List of Wario characters

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This is a list of characters in the Wario Land and WarioWare, Inc. video game franchises.


[edit] WarioWare, Inc.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
9-Volt and 18-Volt
9-Volt and 18-Volt

[edit] 9-Volt

9-Volt is a big Nintendo fanboy, owning everything ever made by Nintendo. His name comes from the operating voltage of the NES. 9-Volt's microgames are all microgame versions of classic Nintendo games such as Mario Clash, Mario Paint, Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt, or based on toys and products released before Nintendo's transformation into a video game company. Even his "level" is based on the overworlds in Dragon Quest (which was not made by Nintendo).

9-Volt is a student at Diamond Elementary School, possibly a fourth grader, and usually gets around by way of a hoverboard. He lives at home with his never fully seen mother, 5-Volt, and his pet Shaggy/Fronk. In WarioWare: Twisted!, 9-Volt gained a friend and partner in 18-Volt, a big kid with a boom box and a shared love for Nintendo. This led to some confusion: WarioWare: Touched! was the first sequel released in America, but WarioWare: Twisted! came out first in Japan.

9-Volt also appears alongside 18-Volt in WarioWare: Smooth Moves. This time, his microgames are themed around Nintendo in general, which includes Nintendo 64, GameCube and Nintendo DS games, such as Pikmin, Nintendogs, Super Mario Sunshine and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, as well as classics.

[edit] 18-Volt

18-Volt is from the games WarioWare: Twisted!, WarioWare: Touched!, and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. He is 9-Volt's best friend. He is a gigantic fellow, and when not speaking alongside with 9-Volt, he almost always limits his statements to "Word". Despite his size, he goes to Diamond Elementary School. His other defining trait is the boom box he always carries; his loud music got him into trouble on his first day of school, although he soon found an admirer in 9-Volt. Like 9-Volt, he loves videogames. In the game, alongside with 9-Volt, their theme is "retro action", so all their games are based on old Nintendo games.

18-Volt's manner of speech is a subject of debate; while he speaks normally in his first appearance, his dialogue consists entirely of "Word!" in the following game. However, in Warioware: Smooth Moves, he can say other things again.

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, 18-Volt accidentally breaks 9-Volt's new dual-screen Game & Watch, angering 9-Volt to the max and getting kicked out of his house. Feeling guilty, 18-Volt tries to look for another game to make up at the local toy store, but no success, until he spots a new game store. In the end, when the salesman shows a new Game & Watch, 18-Volt's and 9-Volt's hands meet near the game. After both realizing their errors, they apologize and 9-Volt tells his friend that he'll always be his 2P (for 2nd player).

[edit] Ashley

Ashley and Red, as seen in WarioWare: Touched!.
Ashley and Red, as seen in WarioWare: Touched!.

Ashley is a witch in training who lives in a creepy mansion (like the Haunted Mansion from Luigi's Mansion) in Diamond City with her grandmother and a little devil named Red. She is very emotionless and rarely ever smiles. Typically, she is not interested in activities not related to becoming a better witch; usually, Ashley tells Red to do it. She often spends her time improving various aspects of her witchcraft, while Red spends a lot of his time helping her in some way. Despite her generally uncaring personality she does have a somewhat gentle side to her, as seen in her character intro in Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. She is one of three characters (plus two sets of characters) in the series to have lyrics in her theme song (the others are Mike, Dribble and Spitz, and Kat and Ana). She is around 15 years old.

Ashley is just barely introduced, as she is already found hard at work trying to make something. She then asks for more ingredients, which brings the player to the interactive portion of the intro, which is to drag various ingredients into the cauldron. However, the mixture fails to do what Ashley intended. While this is happening, Orbulon's ship flies on the top screen and gets hit by lightning, which causes Orbulon to eject. In the following scene, Ashley and Red head out in search of the ingredient they need. As they walk along, Orbulon crashes into Ashley. Orbulon begins to apologize, only to see Ashley looming over him in a very threatening manner, while Red tells her to "chill out." Orbulon starts to run away; Red tries to get Ashley's attention afterwards, only to have Ashley say that Orbulon is the ingredient she needs. Red runs after Orbulon in an attempt to capture him, which brings the player to Ashley's set of games, after completely all of her games you see that Orbulon managed to outrun Red, Red apologizes to Ashley, she seems to forgive him, but then she says that she would use Red as an ingredient instead, Red doesn't quite understand.

