List of characters in Elfquest

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This is a list of characters in Elfquest , the science fiction/fantasy comic book series created in 1978 by Wendy and Richard Pini.

The initial list is derived from the original series, which Warp Graphics published in 1978-1984. Later series introduced numerous additional characters; about 650 have been mentioned by name at least once.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

- character descriptions sometimes reveal their storylines


[edit] Wolfrider Elves

  • Bearclaw (soulname:Grenn) male. Son of Mantricker and Thornflower, possible half-brother of Moonshade, lifemate of Joyleaf, father of Cutter and possibly Foxfur, grandfather of Suntop and Ember. Tenth chief of the Wolfriders, Bearclaw took risks, lived in "the now," and provoked humans for amusement. He had brown hair, brown eyes, a beard and thin moustache. Bearclaw was killed by the monster Madcoil after mortally wounding it. At the end of his life, Bearclaw's wolf friend was Blackfell.
  • Clearbrook female. Lifemate of One-Eye and later Treestump, mother of Scouter and an unnamed daughter (sometimes thought to have been called Moth or Moss), grandmother of Pool and adoptive grandmother of Windkin. Warrioress. She has a thick, ground-length silver braid and grey-blue eyes. Clearbrook is a tribal elder of Cutter's Wolfriders and is very serene and wise. Her known wolffriend is Bristlebrush, though there are others.
  • Cutter (soulname: Tam) male. Son of Bearclaw and Joyleaf, many possible deceased siblings and half-siblings, grandson of Mantricker and Thornflower, nephew of Treestump and Rillfisher, first cousin of Dewshine, first cousin once removed of Windkin, lifemate of Leetah (of the Sun Folk), father of Suntop (later called Sunstream) and Ember. Eleventh chief of the Wolfriders. He has ash-blond hair worn in a "chief's lock" and blue eyes. His wolf-friends are Nightrunner, Warfrost, Timmain (in wolf form), and Holdfast.
  • Dart (soulname: Dyrr) male. Son of Strongbow and Moonshade, younger brother of (the deceased) Crescent, much older brother of Chitter, grandson of Trueflight, Brightwater and possibly Mantricker, Recognized to Serrin (daughter of Wing and of Behtia of the Sun Folk), father of (deceased) Bowki, soulbrother and lovemate of Shushen (deceased, of the Sun Folk) and of Kimo, lovemate of Talmah (of the Sun Folk). Head of the Jackwolfriders, Dart, very much a natural leader, taught the Sun Folk to defend themselves and led a lengthy, fateful expedition to the Forevergreen forest. Dart has significant ability at weaponless martial-arts-like fighting and teaches his skills to all who ask. He has a slender build, russet-brown hair, dark skin and brown eyes. He is now a tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders.
  • Dewshine (soulname: Lree) female. Daughter of Treestump and Rillfisher, niece of Joyleaf, first cousin of Cutter, first cousin once removed of Ember and Sunstream, Recognized to but not lifemate of Tyldak (of Blue Mountain), mother of Windkin, lifemate of Scouter and Tyleet. Dewshine is a huntress and gatherer, singer, dancer, storyteller, and the fastest runner of the Wolfriders. She is tall and lightly built, has short curly blond hair and blue eyes. Tribe member of Ember's Wolfriders. Trollhammer, one of her wolf-friends, ironically was killed by a troll's hammer; another of Dewshine's wolf-friends was Longshanks.
  • Ember female. Daughter of Cutter and Leetah, twin sister of Suntop/Sunstream, granddaughter of Bearclaw, Joyleaf, Toorah and Anatim (Suntoucher), niece of Shenshen, first cousin once removed of Dewshine and great-niece of Treestump, lovemate of Mender, lifemate of Teir. Twelfth chieftess of the Wolfriders and first chieftess of the Wolfrider clan now living on Khulki's Mountain. Creative, resourceful and forward-thinking. Ember has fire-red hair and aqua-colored eyes. Her wolf-friends have been Choplicker and Patch.
  • Freefoot male. Son of Huntress Skyfire and Dreamsinger, sister of Nightstar, father of Tanner (originally Oakroot). He was a wanderer and secretly sired a son by recognizing a member of the forefathers of the Go-Backs, then a Goatrider, Two-Shadows when he wandered on the plains. The son's name was Hawkcatcher. He only encountered his son much later and was attacked by him, Hawkcatcher believing his mother's death was caused by Freefoot's abandonment. He was forced to kill the boy and bury him on the plains. He told no one, but it did not ruin his wandering habits. Sixth chief of the Wolfriders. Died when, while rescuing elf children from a tree during a thunderstorm, he was struck by lightning (ironically, "skyfire").
  • Goodtree(soulname: Neme) female. Daughter of Tanner and Stormlight, lifemate to both Lionleaper and Acorn, mother of Mantricker and Speedwell. The eighth chief of the Wolfriders, she was the only one with plant-shaping ability and began shaping what would become the tribe's first Father Tree. It is believed she is the much referred to "plantshaping great-grandmother" of Redlance's through Speedwell.
  • Joyleaf(soulname: Dehl)female. Sister of Treestump, aunt of Dewshine, great-aunt of Windkin, lifemate of Bearclaw, mother of Cutter, grandmother of Ember and Sunstream. Joyleaf had long blond hair and blue eyes and was very wise and kind. Despite this, she was a very keen hunter. She was one of the victims of the monster Madcoil. She had a very loyal unknown wolf friend, possibly Leafchaser.
  • Kimo male. Son of Newstar and Lutei (a Sun Villager who was unnamed until Wendy Pini revealed his name in a July 2006 online column), grandson of Woodlock and Rainsong, great-grandson of Rain the Healer, lovemate of Dart, close friend of Shuna, the adopted human daughter of Cutter and Leetah. Kimo has blue eyes, blue-black hair, and the deep brown skin of his Sun Folk sire. He has recently developed his shape-shifting talent and often turns himself into a wolf. Kimo, who grew up in the Sun Village, is now part of Cutter's tribe.
  • Mantricker male. Son of Goodtree and Acorn, younger brother of Speedwell (a female who was killed in early adulthood), father of Bearclaw and possible others.Lovemate of Moonshade's mother Brightwater. Ninth chief of the Wolfriders, he was renowned for his constant trickery at the expense of nearby human tribes - yet he also forged a unique partnership with the human scout Demontricker, which helped keep the peace between elves and humans during their lifetimes. But in later generations, the human tribes kept up their harassment of the Wolfriders, and Mantricker in desperation kidnapped a human boy and cut his face as a warning. A band of five-fingered trackers angrily fired blind arrow-shots toward the elf; one found its mark, killing the chief.The boy, later revealed as "Scar", held a grudge against elves until his untimely death at Bearclaw's hands.
  • Moonshade(soulname: Eyrn) female. Daughter of Brightwater and possibly of Mantricker. Possible half-sister of Bearclaw. Lifemate of Strongbow and mother of Crescent, Dart and Chitter. She is the tanner of Cutter's Wolfriders, taught her skills to Tyleet, and is now instructing Shuna, the human daughter of Cutter and Leetah. Moonshade has soft brown curls, violet eyes, and occasionally a bit of a temper. When with her lifemate she is very subservient and quiet. Tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders.
  • Newstar female. Daughter of Rainsong and Woodlock, sister of Mender and Wing, granddaughter of Rain, niece of Pike, cousin of Sust, lifemate of Lutei, mother of Kimo. Weaver. Occasional lovemate of Skywise, her first kiss was with Dart, her agemate. She is very slender and has extremely long blond hair and blue eyes. Newstar has been referred to as the "elfiest elf of all." Grew up in the Sun Village, now a tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders.
  • Nightfall(soulname: Twen) female. Daughter of Longbranch and Brownberry, niece of One-Eye, cousin of Scouter and his unnamed sister, lifemate of Redlance, mother of Tyleet, grandmother of Pool. Huntress, gatherer, archer, and great friend of Cutter, with whom she was raised. She has light brown hair and brown eyes and typically wears a green and orange head scarf. Tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders.
