List of amphibians

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This is a list of amphibians by Family.


Class: Amphibia

[edit] Subclass Lissamphibia

[edit] Order Anura - Frogs and Toads

[edit] Order Caudata - Salamanders

[edit] Order Gymnophiona - Caecilian

    • Family Caeciliidae - Common caecilians
      • Subfamily: Caeciliinae
      • Subfamily: Typhlonectinae
    • Family Ichthyophiidae - Fish caecilians
    • Family Rhinatrematidae - Beaked caecilians
    • Family Scolecomorphidae - Tropical caecilians
      • Crotaphatrema bornmuelleri Bornmuller's Caecilian
        • Cameroon: LimbĂ© (Known only from type locality)
      • Crotaphatrema lamottei Mont Oku Caecilian
        • Cameroon: Mount Oku (Known only from type locality)
      • Crotaphatrema tchabalmbaboensis Tschabal Mbabo Caecilian
        • Cameroon: Mount Tschabal Mbabo (Known only from type locality)
    • Family Typhlonectidae - Aquatic caecilians
    • Family Uraeotyphlidae - Indian caecilians
      • Uraeotyphlus interruptus Chengalam Village Caecilian
        • India: Kerala (Known only from type locality)
      • Uraeotyphlus malabaricus Malabar Caecilian
      • Uraeotyphlus menoni Menon's Caecilian
      • Uraeotyphlus narayani Kannan Caecilian
      • Uraeotyphlus oxyurus Red Caecilian

[edit] Sources

Partially based off of

Frost, Darrel R. 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 3.0 (22 August, 2004). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.