In Wario Ware: Smooth Moves Ashley is seen first seen looking through a book with a magnifying glass. She turns to Red, who quickly transforms into the wand seen in her promotional art. She tries to use the wand to alter a small seedling in a pot, though only manages to make the seedling grow into a small flower. Ashley figures that she needs more practice, and then a book with a skull face on the cover offers to help her practice. After the games are done, the book chuckles and flies off in a poof of smoke, telling Ashley to try again. Ashley does so, and she ends up spawning a man-eating plant, much to Red's terror. As the scene fades out, she gently smiles.

Ashley is voiced by Christina Peyser in the English version of Wario Ware: Touched. In the Japanese version of Touched she is voiced by Megumi Hayashibara. The difference between the two VAs is that Megumi Hayashibara makes Ashley sound more high pitched. Christina Peyser's portrayal is lower in pitch and more monotone, especially in Smooth Moves.

When listening to her character theme in the music bonus in WarioWare: Touched! and the player spins the disc at a certain speed Ashley can be interpeted into saying "I have granted kids to hell.", added to her appearance as a witch some believe Nintendo was encouraging Satanism, however Nintendo has stated that it was a coincidence.

[edit] Dribble and Spitz

Dribble and Spitz
Dribble and Spitz

Dribble & Spitz are two developers who speak with Bronx accents . They also work as cabbies, and their cab has the ability to go anywhere (even space). It is eventually revealed that Dr. Crygor designed the cab. Their theme song is Koe no Tadayō Namima (official English title: Drifting Away), one of only four character theme songs that contain lyrics. At the end of most of their movies, they remember that whoever they drove forgot to pay the fare.

Dribble is a large anthropomorphic bulldog with red hair (he wears a hat) who stands on his hind legs. He wears a blue jumpsuit with what appears to be a picture of a teddy bear on the stomach, and a green hat which bears his logo (a D with spots near the curved end, so it looks like a paw). He seems to be a stereotypical taxi driver: large, burly and gruff. In reality, he is quite calm and friendly, though perhaps not as intelligent (e.g., he forgot to collect a very large fare in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$). He says his rank is space cadet, but Spitz is "lower than a space cadet" in his eyes.

Spitz is an anthropomorphic yellow cat who is about the same size as Kat & Ana. He is always squinting, and he wears goggles (pushed up over his forehead) and a blue jumpsuit which seems to be too big for him. He's good at jumping, and he is rather more intelligent than Dribble, though he didn't remember to collect the large fare in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, either. He also seems to like to play, as in the WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ instruction manual, he encourages Dribble to stop working and play a round of games with him.

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, the duo takes a beautiful lady to a place call Tomorrow Hill (the same as the theme song). When they arrive, they discover that the lady was in fact an alien that waited for her saucer to arrive and pick her up. After getting up on their feet, Spitz tells Dribble that they forgot to collect the fee.

[edit] Doctor Crygor

Doctor Crygor

Dr. Crygor is a quirky scientist who is really smart for someone quirky, his inventions include his (apparently) cryogenic suit; the Gravitator, which turned Wario into Wario-Man; the TUNA/, which made his body whole; Mike, the karaoke robot that would "solve all his cleaning needs", and the Kelerometer (diet machine). According to the instruction booklet in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, he is a hundred years old. He is also the grandfather of Penny Crygor.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, Crygor ends up drinking his latest development, only to end up in some form of gastrointestinal distress. He rushes off to the toilet in order to relieve himself.

In WarioWare: Twisted!, Wario breaks his Game Boy Advance and asks Crygor to fix it. Crygor throws it into his washing machine-like device (Gravitator) and both of them wait. However, it malfunctions, turning the Game Boy Advance into a tilt-sensitive device. Wario uses this opportunity to make a new set of games.

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Dr. Crygor competes against his granddaughter Penny in an "Invent-off," and has a 20-microgame-long stage designed as an exercise.

[edit] Fronk

Fronk is a strange, blocky, yellow creature; it is unknown if Fronk is the name of its species or just one particular character (similar to Yoshi). They appear constantly throughout all the WarioWare games, both in microgames and cutscenes; 9-Volt apparently even keeps one of them as a pet, calling it "Shag". In the Japanese version, these creatures were known as Pixies, and the individual character was called Shaggy. In addition to several varieties of yellow Pixies, there are also red and blue varieties; their faces vary individually from each other. They are also apparently very small, as they are usually depicted getting stomped on, crushed, eaten or kicked. Their sizes range from the size of a human toe to smaller than a penny.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, he appears in a few microgames. They are in Mona's Sole Man, Orbulon's Find My Behind and Kat & Ana's Blow Hole Bridge. He also appeared in 9-Volt's intermissions as his pet and showed up in the 2-player game, Chicken Race. In addition to the single player Microgames in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Games$, up to 4 pixies were in the 4-player microgame where you have to keep away from a girl who tried to capture you with the mucus from her runny nose.

