List of assemblers
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This is a list of assemblers. Hundreds of assemblers have been written; some notable examples are:
- ASEM-51 - for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcontrollers; runs on DOS, Win32, and Linux.
- a56 - for Motorola DSP56000 DSPs (DSP56k series)
- A86 - MS-DOS assembler from Eric Isaacson x86
- AKI (AvtoKod Ingenera, or "engineer's autocode") - for Minsk family of computers was a half-step away from assembly languages.
- A-Natural – unusual "stream-oriented" assembler with expression-based syntax, part of Whitesmiths Ltd. Idris (an early Unix-like system)
- AS Macro Assembler - cross assembler for a large variety of processors; runs on DOS, Win32, OS/2, and Linux
- ASCENT (ASsembler for CENTral Processor Unit) - for Control Data Corporation computer systems pre-COMPASS
- ASM/F – for IBM System/360 and later mainframe systems (widely-used early version)
- ASM/H – for IBM System/370 and later mainframe systems (widely-used later version)
- ASPER (ASsembler for PERipheral Processor Units) - for Control Data Corporation computer systems pre-COMPASS
- Atari Macro Assembler - for Atari 800 6502
- Atmel AVR Assembler
- BAL (Basic AssembLer) - for IBM System/360 and later mainframe systems
- C-- - name used by a few languages that bring C language closer to Assembly
- COMPASS (COMPrehensive ASSembler) - macro assembler for Control Data Corporation 3000 series minicomputers, 6400/6500/6600, 7600 and Cyber series supercomputers
- D - includes an Inline assembler as part of the language specification
- Emu8086 - x86 assembler and Intel's 8086 microprocessor emulator
- FAP (FORTRAN Assembly Program) - for mainframes IBM 709, 7090, 7094
- FASM (Flat Assembler) - for IA-32, IA-64, ARM, open source, 2-clause BSD license
- Forth often comes with a built-in assembler, used in CODE words.
- GoAsm - a component of the free "Go" tools, for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows programming (x86 and AMD64/EM64T)
- GAS (GNU Assembler) - for many processors, open source
- HLA (High Level Assembler) - for x86, public domain
- HLASM (High Level Assembler) - for IBM System/390 and later mainframe systems (current version)
- Linoleum - for cross platform use
- Lisa - Lazer's Interactive Symbolic Assembler for Apple II 6502
- Little man computer - A very basic educational tool to teach the concepts of assembly programming
- MAC/65 - for Atari 800 6502
- MACRO-11 - for DEC PDP-11
- MACRO-32 - for DEC VAX
- MASM (Microsoft Macro Assembler) - for x86, from Microsoft
- MASM32 - Freeware set of x86 32-bit assembler development tools.
- Merlin - the most popular Apple II 6502 assembler (a 16-bit version was also available)
- MI (Machine Interface) - for AS/400, compile-time intermediate language has many features normally found in high-level languages
- NASM (Netwide Assembler) - for x86, open source
- NGASM - Free Assembler for DOS/Win95/98. Includes 7000 lines long Programmer's Manual.
- ORCA/M - a macro assembler (the name is "macro" spelled backward) for 6502 series processors; its directives are specifically designed to be compatible with IBM's assemblers. This assembler was chosen by Apple Computer to be part of its official 16-bit Apple IIgs developer tool suite.
- PAL-III - for DEC PDP-8
- Pass32 powerful DOS/Win16/Win32 assembler
- RosASM - 32 bit Assembler; The Bottom Up Assembler, open source GPL
- SesAsm51 - Smart macro assembler for the 8051/MCS-51.
- Sphinx C-- - mix of Assembly and C, allows combining Assembly commands with C-like structures
- SSK (Sistema Simvolicheskogo Kodirovaniya, or "System of symbolic coding") - for Minsk family of computers
- SynAssembler - for Atari 800 6502 from Synapse Software
- TASM (Turbo Assembler) - for x86 from Borland
- Terse (Algebraic Assembly Language) - for x86 from Jim Neil
- Yasm - a NASM compatible x86 assembler with AMD64 support; open source