  • One-Eye(soulname: Sur) male. Believed the son of Owl. Brother of Longbranch, uncle of Nightfall, great-uncle of Tyleet, lifemate of Clearbrook, father of Scouter and an unnamed daughter, grandfather of Pool. Hunter and warrior. He had brown hair, a brown eye, and an eye patch. Formerly called Woodhue before humans captured him and gouged out one of his eyes. One-Eye was killed by a Frozen Mountain troll while fighting to free his son, Scouter.
  • Pike male. Son of Rain, half-brother of Rainsong, uncle of Newstar, Wing, and Mender, great-uncle of Kimo and Serrin, briefly lovemate of Vaya, lifemate of Krim and Skot of the Go-Backs, possible father of Cheipar (who died in infancy), adoptive father of Sust. Named for his great skill with a spear. He has puffy red hair and blue eyes. Pike is a howl-keeper (tribal storyteller) and the eldest of Ember's Wolfriders.
  • Prey-Pacer male. (soulname: Owm) Youngest child of Rahnee and Zarhan Fastfire, Lifemate of Softfoot and Wreath, father of Two-Spear, Dove, and Huntress Skyfire, and others. Third chief of the Wolfriders.
  • Rahnee the She-Wolf female. Daughter of Timmorn Yellow-Eyes and Valloa (also called Murrel), mother of Prey-Pacer. Second chief of the Wolfriders.
  • Rain male. Lifemate unknown. Father of Pike and Rainsong, possible grandfather of Cheipar, adoptive grandfather of Sust, grandfather of Mender, Wing, and Newstar, great-grandfather of Kimo and Serrin. Healer of the Wolfriders until he was killed by Madcoil, Rain could "sing pain away." Rain had red hair with sideburns, and dark eyes.
  • Rainsong female. Daughter of Rain, half-sister of Pike, adoptive aunt of Sust, possible aunt of Cheipar, lifemate of Woodlock, mother of Newstar, Wing and Mender, grandmother of Kimo and Serrin. Called "Lifebearer" because she and Woodlock had three children within 12 years, a very short time by elfin standards. She had blond hair and blue eyes. Died of old age at Sorrow's End.
  • Redlance(soulname: Ulm) male. Lifemate of Nightfall, father of Tyleet, grandfather of Pool. Plant-shaper, gentle soul, and lover of children. Redlance has red hair and "face fur." Tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders.
  • Scouter(soulname: Jial) male. Son of Clearbrook and One-Eye, brother of an unnamed sister, nephew of Longbranch, cousin of Nightfall, first cousin once removed and Recognized lifemate of Tyleet, lifemate of Dewshine, father of Pool, adoptive father of Windkin, tribal scout and warrior. He has a brown ponytail and sideburns, and brown eyes. Scouter has the best eyesight of both Wolfrider tribes, and possibly the worst temper as well. Tribe member of Ember's Wolfriders.
  • Huntress Skyfire female. Daughter of Prey-Pacer, sister of Two-Spear, lifemate of Dreamsinger, mother of Freefoot. Fifth chief of the Wolfriders, she gained control of the tribe after challenging her increasingly psychopathic brother to a duel. Skyfire lost the challenge and was grievously wounded, but Two-Spear, perhaps feeling his grip on the tribe slipping away, exiled himself along with about half the tribe members; his sister became leader of the rest.
  • Skywise(soulname: Fahr) male. Son of Shale and Eyes High, soul brother of Cutter and part of Cutter's family, father of the Go-Back Yun, perpetual "ladies' man," and lover of the stars. Casual lovemates are known to include the Glider Aroree, Vurdah, Maleen and Ruffel of the Sun Folk, Newstar, and the unknown Go-back mother of Yun, among others; currently, Skywise is admiring Krill of the Wavedancer tribe. Skywise, whose parents died at the time of his birth, was raised by the entire tribe of Wolfriders. Tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders, probable future Master of the Palace, probable future Recognized lifemate of the High One, Timmain.
  • Strongbow male. (soulname: Wyl) Son of Trueflight and an unknown father, father of Crescent, Dart and Chitter, grandfather of Bowki. Archer and elder of Cutter's band, Strongbow and his lifemate Moonshade are the tribal conservatives, standing fast against (unwise) change and acting as keepers of the Way of the Wolfriders. Strongbow's psychic "sending" ability is the most powerful of any Wolfrider's but Sunstream; of the rest, only Cutter approaches his mental force. He has russet brown hair and eyes and "face fur." His wolf friends are Briarsting, Lashpaw and Gnawbone
  • Sunstream(soulname: Klynn) male, formerly called Suntop. Son of Cutter and Leetah, twin brother of Ember, grandson of Anatim (Suntoucher), Toorah, Bearclaw and Joyleaf, nephew of Shenshen, great-nephew of Treestump, first cousin once removed of Dewshine, first cousin twice removed of Windkin, Recognized to Brill of the Wavedancers. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Tribe member of Cutter's Wolfriders. He is one of three known elves that can "go out" in the spirit world.
  • Tanner male, originally named Oakroot. Son of Freefoot and Starflower, lifemate to Stormlight, father of Goodtree. Seventh chief of the Wolfriders, he had one of the longest tribal reigns (some 800 years) and certainly the most peaceful, marked by the absence of run-ins with humans. He changed his name after stumbling across the method for tanning leathers, after a human boy inadvertently urinated into a bundle of skins he was storing. It is believed he committed suicide.
  • Timmorn Yellow-Eyes male, not only the first Wolfrider chief but the first Wolfrider ever. Son of Timmain (a High One who had shaped herself into a wolf) and a true male wolf, lifemate to Valloa (also called Murrel or New-Wolf), but lovemate to many others, father of, most notably, Rahnee the She-Wolf and Laststar (These were Valloa's), Three-Toe the Father, Frost, Glowstone, Sharpears, Journey, and many others.
  • Treestump male. Brother of Joyleaf, uncle of Cutter, lifemate of Rillfisher (deceased) and now Clearbrook, father of Dewshine, grandfather of Windkin, great-uncle of Sunstream and Ember. Hunter and warrior, Treestump is the Wolfriders' most robust and physically powerful tribe member. Treestump was once named Birdcall. It is said his name was changed due to his inability to be intimidated or moved in battle. He has curly blond hair and thick "face fur." Treestump, the oldest living Wolfrider, is second-chief of Cutter's Wolfriders, and up until recently has been the one to take over when Cutter is absent. Due to the need of Cutter's Wolfriders for metal weapons, with great difficulty Treestump has recently taught himself blacksmithing.
  • Two-Spear male. Son of Prey-Pacer, lifemate to Willowgreen, brother of Huntress Skyfire and Dove, father of Kahvi (the future Go-Back chieftess). Fourth chief of the Wolfriders. He launched a brutal attack on a neighboring tribe of humans he believed to blame for Dove's death, which his sister Skyfire feared would lead to an all-out war that might annihilate the elves. Convinced her brother was slipping into insanity, she dueled with him to seize control of the tribe but failed, suffering near-fatal wounds in the process. Despite his victory, Two-Spear immediately quit the tribe along with his supporters; his faction later evolved into the Go-Back tribe under the rule of his daughter, Kahvi (whom he also dueled with and nearly killed).
  • Tyleet(soulname: Sohn) female. Daughter of Nightfall and Redlance, granddaughter of Brownberry and Longbranch, great-niece of One-Eye, first cousin once removed and Recognized lifemate of Scouter, lifemate of Dewshine, mother of Pool. Huntress, linguist, and tanner. She has wavy, light reddish hair in a distinctive triple-tiered hairdo. Tyleet, probably the sweetest and gentlest of all the Wolfriders owing to her upbringing in a time of near-complete safety and security, is very fond of humans and once adopted and raised a human baby (Little Patch). Because of her close links with humans, Tyleet was the first elf to learn the language of the New Land humans and pass it to other elves. Tribe member of Ember's Wolfriders.
  • Wing male. Son of Woodlock and Rainsong, brother of Mender and Newstar, uncle of Kimo, Recognized lifemate of Behtia (of the Sun Folk), father of Serrin and grandfather of Bowki. Lifebearer. He considered himself a Sun Folk in all aspects. He had his parents' blond hair and blue eyes. He died of old age at Sorrow's End a few hundred years after the passing of his parents.

