List of characters in Martian Successor Nadesico

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The following is a list of characters from the Japanese manga and anime Martian Successor Nadesico. Character names are listed in Western order, with the given names preceding the surnames.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Nadesico crewmembers

[edit] Akito Tenkawa

Main article: Akito Tenkawa

Anime - Born on Mars and orphaned after his parents died in an apparent military coup, his dream to become a cook stemmed from the quality of the raw food available on the planet. Though he has a nanomachine controller enabling him to pilot machinery, he refuses to become a military pilot; his first time in an Aestevalis was an accident, though he quickly showed capable piloting skill; because of the lack of pilots on the ship, he was officially made one for the duration of the tour. A Gekiganger fan as a child, his devotion to the series is rekindled by fellow pilot Gai Daigoji.

Manga - The manga version isn't all that different except Akito is a bit more open and not as dorky. His form in the other dimension is powerful and destructive.

[edit] Yurika Misumaru

Main article: Yurika Misumaru

Anime - The captain of the Nadesico and childhood friend of Akito Tenkawa, she is infatuated with him and gets very jealous when other girls show interest in him, though he considers her crazy; she is also very scatterbrained at times, misinterpreting comments made by others as words of inspiration/devotion, and forgetting or twisting around events from her and Akito's childhood. Nonetheless, she is a very capable captain, and a constant source of cheerfulness and inspiration for the rest of the crew.

Manga - Yurika hands over full control to Ruri. She spends most of her time moping around after that and ends up kidnapped by Inez who works for the mirror Akito.

[edit] Ruri Hoshino

Main article: Ruri Hoshino

The "Electronic Fairy", she keeps the ship's computer (Omoikane) running and slowly bonds with it, asking it numerous questions about society and human interaction. Ruri is a child prodigy and somewhat distant from the rest of the crew, whom she considers "fools" (Japanese ばかばっか baka) or 'idiots!' in the English dub; also, she is occasionally referred to as "Ruriruri" by Minato, another member of the bridge crew. In addition, she co-hosts the "Naze Nani Nadesico" segment, and is the narrator at the beginning of each episode of Nadesico, recapping previous events while adding her own opinion of the situation. Ruri is very cold and extremely knowledgeable of many things and doesn't like getting into the things that most crew members do. Rather she enjoys sitting back in front of the monitor regulating the Nadisco, playing video games and communicating to Omoikane. She does have her spontaneous moments like when during the pageant she dresses up in a bathing suit and sings (however, out of embarrassment, she drops out of the standings).

Manga - Ruri is full captain of the Nadesico. She seems not much different but she is given almost all the attention rather than just half. The mirror copy of her is the same and acts completely the same along with the fact that she is also captain of her ship. Both Ruris seem to also have an internal problem and cough up blood when under extreme stress.

[edit] Gai Daigoji

Main article: Gai Daigoji

Born Jiro Yamada (an average name, similar to John Doe or John Smith in the US), he insisted that Gai Daigoji was "the name that belongs to (his) soul", and angrily asserted his "true" name whenever someone used the "other" one. A rabid Gekiganger otaku, he was an official pilot and arrived three days ahead of schedule when he learned they would be piloting actual robots like in the anime. Fueled by his devotion to the show, Gai had a fierce intensity in and out of battle, and was angry and resentful towards Akito for being the first one to engage the enemy, stealing "(his) destiny", even though he had a broken leg and was unable to fight. The two were soon able to bond over Gekiganger, although Gai couldn't understand why Akito would rather be "a dumb cook" than a robot pilot. Although it was Gai's wish to die heroically in battle like one of the characters, he was unceremoniously shot and killed during an escape of prisoners held aboard the Nadesico; Akito took his death very hard, and devoted himself to Gai and the ideals of Gekiganger.

[edit] Megumi Reinard

Main article: Megumi Reinard

Former voice actress and communications officer of the Nadesico, she is a very kind-hearted and devoted person. She was also the first to have Akito return her affections, though he did not feel as strongly for her as she thought, to her great sadness.

[edit] Jun Aoi

Main article: Jun Aoi

The first officer of the Nadesico, Jun has no small infatuation for Yurika, leaving a position in the Earth's military to join her crew and "look out for her". She is clueless of how he feels and considers him her "best friend", though the rest of the crew realize his feelings. A common running gag is Jun's misunderstanding of Yurika's special efforts, such as preparing food--he believes it is for him, but it always ends up being for Akito, with him being passed by.

[edit] Inez Fressange

Main article: Inez Fressange

Developed the Nadesico's Phase Transition system for Nergal on Mars before it was invaded; when the ship returned to the planet, she came aboard, stating that the surviving colonists refused to leave, believing the ship would soon be destroyed; however, an attack immediately afterwards forced the grounded Nadesico to raise its shields, crushing the underground colonists and leaving her the only survivor. She hosts the "Naze Nani Nadesico" segment as a technical consultant along with Ruri and Yurika in an attempt to teach the crew about the ship's workings, as a way of atoning for what happened.