In WarioWare: Twisted!, Fronk gets a whole genre to himself. However, unlike the normal flow of the game, his games pop up at random between games of any genre starting with Jimmy's games (but not Kat & Ana's), although they're more likely to occur in the later levels. His games have a shorter time limit than normal ones, requiring quick thinking.

In WarioWare: Touched!, a small group of Pixies appear in one microgame, called "Shhhhhhh!" which usually occurs between levels that involve blowing, such as some of the games in 9-Volt's and Wario-Man's sets, as well as all of Mike's games. This is not a real microgame in the sense that it does not have a place in the Album; it requires that one does nothing, which serves as a trap to those who blow into the microphone as soon as a microgame begins.

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, he is seen throughout numerous microgames. For example, you need to use both the Wii Remote and Nunchuck controllers to help the fronk pass by on the bridge. Also, he makes a brief appearance in Ashley's boss, sometimes appearing inside the burger.

[edit] Jimmy T.

Jimmy T. with his cell phone.
Jimmy T. with his cell phone.

Jimmy T. (the T stands for Thang), a guy with a huge blue afro wig (as revealed as a souvenir in WarioWare: Twisted!), is a dancing fanatic, to the point that sometimes he will do so involuntarily, citing that the rhythm makes him do it. Jimmy is always seen hanging out at hot Diamond City night spots, particularly Club Sugar, and dancing the night away. It is said in his description in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ that his afro holds a secret, but it is never revealed in the series. However, it is rumored to have something to do with the lion with a blue afro that appears on Jimmy T.'s head on the break in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, leading some to believe that it was his pet.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ for the Nintendo GameCube, he had a girlfriend who dumped him because she believed he loved dancing more than her. He said he didn't, but when he heard the music, he couldn't control himself and started to dance, thereby causing his girlfriend to promptly leave.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ and WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$, he represents the sports genre of microgames. He also hosts the remix levels in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, but has a differently colored wig in each. In WarioWare: Twisted! he and his parents are shown dancing at Club Sugar for so long that they miss a meal. In WarioWare: Touched! he and his family hosts the Rubbing (Dance Club Rub) games.

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Jimmy only hosts the microgame remixes, along with Jimmy P. During his stage, Jimmy T. helps out a cat in the rain by giving him his umbrella, and then finds himself being followed by a group of cats. He leads them to the dance club and they dance all night. After the cats leave, the one he gave his umbrella to happily returns it. The scenerio is almost identical for Jimmy P., who helps out a sad dog by tossing it a bone, and then finds himself being followed by a large group of dogs. After the dogs leave, the one he gave a bone to appears to give it back, but then runs away with it, forcing Jimmy P. to give chase.

[edit] Family

Since WarioWare: Twisted, Jimmy has been seen hanging out with members of his family, who apparently love dancing as much as he does; they have even been seen doing choreographed dance numbers with him a few times. Jimmy's family consists of five people (including himself). The other four members of the family are:

  • Papa T. - The father of the family. He has very large lips, a yellow afro and is the tallest family member. He bears many similarities to Jimmy.
  • Mama T. - The mother of the family. She has a portly figure, a pink afro and large lips.
  • Jamie T. - Jimmy's sister. A young girl with a light purple afro. Unlike the rest of the family, she has round glasses and a very small red nose.
  • James T. - Jimmy's brother. A pudgy guy with an orange afro. He's the shortest family member, and features a round red nose.

[edit] Kat and Ana

Kat and Ana
Kat and Ana

Kat & Ana are kindergarten-aged ninja twins. Kat has pink hair with a single ponytail, while Ana has red-orange hair with two ponytails. Their names are derived from katana, a weapon occasionally associated with ninja. It was revealed in WarioWare: Touched! that the two live in an old-fashioned Japanese-style house in a forest. Their parents have yet to be seen. Their theme song is "Haru, Natsu, Aki, Fuyu" (lit,: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; official English title: Four Seasons), which, like Dribble and Spitz' theme, has lyrics.

