List of YuYu Hakusho abilities

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YuYu Hakusho
YuYu Hakusho

The following is a list of abilities in the YuYu Hakusho anime and manga series.


[edit] Major characters' abilities

[edit] Yusuke Urameshi

  • Shotgun (霊光波): Fires multiple Spirit Gun bullets at the same time. However it is not as powerful as the Spirit Gun though it is useful against Yusuke's most agile opponents (such as during Yusuke's rescue of Yukina) or when facing multiple enemies at once.
  • Spirit Wave Orb / Spirit Gun Mega (超霊丸): The energy of both spirit and body are concentrated into a single, mass force in the shape of a sphere. It is used during the Dark Tournament once by Yusuke during his battle with Toguro after Toguro kills Kuwabara. (Toguro didn't really kill Kuwabara, who survived by positioning himself to protect his vital organs, he just faked the death to get Yusuke to get angry enough to use the Spirit Wave.)
  • Spirit Gun(霊丸): Fires a bullet made of concentrated spirit energy. This was Yusuke's first attack, taught by Koenma, and still remains his most commonly used. In the beginning, Yusuke can only use the Spirit Gun at limited amount of times each day, but as Yusuke continues to train as spirit detective, he is able to use the Spirit Gun more often as well as fire more powerful shots (more specifically, Yusuke's limit was one before training with Genkai, then it became four by the Dark Tournament Saga). However, after being reborn as yokai, Yusuke switches to using his Demon Gun attack (also known as his You Gun) though in the battle against Yomi, Yusuke combined his Demon Gun and Spirit Gun so many times that his You Gun and Yoki both disappeared, leaving only his Spirit Gun to remain.
  • Spirit Cuffs: Cuffs made of spirit energy used to conceal vast amounts of spirit energy for a later time
  • Spirit Gun Double(連射): Same as Spirit Gun, but fires two massive shots in rapid succession. Similar to other Spirit Gun variations it was used only in the Dark Tournament (specifically against Chu of the Jolly Devil Six Team or Team Rokuyukai).
  • Spirit Wave: This was used against Jin before he received Genkai's orb. It's essentially a larger version of the Spirit Gun, but more versatile. It spreads out as it travels, allowing one to hit several targets, but it loses its potency. However, it can be concentrated in the hand and released upon impact for maximum effect.
  • Psychic Spyglass: Allows one to see through walls, clothes, and other things.
  • Demon Compass: Tells the location of a known demon.
  • Concentration Ring: Amplifies ones spirit energy many-fold, but quickly drains the wearer.

[edit] Kazuma Kuwabara

  • Spirit Sword Double(霊剣二刀流): Creates two spirit swords. It was used both in his training before the Dark Tournament Saga and his fight against Rinku of Team Jolly Devil Six (or Team Rokuyukai)
  • Spirit Sword(霊剣): Creates one sword constructed of concentrated spirit energy (usually size is depended on Kuwabara's usage of spirit energy) and is Kuwabara's most commonly used attack. Kuwabara first discovered this technique during Genkai's tournament where he held a broken sword piece from a special spiritual sword used by Musashi the opponent he was fighting. As the manga goes on, Kuwabara becomes better in using the sword.
  • Spirit Shuriken (霊手裏剣): Creates a shuriken composed of spirit energy. It was used only once when Kuwabara became angry at Elder Toguro who made fun of Genkai's death
  • Trial Sword (試しの剣): A spirit sword (see above) produced from Suzuki's (former leader of Team Uraotogi) sword hilt that makes the spirit sword stronger than normal. It was used in his fight against Elder Toguro.
  • Spirit Fly Swatter (巨大霊気棒): An attack where Kuwabara changes the shape of the Trial Sword (see above) into a giant spirit paddle-like weapon. It was used against Elder Toguro as it could strike Toguro's whole entire body so that Kuwabara did not have to worry about Toguro's ability to move around his organs.
  • Power of Love (愛心): Kuwabara's love for Yukina gives him renewed strength and energy. Seen first in his battle against Risho during the Dark Tournament when Yukina's arrival gives Kuwabara enough energy to defeat Risho in one blow.
  • Dimensional Sword(次元刀): A special spirit sword used to cut into any dimensional area or physic territory. This attack was gained in the Chapter Black Saga when Kuwabara regained his powers after his body began preparing for the Chapter Black Saga after the tournament. Also known as the "Jigen-Tou" as said by Sensui multiple times.

