List of Worldcons

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This is a list of World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons) held so far. The data is maintained by the Long List Committee, a sub-committee of WSFS.

Please note the following assumptions about the list:

A convention is normally listed by the least confusing version of its name. This is usually the name preferred by the convention, but fannish tradition is followed in retroactively numbering the first Worldcon in a series 1 (or I or One).

Guests of Honor
Custom in designating Guests of Honor has varied greatly, with some conventions giving specific titles (Fan, Pro, Australia, US, Artist, etc.) and some simply call them all Guests of Honor. Specific labels have been used where they existed, as have regional variants in spelling.

Where available, this column records two numbers: how many paying members actually attended the Worldcon and how many total members there were (in brackets). The available data is very incomplete and imprecise and many of these numbers are probably substantially in error.

Year Name City Country Guests of Honor Size
1st 1939 Nycon I New York, New York USA Frank R. Paul 200
2nd 1940 Chicon I Chicago, Illinois USA E. E. "Doc" Smith 128
3rd 1941 Denvention I Denver, Colorado USA Robert A. Heinlein 90
1942–1945 Worldcon not held due to World War II
4th 1946 Pacificon I Los Angeles, California USA A. E. Van Vogt
E. Mayne Hull
5th 1947 Philcon I Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA John W. Campbell, Jr. 200
6th 1948 Torcon I Toronto, Ontario Canada Robert Bloch (Pro)
Bob Tucker (fan)
7th 1949 Cinvention Cincinnati, Ohio USA Lloyd A. Eshbach (pro)
Ted Carnell (fan)
8th 1950 Norwescon Portland, Oregon USA Anthony Boucher 400
9th 1951 Nolacon I New Orleans, Louisiana USA Fritz Leiber 190
10th 1952 TASFiC Chicago, Illinois USA Hugo Gernsback 870
11th 1953 Philcon II Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Willy Ley 750
12th 1954 SFCon San Francisco, California USA John W. Campbell, Jr. 700
13th 1955 Clevention Cleveland, Ohio USA Isaac Asimov (pro)
Sam Moskowitz (mystery GoH)
14th 1956 NyCon II New York, New York USA Arthur C. Clarke 850
15th 1957 Loncon I London UK John W. Campbell, Jr. 268
16th 1958 Solacon South Gate, California USA Richard Matheson 211
17th 1959 Detention Detroit, Michigan USA Poul Anderson (pro)
John Berry (fan)
18th 1960 Pittcon Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA James Blish 568
19th 1961 Seacon Seattle, Washington USA Robert A. Heinlein 300
20th 1962 Chicon III Chicago, Illinois USA Theodore Sturgeon 550
21st 1963 Discon I Washington, D.C. USA Murray Leinster 600
22nd 1964 Pacificon II Oakland, California USA Leigh Brackett (pro)
Edmond Hamilton (pro)
Forrest J Ackerman (fan)
23rd 1965 Loncon II London UK Brian W. Aldiss 350
24th 1966 Tricon Cleveland, Ohio USA L. Sprague de Camp 850
25th 1967 Nycon 3 New York, New York USA Lester del Rey (pro)
Bob Tucker (fan)
26th 1968 Baycon Oakland, California USA Philip José Farmer (pro)
Walter J. Daugherty (fan)
27th 1969 St. Louiscon St. Louis, Missouri USA Jack Gaughan (pro)
Eddie Jones (fan)
28th 1970 Heicon '70 Heidelberg Germany E.C. Tubb (UK)
Robert Silverberg (US)
Herbert W. Franke (Germany)
Elliot K. Shorter (fan)
29th 1971 Noreascon I Boston, Massachusetts USA Clifford D. Simak (pro)
Harry Warner, Jr. (fan)
30th 1972 L.A.con I Anaheim, California USA Frederik Pohl (pro)
Buck & Juanita Coulson (fan)
31st 1973 Torcon II Toronto Canada Robert Bloch (Pro)
William Rotsler (fan)
32nd 1974 Discon II Washington, D.C. USA Roger Zelazny (pro)
Jay Kay Klein (fan)
33rd 1975 Aussiecon 1 Melbourne Australia Ursula K. Le Guin (pro)
Susan Wood (fan)
Mike Glicksohn (fan)
Donald Tuck (Australian)
34th 1976 MidAmeriCon Kansas City, Missouri USA Robert A. Heinlein 3,014
