List of artificial objects on Mars

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The following table is a partial list of artificial objects on the surface of Mars. Most are defunct after having served their purpose, but the Spirit rover and the Opportunity rover are still operational. The list does not include smaller objects such as parachutes, heatshields, and the landers of the MER rovers.

Viking 2 on Mars
Viking 2 on Mars
Man-made object Nationality Landed Mass (kg) Location
Mars 2 1
USSR 1971 1210 4º N, 47º W.
Mars 3 2
USSR 1971 1210 Sirenum Terra, 45° S - 158° W
Mars 6 1
USSR 1973 635 Margaritifer Terra, 29.90° S - 19.42° W
Viking 1 lander
United States 1976 657 Chryse Planitia, 22.480° N - 47.967° W
Viking 2 lander
United States 1976 657 Utopia Planitia, 48.269° N - 225.99° W
Mars Pathfinder lander & Sojourner rover
United States 1997 360 Ares Vallis, 19.33° N - 33.55° W
Mars Climate Orbiter 3
United States 1999 629  ?
Mars Polar Lander & Deep Space 2 1
United States 1999 500 Ultimi Scopuli, 76° S - 195° W
Beagle 2 1
United Kingdom 2003 69 Isidis Planitia, 10.6° N - 270° W
Spirit rover (MER-A)4
United States 2004 1063 Gusev crater, 14.5718° S - 175.4785° E
Opportunity rover (MER-B)4
United States 2004 1063 Meridiani Planum, 1.9483° S - 354.4742° E
Total estimated dry mass (kg) 8,053

[edit] Notes

1 Spacecraft reached Martian surface, but contact was not established after landing.
2 Spacecraft reached Martian surface, but transmissions stopped after 25 seconds.
3 Spacecraft is assumed to have hit Mars while attempting to enter orbit and parts of the spaceship may have reached the surface of Mars.
4 Active rover as of January 2007.

[edit] See also

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