] H

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Harlequin #3FFF00 63 255 0 105° 100% 100%
Heliotrope #DF73FF 223 115 255 286° 55% 100%
Hollywood Cerise #F400A1 244 0 161 320° 100% 96%
Hot Magenta #FF00CC 255 0 204 310° 57% 74%
Hot Pink #FF69B4 255 105 180 350° 84% 75%

[edit] I

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Indigo #4B0082 75 0 130 275° 100% 51%
International Klein Blue #002FA7 0 47 167 223° 100% 65%
International orange #FF4F00 255 79 0 19° 100% 100%
Ivory #FFFFF0 255 255 240 60° 5% 100%

[edit] J

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Jade #00A86B 0 168 107 158° 100% 66%

[edit] K

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Khaki #C3B091 195 176 145 37° 26% 76%
Khaki (X11) #F0E68C 240 230 140 54° 41% 94%

[edit] L

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Lavender #B57EDC 181 126 220 270° 73% 54%
Lavender blue #CCCCFF 204 204 255 240° 20% 100%
Lavender blush #FFF0F5 255 240 245 340° 6% 100%
Lavender gray #BDBBD7 189 187 215 240° 8% 98%
Lavender pink #FBAED2 251 174 210 310° 57% 90%
Lavender rose #FBA0E3 251 160 227 310° 57% 90%
Lemon #FDE910 253 233 16 55° 94% 99%
Lemon cream #FFFACD 255 250 205 54° 20% 100%
Lilac #C8A2C8 200 162 200 300° 19% 78%
Lime #BFFF00 191 255 0 75° 100% 100%
Linen #FAF0E6 250 240 230 30° 8% 98%

[edit] M

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Magenta #FF00FF 255 0 255 300° 100% 100%
Malachite #0BDA51 11 218 81 140° 95% 85%
Maroon #800000 128 0 0 100% 50%
Mauve #E0B0FF 224 176 255 276° 31% 100%
Medium carmine #AF4035 175 64 53 69% 68%
Medium Lavender #EE82EE 238 130 238 300° 67% 88%
Medium Purple #9370DB 147 112 219 270° 68% 72%
Midnight Blue[2] #003366 0 51 102 148° 100% 20%
Mint Green[2] #98FF98 152 255 152 120° 40% 100%
Moss green #ADDFAD 173 223 173 120° 22% 87%
Mountbatten pink #997A8D 153 122 141 323° 20% 60%
Mustard #FFDB58 255 219 88 47° 65% 100%

[edit] N

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Navajo white #FFDEAD 255 222 173 32° 27% 100%
Navy Blue #000080 0 0 128 240° 100% 50%

[edit] O

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Ochre #CC7722 204 119 34 30° 83% 80%
Old Gold #CFB53B 207 181 59 49° 71% 81%
Old Lace #FDF5E6 253 245 230 40° 6% 100%
Old Lavender #796878 121 104 120 270° 3% 22%
Old Rose #C08081 192 46 76 330° 59% 57%
Olive #808000 128 128 0 60° 100% 50%
Olive Drab #6B8E23 107 142 35 80° 75% 56%
Orange (color wheel) #FF7500 255 127 0 30° 100% 100%
Orange (web) #FFA500 255 165 0 39° 100% 100%
Orange Peel #FFA000 255 160 0 38° 100% 100%
Orchid #DA70D6 218 112 214 302° 49% 85%

