List of The Tribe characters

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This article contains detailed descriptions of characters of the teen sci-fi TV show The Tribe.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Major Characters

[edit] Alice (Vanessa Stacey)

  • Seasons: 1 (guest), 2 - 3, 5 (guest)
  • Tribe(s): Farm Girls, Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S1) - 21 (S5)

Alice is the de facto leader of the "Farm Girls," who supply the City with fresh produce. Eventually, Alice and her sister, Ellie, leave the Farm and live in the Mall where Alice is Tai-San's body guard. As an older sister, Alice is fiercely protective of Ellie. She is fun loving and can be rowdy but deep down she is kind and sensitive and has wisdom, which she offers Ellie and others who need help. Angry at injustice, Alice has a hot temper. She is a formidable foe but a fantastic friend.

After finding Lex was leading her on while pursuing a relationship with Tai-San, Alice finally finds her (unlikely) soul-mate in Ned; unfortunately his disreputable dealings lead to his death and the shock of his loss is too much for her to bear; she loses her mind. Alice also makes an appearance in season 5 in which she, KC and the Guardian along with several others are being held prinsoner on a strange unknown island.

[edit] Amber / Eagle (Beth Allen)

Amber in season three
Amber in season three
  • Seasons: 1, 3 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Gaians, Eco tribe
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1) - 18 (S5)

A strong-minded, beautiful 14-year-old, Amber is the driving force behind the unity and strength of her tribe, the Mallrats. She has natural leadership qualities, and quickly gets accepted as a surrogate mother and leader by the other kids. Her idealistic beliefs and attitude make her seem a bit naïve sometimes, yet she is practical enough to be capable of managing the complicated everyday life of her tribe and sensitive enough to comfort fellow tribemembers in need.

Amber “died” at the end of the first season in an explosion on Eagle Mountain. She was still a strong presence in Season Two. However, she is "resurrected" in the third season as the leader of the Eco Tribe. Turns out that Ebony found her alive, tricked her into leaving the Mallrats believing that Ebony and Bray had had a baby, and she was found by a Gaian called Pride, whom held torch for her for a long time. Amber insists they were only ever friends though. However, once seeing Bray again, after some confusion and anger, they rekindle their love for one another. After a night in bed with Bray, Amber becomes pregnant with his child, Baby Bray. It is no doubt that Bray was the love of Amber's life, even though their romance was cut short twice and he never met his son.

[edit] Andy (James Ordish)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats (however, he was never fully accepted)
  • Estimated Age: 11/12 (S3)

Andy is Ned's younger brother and Tally's twin. Andy is quite an entrepreneur - he is always looking out for a good deal or to make a profit, even if this is by tricking someone in a scam.

KC becomes a bit of a role model for Andy. Andy deep down is good and cares for Ned and Tally - and will do what he can to try to make the New World order a good one; his loyalties will never be with the Chosen…

When Andy claims that the guardian said "i will bite of your arm" no one believed that he was telling the truth. Ebony of course saw the guardian stop faking insane and scare Andy but didn't tell anyone.

[edit] Brady (Georgia Taylor-Woods)

  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Chosen
  • Estimated Age: newborn(S1) - 3/4/5 (S5) (Brady's age is part of an ongoing debate about the passing of time in tribeworld. It is therefore rather disputed.)

Brady is the daughter of Trudy and Zoot, although Trudy allowed people to assume in Season 1 that Bray was the father. She did this partly to protect Brady from her violent father, and partly to tie Bray to her in the eyes of the other members of the Mallrats. Later, in Season 3, Brady was taken by the Chosen and revered as the "Divine Child" of Zoot.

[edit] Bray (Dwayne Cameron)

  • Seasons: 1 - 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S1) - 18 (S3)

A handsome, confidently cool, enigmatic young man. A natural loner, content with his own company, Bray is an experienced eco-warrior and activist.

He distrusts all leaders and initially refused to assume his natural role within the group. On the surface very sure of himself, inside he's a turmoil of emtions about his suspicion among the others. Tall, well built, Bray can handle himself, but whether he could match the manic ferocity of his rival, Lex, is in doubt.

