List of butterflies of India (Nymphalidae)

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ClipperParthenos sylvia
Parthenos sylvia

This is a list of the butterflies of India belonging to the family Nymphalidae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full list of butterflies of India.


[edit] Libytheinae

[edit] Danainae

See List of butterflies of India (Danainae)

[edit] Charaxinae

[edit] Charaxes - The Rajahs

[edit] Polyura - The Nawabs

[edit] Prothoe - The Blue Begum

[edit] Agatasa - The Glorious Begum

[edit] Morphinae

Please see List of butterflies of India (Morphinae).

[edit] Satyrinae

Please see List of butterflies of India (Satyrinae).

[edit] Calinaginae

[edit] Heliconiinae

  • Cruiser Vindula erota Fabricius, 1793
  • Large Yeoman, Cirrochroa aoris Doubleday, 1847
  • Cirrochroa nicobarica Wood-Mason, 1881 (Nicobar Is)
  • Tamil Yeoman Cirrochroa thais (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Common Yeoman Cirrochroa tyche Felder & Felder, 1861
  • Rustic Cupha erymanthis (Drury, 1773)
  • Vagrans egista (Stoll, 1780)
  • Small Leopard Phalantha alcippe Stoll, 1782
  • Leopard Phalantha phalantha Drury, 1773
  • Indian Fritillary Argynnis hyperbius Linnaeus, 1763
  • Tawny Coster Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Red Lacewing Cethosia biblis Drury, 1773
  • Leopard Lacewing Cethosia cyane (Drury, 1773)
  • Tamil Lacewing Cethosia nietneri Felder & Felder, 1867