According to the manual bios in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$, the two are descended from the Iga ninja clan. They attend Mystical Ninja Elementary, despite attending Diamond Kindergarten in the original WarioWare, Inc. (this is not unusual; in Japan, kindergartens are separate from elementary schools). They have an affection for animals. As of WarioWare Touched!, they have four pets: Don the Sparrow (who has not appeared since the original game), Shadow the Dog (who was named Paw in the original, and has the uncanny ability to transform into a giant sword), Shuriken the Falcon, and Numchuck the Monkey. In terms of personality, Ana is timid, while Kat is a bit more bossy and overall controlling of her sister, though she cares for her deeply.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames$, Kat comes to Ana and a castle lord/lady's aid when Ana is defeated by a giant skeletal monster clad with samurai armor that ends up possessing the ruler of the castle. After fighting her way to the top, Kat attacks the monster and finally defeats by using the giant sword that Shadow transformed into.

In WarioWare: Twisted, the duo are on a field trip at Diamond Knoll. As the twins explore, Ana stops to look at a flower and then quickly catches up with Kat, whom she finds poking a beehive for some unexplained reason. The hive falls and the bees within chase the girls into a barn-sized hut. The girls relax for a moment, but are soon attacked by a hairy creature wearing a mask with muscular arms and legs. The girls come close to defeating the monster and start charging up for one last attack when Shuriken and Shadow rush in an attempt to save the girls, only to slam into the ceiling and land on top of the creature, defeating it. The girls prepare to leave, only to find that the bees are still waiting for them outside, leading the girls and their pets to being chased by them again.

In WarioWare: Touched, Ana comes home wanting a snack, only to find that a bunch of bananas that were sitting on the table were now missing. Ana finds footprints leading out of the house and is determined to track down the banana thief, but not before leaving a note for Kat. As Ana runs through the woods with Shadow, Kat and Shuriken soon catch up with Ana. Eventually, the girls are led to a monkey eating their bananas. Finding the monkey cute, the girls decide to keep him around.

WarioWare: Smooth Moves once again features the girls defending a feudal-style castle and its lord from yet another monster, this time an oni. As the girls run to the castle, Ana uses some sort of ninja magic on herself to transform into a turtle while also producing three duplicates (Kat presumably distracts the oni while Ana sneaks in.), which act as the life counters in the level. In the end, Ana discovers a little oni baby, playfully pulling her sensei's hair. Meanwhile, Kat duplicates herself and starts attacking the giant oni, until the baby yells to stop. In the sunrise, the giant oni walks away with the baby in his hand. Kat waves the big guy goodbye, until she notices that the baby is still here, and that the oni is walking away with Ana (both the baby oni and Ana have the same silhouette and shadow)

Their voices in WarioWare: Smooth Moves are different than from the other games in the series, as they sound more high-pitched than before.[1]

They have different themes in each of the games. In Mega Microgame$, their microgames all revolve around nature in some form. Scribbling and drawing is their gimmick in WarioWare: Touched! and their microgames in WarioWare: Twisted! only require pressing the A button.

[edit] Mike

Mike from WarioWare: Touched!.
Mike from WarioWare: Touched!.

Mike is a character who was introduced in WarioWare: Touched! In the game, he hosts a section devoted entirely to blowing into the microphone on Nintendo DS.

Mike is a karaoke robot made by Dr. Crygor. Despite being a robot built for karaoke, the slightly mad doctor programs him to be a cleaning robot. For a while, this works out. However, while Mike is cleaning one day, he comes across a pile of dust and decides to blow it away. When he does this, his karaoke programming takes over and he bursts out of the lab, ready to karaoke. During the opening video, Mike sings a song. Both his and Ashley's theme song are the only songs in WarioWare: Touched! that have lyrics (other characters throughout the series also have lyrics in their theme songs).

Soon after Mike beats his competition, Dr. Crygor is flown in by Dribble & Spitz. Mike says his goodbyes and they all fly home. Back home, Dr. Crygor wishes to sing a duet with Mike, but as it turns out, Dr. Crygor is not a good singer. Mike insults Dr. Crygor's singing, but Dr. Crygor says that Mike's programming was, of course, made by him. Slightly irritated, Mike runs off, and ends up going to the Hawt House like everyone else in the game.

In Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Mike's role is similar to 18-Volt, Red and Spitz, as he is Crygor's sidekick. In the intro to Penny's level, he appears both as a framed picture and again cheering on Dr. Crygor. He also assists Dr. Crygor in his stage.

[edit] Mona

Mona driving her scooter from Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Microgame$.
Mona driving her scooter from Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Microgame$.