[edit] Sun Folk Elves

  • Ahdri female. Great-granddaughter of Savah, lifemate of Windkin. She's a rockshaper and handmaiden. She has long blond hair, extremely curly and dark brown eyes.
  • Dodia female. Recognized lifemate of Door, mother of No-Name. Huntress. She has short black hair and purple eyes.
  • Leetah female. Daughter of Toorah and Anatim Suntoucher, sister of Shenshen, former lovemate of Rayek, Recognized lifemate of Cutter, mother of Sunstream and Ember, adoptive mother of the human girl Shuna. Healer. She has auburn hair and green eyes.
  • Maleen female. Lovemate of Vurdah, Shenshen, Newstar, Ruffel and Skywise. She has long black hair.
  • Rayek male. Son of Jarrah and Ingen, lovemate of Leetah, Kahvi and Winnowill, soulmate of Winnowill, father of Venka by Kahvi. He has long straight black hair and amber eyes.
  • Ruffel female. Lovemate of Vurdah, Maleen, Shenshen, Newstar and Skywise. She has blondish-red hair.
  • Savah female. Daughter of Hassbet and an unknown father, mother of many Sun Villagers, lifemate of Yurek, great-grandmother of Ahdri. She's the Mother of the Memory and leader of the Sun Folk. Has white hair.
  • Shenshen female. Daughter of Toorah and Anatim Suntoucher, sister of Leetah, aunt of Sunstream and Ember, lovemate of Chot. Midwife. She has auburn hair and green eyes.
  • Shushen male. Lovemate of Dart. He was among those killed in the Go-Back tribe's attack on Sorrow's End.
  • Sun-Toucher male. Lifemate to Toorah, father of Leetah and Shenshen, grandfather of Sunstream and Ember. Studies the sun and its patterns to guide Sun Villagers in their farming; went blind in early adulthood by looking into the sun too often. Considered the Sun Folk's second leader, after Savah, the tribe's eldest.
  • Thiro male. An early lovemate of Leetah, Thiro was killed when a zwoot (a sort of camel-horse hybrid) Rayek had tamed suddenly came to its senses and attacked him.
  • Vurdah female. A friend of Maleen and Ruffel, and a would-be lovemate of Skywise.
  • Yurek male. Along with Savah, was one of the original elves who fled a faraway forest to found Sorrow's End. A rockshaper, he expended much effort creating the Bridge of Destiny, a rock arch high above the village, then committed suicide by letting himself fall from the bridge.