[edit] P

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Papaya whip #FFEFD5 255 239 213 37° 16% 100%
Pastel green #77DD77 119 221 119 120° 46% 87%
Pastel pink #FFD1DC 255 209 220 346° 18% 100%
Peach #FFE5B4 255 229 180 39° 29% 100%
Peach-orange #FFCC99 255 204 153 30° 40% 100%
Peach-yellow #FADFAD 250 223 173 39° 31% 98%
Pear #D1E231 209 226 49 65° 78% 88%
Periwinkle #CCCCFF 204 204 255 240° 20% 100%
Persian blue #1C39BB 28 57 187 248° 75% 50%
Persian green #00A693 0 166 147 135° 75% 60%
Persian indigo #32127A 50 18 122 249° 85% 49%
Persian pink #F77FBE 247 127 190 330° 72% 77%
Persian red #CC3333 204 51 51 50% 50%
Persian rose #FF1CB1 255 28 177 317° 97% 87%
Pine Green #01796F 1 121 111 175° 99% 47%
Pink #FFC0CB 255 192 203 350° 25% 100%
Pink-orange #FF9966 255 153 102 20° 60% 100%
Pomegranate #F34723 243 71 35 10° 86% 95%
Powder blue (web) #B0E0E6 176 224 230 220° 70% 90%
Puce #CC8899 204 136 153 345° 33% 80%
Prussian blue #003153 0 49 83 205° 100% 33%
Pumpkin #FF7518 255 117 24 24° 90% 100%
Purple #660099 102 0 153 280° 100% 60%

[edit] R

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Raw umber #734A12 115 74 18 34° 84% 45%
Red #FF0000 255 0 0 100% 100%
Red-violet #C71585 199 21 133 322° 89% 78%
Robin egg blue #00CCCC 0 204 204 180° 100% 80%
Rose #FF007F 255 0 127 330° 100% 100%
Royal Blue #4169E1 65 105 225 225° 71% 88%
Russet #80461B 128 70 27 25° 78% 50%
Rust #B7410E 183 65 14 18° 92% 72%

[edit] S

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Safety Orange (Blaze Orange) #FF6600 255 102 0 24° 100% 100%
Saffron #F4C430 244 196 48 45° 80% 96%
Sapphire #082567 8 37 103 222° 92% 40%
Salmon[2] #FF8C69 255 140 105 14° 59% 100%
Sandy brown #F4A460 244 164 96 28° 61% 96%
Sangria #92000A 146 0 10 356° 100% 57%
Scarlet #FF2400 255 36 0 100% 100%
School bus yellow #FFD800 255 216 0 36° 100% 50%
Sea Green #2E8B57 46 139 87 146° 67% 55%
Seashell #FFF5EE 255 245 238 25° 7% 100%
Selective yellow #FFBA00 255 186 0 44° 100% 100%
Sepia #704214 112 66 20 30° 82% 44%
Shocking Pink #FC0FC0 252 15 192 315° 94% 99%
Silver #C0C0C0 192 192 192 0% 75%
Slate gray #708090 112 128 144 210° 22% 56%
Smalt (Dark powder blue) #003399 0 51 153 200° 70% 60%
Spring Green #00FF7F 0 255 127 150° 100% 100%
Steel blue #4682B4 70 130 180 207° 61% 71%
Swamp green #ACB78E 172 183 142 76° 22% 71%

[edit] T

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Tan #D2B48C 210 180 140 34° 33% 82%
Tangerine #FFCC00 255 204 0 33° 100% 50%
Taupe #483C32 72 60 50 30° 17% 34%
Tea Green #D0F0C0 208 240 192 100° 20% 94%
Teal #008080 0 128 128 180° 100% 50%
Tenné (Tawny)[2] #CD5700 205 87 0 25° 100% 80%
Terra cotta #E2725B 226 114 91 10° 70% 62%
Thistle #D8BFD8 216 191 216 300° 12% 85%
Turquoise #30D5C8 48 213 200 175° 77% 84%

[edit] U

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Ultramarine #120A8F 18 10 143 244° 93% 56%

[edit] V

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Vermilion #FF4D00 255 77 0 18° 100% 100%
Violet #8B00FF 139 0 255 273° 100% 100%
Violet-eggplant #991199 153 17 153 300° 88% 60%
Viridian #40826D 64 130 109 161° 51% 51%

[edit] W

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Wheat #F5DEB3 245 222 179 39° 26% 96%
White #FFFFFF 255 255 255 0% 100%
Wisteria #C9A0DC 201 160 220 281° 27% 86%

[edit] Y

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Yellow #FFFF00 255 255 0 60° 100% 100%