Bray disappeared when the Technos invaded, and at the same time when his son was being born. He was captured outside the barn in which Amber was giving birth the baby. He was last seen unconscious in one of the Technos pick up trucks. He never seen his son, who Amber named after him. It was mentioned that he was killed or 'deleted' throughout season 4 and 5 but was confirmed to be alive and well. However where he is, is unknown.

[edit] Bray jr. (Adam Sandej)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: newborn (S4) - 1 (S5)

The son of Amber and Bray, Bray jr. (also called Baby Bray) spends his first year living in the woods with the Gaians. After Amber returns to the city, they live in the Mall. He is then used to manipulate Amber by Mega, who threatens that Bray jr. won’t be safe if she doesn’t agree with his future plans for the city. In order to protect her son, Amber gives in and plays along.

Bray sails away from the city with his mother and the rest of the tribe in the last episode of S5.

[edit] Cloe (Jamiee Kaire Gataulu)

  • Seasons: 1 - 4
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, C & P Tribe
  • Estimated Age: 11 (S1) - 14 (S4)

Cloe was Patsy's best friend until series two when she became jealous of Trudy's interest in Patsy. Cloe was the one who accused Trudy of being a traitor, and in doing so sabotaged her relationship with Patsy, and when Patsy was manipulated into becoming an initiate for the Chosen, Cloe stopped being friends with her. In Season Three she was spying for Alice and Ellie (so was Patsy) but got caught and with a simple deus ex machina was sent to the mines. In Season Three she was released from the mines and made her way back to the city, a rebellious and stubborn teenager. On here way back she ran in to Jack, that just came from the mall, with a crushed hart, but Cloe made him change his mind and made him go back to the mall.

At the start of season 4 she developed a crush on Pride, but nothing came of it. Then while she was at the casino, she met Ved. (A techno, the enermy tribe) They seemed to be getting on ok when Ved turned ice cold, Humiliating Cloe. But she went back a few days later, when she spiked his drink, then dressed him up in a nappy, with a dummy in his mouth and her teddy under his arm. Ved soon woke up to the entire casino staring at him. Embarresed, Ved went to find cloe, they soon settled their difference and started going on date together. Their first real date was the night of the switch on, Ved was pressuring Cloe to sleep with him, but she refused until she felt that she was ready, He was clearly disappointed, but seemed to understand her feelings. When Cloe thought that she was pregnant, she told Ved, but he dumped her. On finding out that she was not pregnant, he took her back. Again Cloe got Ved drunk, using this as a chance to get his password for the techno system so the mallrats could hack into it. When he finds out, he is not happy, But when she tells him that she 'took advantage' of him, he soon forgives her. But later in the season Cloe goes missing in reality space. Ved even fights Ram to get her back, But he does not win.

[edit] Dal (Ashwath Sundaresan)

  • Seasons: 1 - 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 13 (S1) - 15 (S3)

Dal describes himself as a mix between a doctor and a mechanic. Dal and Amber are friends who help to create the Mall Rats. He works along side Jack to create inventions such as the turbine which helps the tribe. Dal always wanted to live in the country with a piece of land to call his own, but the Mall Rats are his family and he decides to stay with them. In series two Dal falls for Ellie, who is with Jack, and this creates a rift between the two friends. However Dal spends most of his time at the farm, working and doing what he loves. In series three Dal is part of a plot to kidnap Trudy and Brady but it is a trap and Dal dies in the ambush. A large memorial is held for Dal in the mountains.

[edit] Danni (Ella Wilks)

  • Seasons: 2
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S2)

Danni and Bray meet after the tragedy at Eagle Mountain. Bray invites Danni to the Mall and, although she is never officially voted in, she becomes part of the Mall Rats. Danni wants to distribute the newly found antidote amongst the city and she wasn't to bring peace and order to the tribe. During herstay with the Mall Rats it is uncovered that Danni's father created the virus that wiped out the adults. At the beginning of series three, after the Chosen have invaded, Danni is never seen. Many believe that the Tribe leaders are kept apart from the others and this is where Danni is, but the Guardian makes it clear that Danni is n longer alive when he tells Bray that his vision has "cost him the lives of the two women he loved."