[edit] Glider Elves

  • Aroree - female. Member of the Chosen Eight who became Skywise's lover and joined the Wolfriders.
  • Brace - male, deceased. One of many Gliders who became an unconscious "tool" within Blue Mountain, he became nothing but a living brace rock-shaping a doorway to prevent its collapse. Died in the fall of Blue Mountain.
  • Female Door - one of two elves who opened and closed portals within Blue Mountain. Killed in the mountain's collapse.
  • Male Door - Unlike his female counterpart, this elf was rescued - in a vegetative state - from the collapsing Blue Mountain. The human Hoan G'Tay Sho tribe carried him to their new home in the rainforests of Sunholt, then spent the next 10,000 years building an elaborate elf-based religion around him. But Door finally awoke, drove out the tribe's leaders and began ruling his subjects as a tyrant. He Recognized the Sun Villager female Dodia, who, ashamed at being pregnant by such an evil man, beat him with a club. It is not yet known whether Door survived the assault.
  • Egg/Aurek - Not much is known about Aurek. He is a rock shaper much like his kin. The only background we get on him is from the "World Pool" series in which he shares an out-of-body experience with Timmain. He also assists Khavi in helping her find her past. Aurek creates two "eggs," one is destroyed with the gliders, the other is taken by Kahvi herself as a trophy for her people. About a millennium later, he becomes a mentor to Jink, the elf-woman living among the humans of Abode's space age.
  • Kureel - male. A Glider who was one of the Chosen Eight hunting party. Hated the Wolfriders to the point attempting to kill the tribe after the destruction of Blue Mountain, forcing Strongbow to shoot him down fatally. Strongbow eventually approached his spirit in the Palace for his forgiveness, and Kureel, content and barely remembering the nature of his death, granted it immediately.
  • Tyldak - male. A glider who begged Winnowill to reshape his body into a bat-like form to give him the ability of self-propelled flight. Recognized to Dewshine, but took the Go-Back chieftess Kahvi as his lovemate. Father of Windkin.
  • Lord Voll - Male, deceased. Founder of the Gliders; was dedicated to preserving the ideals of the High Ones at all costs. With the introduction of the Wolfriders, he realized that his colony had grown corrupt and decadent. Was killed in transit in an attempt to reach the Palace.
  • Winnowill - female, deceased in body but not in spirit. Healer of the Gliders whose mental state degraded with growing despair at perceiving herself as useless in placid society. Went on her own, encounter a troll whom she mated with to produce Two-Edge and eventually killed the father. She returned to the colony as a sadistic megalomaniac. She has been the principal elfin villain of the series. Eventually she allowed her body to die so that her spirit could wreak havoc worldwide, but Rayek intervened by absorbing her spirit into him. Since that time she has been vying for control of his body, even occasionally reshaping it into her female form, and constantly resisting his efforts to make her renounce evil.

[edit] Go-Back Elves

While the Go-Backs are technically immortal (with the possible exception of Kahvi and her descendants), they have lifespans no longer than -- and often shorter than -- those of the mortal Wolfriders, thanks to their warlike and reckless lifestyle; thus, in their attitudes toward life and death, they are more like the Wolfriders than like the other immortal elves.

  • Kahvi (f) (leader) Daughter of Two-Spear and Willowgreen. Former lovemate to both Rayek and Cutter, as well as many others. Mother of Vaya, Venka, and possibly more. Very stubborn, rude and rowdy, she is a strong, loyal chief. Presently in a complicated relation with Tyldak.
  • Krim (f) cave guard, forms a threesome with Skot and Pike. She later gives birth to two sons, Sust and Cheipar.
  • Chot (m) Zey's second in command, a complete glutton and probable relative of Skot's. It is rumored he favors troll meat. He later adjusts to life in the Sun Village when he is spared, tormenting Suntop and falling in love with Shenshen. He later joins Jethel in Forevergreen and rescues No-Name.
  • Urda (f) Kahvi's trusted friend, watcher of the children and co-second in command. Killed by the Go-Back Zey when she refuses to comply with the orders to attack the Sun-Folk.
  • Mardu (f) Kahvi's trusted second-in-command, who later serves as the Go-Backs' acting chief when Kahvi is away (which is increasingly often). She taunts Rayek constantly and is finally backhanded for her tongue. Mother of a yet-unnamed boy, possibly Zey.
  • Skot (m) cave guard, enjoys food a lot, to the point of this being a continuous 'joke' in the later series. Forms a threesome with Krim and Pike. He is later killed in the Shards era Battle for the Palace, shortly after fathering Sust and/or Cheipar. He had a strong desire to be a father.
  • Vaya (f) Pike's one-time lovemate, she was killed in the Battle for the Palace. Kahvi, her mother, grieved for her, surprising the Go-Backs that in Vaya's lifetime, she had never seen her mother cry.
  • Venka (f) Kahvi and Rayek's daughter, raised by the Wolfriders after her parents disappeared. Known for her temperance and her skill at countering any kind of elfin magic, particularly Winnowill's.
  • Yif (m) This elf healed by Leetah, but later was killed in the Elf-Troll War.
  • Yun (f) Skywise's daughter with an unknown Go-Back. Very stubborn and rude, as a typical Go-Back, she also loves the stars. Lovemate of Mender, rival of Ember. White blonde hair and pale blue eyes.
  • Zey (m) Possible son of Mardu, a young upstart who took over while Kahvi was out. His henchman was Chot. He attacked the Sunfolk pointlessly, starting a massacre on both tribes. They use Greymung's old tunnels to get there. Kahvi kills him in the battle, as it turns out she was resting with the Sunfolk at the time. Red brown hair and dark eyes.

