List of books about King Arthur

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This is a list of books about King Arthur, or his related world, family, friends or enemies.


[edit] 9th century

[edit] 10th century

[edit] 11th century

[edit] Latin

[edit] Welsh

[edit] 12th century

[edit] Latin

[edit] French and Anglo-Norman

(Robert de Borons verse Josepheh of Arimathie and 300 lines of Merlin are extant. A prose version of Joseph d'Arimathie, Merlin, Perzival trilogy, suppossedly by Robert exists in two MSS.)

[edit] German

[edit] 13th century

[edit] French, Anglo-Norman or Provincal

[edit] German

[edit] Norse

  • Tristrams saga ok Ísöndar Brother Robert 1226 (Norse reworking Tristan by Thomas of Britain)
  • Ivens Saga Brother Robert 1226 (Norse reworking of Chretien de Troyes Yvain, the Knight of the Lion)
  • Erex Saga perhaps originally by Robert. (Text probably changed in MS. transmission. A Norse reworking of Erec and Enide)

[edit] English

[edit] Dutch

  • The Lancelot-Compilatie, an adaptation of the Lancelot-Grail, but including several other romances as well:

[edit] Hebrew

  • Melech Artu A Hebrew reworking of the Historia Regum Brittanie

[edit] 14th century

[edit] English

[edit] Welsh

(All dates for the Welsh compositions are controversial)

[edit] Italian

  • Tavola Ritonda Anonymous

[edit] French

[edit] Greek

[edit] 15th century

[edit] English

[edit] Italian

  • Orlando Innamorto by M. Boiardo

[edit] 16th century

[edit] English

[edit] Welsh

  • Tristan Romance, preserved in fragmentary form in several MSS.

[edit] Byelo-Russian

  • Povest Trychane 1560s

[edit] 17th century

[edit] English

  • The Birth of Merlin, or, The Childe Hath Found His Father by William Rowley (?1620; first published 1662)
  • Works of Richard Blackmore
    • Prince Arthur: An Heroick Poem in Ten Books (1695)
    • King Arthur: An Heroick Poem in Twelve Books (1697)

[edit] Yiddish

  • Widwilt (Yiddish reworking of Le Bel Inconnu)

[edit] 18th century

  • Warton, Thomas (1728-1790)
    • "The Grave of King Arthur" (1777)
    • "On King Arthur's Round-table at Winchester" (1777)
  • Vortigern, An Historical Tragedy by W. H. Ireland (1799) ( A Shakesperian forgery)

[edit] 19th century

[edit] 20th century

[edit] 21st century

[edit] Nonfiction

  • Arthur's Britain by Leslie Alcock
  • The Return From Avalon by Raymond H. Thompson
  • The Quest for Arthur's Britain by Geoffrey Ashe
  • Robert Rouse and Cory Rushton, The Medieval Quest for Arthur, Tempus, Stroud, 2005 ISBN 0-7524-3343-1

[edit] External links