Mona was established in the original game as a high school student with a part-time job (plus her work designing microgames for WarioWare, Inc.). Originally, she had a theme song that didn't have lyrics, but she does have such a theme in WarioWare: Twisted!.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, Mona started out working at a gelateria (gelato shop) known simply as "the Gelateria". Her story mode involved evading a pack of police cars with the aid of a monkey to get to work on time. Her microgames were placed in the Strange genre, featuring surreal games like brushing teeth or inhaling mucus quickly. She was also "playable" in Dong-Dong, an unlockable multiplayer bonus.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$! Mona switches jobs from an ice cream girl to a waitress at Sora sora Diner. She is seen in a special movie introducing the characters in her uniform there.

In WarioWare: Twisted!. Mona once again switched jobs, this time working for a pizzeria known as (coincidentially) Mona Pizza. Her storyline involved delivering a pizza whilst being chased by the crew from the rival pizzeria #Pizza Dinosaur. Her new batch of microgames involves short, precise tilts with the built-in gyroscope. Mona was also featured in several unlockables in the game, including a music box which played her level's music theme ("Mona Pizza") while a little toy Mona spun around.

In WarioWare: Touched!, Mona is now the bassist of a fairly popular rock band called Mona and the Hot Slices (possibly the Hawt Slices, since the place they play is called the Hawt House). Her story involves Vanessa, a jealous rival singer, sending a giant mechanical bird after her and her band. Making use of the stylus and touch screen the system possesses, all of Mona's microgames involve short, cutting motions. Vanessa attempts to mimic Mona, but the fans weren't fooled, and booed her off of the stage. Once Mona's game is over, it seems that Mona and Vanessa have become friends, as they are shown sharing the stage at the Hawt House (where all of the characters end up after their stories).

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Mona has now become a cheerleader for the Diamond City High Football team. Apparently, one of the players has fallen in love with her. Later in Young Cricket`s story she is shown serving Buns.

Mona is quite adventurous, and, according to the WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, she is savvy, thinks Wario is always one degree ahead of cool, and likes money (this is indicated when she asks if the player will pay her for teaching him or her). It also shows Wario has inspired most of her strange games. She also likes wild guys.

There is evidence, primarily gleaned from the first two games, that suggests that Wario and Mona share a mutual attraction. In Mega Party Game$, Mona's bio[2] mentions that she is a bit smitten with him, and in one of the cinemas of Mega Microgame$, Wario dreams of her while muttering the phrase "So cute."

Mona always seems to be late to wherever she is going, and often speeds on her scooter to make up for this. In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, she is late because a line of schoolchildren blocked her path. In Touched!, she is late delivering her Pizzas because she was playing at the Hawt House. And in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, there is no reason given, but she is late to the football game, and drives at full speed directly into the stadium.

Mona is voiced by Leslie Swan in the first four games in the series, though now voiced by Christina Peyser in WarioWare: Smooth Moves.

[edit] Orbulon

Orbulon, as seen in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$.
Orbulon, as seen in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$.

Orbulon is superintelligent by Earth standards, but has difficulty with the English language (according to the WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ booklet, he has a translator). He also has the ability to change his appearance. Orbulon once desired to conquer the Earth, but after crash-landing there, he gave up this desire and settled in.

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, his story begins when his spaceship is struck by an asteroid. He calls for help and an emergency spaceship flies over and sends an elevator down to save Orbulon. The space rabbits inside the spaceship pull him up as the player plays I.Q. themed microgames. In the end, Orbulon is saved and begins to talk about how intelligent he is. The space rabbits, however, tire of this self adulation, drop him off and leave. Subsequently Orbulon's ship crashes into Earth.

In WarioWare: Twisted! Orbulon is cruising through space in his ship. He falls asleep, and while asleep his ship is caught in a time warp. In order for his ship to escape, the player must complete games which are twice as long as others (the time in his world is twice as slow as in Earth). Once a stage is beaten, Orbulon's ship escapes the time warp and proceeds; however Orbulon is nearly eaten by a monster disguised as a moon or planet. The monster spits the ship out, nearly destroying it, and causing Orbulon's bunny minions to flee.

Orbulon does not have a stage or games in WarioWare: Touched!, choosing instead to harbor various unlockables in his pink space ship. Orbulon crashes into Ashley, a young witch-in-training, during her microgame session, and is chased by Ashley's friend, a little devil named Red, as it turns out Orbulon is the missing ingredient to Ashley's potion. Red never catches him, so Ashley decides to use Red instead.