[edit] Limenitidinae

  • Indian White Admiral Limenitis trivena Moore, 1864
  • Limenitis calidosa Moore,? (Ceylon)
  • Green Commodore, Sumalia daraxa (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Scarce White Commodore Sumalia zulema (Doubleday & Hewitson, 1848)
  • Commander Limenitis procris (Cramer, 1777)
  • White Commodore Parasarpa dudu (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Bicolour Commodore Parasarpa zayla (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Commodore, Auzakia (=Limenitis) danava (Moore, 1858)
  • Unbroken Sergeant Athyma pravara Moore, 1857
  • Bhutan Sergeant Athyma jina Moore, 1858
  • Common Sergeant Athyma perius (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Studded Sergeant Athyma asura Moore, 1858
  • Great Sergeant Athyma larymna (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Dot-dash Sergeant Athyma kanwa Moore, 1858
  • Malay Staff Sergeant Athyma reta Moore, 1858
  • Blackvein Sergeant Athyma ranga Moore, 1857
  • Himalayan Sergeant, Athyma opalina (Kollar, 1844)
  • Staff Sergeant, Athyma selenophora (Kollar, 1844)
  • Small Staff Sergeant, Athyma zeroca Moore, 1872
  • Orange Staff Sergeant, Athyma cama Moore, 1858
  • Colour Sergeant, Athyma nefte (Cramer, 1780)
  • Athyma rufula de Nicéville, 1889 (Andamans)
  • Athyma sulpitia (Cramer, 1779) (Assam)
  • Pantoporia assamica Moore, 1881
  • Tytler's Lascar Pantoporia bieti (Oberthür, 1894)
  • Common Lascar Pantoporia hordonia (Stoll, 1790)
  • Extra Lascar Pantoporia sandaka (Butler, 1892)
  • Perak Lascar Pantoporia paraka (Butler, 1879) (Assam)
  • Pantoporia karwara Fruhstorfer, (Kanara, Western India) (?)
  • Burmese Lascar Lasippa heliodore (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Burmese Lascar Lasippa tiga (Moore, 1858)
  • Yellowjack Sailer Lasippa viraja (Moore, 1872)
  • Common Sailer Neptis hylas Linnaeus, 1758
  • Shortbanded Sailer Neptis (Phaedyma) columella (Cramer, 1780)
  • Chestnut-Streaked Sailer Neptis jumbah
  • Yellowback Sailer Neptis viraja
  • Sullied Sailer Neptis soma
  • Clear Sailer Neptis nata
  • Rich Sailer, Neptis nashona=Neptis anjana
  • Southern Sullied Sailer Neptis clinia
  • Small Yellow Sailer, Neptis miah
  • Great Hockeystick Sailer Phaedyma aspasia (Leech, 1890)
  • Clipper Parthenos sylvia (Cramer, 1775)
  • Knight, Lebadea martha (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Grey Commodore Bhagadatta austenia (Moore, 1872)
  • White-tipped Baron Euthalia merta (Moore, 1859) (Assam)
  • Euthalia eriphylae de Nicéville, 1891 (ssp. raya - Assam)
  • White-Edged Blue Baron, Euthalia phemius (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Common Baron Euthalia aconthea (Cramer, 1777)
  • Euthalia alpheda (Godart, 1824) ssp. numerica (Sikkim, Assam)
  • Streaked Baron, Euthalia alpheda jamaC. & R. Felder, 1867
  • Euthalia anosia (Moore, 1858) (Sikkim)
  • Euthalia malaccana Fruhstorfer, 1899 (Assam)
  • Gaudy Baron Euthalia lubentina (Cramer, 1777)
  • Baronet Euthalia nais (Forster, 1771)
  • Blue Duchess Euthalia duda (Staudinger, 1855) (Sikkim)
  • French Duke Euthalia franciae (Gray, 1846)
  • Baron, Euthalia aconthea
  • Powdered Baron, Euthalia kesava (Moore,?)
  • Naga Duke Euthalia khama Alphéraky, 1898
  • Bronze Duke Euthalia nara Moore, 1859
  • Grand Duchess Euthalia patala (Kollar, 1844)
  • Green Duke Euthalia sahadeva (Moore, ?1861)
  • Blue Baron Euthalia telchinia (Ménétriés, 1857)
  • Tanaecia cibaritis Hewitson, 1874 (Andamans)
  • Grey Count Tanaecia lepidea (Butler, 1868)
  • Lavender Count Tanaecia cocytus (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Common Earl Tanaecia julii (Lesson, 1837)
  • Plain Earl, Tanaecia jahnu (Moore, 1857)
  • Panther, Neurosigma siva (=Neurosigma doubledai) (Westwood, 1850)
  • Abrota ganga Moore, 1857 (Sikkim, Bhutan)
  • Redspot Duke Dophla evelina (Stoll, 1790)
  • Great Archduke Lexias cyanipardus (Butler, 1869) (Assam)
  • Archduke Lexias dirtea (Fabricius, 1793)
  • Dark Archduke Lexias khasiana (Swinhoe,
  • Banded Marquis Bassarona teuta (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Blue Duke Bassarona durga (Moore, 1857)
  • Grand Duke Bassarona iva Moore, 1857
  • Redtail Marquis Bassarona recta (de Nicéville, 1886)

[edit] Cyrestinae

  • Marbled Map Cyrestis cocles (Fabricius, 1787)
  • Common Map Cyrestis thyodamas Boisduval, 1836
  • Cyrestis tabula de Nicéville, 1883 (Nicobar)
  • Cyrestis nivea (Zinken-Sommer, 1831) (Assam)
  • Cyrestis andamanensis Staudinger, (Species status?)
  • Common Maplet, Chersonesia risa (Doubleday, 1848)
  • Chersonesia intermedia Martin, 1895
  • Wavy Maplet Chersonesia rahria Moore, 1858
  • Tabby, Pseudergolis wedah (Kollar, 1844)
  • Constable Dichorragia nesimachus (Doyere, 1840)
  • Popinjay, Stibochiona nicea (Gray, 1846)