[edit] Darryl (Joseph Crawford)

  • Seasons: 5
  • Estimated Age: 16/17 (S5)

Darryl worked in the cassino and was found by Mega. Mega then used him as a Zoot impersonator, seeing as Darryl bares a striking rezemblence to the man himself. Afrter using both Darryl and the hollograms to scare most of the people into submission Mega ended up throwing Darryl out like yesterday's trash. Where he is then found by Slade. Who takes care of him. And Darryl eventually becomes one of the gang at liberty. He helped Lex in running his vertual Cassino in Ruby's Saloon.

FACTS: according to Slade, Darryl has "one and only" one skill and that is looking like zoot

as Darryl told Ebony he is not in any way related to Zoot, He didn't even know Zoot.

Darryl was just minding his own business working in the cassino when Mega approached him

[edit] Dee (Kelly Stevenson)

  • Seasons: 4
  • Tribe(s): - Mosquitoes, Mallrats
  • Estimated Age: 16/17 (S4)

Dee is originally part of the Mozzies, though we only see her at the beginning of Season 4, when she takes the place of Moz as spokeswoman for that tribe. With her bright pink hair and English accent, she stands out from the other characters. She challenges the invading Technos, and her tribe is taken away. Rescued by Jack and Ellie, Dee stays with the Mallrats and becomes Lex's assistant sheriff, as the Mozzies were working with him before they were taken away. As the season continues, Dee falls in love with Pride's friend Patch, a computer nerd, but they both disappear at the start of Season 5.

[edit] Ebony (Meryl Cassie)

Ebony at the beginning of S4
Ebony at the beginning of S4
  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Locos, Mallrats, Zootists, Techno
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1) - 18 (S5)

Conniving and brutal, Ebony is the most ruthless of characters and the least likely to show kindness. She is inwardly consumed by power - the only kind of security she knows - and stops at nothing to acquire it. Only out for herself, she is willing to hurt, even to murder, people who stand in her way. Aware of her fine looks and feminine charms, she understands the game of seduction and allure and uses it to her advantage.

Terrified of showing weakness or losing control, Ebony has built a wall of confidence, cruelty and constraint around her that hides her deep-seated fears and insecurities. Struggling to open up to anyone, Ebony claims that friendship is "for losers" and "dead". She feels - sometimes clearly due to skewed perceptions, but usually justifiably - that everyone she has ever trusted has abandoned or betrayed her. While not much about her background is known, it seems evident that her complete mistrust of people stems at least partly from her family.

Ebony is exceptionally calculating and cunning, and puts her cleverness to good use. A perfect actress, she loves to manipulate - an exercise of power and control. There's always an intrigue she's working on or a hidden agenda that needs pondering. She is nimble and knows the city and its people well. Although perceived as despotic at times, she has excellent leader skills and can convince anyone with her rousing speeches. Her tone is often sarcastic and subtly insulting, but she can also be aggressively blunt. However, every once in a while she shakes up the screen with a dazzling moment of freshness and ingenuous playfulness, as though she had just remembered that she is, after all, just a teenager.

[edit] Ellie (Jennyfer Jewell)

  • Seasons: 2 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Farmgirls, Mall Rats, Zootists
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S2) - 17 (S5)

Ellie is Alice's younger sister, an original member of the Farmgirls who preferred life to the City than on a smelly farm. She contracted the virus when she went to the City, got sick, and the storyline led to her and Alice moving into the Mall. Pretty, innocent and guiless, Ellie is naive, emotional and falls in love with Jack, the resident computer nerd. Through many ups and downs, she leaves Jack for Luke, then when he leaves she is emotionally distraught, finding comfort in Jack. When Jack is taken away by the Technos in Season 4, Ellie kind of goes crazy, tries to kill Ebony and is taken away by the Technos. She returns in Season 5 with no memory of Jack, but their love develops again.

