List of X-Files informants

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Throughout the nine year run of The X-Files, various characters have come forward to feed Fox Mulder or Dana Scully with top secret information regarding a secret conspiracy.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
  • Senator Richard Matheson — One of Mulder's Congressional contacts, and a member of the Intelligence Committee. Early on he protected Mulder from losing his job and apparently believed in Mulder's work. Eventually, however, he had to distance himself from Mulder to protect his career, and it is later implied that Matheson is working for the conspiracy. The character is named after Richard Matheson, and was portrayed by Raymond J. Barry.
  • X — Inspired by the JFK character of the same name. He was more ruthless, and more unpredictible, than Deep Throat.
  • Ambrose Chapel — A CIA agent who approached Mulder and Scully with information about a secret cloning program being run from Russia. In actuality, it was the Alien Bounty Hunter, morphed to look like Chapel, in order to use Mulder and Scully to get access to a renegade alien-human hybrid, whom he needed to terminate.
  • Well-Manicured Man — Important Syndicate member who sporadically would help Mulder and Scully, though mostly with the goal of protecting the conspiracy.
  • Victor Klemper — A Nazi scientist who was brought to the U.S. through Operation Paperclip to work on developing an alien-human hybrid. Mulder and Scully approached him after Mulder discovered an old photograph of the Syndicate, from which The Lone Gunmen were able to identify him. He gave Mulder and Scully the location of an abandoned mine where thousands of files were kept on abductees, and so was subsequently killed on orders from the Well-Manicured Man.
  • Plainclothes Man — Appears only in one episode. He was a proxy for X, during a time when it was too risky for X to contact Mulder himself. He is executed by X at the end of the episode.
  • Jeremiah Smith — An alien who opposed his race's plan to colonize Earth. Jeremiah goes rogue, and approaches Mulder intent on showing him "the project." He is later apparently killed by an Alien Bounty Hunter, but not before a trip to a bee husbandry facility which leaves Mulder with more questions than answers. He later appears after Mulder's abduction, healing people who were to become Super Soldiers. There was actually more than one Jeremiah Smith, and each alien took the same name as well as the same appearance (they were all able to shape-shift). Before they were hunted down, the various Jeremiahs worked at SSA offices across the country, allowing them to catalogue vast amounts of information on the U.S. populace.
  • Michael Kritschgau — A Defense Department official who decided to come clean after his son was exposed to the Black Cancer during the Gulf War. Kritschgau believed that the entire UFO coverup was a smokescreen for a different plot, and managed to convince Mulder of this for a short time. He later returned when Mulder was exposed to an alien artifact that heightened his brain activity. Kritschgau wanted to sell readouts of Mulder's brain activity, seeing it as incontrovertible proof of extraterrestrial existence, but was killed by Alex Krycek. The character was named after a high school friend of Gillian Anderson (ironically, his first appearance, in Gethsemane, involves him physically assailing Scully.) Like Section Chief Scott Blevins, he was partially bankrolled by Roush Pharmaceuticals, although he claimed ignorance of their purpose when asked by Skinner.
  • Arthur Dales — Actually the name of two people, who are brothers (they had a sister and a goldfish named Arthur as well). One Arthur was an FBI agent during the McCarthy era, and at that time he first discovered the X-Files, about 40 years before Mulder rediscovered them. Mulder first went to him for information in 1990, and Dales recounted his first X-Files investigation, during which he also met Mulder's father, Bill. Later moved from DC to Goodland, Florida. The second Arthur Dales was a police officer in Roswell, New Mexico, around the time of the Roswell incident. He is far more sarcastic than his brother, and only agrees to help after Mulder proves his knowledge about baseball. The FBI Arthur was played by Darren McGavin, and the cop Arthur by M. Emmet Walsh.
  • Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil — A personal friend of Mulder's father Bill, as well as a former member of the Syndicate who becomes disenchanted with them when they begin behaving unscrupulously. He becomes an OBGYN doctor for several years, and also wrote at least two books, The Four Horsemen of the Global Domination Conspiracy, and Countdown to the Apocalypse, which although probably contained factual information, were obviously considered crackpot books by the public. In The X-Files movie, Kurtzweil approaches Mulder with new information about the Black Cancer virus. Consequently, he was killed by the Well-Manicured Man. His only appearance is in the film, in which he is portrayed by Martin Landau.
  • General Edward Wegman — Appeared only in the comedic "Dreamland" two-parter. He was in charge of the Area 51 facility in Nevada, and sabotaged a reverse engineered alien spacecraft, in order for Mulder to see it fly. It later turned out that Area 51 was only where the crafts were test flown, and they were actually engineered "up in Utah". He apparently had no real knowledge about extraterrestrial life.
  • Shadow Man — A Super Soldier who surveiled Mulder and Scully for several years. Approached Scully claiming he had vital information and that Mulder's life was in danger. During the subsequent meeting he requested Scully set up between him and Mulder, he pulls a gun and chases Mulder. The Shadow Man eventually loses Mulder but corners Scully in a quarry. Unbeknownst to him, the quarry contains magnetite deposits, and he quickly dies from exposure. Played by series regular, Terry O'Quinn.
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