[edit] Biblidinae

  • Angled Castor Ariadne ariadne Linnaeus, 1763
  • Common Castor Ariadne merione
  • Laringa horsfieldii (Boisduval, 1833) (Andamans)
  • Joker Byblia ilithyia (Drury, 1773)

[edit] Apaturinae

  • Sergeant Emperor Mimathyma chevana (Moore, 1866) (Sikkim)
  • Indian Purple Emperor, Mimathyma ambica (Kollar, 1844)
  • Sordid Emperor Chitoria sordida (Moore, 1866)
  • Tawny Emperor Chitoria ulupi (Doherty, 1889)
  • Chitoria cooperi Tytler, ?1940 (Maymo, Burma) [1]
  • Golden Emperor Dilipa morgiana (Westwood, 1850)
  • Tytler's Emperor Eulaceura manipurensis Tytler, 1915
  • Black Prince Rohana parisatis (Westwood, 1850)
  • Brown Prince Rohana parvata (Moore, 1857)
  • Painted Courtesan Euripus consimilis (Westwood, 1850)
  • Courtesan Euripus nyctelius (Doubleday, 1845)
  • White Emperor Helcyra heminea Hewitson, 1864
  • Pasha Herona marathus Doubleday, 1848
  • Circe, Hestina nama (Doubleday, 1845)
  • Siren Hestina persimilis (Westwood, 1850)
  • Hestina jermyni Druce, 1911 (Himalayas)
  • Western Courtier Sephisa dichroa (Kollar, 1844)
  • Eastern Courtier Sephisa chandra (Moore, 1858)

[edit] Nymphalinae

  • Indian Tortoiseshell, Aglais cashmirensis (Kollar, 1844)
  • Common Jester, Symbrenthia lilaea Hewitson, 1864
  • Himalayan Jester, Symbrenthia hypselis (Godart, 1824)
  • Symbrenthia hippoclus (Cramer, 1779)
  • Symbrenthia brabira Moore, 1872
  • Symbrenthia dalailama Huang, 1998 (=S. doni)
  • Blue-Tail Jester Symbrenthia niphanda Moore, 1872
  • Scarce Jester Symbrenthia silana de Nicéville
  • Mongol Araschnia prorsoides (Blanchard, 1871)
  • Indian Red Admiral Vanessa indica (Herbst, 1794)
  • Painted Lady Vanessa cardui
  • Blue Admiral Kaniska canace (Linnaeus, 1763)
  • Gray Pansy Junonia atlites (Linnaeus, 1763)
  • Peacock Pansy Junonia (Precis) almana (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Yellow Pansy Junonia (Precis) hierta (Fabricius, 1798)
  • Chocolate Pansy, Junonia (Precis) iphita (Cramer, 1779)
  • Lemon Pansy Junonia (Precis) lemonias (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Blue Pansy Junonia orithya (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Wizard Rhinopalpa polynice (Cramer, 1779)
  • Great Eggfly Hypolimnas bolina (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Danaid Eggfly Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764)
  • Orange Oakleaf Kallima inachus (Boisduval, 1846)
  • Kallima albofasciata Moore, 1877 (Andaman Is.)
  • Scarce Blue Oak Leaf Kallima alompra Moore, 1879 (Sikkim)
  • South Indian Blue Oakleaf Kallima horsfieldi Kollar, 1844
  • Kallima knyvetti de Nicéville, 1886 (Bhutan, Assam)
  • Kallima philarchus (Westwood, 1848) Ceylon Blue Oak Leaf (Ceylon)
  • Autumleaf Doleschallia bisaltide malabarica (Cramer, 1777)

[edit] References

  • Beccaloni, G. W., Scoble, M. J., Robinson, G. S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). World Wide Web electronic publication. [1] [accessed June 2006]
  • Evans, W.H. (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
  • Wynter-Blyth, M.A. (1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.

[edit] See also

Arthropoda - Insecta - Families of Lepidoptera Monarch Butterfly