List of brackish aquarium fish species

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A list of fish commonly seen that can be kept in a brackish water aquarium.


[edit] Cyprinidontiformes

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Guppy Poecilia reticulata Community Easy Many color and tail pattern varieties exist
Black molly Poecilia sphenops Community Easy
Sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna Community Easy Gold and silver varieties commonly found.
Four-eyed fish Anableps spp. 12" Easy These fish can see above and below water.
American Flagfish Jordanella floridae Community Easy May eat hair algae, but also may eat plants.

[edit] Catfish

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Sea catfish
Colombian shark catfish Hexanematichthys seemanni
Australian shark catfish Arius berneyi
Berney's shark catfish Arius graeffei

[edit] Pufferfish

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Figure 8 pufferfish Tetraodon biocellatus 2.4" Intermediate
Green spotted puffer Tetraodon nigroviridis 6" Difficult often sold as freshwater fish, but this species actually thrives in brackish water and may even requires saltwater when reaches adulthood
Giant freshwater pufferfish Tetraodon mbu 30" Difficult This fish also occurs in estuaries.

[edit] Gobies

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Bumblebee goby Brachygobius xanthozonus 1.5"
Water Cow Eleotris picta 17"
Violet goby, Dragon goby Gobioides broussonnetii 21"
Mudskipper (Barred Mudskipper) Periophthalmus argentilineatus 6" This fish requires "land" to crawl out of the water.
Mudskipper (Atlantic Mudskipper) Periophthalmus barbarus 9" This fish requires "land" to crawl out of the water.
Knight goby Stigmatogobius sadanundio Image:Fandancer.jpg 3.5"

[edit] Cichlids

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron melanotheron 11"
Orange chromide Etroplus maculatus 3"
Green chromide Etroplus suratensis 15"

[edit] Other fishes

Common name Taxonomy Picture Size Tank Type Care Level Remarks
Siamese tigerfish Datnioides microlepis 18" These fish must be kept in large aquaria.
Reedfish Erpetoichthys calabaricus 15.7" Species This is the only Polypterid that is found in brackish water.
Celebes Rainbowfish Marosatherina ladigesi 3.1" Commonly sold for freshwater, but does better in brackish.
Silver moony Monodactylus argenteus 10" These fish are also known from marine habitats.
African moony Monodactylus sebae 10" These fish are also known from marine habitats.
Indian glassy fish Parambassis ranga 3.1" These fish are often dyed.
Targetfish, Jarbua terapon Terapon jarbua 14" These fish breed in saltwater and the young return to freshwater.
Banded archerfish Toxotes jaculatrix 12" These fish have the ability to shoot water to hit their insect prey.
Green Scat, Ruby Scat Scatophagus argus 15"