[edit] Gel (Vicky Rodewyk)

Gel (S5)
Gel (S5)
  • Seasons: 5
  • Tribe(s): Modes, Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 13 (S5)

Gel's life motto is "Girls just wanna have fun". Utterly unconcerned with the political ongoings and power struggles around her, her life revolves around such trivial matters as fashion and gossiping about possible love affairs. Thoughtless and often insensitive, the other characters have little patience with her, and find her both annoying and childish.

Gel is a born follower, who has never truly learned to take care of herself. She constantly needs somebody to remind her of her duties and to look after her so she doesn't get into scrapes.

Fascinated by the idea of being considered "hip" and desirable, Gel spends hours doing her makeup and hair. When she notices that Sammy has a crush on her, Gel begins ordering him around and making him take care of the things she's too busy to do. She then becomes fixated on the idea of Lex and her as a couple, and follows him around wherever he goes, flirting and trying to trick him into dating her. When he kisses her and tries to go “too far”, Gel grows dismissive and confused. Maybe it’s time for her to find out what she really wants. Gel is also an ex-member of a tribe called The Modes and she was captured by the Technos

[edit] The Guardian / Jaffa (Damon Andrews)

  • Seasons: S2 - S3, S5 (guest)
  • Tribe(s): Chosen
  • Estimated Age: very unclear, most likely 18 (S2) - 21 (S5), even though the show indicates otherwise (28th October 1971)

The Guardian is the misguided dictator tyrant fanatical zealot of the Chosen who, due to Tai-Sans feminine charms, goes insane and is defeated.

[edit] Jack (Michael Thomas Wesley-Smith)

Jack in episode 4.1
Jack in episode 4.1
  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 12/13 (S1) - 17 (S5)

Jack is the original "owner of the mall" his dad taught him to survive and that the mall was the place he should go when he (Jack's dad) was gone.

Jack is a somewhat cocky geek, who fully commits himself to finding solutions for the Mallrats’ lack of fresh water and electricity. He forges a strong friendship with Dal, who helps him construct a basic power generator to recharge batteries as well as water pipes from the roof tank directly into the Mall. He believes devoutly and staunchly that science is the only solution to their problems, and frequently gets into arguments about the futility of ‘spiritual guidance’ with the other Mall Rats, particularly Tai-San. Although his abilities are highly valued within the group, Jack’s sarcastic, wry sense of humour and enthusiasm about scientific matters seems, while not exactly off-putting, rather peculiar to the Mall Rats. He stays an outsider, usually opting to work on his inventions rather than to socialize with fellow tribemembers.

However, his personality starts to change as soon as Ellie, an aspiring journalist, is accepted into the tribe. Jack has finally found someone who shares his curiosity and obsession about the virus, and they research the matter to write about it in Ellie’s paper. Both are attracted to each other, and, even though it takes some time, they eventually end up together. Jack starts to soften, to care more for his appearance and be less solitary.

He then gets captured by the Chosen to work for them. When he comes back to the Mall, his best friend Dal has died and Ellie has started dating Luke. His old life seems disrupted, and he decides to go off to live by himself without a tribe. It is only by chance that he is flushed back to the city, and makes up with Ellie before he is deported by the Technos.

When he is released and returns to the city, Jack has changed. He is not the self-seeking, sneering kid he used to be, and starts taking responsibility for those younger or weaker than him. He is now an integral part of the Mall Rats, and his days of proud solitude are over. He and Ellie become sexually active, and experience the complications of a relationship between two maturing teenagers that have been romantically involved for years. When the dictator-like leader Mega hears of Jack’s technical abilities, he employs him to develop a virtual reality punishment program for people not abiding by the laws he has introduced. Jack is flattered, but is stuck in a predicament. In the end, he decides that he doesn’t want to assist the Techno leader in his quest to torture and brainwash people. He tricks Mega with a fake scenario in which Ellie is supposedly tortured. Risking his life to abscond with stolen data from Mega’s computer, he joins the resistance movement in Liberty to bring Mega down. There is no doubt that, at the end of the fifth season, Jack is growing up.