[edit] WaveDancers elves

  • Brill female, twin sister of Krill (likely an identical twin, though extensive flesh-shaping has obscured their similarities), Recognized lifemate of Sunstream. Long brown hair and deep blue eyes. Has the power of astral projection.
  • Coral (deceased) female, mother of Surge. Long hair. Former chieftess of the WaveDancers
  • Darshek male, son of Longfin and Pirn, half-brother of Sandsparkle. Long brown hair. He's a metalshaper.
  • Drift (deceased) male, lifemate of Fairshell and father of Moonmirror. Long blond hair and brown eyes.
  • Fairshell (deceased) female, lifemate of Drift and mother of Moonmirror. Long whiteblond hair and deep blue eyes.
  • Farbright (deceased) female, lifemate of Haze. Long brown hair and deep blue eyes. Had a scarlett fishtail. She was a flesh-shaper.
  • Foam female, daughter of Salt and Spray, Recognized lifemate of Strand, mother of Puffer. Short curly red hair and violet eyes.
  • Gull (deceased) only mentioned, gender unknown.
  • Haze (deceased) male, lifemate of Farbright. Long blue hair and green eyes.
  • Krill female, twin sister of Brill and maybe lovemate of Darshek. Short brown hair and ice blue eyes.
  • Kroosh male, son of Redcrest and Pearl, younger brother of Strand, uncle of Puffer. Long red hair and green eyes.
  • Longfin female, lifemate of Pirn and Shadowcrest, mother of Sandsparkle and Darshek and grandmother-to-be. Long gray hair and dark eyes. She's a rockshaper.
  • Moonmirror female, daughter of Drift and Fairshell. Long whiteblond hair and deep blue eyes.
  • No-Ripple female, lifemate of Stormsong and mother of Tumble, lovemate of Spine and Snakeskin. Long brown hair and warm brown eyes.
  • Pearl (deceased) female, only mentioned, lifemate of Redcrest, mother of Kroosh and Strand, grandmother of Puffer.
  • Pirn (deceased) male, lifemate of Longfin, father of Darshek, only mentioned.
  • Puffer male, son of Strand and Foam, grandson of Salt, Spray, Redcrest and Coral, nephew of Kroosh. Short red hair and dark brown eyes.
  • Redcrest male, lifemate of Pearl, father of Strand and Kroosh, grandfather of Puffer. Long copper hair and green eyes. He's a treeshaper.
  • Reef (also known as the Broken One) male, no living relatives. Long hair. He was a healer.
  • Salt male, lifemate of Spray, father of Foam, grandfather of Puffer. Long silver hair and gray eyes. He has a violet fishtail. He's a flesh-shaper.
  • Sandsparkle female, daughter of Longfin and Shadowcrest, lifemate of Skimback, mother-to-be. Long sandy blond hair and deep green eyes.
  • Shadowcrest (deceased) male, lifemate of Longfin and father of Sandsparkle, would-be grandfather to come. Only mentioned.
  • Skimback male, lovemate of Brill, lifemate of Sandsparkle and father-to-be. Light brown hair and golden eyes. He's a healer.
  • Skimmer (deceased) female, lifemate of Surge and mother of Snakeskin. Dark blond hair and deep green eyes. She had a green fishtail. She was a healer and flesh-shaper.
  • Snakeskin male, son of Surge and Skimmer, lovemate of No-Ripple. Long blond hair and amber eyes. He's the chieftain. He's a healer.
  • Spine male, brother of Stormsong, lovemate of No-Ripple, uncle of Tumble. Reddish brown Mohawk and deep green eyes.
  • Spray female, lifemate of Salt, mother of Foam and grandmother of Puffer. Long curly red hair and yellow eyes.
  • Stormsong (deceased) male, brother of Spine, Recognized lifemate of No-Ripple, father of Tumble. Only mentioned.
  • Strand male, son of Redcrest and Pearl, brother of Kroosh, Recognized Lifemate of Foam and father of Puffer. Long black hair.
  • Surge male, son of Coral, Recognized lifemate of Skimmer and father of Snakeskin. Red Mohawk and yellowish eyes. He's the former chieftain. He's a watershaper.
  • Tumble male, son of No-Ripple and Stormsong, nephew of Spine. Long curly blue black hair.
  • Wavecatcher male, no living relatives. Long green hair. He has a green fishtail. He's a flesh-shaper. One of only two survivors of a clan that attempted to found a new colony, only to be massacred by a human army.
  • Wavelet female, no living relatives. Short hair. The other survivor of the ill-fated WaveDancer colony, she was adopted as an infant by a man of the Hungtsho (the tropical human tribe descended from the Hoan G'Tay Sho) and became revered for plant-shaping abilities that guaranteed the village bountiful harvests. Recently rediscovered by Wavecatcher.
  • Zephyr (deceased) male, no living relatives. Long hair. Founder of Cavernsong, the colony of Wavedancers that was virtually wiped out during a human battle.

[edit] Original WaveDancers elves

This series, published in 1993-94, was produced by Black Mermaid Productions in Australia. Because of a dispute between that studio and Warp Graphics, the series was stripped of its place as a canonical Elfquest story. A court settlement between Black Mermaid and Warp prevents either company from republishing the six-issue series.

  • Ailsa (deceased)
  • Ausra (deceased)
  • Barmek
  • Brom (deceased)
  • Burdakin
  • Hyfus
  • Inkbottom
  • Illora
  • Irralee
  • Jormak
  • Kadva
  • Kirith
  • Korillia
  • Lazik
  • Maron
  • Paffa
  • Raenafel
  • Rhialdor
  • Shoresprout
  • Shoseabee
  • Sleia
  • Sydor (also known as Rydos, his name rearranged)
  • Tentus
  • Tilaweed
  • Zadori

[edit] Elves of other or unknown tribes

  • Ekuar (male, rockshaper) part of an ancient group of elves (probably of the second generation), he was captured by trolls and used for his rockshaping skills, with dismemberment serving as punishment for disobedience. Thus he lacks an arm, a leg, and several fingers. Mentor and adviser to Rayek.
  • Mekda (female, rockshaper, deceased) part of an ancient group of elves (second generation or thereabouts), she was captured by trolls and used for her rockshaping skills, with dismemberment serving as punishment for disobedience. After literally centuries, she became little more than a mindless tool, named Bag-of-Bones. Finally employed by Guttlekraw to force his way into the Go-Back's lodge and strike at their children; she died of cold exposure in the act, and was found by Ekuar.
  • Osek (male, rockshaper, deceased) part of an ancient group of elves (second generation or thereabouts), he was captured by trolls and used for his rockshaping skills, but managed to escape into the desert surrounding Sorrow's End. His final act was shaping a niche in a sheer cliff wall, to crawl in and die. This niche was later found by Suntop through his magic sense.
  • Teir (male, of wolfrider descent) has prodigious skills in animal bonding. Story clues indicate his birth tribe may be descended from the Go-Backs, and that their chief Kahvi may be his mother.