[edit] Hiei

  • Jagan: literally Evil Eye, same name used in the Poltergeist Report dub and the English Manga: Hiei had this demonic eye implanted in his forehead years ago for a specific purpose - to find his sister Yukina. The Jagan gives Hiei a few psychic abilities, including remote viewing, minor telekinesis, telepathy, mind control (for humans, ghosts, and minor demons), and memory alteration. The Eye has also helped Hiei master a very powerful martial art with several flame techniques, among others.
  • Extreme Speed: Hiei's velocity is one of his most well-known abilities. Hiei is so fast that when running, he's invisible to the naked eyes of mortals and can even leave behind after-images of himself to trick his opponent. It's this ability that makes many believe that his speed is due to teleporation.
  • Jagan Henshin: "Evil Eye Transformation" is when Hiei transforms into his demon state, he becomes greenish with eyes covering his entire body. These extra eyes merely amplify his Jagan eye, giving him more power and speed, but it disorients him if his Jagan is blinded. It was only used once during his first encounter with Yusuke. Hiei also briefly transformed into this form during his battle against Raigo in Poltergeist Report when Raigo tried to take control of Hiei with his own Jagan Eye, but Hiei was able to resist and reverted back after killing Raigo by using the Black Dragon Wave. In this form, Hiei can summon multiple Dark Flame Dragons.
  • Ja-ou En-satsu Ryu (Evil-King's Blazing-Murder Style): Hiei's personal style of fighting, and the most feared martial art in Demon World due to the fact that all who tried to master it died. Usually the power was too great for them to control, or if they tried to use it at all, it would consume them. The most common method of death for those who attempted this style was when they tried to summon an actual Black Dragon for its ultimate technique, it would devour them. Hiei is one of the few known to have survived this style, and the only one to have mastered and lived to tell about it.
  • Rengoku Shou (Purgatory Scorch) (邪王炎殺煉獄焦) Also referred to as "Fist of the Mortal Flame" in the dubbed anime, is a fire-based attack that, unlike the Dragon and Sword, Hiei utilizes the crimson flame of the human world, making the attack not as powerful. He first used this attack against Kuromomotoro of Team Uraotogi. By surrounding his fists with combustion, Hiei sends rapid punches that engulf the enemy in a raging inferno.
  • Ensatsu Ken (Blazing Sword) Known also as "Sword of the Darkness Flame" in the dubbed anime, and "Blazing Sword of the Overlord" (邪王炎殺剣) in the translated manga. It is a blade made up almost completely of the same dark flame as the Dragon. This attack was first used against Kuromotoro of Team Uratogi who had the ability to not feel pain because of his special millet dumplings (steaming spheres) attack. When Hiei became cornered with his Fist of the Mortal Flame useless and his sword broken, Hiei resorted to invoking demonic flames, but instead of summoning the Dragon, he partially infuses some of its flames within his sword. However he does not use this attack often for two reasons: first, as it resemble's Kuwabara's spirit sword and throughout the series Hiei was never fond of him; second, was because he found it cowardly to transfer such great power into a sword which made it easier to control.
  • Flare Burst: Hiei unleashes a burst of flame out of his palm. Not much is known about this technique since it was used only during the final opening.
  • Kokuryuha (Black-Dragon Wave): Also called the "Dragon of the Darkness Flame" in the anime, and "Black Dragon of Hellfire" in the manga. However, its most common name comes from the dubbed "Poltergeist Report" movie, which called it Black Dragon Wave. It's an extremely powerful attack in which Hiei summons a black dragon created from the fiery demon energy of the deepest pits of the Demon World and is controlled by his Evil Eye. However when he first uses it against Zeru of the Jolly Devil Six (or Team Rokuyukai in the anime/manga) the attack severely injures him, leaving his right arm crippled. Eventually, he can release the dragon from a tattoo on his arm, which prevents this drawback.
  • Dragon Absorption: Hiei's level of control over the Black Dragon Wave is so great that he can actually absorb the dragon into his body, vastly increasing his speed and power. After he does this, however, he must rest, due to the exhausting nature of this technique.

[edit] Kurama

  • Yoko Kurama: The first time he transformed was by accident when Ura Urashima used the Idunn Box on him. Then before the finals, Suzuka gave him a potion containing the fruit which was used to make the vapors in the Idunn Box, which he could use to produce the same effect. The duration was less each time he used it. However, he was gaining more of Yoko's power with each use, which is how he managed to survive his fight with Karasu. In his fight with Sensui in Demon World, he transformed again, but this time it was because of the increased demon energy, and even then only his appearance was changed. By the end of the series, he could transform at will. However, during the fight with Shigure, he vowed never to transform again, and managed to defeat Shigure as Suichi.
  • Rose Whiplash: Deadly slices using the Rose Whip
  • Rose Whip Thorn Wheel: Spin of the Rose Whip in a complete circle
  • Seed of the Death Plant: Infectious seed used to place in enemies to make their insides explode in a flowery death.
  • Petals and Thorns: A whirlwind of petals that are very sharp and can cut an enemy into pieces
  • Blood Sucking Plant: A plant that sucks blood from an open wound killing the person it is attached to.
  • The Sinning Tree: Powerful death plant used to latch onto an opponent and make them hallucinate until their energy is depleted. Was first used against the elder Toguro brother who had taken over the body of Gourmet. Due to Toguro's regenerative capabilities, it was impossible for him to be killed. Instead he was doomed to be attached to the tree for all eternity.
  • Okunenju Root: A type of tree that is controlled by Kurama used as an attack. Very similar to cherry trees.