[edit] Java (Megan Alatini)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Technos, Zootists
  • Estimated Age: 20 (S4) - 21 (S5)

As one of RAM's "girls", JAVA exercises great influence within the Technos. She is loyal and protective of RAM, appreciating all he has done for her. JAVA is also respected on her own merits - she has excellent computer skills but is mostly admired (and feared) as a ruthless warrior with great fighting skills.

This has led JAVA to accompany Jay on many ground operations - and she has developed quite an attraction for Jay. Should she chase Jay or stay with RAM? A face from the past threatens to shadow the future of JAVA and her sister, SIVA...

[edit] Jay (James Napier)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Technos, Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 18 (S4) - 19 (S5)

Jay is RAM's general in the Technos and is renowned and respected for his brilliant strategies and practical thinking.

He supervises all security matters for the Technos and ground operations in the city.

Jay hopes the Technos can use their technical expertise and skills to build a better world and his relationship with RAM is sometimes marked with tension as Jay senses RAM's ultimate vision may be different to his own.

In series 5, he looks for his brother Ved, but he never seems to find him.

[edit] KC (Ari Boyland)

  • Seasons: 1 - 3, 5 (guest)
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 11 (S1) - 15/16 (S5)

When KC comes to the Mall, he is a little boy, not knowing, what to do with his life. He is quite getting friends with Lex, who gives him the feeling, that he is also a good fighter an it seems, that KC starts having Lex as an elder brother. KC cannot read and just as Lex he refuses to do housework or learn something.

[edit] Lex (Caleb Ross)

Lex in S3
Lex in S3
  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S1) - 20 (S5)

An arrogant, tough streetfighter, Lex is a seemingly heartless character. He bullies anyone younger or weaker than him, and is not disinclined to use physical force to get what he wants. Very sexually driven, he seems to have an insatiable appetite for, as Ebony snarkily states, “everything female with a pulse”. At the age of 17, he has married and has lost both his wife and unborn baby to an explosion. Instead of mourning he starts to drink, and struggles with alcohol abuse in the second season.

Despite his macho attitude, he has, locked away and safely guarded, many insecurities that stem both from his background (his father is said to have been an alcoholic) and his lack of education – he is illiterate, and never exceeds an elementary reading level even though he tries to improve his skills more than once.

Lex always seeks profit for himself, even if it means betraying his tribe. It is not surprising then that he never fully earns the trust of the Mall Rats. He is frequently condescending to his one loyal friend, Ryan, and treats his girlfriends badly, cheating on them and attempting to rape both Zandra and Salene. However, he has also saved the Mall Rats’ lives on more than one occasion and has been a key figure in both resistance movements (S3 and S5). Protective of those he loves, he is usually willing to fight and stand up for his tribe. A deeply flawed, and at times even abhorrent, character, he nevertheless somehow manages to end up someplace good with his charm, street-wisdom and, every once in a while, the decision to do something not only for his own sake.

[edit] Lottie (Beth Chote)

  • Seasons: 5
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 11 (S5)

[edit] Luke (Jacob Tomuri)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Chosen
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S3)

On the outside, Luke is the Guardian's deputy - it is he who disciplines the Chosen and carries out the Guardian's orders.

A believer in order and stability, Luke genuinely feels the new world can be made in a good and positive way by "power and chaos" - but deep down, Luke has doubts about the Guardian's extremism and fanaticism - will he stay loyal to the "cause" or slowly drift away from the Guardian?

[edit] May (Laura Wilson)

  • Seasons: 2 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Outcasts, Mall Rats, Chosen
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S2) - 19 (S5)

We first meet May in s2 when she has a brief interlude with Lex, out on the streets and when we see her again she stays with the Mallrats, after rescuing Salene from (The Smile), and then returns in s3 as a full time tribe member. In s3 when (The Chosen) take over the city and the mall May joins them, hoping it would give her an advantage as she tried to encourage Salene to join them too, to give her unborn baby a better chance at life. The other Mallrats all think that she is a traitor and is very selfish but they dont realise that she was actually thinking of Salene's baby, and eventually she helps out the rebels (Bray, Amber, Dal ect) to take back the city and the mall. During this time May developes a crush on new comer Pride from the (Eco-Tribe)who is helping the rebels, and when he gets captured and placed in the mall, she becomes his only friend.