[edit] Half troll, half elf

  • Two-Edge son of Winnowill and Smelt, a troll. He became a master blacksmith, but is mentally crippled by his abused childhood at the hands of his mother. He has an unusual interest in Venka, Rayek's daughter. He refers to her as his "maiden".

[edit] High ones

Twelve High Ones survived the landing on the World of Two Moons.

  • Adya (male, close friend of Timmain; the first to try to make contact with the humans, and the first to be killed. Possible father of her daughter Rellah. Blonde hair and blue eyes. He was their Eyes, seeing where the Circle of the Nine would go.)
  • Aerth (male, Lovemate of Timmain, a healer and possible ancestor of Leetah. He helped raise Timmorn alongside Sefra. Auburn hair and green eyes, he was the Circle of the Nine's Ears, deciding why they would go.)
  • Deir (male, lifemate of Gibra and father of Vol)
  • Gibra (female, mother of Vol, her son with Deir, her lifemate. She was the Caution in the Circle of the Nine, holding them back. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She went after Haken after his banishment, hoping baby Vol would turn his heart to good.)
  • Guin (killed during the humans' first assault, a close friend of Haken's)
  • Haken (Timmain's nemesis, possible ancestor of Winnowill or Rayek. He wanted to conquer the humans. He was Gibra's opposite, Passion, pushing them forward. He was mutilated and banished by Timmain. Black hair, dark skin, and yellow eyes)
  • Ima (killed during the humans' first assault)
  • Kalil (male, possible lovemate of Kaslen. Brown hair and brown eyes, appears a gentler tempered version of Strongbow)
  • Kaslen (female treeshaper, possible lovemate of Kalil, it was her broken arm that started the conflict between Timmain and Haken. Possible ancestor of Redlance. Red-orange and green eyes.)
  • Sefra (female, Timekeeper of the Circle of the Nine, close friend of Timmain's. The first stargazer, a probable ancestor of Skywise and Shale. Silver hair and eyes.)
  • Timmain (with Aerth or Adya mother of an unnamed daughter (Possibly Rellah), and with an unnamed wolf of Timmorn Yellow-Eyes; the only to learn to adapt to the world, and mother of the Wolfriders; still alive, after spending millennia in wolf form, and now in some complicated relationship with Skywise (It is rumored Jink is their child))
  • Tislin (killed during the humans' first assault)

[edit] Preserver

  • Petalwing - notoriously poor singer, and by virtue of its (preservers don't have a gender) big mouth, the de facto leader.
  • Tittersweet
  • Berrybuzz
  • Bitterscreech
  • Willowsnap

[edit] Greymung's Trolls

  • Greymung - was King of the Holt Trolls after refusing to leave at the command of Guttlekraw, rebelling and driving him and his followers away. Was killed when Guttlekraw's force returned in force years later.
  • Old Maggotty - The oldest known Troll, knowledgeable in herbal lore, Oddbit's granny and great granny of Trinket. Rumored an old concubine of Guttlekraw when she was young.)
  • Oddbit - A maiden who is an opportunist of considerable enterprise, and the love interest of Picknose. Assumed mother of Trinket, she has shown pity to elve's "stupidity" and "ugliness" on more than one occasion.
  • Picknose - A soldier of the Holt Trolls. Was one of the few to escape when the colony was invaded. He was told of a treasure trove to which a key in the hilt of Cutter's sword provided access. After failing to gain the key, he and his companions went up north anyway to find the treasure and were caught and enslaved in the attempt. When the Wolfriders and Go-Backs invaded the tunnels of Guttlekraw's realm, they freed Picknose and the other Holt Trolls and formed an alliance that overthrew Guttlekraw and established Picknose as King. He lost the throne while gambling and hooked up with the Wolfriders who eventually allowed him to establish a colony of his own. According to the Pinis, his name comes not from any unsavory habit but from the fact that his nose resembles a pickaxe.
  • Scurff (sometimes given as Scurfball) - King Greymung's doorkeeper. Tried to prevent the Wolfriders from entering the caverns when the Holt was burned down, but was "persuaded" to let them in by Cutter.

[edit] Guttlekraw's Trolls

  • King Guttlekraw - King of the Trolls of Frozen Mountain. Had a fanatical hatred for Elves, possibly encouraged by Two-Edge. This hate extended to keeping rockshaping elves in brutal slavery and worked to permanently seal the Palace of the High Ones from all access. He was going to torture the Go-Back, Vaya, for the elve's secrets, but she made an attempt on his life and was executed. Was defeated and killed at the hands of the Go-Backs, Wolfriders and the Holt Trolls.
  • Numerous unnamed warriors

[edit] Humans

[edit] Stone Age

This includes the original Series, Blood of Ten Chiefs, Wolfrider, and some short stories.