[edit] Demon Fox Kurama/Yoko Kurama

  • Death Tree: It attaches to Yoko while he controls it. Each branch of this tree has a mouth and each mouth of the branch has saliva that will melt bones under a minute but the pain makes every second seem like it's an eternity.
  • Ojigi Plant A plant that can sense movements as insignificant as a muscular spasm and it has a mind of its own. It eats whatever it grabs and even it's summoner if it is not careful. It was used against Karasu in the Dark Tournament, although it did not have the wanted effect (it only unleashed Karasu's power)
  • The Binding Fist of the Demonic Vine:A vine blade wrapped around his arm as a weapon. Only used once against Sensui in Demon World.

[edit] Yukina

  • Freeze Surroundings(氷結の環境): Yukina has the power to freeze her surroundings at will, as she is an ice apparition from Demon World.
  • Yukina's Tears (雪菜の破損): Yukina has the powerful ability to create jewels when she cries. Because these jewels were very valuable, she was kidnapped and became the target of many greedy corporate leaders (specifically the crime lord Tarukane) who forced her to cry to produce jewels with the hired help of the Toguro brothers, the Triad, as well as other demon mercenaries. However, later on she was rescued by Hiei (her brother), Yusuke, Botan and Kuwabara.
  • Spirit Healing(霊治療): Throughout her life, Yukina has studied the art of spirit healing and has become very experienced in it.

[edit] Genkai

  • Spirit Wave Orb/Spirit Gun Mega(超霊丸 ): As mentioned above, in this attack the energy of both spirit and body are concentrated into a single, mass force in the shape of a sphere. It was first mastered by Genkai and was later on taught to Yusuke in his training after winning her tournament and defeating the demon Rando (who had disguised himself as the child-like Shorin).
  • Superhuman Strength/Agility (優秀の強さ及び敏捷): After training for decades, even though seemingly aged, Genkai still has almost superhuman-like strength and agility that even amazes her pupil Yusuke. She is shown using this ability throughout the Dark Tournament Saga as the mysterious masked fighter, constantly aiding Yusuke and the other team mates.
  • Spirit Light Mirror Reflect Charge/Spirit Reflection Blast: Genkai absorbs her enemy's spirit energy and uses it to attack her enemy.
  • Spirit Wave/5 Major Fists: Pinnacle of discipline: Genkai uses this for the first time against En, Ryo, and Kai of Team Ichigaki to free them of the Blood Control Nodes. After mumuring a few incantations, Genkai Shouts "Light!" , freezing the targets. She then uses two fingers to pierce each of their hearts. After that Genkai says "Purify.", and lands on the ground shouting "Judgment!". The Pinnacle of Discipline judges the soul. If the soul is evil, then the flesh is destroyed. If the soul is pure, then the soul is given the power to act and purge itself of evil.

[edit] Minor characters' abilities

[edit] Jin

  • Tornado Fist: Jin forms a mini tornado around his fist. This was used against Yusuke in the Dark Tournament Saga.
  • Double Tornado Fist: Jin forms mini tornadoes around both fists. This was also used against Yusuke in the Dark Tournament Saga.
  • Air Lift: Jin uses the wind to lift his body into the air
  • Wind Barrier: Jin creates a spinning barrier of wind that can block several attacks
  • Tornado Explosion: Jin unleashes a destructive tempest that is charged with lightning. Jin learned this technique while training with Genkai.

[edit] Touya

  • Frozen Hell: Touya freezes his surroundings. The frozen battlefield gives Touya an advantage since this technique makes it difficult for the opponent to move and freezes weaker foes. After, training with Genkai, Touya is able to absorb demonic energy when casting this spell.
  • Shards of Winter: Touya creates small hailstones around his palm and blows them toward his foes. A rapid and deadly long-range attack.
  • Ice Cutlass: Touya forms a sword of ice around his hand; a close-ranged but nevertheless a powerful attack.