[edit] Ryoko Subaru

Main article: Ryoko Subaru

Aestivalis pilot, she escaped from the L2 space colony when it was destroyed by the Jovians, salvaging four Aestevalis suits and fellow pilot Izumi Maki. The most fiery and combative of the three, but a surprise attack from the enemy left her terrified and crying out for help from Akito; this was noted and would be mercilessly brought up by Izumi and Hikaru many times, to her great embarrassment.

[edit] Izumi Maki

Main article: Izumi Maki

Aestivalis pilot, brought in a storage container from the L2 colony by Ryoko. Quiet and reserved, though an incurable punster, cracking up at her own jokes.

[edit] Hikaru Amano

Main article: Hikaru Amano

Aestivalis pilot and rabid Gekigangar III fangirl, she was ejected from the L2 colony in a capsule which crashed into the Nadesico; making her way through the air ducts, she was directly over Akito's room as he was watching a tragic episode of Gekiganger. Moved to tears, her wailing could be heard through the overhead vent, right before she fell out of it and onto him.

[edit] Nagare Akatsuki

Main article: Nagare Akatsuki

Nagare into the picture after the Nadesico escaped from Mars; a skilled Aestivalis pilot, Nagare rescued Akito during battle as the latter was in a state of panic and unable to move. He was soon assigned to the Nadesico, bringing along Erina Won, who he had a mysterious relationship with. Nagare disparaged Akito for his devotion to the simplistic ideals of Gekiganger and the fact that he hates Japanese Anime altogether, but the two were still able to get along well enough.

[edit] Minato Haruka

Minato Haruka
Minato Haruka

The main helmswoman for the Nadesico. She gave up her job as the secretary for a large company's president so she could join the Nadesico crew. Her reason being that it sounded much more interesting. She has a mixed-up relationship with Goat Hoary. She helps Tsukomo and falls in love with him after a fight with Goat that ended their relationship.

[edit] Erina Won

Erina joins the Nadesico at the same time as Nagare and proves to be just as irritating to the other characters. Her official post is co-helmswoman, but she ends up bossing everyone around, even the captain.

[edit] Mr. Prospector

Mr. Prospector
Mr. Prospector

Mr. Prospector's real name is never revealed, but he seems to not only be some sort of Nergal accountant, but the recruitment officer for the Nadesico.

[edit] Seiya Uribatake

Ace mechanic Seiya joins the Nadesico to get away from his wife and child, at the same time chasing around various young women. Most noticeable among them is Hikaru, who he almost has a relationship with.

[edit] Goat Hoary

Goat Hoary
Goat Hoary

A serious man of few words, Goat seems to be the crew's guardian. He also has a relationship with Minato Haruka for a time. He is very big and very strong, capable of carrying Megumi and Ruri, one on each arm, and is a skilled marksman.

[edit] Howmei

Head chef on the Nadesico, Howmei is responsible for making sure everything gets cooked correctly, even if it involves teaching Akito about the variety of spices and flavourings available on Earth. Given the very nature of the Nadesico's mission... and the fact that some of them might not live to see another day, Howmei want to make sure that every meal the crew eats is as good as they want... because it may be their last meal.

[edit] Itsuki Kazama

Itsuki came on as a replacement pilot when Akito left the ship with Megumi during the Christmas return of the Nadesico to Earth. She is known as a great team player and an excellent pilot. During production, she was unnamed, so she was referred to in-series as "Newbie" and "Seelie" (by Ryoko both times). She was originally named Sayuri Terasaki, but this name was retconned by her appearance as one of the lead characters in the Blank of Three Years video game.

[edit] Jovians

[edit] Tsukumo Shiratori

Tsukumo is a commander of the Superior Jovian Male Forces and a mecha pilot. He is similar in appearance and personality to Gai Daigoji, and ultimately dies in the same way.

[edit] Yukina Shiratori

Yukina is Tsukumo's younger sister, and is horrified to find out that her older brother has fallen in love with an earth woman (Minato). She promptly leaves for the Nadesico to assassinate the woman in question. When her brother is murdered Minato becomes her only family.
Martian Successor Nadesico
Akito Tenkawa | Yurika Misumaru | Ruri Hoshino | Gai Daigoji | Megumi Reinard | Jun Aoi | Inez Fressange | Izumi Maki | Ryoko Subaru | Hikaru Amano | Nagare Akatsuki
Chulip | Gekigangar III | Naze Nani Nadesico | ND-001 Nadesico | Nergal | | The Prince of Darkness