  • Adar - Nonna's husband, a member of Olbar's tribe. Banished for taking a wife from another tribe, he later returned and persuaded Olbar to take them back with a little help from the "spirits" Cutter and Skywise. Loosely based on Richard Pini.
  • Aro
  • Azak
  • Bakta
  • Bone Woman - Shaman to Olbar's tribe who used bones for scrying. Was eventually cast out for her plotting against Nonna and Adar and the Elves.
  • Bruga (male)
  • Buruk (male)
  • Chiad G'cho (male)
  • Demontricker (male; Mantricker's opposite among Gotara's Chosen, but, eventually, the elf's ally when it came to preventing all-out war between their people.
  • Dreeka (male)
  • Dro (male)
  • Ehok (male, one of the boys who captured Eyes High)
  • Elona (female) a girl who lived during Goodtree's reign, and had a major crush on Mantricker
  • Geoki (male, Hoan G'Tay Sho) nearly killed by Kureel, healed together with Dart
  • Geru (from Olbar's tribe)
  • Graysha (female, Olbar's mate)
  • Graz (male)
  • Kakuk (male, Hoan G'Tay Sho) one of Winnowill's prisoners
  • Kerthan (male, lived during Twospear's time)
  • Klaa (male)
  • Kloni (female)
  • Kohahn (male, Hoan G'Tay Sho)
  • Krat (male, lived during Tanner's time)
  • Kron (male, lived during Goodtree's time)
  • Malak - A young man of Olbar's tribe who failed his trial of manhood and eloped with Olbar's daughter Selah. Olbar and his men pursued them into the Forbidden Grove, but were driven back by Petalwing's band of Preservers. The young lovers thanked the friendly "spirits", which then wrapped them in suspended animation cocoons while they slept. About a year later they were discovered by Cutter, who made good his name by cutting them out, and they left to find a new home.
  • Marn (male, lived during Mantricker's time)
  • Morri (female)
  • Nima - one of Nonna's and Adar's adopted children
  • Nonna - A human artist who was the first human whom the Wolfriders found was sympathetic to them. Is now, with her husband, Adar, commemorated in the Wolfriders' Howls, the only humans so honoured. Loosely based on Wendy Pini herself.
  • Olbar the Mountain-Tall - Leader of a village of Humans and one of the first in his tribe to respect the Elves as equals. First seen in the Elfquest sidebar story "Homespun" in Epic Illustrated.
  • Riven Fire-Mouth (later God-Talker), female Shaman of the tribe that later became the Hoan G'Tay Sho, the first human to make contact with the Gliders of Blue Mountain.
  • Rovin (male)
  • Selah - Olbar's daughter, lover of Malak. Rumor has it that Malak and Selah were based on a couple the Pinis knew.
  • Shan (male)
  • Sohan/Skar (male)
  • Spirit Man - A shaman for Gotara's Chosen. In his religious fanaticism, he set the Holt ablaze in retaliation for a previous battle with the Wolfrider and was killed for it.
  • Tabak - the Spirit Man's apprentice, killed by Cutter to prevent him from sacrificing Redlance. His death led to the destruction of the Holt.
  • Taf (male)
  • Tenchi - one of Nonna's and Adar's adopted children
  • Thaya
  • Thief - A man whose original name was stripped from him by Olbar as punishment for some serious crime. Tried to murder Cutter and Skywise for the lodestone and was killed in the attempt.
  • Tolf the Wood-Cleaver - Adar's father
  • Yokut (male)

[edit] Forevergreen

The stories told in New Blood 11ff and Fire Eye in Elfquest II

  • Ahn-Lai, later called Ahnn-Li (male)
  • Aramak (male) - king of the Hungtsho, the humans living in the Forevergreen.
  • Auroa (female)
  • Bailon (male)
  • Balam (male)
  • Bren (male)
  • Brienne (female)
  • Cam Triompe (male, Heartstone)
  • Fleeg
  • Ge-O'Ka (male)
  • Gillie (female)
  • Jahri (male)
  • Jooka (male)
  • Kamut (male)
  • Karcha (male)
  • Kin-chi (male)
  • Malana (female)
  • Marish (male)
  • Pei-Lar (female) - leader of a rebellion against the government of Aramak and his elf-cult
  • Quaila (male)
  • Squarr (male)
  • Wanderer (male)
  • Yahan (male)

[edit] Middle ages

Humans in the 'New Land' (known to humans as Junsland), mostly in the storyline Shards, but also in some short stories.

  • Atvon Grang (male)
  • Bolli (female)
  • Broden'Hull (male)
  • Donmahr (male)
  • Grennetch (male)
  • Grohmul D'jun (male). Overlord of the known World of Two Moons, he sought to conquer Abode. He greatly desired Lady Venonvel.
  • Karkapetch (male)
  • Ladlopp (male)
  • Padki
  • Rulnk (male)
  • Shuna. Rebel fighter, inspired at a young age by Leetah, who healed a terrible disease of hers when she was small. She is later adopted by Cutter and Leetah.
  • Tomloch (male)
  • Vort'Chust (male)
  • the Woodcutter (male) (unnamed) Fascinated by Tyleet, it was his forced labor for the D'jun that helped encourage action on part of the elves.
  • Yengchuk (male)
  • Lady Venovel (female) Winnowill's human disguise.

[edit] Wild Hunt

The tales of Ember's tribe up to and including Recognition.

  • Abtrag
  • Anamara (female; Longrider)
  • Angrif Djun (male)
  • Aupa (male; Longrider)
  • Beilid (male)
  • Bokko (male)
  • Cassa (female)
  • Cushyuk (male; leader of the Longrider clan)
  • Dalan (male; Longrider)
  • Diena (female)
  • Dob'il (male)
  • Durra (male)
  • Erghii (male)
  • Falz (male)
  • Fledarn (male)
  • Gifa (female)
  • Greenz (male)
  • Gretch (male)
  • Halu (male)
  • Heltu (male)
  • Hulda (female)
  • Khorbasi (male) - a Longrider orphan adopted by the elf Yun and taken into the Wild Hunt tribe
  • Khuldalchi (male)
  • Korik (male)
  • Krois (male)
  • Lehrigen (male)
  • Lodok (male)
  • Lozzi (male)
  • Mager (male)
  • Meryam (female)
  • Mindin (male)
  • Morisaitai (female)
  • Muldav (male)
  • Oingovet (male)
  • Oot (male)
  • Pahx (male)
  • Pengawh (male)
  • Quinji (male)
  • Rathol (male)
  • Rowb (male)
  • Shikar (male)
  • Skwaat (male)
  • Stamm (male)
  • Stang (male)
  • Sunuvaslut (male)
  • Tesha
  • Uliban (male)
  • Veser (male)
  • Vinz'ik (male)
  • Wach (male)
  • Wiesel (male)
  • Yalu (male)
  • Yan (male)
  • Zaris (male)

[edit] Wavedancers

These stories seem to take place some hundred years after Shards (though this might be retconned in Elfquest: The Discovery), but judging from the tech level still considerably before Rogue's Curse.