[edit] Suzuki

  • Rainbow Cyclone/Rainbow Cyclone Redux: Suzuki unleashes beams of colorful Demon energy that have the effect of truly being hit by a cyclone. After his training with Genkai, the cyclone had an after-affect the whole stage is covered with bright lights and is renamed Rainbow Cyclone Redux.
  • Strength EnhancementSuzuki increases the size of his muscles, temporarily increasing his attack power.
  • Master of Disguise: Suzuki is a master of disguise. He is seen pretending to be an old man named Onji.
  • Black Hole: Suzuki summons a vortex that teleports the victim to a different dimension. Even Suzuki does not know where the victim is headed.

[edit] Risho

  • Clay Armor (粘土の装甲): Risho forms a hard armor composed of clay around his body. This was used against Kuwabara in the Dark Tournament Saga. However Risho was quickly defeated when Kuwabara regained his strength when Yukina arrived to the Tournament (see Kuwabara's Power of Love above)
  • Earthen Arm: Risho surround his arm with clay which enhances the strength of his arm. Used on Touya when the ice-master tried to tell Risho that honor is more important than winning
  • Spiked-Clay Armor: Risho's strengthens his Clay Armor with spikes, making his attacks more powerful.

[edit] Ura Urashima

  • Fishing Pole (採取ポーランド人): Ura Urashima uses his fishing pole which he carries on his back as his main weapon. It was seen used against Kurama in the Dark Tournament Saga
  • Sob Story (弱める物語): A technique where Ura Urashima tells a depressing tale about his sick grandmother in order to force his opponent to stop fighting and listen long enough for him to use the Idunn Box. It was seen in the Dark Tournament Saga in the battle against Kurama, who believed Urashima's story and was later on faced against the mists of Idunn Box. In the original Japanese version, Ura Urashima said that he doesn't want to hurt anyone anymore, and that he wants Kurama to kill him so his "pain" would end.
  • Idunn Box or Reverse Treasure Box (逆の宝物箱): The Idunn Box releases a vile mist that if breathed will cause the person to transform into a helpless baby. Ura Urashima used it against Kurama after using his Sob Story technique (see above). Instead of transforming Kurama into a child as intended, it transforms Kurama into Yoko Kurama, his original demon form.

[edit] Bakken

  • Superhuman Strength (強さ): Bakken has a large amount of strength, which he uses to take advantage against Kurama while he was unconscious and defenseless, but it isn't much compared to the strength of Hiei or Yusuke
  • White Mist (霧): Bakken creates a cloud mist from his sweat from his body so that he can stay hidden when he attacked.

[edit] Yuu Kaitou

  • Power of Taboo : With this power, Kaitou can open up a perimeter around himself where he can create his own rules. Anyone can enter and leave his territory whenever they want, but when someone is in it, they must follow the rules or face the consequence. Kaitou will remove letters or words from the alphabet, making them Taboo and whoever speaks the taboo words will lose their soul. Kaitou must follow his own rules as well.

[edit] Asato Kido

  • Power of Shadow : With this power, Kido has the ability to step on someone's shadow and paralyze them, rendering the person immobile. From there, Kido can do whatever he wishes to his opponent. He can also make his shadow do his bidding, by making it move on its own and writing important info.

[edit] Mitsunari Yanagisawa

  • Power of Copy : With this power, Yana will be able to become the exact twin of whoever he touches, having all their memories, abilities, dna, etc. No one can tell the difference between the real person and the copy cat unless if Yana were struck hard to reverse his transformation.

[edit] Shigeru Murota

  • Mind Read : Murota can read the thoughts of those around him, knowing what and when an individual will do. This gives him a great advantage in boxing, as he can predict what his opponent will do.

[edit] Rinku

  • Serpent Yo-yo : Rinku used this attack when he faced against Kuwabara in the Dark Tornament. By sending his Demon Energy through the Yo-Yo strings that are attached to his fingers, Rinku is capable of moving them around through manipulation and stike in many different directions.
  • Quadruple Serpent Yo-Yo's: Same as his regular Serpent Yo-Yo's except that Rinku also uses his feet for this attack. Rinku becomes capable of this after training under Genkai.

[edit] External links

YuYu Hakusho
Yusuke Urameshi | Kazuma Kuwabara | Keiko Yukimura (Kayko Yukimura) | Koenma | Botan | Hiei | Kurama | Genkai | Yukina
Story Arcs
Spirit Detective Saga | Dark Tournament Saga | Chapter Black Saga | Saga of the Three Kings | The Movie | Poltergeist Report
YuYu Hakusho characters | Ability list | Manga chapters | Makai | Episodes | Trading Card Game