After (The Chosen) are defeated May continued to persue Pride, and eventaully she couldnt take any more and told him how she feels. They quickly became an item, May was very happy, but Pride seemed more distracted by Ambers kidnap.May dumped him and then nearly left the city, but she is stopped by a sorry Pride, who then declared his love for her.

Their romance was short lived by Mays kidnap at the begining of S4.

May then returned at the end of S4, we first saw her in a VR show, and then later she stumbled back into the mall.She suffered from Reality Space sickness for a while and she tried to get her relationship back with Pride but he made it clear he was in love with Salene. May was gutted.

Then in S5 May felt so lonely and out of place that she collabarated with Mega and (The Technos) and so she spied on her fellow Mallrats, but she never did any major harm. A few episodes later, May witnessed the death of her beloved Pride after a plan to kipnap Salene went wrong. They shared the same sadness and Salene forgave May. Being her only friend, May turned to Salene and in their grief they shared a kiss, but nothing became of it. In the end of S5 May was able to get a boat from one of her old contacts, and the Mallrats sailed away.

May's personality changes through the seasons. When she first appears she has surviour instincts and seems very selfish and harsh.But when she starts to settle into her new home, her softer and fun side comes out. May is infact caring and sensitive, and she is very insecure.She tends to keep a hard barrier up, pretending shes stonger than what she really is just to hide her desperateness for love.Inside she craves to be loved and wanted, and has proved throughout the seasons that she will resort to anything to gain attention and affection. Sometimes she is almost desperate for a friend but tries her best not to show it.

[edit] Mega/Josh (Calen Maiava Paris)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Technos
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S4) - 18 (S5)

At the beginning of his appearances in the series, Mega is just an ordinary Techno, who is quite clever and knows a lot about computers. When Ram disappears, he makes himself the leader of the Technos and creates a picture of Zoot, so that the people in the city get influenced by the technology.

When they come to the end of Season 5, he is getting more and more fanatic (just like The Guardian) and at the end, he tells the Mall Rats, that he will blow the city up. This is the reason, why the Mall Rats finalley decide to leave their home.

It is revealed towards the end of Series 5 that Mega's real name is Josh, and that he is the younger brother of Slade.

[edit] Mouse (Jacinta Wawatei)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Gaians
  • Estimated Age: 7 (S4) - 8 (S5)

Mouse's best friend is Sammy. they spend a lot of time in jack room blowing up suff

[edit] Ned (Bevin Linkhorn)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats (however, he was never fully accepted by the other members)
  • Estimated Age: 19/20 (S3)

Larger than life, Ned is intelligent and possesses a sharp wit which can make others laugh - or cry out in anger if Ned irritates them (which he often does). Stubborn and headstrong, Ned will seldom back down and always wants his way. Ned has a softer side beneath the rough exterior however - he cares deeply for his younger siblings, Tally and Andy, and is a romantic of sorts.

[edit] Patch (Morgan Palmer Hubbard)

  • Seasons: 4
  • Tribe(s): The Wrecking Crew, Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S4)

A friend to Pride, he falls in love with Dee, but they both disappear in the start of series 5... He helps Amber to get in to the Citynet, after the Techno took his two littlebrothers.

[edit] Patsy (Sarah Major)

  • Seasons: 1 - 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, C & P Tribe, Chosen
  • Estimated Age: 11 (S1) - 13 (S3)

Her best friend was Cloe until Patsy got to good friend with Trudy. Cloe was jealous and Patsy and Cloe started arguing. In the start of The Tribe Patsy had a brother named Paul. He was deaf and disappeared. Together they had the dog Bob. Bob died in season 2. After Bobs death Cloe and Patsy found a new dog they named Cloudy. In season three Patsy joined the Chosen because she was spying for Alice and Ellie. She got caught and send to the mines. Many think she was killed but in an interview we were told that she still was alive.