Orbulon appears in WarioWare: Smooth Moves as well, and he introduces the player to the "Diner" form which utilizes the Nunchuck controller. His segment of the story takes place after Wario's second segment, as the Form Baton has already been returned to the temple. After picking the Form Baton and the Balance Stone, the Temple starts to fly into space. After claiming the temple as his new spaceship, the Splunks take the controllers away and toss Orbulon outside with his old ship.

[edit] Young Cricket

Young Cricket is first introduced in WarioWare: Smooth Moves. He practices Martial Arts and trains with his master, Master Mantis. In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, he feels hungry and notices Mona's crowded dumpling stand nearby. Young Cricket then attempts to leap on the heads of people waiting in the line to grab his meal. After landing in front of the stand and in front of the other people, Cricket feels an unnaturally hostile aura behind him. As he looks back, he then notices that everyone he bypassed has a bump on their head and is angry. Cricket then apologizes, jumps on the people's head again and finally asks his master to wait in line.

He and his master travel all over looking for new forms. The two decide to stay in Diamond City for a while, as there appears to be many Forms to learn there.

[edit] Penny Crygor

Penny Crygor is another character first introduced in WarioWare: Smooth Moves. The granddaughter of Dr. Crygor, she is a junior high school student, and dreams of becoming a great scientist. She also has a hidden desire to become a singer. Penny sees her grandfather as an excellent scientist, though also recognizes his eccentric nature.[3]

In the intro of her games in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, she is seen going to Diamond Academy and putting on a pair of goggles that puts her in a battle suit of some sort. Moments later she is in some kind of sparring match between herself and Dr. Crygor. According to the game, they aren't physically fighting but instead they try to mentally fight over which invention of their's is better.

Later in the game, she gives her winning invention, a tiny bike, to Wario, which leads to a second set of Wario-themed microgames.

[edit] Wario-Man

While checking up on Dr. Crygor's production of WarioWare: Twisted! carts, Wario decides to sit down on the assembly line and play a game. The next thing he knows, he is tossed into Dr. Crygor's Gravitator. When he comes out, he has become Wario-Man.

Later, in WarioWare: Touched!, Wario starts to feel a little under the weather. He goes to his fridge and finds a funky-looking clove of garlic. With garlic being Wario's personal cure-all, he goes ahead and eats the thing. The reaction of the garlic ends up turning Wario into Wario-Man, where he ends up going on a rampage.

Wario-Man's microgames are of the same genre as Wario's microgames; they involve Wario in some way, shape or form. There are no rules or any kind of special theme or way to play, which differs greatly from the other character's games in WarioWare: Touched! and WarioWare: Twisted!.

[edit] Tiny Wario

In WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Penny Crygor gives Wario a special motorcycle as a present. When Wario rides it, he shrinks and disappears into it, soon after being spit out of the exhaust pipe in the form of multiple Tiny Warios. Tiny Wario has the same genre as Wario-Man, and could be considered a replacement of Wario-Man, considering that Wario-Man is absent from WarioWare: Smooth Moves. The Tiny Warios can re-gather to turn back into a fully-sized Wario. Tiny Warios are also infatuated with strawberries.

Oddly enough, the Tiny Warios are based off of an actual transformation Wario can undergo in the Wario Land series of games. Both versions appear identical, except the WarioWare version wears a yellow "suit" with a W on it.

[edit] Other WarioWare characters

[edit] Dr. Payne

In WarioWare: Touched!, Wario (after eating a dangerous amount of chocolate) goes to Dr. Payne, who fixes Wario's teeth. Dr Payne looks incredibly like the Sewer Guru.

[edit] Sewer Guru

The Sewer Guru is the character Wario meets in the opening cutscene of WarioWare: Touched!. While Wario was walking home with his "pinched" Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP, he trips and drops them both in an open manhole.

The Sewer Guru comes out of the sewers and holds 3 gamesystems, Wario's Game Boy Advance and SP in one hand, a Nintendo DS in the other. He asks if Wario dropped the older systems or the DS (which he calls "this fancy one"), and Wario demands all three. The Sewer Guru gives Wario an incredulous look and Wario lunges at him in attempt to get all the handhelds. When Wario gets out of the sewer he only has the DS. At the end, after the characters's names, Wario falls near the sewer. The Guru, seeking revenge, smashes Wario over the head.

[edit] Alien bunnies

In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, they were the life counter for Orbulon's games. Every time you lose one of your lives, one of them gets sucked into a nameless void. Regaining a life brings one back from said void. Their spaceship appears in the Dribble & Spitz microgame, Space Escape. In the GameCube remake, WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$, they had their own minigame, where up to four had to keep away from a larger space hare in a girl's wig. In WarioWare: Twisted!, they show up during Orbulon's story, as his minions. In WarioWare Touched!, they appear in various places. One appears in the ending of Dr. Crygor game, and Mike goes to a planet full of them.