[edit] Z

Name Sample Hex triplet RGB HSV
Zinnwaldite #EBC2AF 235 194 175 19° 25% 92%

[edit] Colors by shade

  Shades of red  
Alizarin Amaranth Burgundy Cardinal Carmine Cerise Chestnut Coral Red Crimson Dark Pink Falu red Fire engine red
Fuchsia Girlsnberry Hollywood Cerise Magenta Maroon Mauve Persian red Pink Pomegranate Red Red-violet Rose
Rust Puce Sangria Scarlet Shocking Pink Terra cotta Venetian red Vermilion
  Shades of orange  
Orange Amber Coral Dark salmon Gamboge International orange Mahogany Peach Peach-orange Peach-yellow Pink-orange Pomegranate Pumpkin
Rust Safety orange Salmon Tangerine Tenné (Tawny) UNECE Amber Vermilion Burnt Orange Apricot Carrot Orange Orange Peel Orange (web) Brown
  Shades of yellow  
Amber Beige Buff Corn Cream Dark Goldenrod Ecru Flax Gamboge Golden
Goldenrod Khaki Lemon Lemon Cream Lime Mustard Navajo white Old Gold Olive Papaya whip
Peach-yellow Pear Saffron School bus yellow Selective yellow Tangerine yellow Yellow Apricot Metallic Gold Chartreuse yellow
Golden yellow Golden poppy Green-yellow
  Shades of green  
Asparagus Bright green Camouflage green Celadon Chartreuse Emerald Fern green Gray-asparagus Green Green-yellow Jade Jungle green
Lime Moss green Myrtle Olive Olive drab Pear Pine green Sea green Spring green Swamp green Tea green Forest green
Chartreuse yellow Harlequin Office green Lime pulp Hunter green Kelly green Shamrock green Islamic green Lime green Persian green British racing green Spring bud
  Shades of cyan  
Alice blue Aqua Aquamarine Baby blue Bondi blue Cerulean Cyan Pine green Robin egg blue Teal Turquoise Viridian
  Shades of blue  
Alice blue Azure Baby blue Blue Cerulean Cerulean blue Cobalt blue Cornflower blue Dark blue Denim Dodger blue Indigo
International Klein Blue Light blue Midnight Blue Navy blue Periwinkle Persian blue Powder blue Prussian blue Royal blue Sapphire Steel blue Ultramarine
  Shades of violet  
Amethyst Cerise Eggplant Fuchsia Heliotrope Indigo Lavender Lavender blush Lavender gray Lavender rose Lilac Magenta
Mauve Mountbatten pink Orchid Palatinate Purple Persian indigo Purple Red-violet Rose Sangria Thistle Violet Violet-eggplant
Shades of violet without swatches
Iris Purpure
  Shades of pink  
Pink Carnation Fuchsia Magenta Salmon Pink Deep Pink Hollywood Cerise Hot Pink Medium Pink Shocking Pink Cherry Blossom Pink Coral Pink
French Rose Lavender Pink Persian Rose Carmine Pink Cerise Pink Fuchsia Pink Japanese Pink Persian Pink Dark Pink Hot Magenta Lavender Rose Rose
Thulian Pink Amaranth Light Thulian Pink Puce Rose Pink Tea Rose Amaranth Pink Brink Pink Cerise Deep Carmine Pink Ultra Pink
  Shades of brown  
Auburn Bistre Brown Buff Burgundy Burnt sienna Burnt umber Copper Liver Mahogany Maroon Ochre
Pale brown Raw Umber Russet Rust Sandy brown Seal brown Sepia Tan Wheat Zinnwaldite Fallow Bole
Taupe Medium Taupe Pale Taupe Dark Khaki Khaki Light Khaki Sandy Taupe Ecru Beige
  Shades of white  
White Cream Cosmic latte Ivory Magnolia Old Lace Seashell

[edit] Fictional colors

[edit] See also

[edit] References and footnotes

  1. ^
  2. ^ a b c d More than one color value is possible.

Frery, A. C.; Melo, C. A. S. & Fernandes, R. C. Web-Based Interactive Dynamics for Color Models Learning. Color Research and Application, 2000, 25, 435-441. DOI 10.1002/1520-6378(200012)25:6<435::AID-COL8>3.0.CO;2-J