  • Ardan Djarum (male, a descendant of Grohmul Djun)
  • Bran Porak (male)
  • Ellia (female) - first wife of Ardan Djarum, daughter of a weaver. She was familiar with the streets folklore and the legends born around her husband's ancestor, Grohmul Djun. Ellia believed the spirits (elves) were good, and her words angered Ardan so much that he slapped her, breaking her neck. Her memory, whom he blames on the elves, still haunts him.
  • Djarum junior - son of Ardan Djarum and a "loveless wife" he married some time after Ellia. A man in his thirties or forthies, he shared his fathers intense hatred of elves. Was killed by Surge.
  • Liff (male) - a Hungtsho boy; son of Marish.
  • Marish (male) - a Hungtsho farmer in whose home the Wavedancer elf Wavelet lives; father of Liff. Marish's great-grandfather rescued the infant elf Wavelet after the newborn's tribe was massacred by humans, and Wavelet has lived with five generations of her human family ever since.
  • Meesh (male)
  • Murlon
  • Perith
  • Tarf (male)

[edit] Rogue's Curse

These stories take place some hundred years after Shards.

  • Adda (male)
  • Ariana (female)
  • Bel (female)
  • Bruck (male)
  • Brundle (male)
  • Buudji (female)
  • Corena (female)
  • Cressi (female)
  • Faldar (male)
  • Finalla Retsdotter (female)
  • Gui (female)
  • Haryk (male)
  • Hebron (male)
  • Jone (female)
  • Kristoff (male)
  • Laruse (male)
  • Loyla (female)
  • Mada Shaya (female)
  • Melaan (female)
  • Moni (male)
  • Nari Addason (male)
  • Quintoc (male)
  • Ressha - Mensch; Rogue's Curse
  • Ret Addason (male)
  • Rondol - Mensch; Rogue's Curse
  • Runstoll (male)
  • Sarloff - Mensch; Rogue's Curse
  • Shed - Mensch; Rogue's Curse
  • Sherla (female)
  • Tarn "the Titanic" (male)
  • Thegan Amuthson (male)
  • Tomlin (male)
  • Valbor (male)

[edit] FutureQuest

includes the series The Rebels and Jink, which take place about 900 years after the restoration of the Palace, and their continuation in the second Elfquest magazine (Elfquest II) between 1996 and 1999.

  • Baranaco Chirell (male)
  • Barin (male)
  • Belroyd Zuhn (male)
  • Bernhar
  • Blare
  • Brinna (female)
  • Brogham (male)
  • Cala Saardotar (female)
  • Cartisan (female)
  • Cassie (female)
  • Chandra Davenkee (female)
  • Cosmo Luricahn (male)
  • Dr. Conglio (male)
  • Criante (female)
  • Crim (male)
  • D'lange (female)
  • Elan Junnard (male)
  • Ephra Traji (female)
  • Faun (female)
  • Frix Chirell (male)
  • Gerrano
  • Gestrelle Luricahn (female)
  • G'Kahrii S'ha (female, of Heartstone descent; psychopathic terrorist who wanted to annihilate the city of Cauldron)
  • Graaf (female)
  • Gran (male; Spacer)
  • Grodans (male)
  • Gyn Bellambara (female)
  • Halm Junnard (male)
  • Helm
  • Homantes Taon (male)
  • Imeliar L'cota (male, of Heartstone descent)
  • Jak (male)
  • Jerrod Anaken (male)
  • Jock (male)
  • Jodano (male)
  • Jonost (male)
  • Kellum Luricahn
  • Kimur (male, Spacer)
  • Kinar
  • Kralt (female)
  • Kullyn Kenn (male)
  • Laren (male)
  • Lokan (male)
  • Marger
  • Marya Xanian Oth, Doma (female)
  • Merton (male)
  • Mikkan (male)
  • Mirk, later Nurem (male, Spacer)
  • Mora (female)
  • M'wembe
  • Nikerra (female)
  • Nohlam Junnard (male)
  • Nuriham (female)
  • Pel Rikkar (male)
  • Polis (male)
  • Quaino (male)
  • Raff (male)
  • Ravya (female)
  • Rolan (male)
  • Roul (male)
  • Sa'ar Kel Tarik (male)
  • Saryn (female)
  • Scorch Chirell (male)
  • Selphin
  • Sevine (female)
  • Shayalla Beneir (female)
  • Shifra Chirell (female)
  • Shra (female)
  • Starwell Pyot (male)
  • Stint (female)
  • Straya (female, Spacer)
  • Tal Chirell (male)
  • Tamia Korhat (female)
  • Tamul Djun (deceased; mentioned as a historical figure)
  • Taranca (a poet quoted several times)
  • Tebo (male, from Harveston)
  • Thera Seele (female)
  • Thilar Path Miomonde (female)
  • Threll (male)
  • Tivah Junnard (female)
  • Tollibet (male)
  • Tomi (male, from Harveston)
  • Torlon Graaf (male, of Hearthstone descent)
  • Traia (female, Spacer)
  • Vargon Ghorst (male)
  • Vendiva (female)
  • Verown (male)
  • Voleu Corcana (female)
  • Whend'elle (female)
  • Xono Kalik (male)

[edit] Monster

  • Madcoil - A murderous monster accidentally created when a wildcat and a large snake, locked in mortal combat, disturbed a pool of decayed magic that was also hit with lightning at that exact moment. That combination of elements created the monster with a senseless lust for murder using its massive size, claws and psionic powers to confuse its prey to its advantage. Apparently, it attacked both the human colonies and the Wolfriders, causing numerous deaths before it was defeated and killed by the Elves under the leadership of Cutter. It was later revealed that the mutual hatred between Bearclaw and a human chief had partially reawakened the spell and fueled the monster's rage.

[edit] See also