List of bridges in Stockholm

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Below is a list of some of the most notable bridges and viaducts in Stockholm, most central first. To the list could, of course, many more bridges and viaducts be added, including the system of motorways and railways, and, a product of postwar city planning, the many grade-separated junctions in the suburbs.[1]

Historical bridges:

  • Sveabron (over Sveavägen)
  • Nybro or Stora Ladugårdslandsbron (across todays Berzelii park)
  • Näckströms bro (connecting Norrmalm and Blasieholmen)

During the cold winters in the 19th century, ice in the city harbour made it necessary to replace ferries by temporary pontoon bridges sometimes more than 300 m in length. [1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Arne, Dufwa (1985). "Broar och viadukter för gatutrafiken", Stockholms tekniska historia: Trafik, broar, tunnelbanor, gator, 1st ed., Uppsala: Stockholms gatukontor and Kommittén för Stockholmsforskning, 184-219. ISBN 91-37-08725-1. 

[edit] See also