35th 1977 SunCon Miami Beach, Florida USA Jack Williamson (pro)
Robert A. Madle (fan)
36th 1978 IguanaCon II Phoenix, Arizona USA Harlan Ellison (pro)
Bill Bowers (fan)
37th 1979 Seacon '79 Brighton UK Brian Aldiss (UK)
Fritz Leiber (US)
Harry Bell (fan)
38th 1980 Noreascon Two Boston, Massachusetts USA Damon Knight (pro)
Kate Wilhelm (pro)
Bruce Pelz (fan)
39th 1981 Denvention Two Denver, Colorado USA Clifford D. Simak (pro)
C.L. Moore (pro)
Rusty Hevelin (fan)
40th 1982 Chicon IV Chicago, Illinois USA A. Bertram Chandler (pro)
Frank Kelly Freas (pro)
Lee Hoffman (fan)
41st 1983 ConStellation Baltimore, Maryland USA John Brunner (pro)
David A. Kyle (fan)
42nd 1984 L.A.con II Anaheim, California USA Gordon R. Dickson (pro)
Dick Eney (fan)
43rd 1985 Aussiecon Two Melbourne Australia Gene Wolfe (pro)
Ted White (fan)
44th 1986 ConFederation Atlanta, Georgia USA Ray Bradbury (pro)
Terry Carr (fan)
45th 1987 Conspiracy '87 Brighton UK Doris Lessing (UK)
Alfred Bester (US)
Boris and Arkady Strugatsky (USSR)
Jim Burns (artist)
Ray Harryhausen (film)
Joyce and Ken Slater (fan)
David Langford (special fan)
46th 1988 Nolacon II New Orleans, Louisiana USA Donald A. Wollheim (pro)
Roger Sims (fan)
47th 1989 Noreascon 3 Boston, Massachusetts USA Andre Norton (pro)
Betty and Ian Ballantine (pro)
The Stranger Club (fan)
48th 1990 ConFiction The Hague Netherlands Harry Harrison (pro)
Wolfgang Jeschke (pro)
Joe Haldeman (pro)
Andrew I. Porter (fan)
49th 1991 Chicon V Chicago, Illinois USA Hal Clement (pro)
Martin H. Greenberg (pro)
Richard Powers (pro)
Jon and Joni Stopa (fan)
50th 1992 MagiCon Orlando, Florida USA Jack Vance (pro)
Vincent Di Fate (artist)
Walter A. Willis (fan)
51st 1993 ConFrancisco San Francisco, California USA Larry Niven
Alicia Austin
Tom Digby
Jan Howard Finder
Mark Twain (Dead GoH)
52nd 1994 ConAdian Winnipeg Canada Anne McCaffrey (pro)
George Barr (artist)
Robert Runte (fan)
53rd 1995 Intersection Glasgow UK Samuel R. Delany (writer)
Gerry Anderson (media)
Les Edwards (artist)
Vin¢ Clarke (fan)
54th 1996 L.A.con III Anaheim, California USA James White (writer)
Roger Corman (media)
Elsie Wollheim (special)
Takumi and Sachiko Shibano (fan)
55th 1997 LoneStarCon 2 San Antonio, Texas USA Algis Budrys (pro)
Michael Moorcock (pro)
Don Maitz (artist)
Roy Tackett (fan)
56th 1998 BucConeer Baltimore, Maryland USA C.J. Cherryh
Milton A. Rothman
Stanley Schmidt
Michael Whelan
J. Michael Straczynski (special)
57th 1999 Aussiecon Three Melbourne Australia Gregory Benford, author
George Turner, author
Bruce Gillespie, fan
58th 2000 Chicon 2000 Chicago, Illinois USA Ben Bova (author)
Bob Eggleton (artist)
Jim Baen (editor)
Bob & Anne Passovoy (fan)
59th 2001 Millennium Philcon Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Greg Bear (author)
Stephen Youll (artist)
Gardner Dozois (editor)
George H. Scithers (fan)
60th 2002 ConJosé San José, California USA Vernor Vinge (author)
David Cherry (artist)
Bjo & John Trimble (fan)
Ferdinand Feghoot (imaginary)
61st 2003 Torcon 3 Toronto Canada George R. R. Martin (author)
Frank Kelly Freas (artist)
Mike Glyer (fan)
Robert Bloch (GoHst of Honor)
62nd 2004 Noreascon 4 Boston, Massachusetts USA Terry Pratchett (pro)
William Tenn (pro)
Jack Speer (fan)
Peter Weston (fan)
63rd 2005 Interaction Glasgow UK Greg Pickersgill
Christopher Priest
Robert Sheckley
Lars-Olov Strandberg
Jane Yolen
64th 2006 L.A.con IV Anaheim, California USA Connie Willis (Author)
James Gurney (Artist)
Howard DeVore (fan)
Frankie Thomas (Special)
65th 2007 Nippon 2007 Yokohama Japan Sakyo Komatsu (author)
David Brin (author)
Takumi Shibano (fan)
Yoshitaka Amano (artist)
Michael Whelan (artist)
66th 2008 Denvention 3 Denver, Colorado USA Lois McMaster Bujold (pro)
Tom Whitmore (fan)
Rick Sternbach (artist)

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