They also appear in Rhythm Tengoku during the seventh and eighth mixes, which was also created by R&D1.

[edit] Joe

He's pretty much Mona's boss, progressing up the ladder along with Mona, and is the owner of Mona's particular place of business. He appears in all of the games except for WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$. In WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$, he only appears at the end of the game, after Mona has evaded the police. In WarioWare: Twisted! and WarioWare: Touched!, he comes in and drops off Mona's animal helpers. He appears as the announcer at the football game in WarioWare: Smooth Moves.

[edit] Pyoro

A character that has his own game in most every WarioWare game, each game varying in style. Pyoro resembles a round red bird with a white belly and short wings, with a long sticky frog-like tongue. His first appearances in WarioWare: Mega Microgame$ required the player to use his tongue to eat falling plants that knock out Pyoro if they hit him.

In Warioware: Touched! and Warioware: Twisted! Pyoro must defend his tiny planet and four flowers from various insects again using his tongue.

In Warioware: Smooth Moves Pyoro is able to fly using his short stubby wings. He flies through the air while spearing insects with his beak and avoiding being knocked out of the air by them, occasionally fighting a spine shooting 6-eyed circle monster. Pyoro can also eat apples for points and power-ups, which include switching to using a super long tongue, having two smaller Pyoros flying in formation and attacking as well, or a shield of flowers that allows Pyoro to absorb bugs and grow larger.

[edit] Jimmy P

First appearing in Warioware: Smooth Moves, Jimmy P is Jimmy T's almost identical double. Jimmy P has a yellow afro, a Hawaiian shirt, and attends Club Spice. He has his own stage in Smooth Moves, in which he befriends a group of Dogs that dance with him. The stage consists of games from the Ashley, Dribble and Spitz, and Penny stages. At the end of his story he comes face to face with Jimmy T, although the results of this are not known. Despite their similarities, Jimmy P claims he has never heard of Jimmy T.

[edit] Football Player

An unnamed member of the Diamond City High Football team. Apparently has a crush on Mona and has problems talking to her. At the end of Mona's microgames Wario Ware: Smooth Moves he scores the winning touchdown of the game and then tries to talk to Mona but screws up.

[edit] Wario Land Series

[edit] Wario

Main article: Wario

[edit] Hen

Wario's beloved pet hen, Hen was featured in the beginning of Wario Land 2; after several members of Captain Syrup's Black Sugar Pirates stole Wario's treasure, they startled Hen and caused her to flee into Wario's yard, dazed and confused.

Wario, apon seeing his pet in trouble, abandoned his chase of the Black Sugar Pirates and rushed-off to help Hen, who would run wildly all over Wario's yard. Wario must return Hen to her pen in order to move onward in the game.

[edit] Princess Shokora

Princess Shokora is a mythical princess who appears in Wario Land 4. During his plundering, Wario inadvertently frees her from a curse placed upon her by the Golden Diva that forced her to live in the body of a black cat. The only foreknowledge Wario had of her at all was a brief mention of her in the newspaper article he read; in his greedy lust for gold he didn't know that he was going to be rescuing her as well.

Throughout the game she helps Wario by selling him items prior to boss battles used to create pre-emptive damage to the bosses and make them easier for him. In these shops she exhibits an ability to transform herself into a black humanoid shape (resembling Mr. Game and Watch but with eyes). She takes her payment for the items in gold medals that can be received by achieving high scores in the mini game shops prior to the boss rooms.

After defeating the Golden Diva at the end of the game, the curse placed upon her is broken and she takes her true form, which varies depending on how many treasures Wario managed to obtain from the bosses. She has four different appearances (listed below), and regardless of her appearance, Wario receives a kiss from her in the ending scene. Depending on the appearance, Wario will either smile or feel uneasy when taking the kiss.

  • Little girl - One treasure or less. Princess Shokora will appear as a very small, young girl. Wario has a bit of a frown.
  • Female Wario - Two to four treasures. Princess Shokora appears as a fat woman strongly resembling Wario. Wario obviously feels uneasy on this one.
  • Princess - Five to eleven treasures. Princess Shokora appears as a young lady in a blue dress resembling Princess Peach. Wario has a smile on his face.
  • Queen - All twelve treasures. She appears as an adult with a mature, queen-like appearance. Wario obviously likes this.

[edit] Wario: Master of Disguise

[edit] Count Cannoli

Otherwise known as the 'Silver Zephyr', the man that Wario stole Goodstyle from. Before Wario came, Cannoli was a legendary thief, who has come from a long line of treasure seekers. However, once Wario takes Goodstyle (and the powers that come with it), Cannoli becomes infuriated and tries to get revenge whenever he can.

Of course, Cannoli doesn't work alone to achieve his goal of becoming the star once more. While trying to get Goodstyle in his hands again, the tophatted count befriends not only the current lord of Dolphins, but his original arch-rival (Carpassio) as well. However, once Cannoli finally realises he can't defeat Wario, he decides to lend a hand or two during the final of the 10 'episodes'.

[edit] Carpassio

Pronounced 'Kar-POSH-ee-oh'. When he's not a master thief, he runs a security company that is obviously rigged so he can steal from the houses he sells it to. When he is a master thief, he usually tries to trip up Wario AND the powerless Cannoli whenever he can. However, when the Wishstone is involved, he isn't afraid to go by any means to collect the pieces...although it's unknown whether he does so to gain legendary treasure, or make sure they are never combined.

[edit] Goodstyle

Goodstyle is an animate wand with a face and moustache and ally of Wario from Wario: Master of Disguise; after he was stolen by Wario from Count Cannoli, Goodstyle aided Wario by giving him advice and by giving him different powers/costumes.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

It is eventually revealed that Goodstyle was the first member of the Cannoli family who sealed the evil Terrormisu into the Wishstone. After doing this, Goodstyle transformed himself into a powerful wand to aid a warrior in defeating the Terrormisu once in for all.

After having Wario reassemble the pieces of the Wishstone and defeating Terrormisu, Goodstyle gave all the treasure he owned to Wario as thanks for defeating Terrormisu.

[edit] Tiaramisu

Tiaramisu, the girl that coincidentally looks and acts a bit like Carpassio, is actually the demon Terrormisu. Trapped inside the Wishstone for centuries, she is finally released when Wario combines all five of the scattered pieces.

Originally appearing in 'Episode 7' of the game, Tiaramisu appears to be just an innocent girl who is concerned about Wario's safety. She is able to manifest herself near the final areas of the game due to the vast spiritual energy in the volcano and the haunted mansion, and is just making sure that the other thieves are unable to take the Wishstone pieces and scatter them again. When Wario reaches the final area, much to Carpassio's dismay, Tiaramisu is unleashed from her prison and appears as a Princess Peach rip-off.

Her boss battle is reminiscent of the Golden Diva fight from Wario Land 4. Not only does she gains powers from the masks she wears, but she is revealed to have a gruesome face when the final mask comes off. When she is finally defeated, and returns to the land where she had once came from, Wario is given the rewards that he truly deserves...which are unable to come with him once the yellow-clad plumber returns back home.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Others

[edit] Waluigi

Main article: Waluigi

Waluigi has a hat and gloves with a "Γ" symbol. Mario's evil counterpart, Wario, wears a "W", which is also an upside-down "M". Likewise, Waluigi is noted as Luigi's evil counterpart. Nintendo used the vertical mirror image of the "L," and the Γ is not Faux Cyrillic. Unlike Luigi's green hat and shirt, Waluigi has a purple shirt and hat with black overalls, while his Γ symbol is yellow. Along with his boomerang-like mustache (which look to be two letter L's), Waluigi is taller and skinnier than Luigi, intending to highly exaggerate Luigi's physical characteristics, much in the same way that Wario exaggerates Mario's physical characteristics (by being shorter and fatter). Super Smash Bros. Melee confirms that Waluigi is the same age as Luigi, which would make him younger than Mario and Wario. Waluigi also has a disorted nose that is pink just like Wario's.

Waluigi is essentially a flat character, possessing no known redeeming characteristics. In the games, he has shown himself to be an obvious exhibitionist, prone to break into dance, strike a pose, or perform a melodramatic "stage death" symbol when he is feeling upset. In Super Mario Strikers, he uses many different taunts demonstrating his rude/arrogant side. Waluigi doesn't usually make any sounds other than moaning and whining, but he does however talk, much like the other characters, which is generally bragging and gratifying himself of being the best. He often participates in various schemes with Wario (the two, and their antics, are the primary focus of the opening cinematic of Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour and Mario Power Tennis, making the two the 'stars' of the intros). Waluigi, unlike Wario who acts purely out of greed, seems to be mean to others just for personal gratification. Also he can be impatient as shown in Mario Kart DS when saying "Let's go already!"

[edit] References