[edit] Pride (Nick Miller)

  • Seasons: 3 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Gaians, Eco-tribe, (lived with the Mall Rats for two seasons)
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S3) - 19 (S5)

A prominent member of the "eco-tribe", Pride is shy, reserved and polite. He lives by a code of conduct, means no harm to others and has an affinity with nature.

But if necessary Pride will take action and be forthright without hesitation to defend what he feels is right. Is his future in the city or back in the countryside? He has deep feelings for Amber - but might he settle down with someone else?

[edit] Ram (Tom Hern)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Technos
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S4) - 17 (S5)

Eccentric and brilliant in equal measure - Ram is the undisputed leader of the Technos.

A childhood prodigy, everyone recognises Ram as a visionary and genius - none more than himself. With his disability he faces challenges and he is also a hypochondriac, a little paranoid, and has an explosive temper but his followers believe these are outweighed by his mathematical, technical and computer skills.

He is ruthless but rewards loyalty and performance. Ram has a dream which he is determined to realise - but will it turn into a nightmare for everyone else?

When Ram first shows up in Liberty, he claims his name is Gabe, short for Gabriel.

[edit] Ruby (Fleur Saville)

  • Seasons: 5
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S5)

Ruby runs the Saloon in Liberty.

Ruby is independent, quick-witted, humorous, inventive, shrewd and resourceful. She has a whiplash turn of phrase that can cut any fool down to size. However if that doesn't work she's not afraid to back up an argument with her fist. Cross Ruby at your peril. She also has the tenacity of a terrier and a strong sense of "right". She loves language and her cryptic lateral thinking mind has developed a love for crossword puzzles.

Although Ruby is certainly resourceful and capable - for all that confidence she still has a vulnerability and is sensitive to other people's needs as well as to her own.

[edit] Ryan (Ryan Runciman)

  • Seasons: 1 - 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S1) - 18 (S3)

Ryan is one of the first members of the Mall Rats, he gets there mith Zandra and Lex. He is always bullied around by Lex, but the shy guy also falls in love with Zandra, who finally tells him, that she will marry Lex.

Later on, he falls in love with Salene and when she is pregnant, she becomes a Chosen, while Ryan remains a Mall Rat. When he hears, that he will never see his beloved child, he gets furious and attacks the Guardian. He gets caught, is obviously taken away. The Guardian calls for his death, but Luke (still looking out for Salene) persuades the Guardian to let Ryan live, making him a slave in the mines. Salene attempts to find him in S4, but never does. Is rumored to make a return in the currently unconfirmed Season 6

[edit] Salene (Victoria Spence)

  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Chosen
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1) - 18 (S5)

At the beginning, Salene comes with Chloe, Patsy and Paul into the Mall. There, he falls in love with Bray, and they even kiss each other, but then, Bray finally decides for Amber. Salene finds love with Ryan and she gets pregnant. But it is a hard time - the Chosen rule the city and Salene is in fear, that she might loose her baby, because the Mall Rats gets very little to eat. That's why she gets influenced by May and becomes a Chosen. Especially Alice is very angry about this and they have a fight, where Salene falls down the stairs and looses her baby. Meanwhile, Ryan is taken away. Very unhappy, she falls in love with the Chosen Luke, but they don't have a long time. The Technos come to the city and Salene is away for a time.

When she comes back to the Mall, she tells the others about her life and has become quite a strong person. She becomes the leader of the Mall Rats and tries to stop people being influenced by City Net, the TV programme that the Technos invented. Ram uses Salene for his plans and shows the people a film in which Salene tells the people how great the Technos are. Salene eventually becomes the leader of the city, although she has to bow for Ram.

At the end, she goes away with the other Mall Rats, because Mega wants to blow the city up.

[edit] Sammy (Lucas Hayward)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 12 (S4) - 13 (S5)

When Sammy appears he becomes Mouse's best friend, and spends lots of time in Jacks room, blowing things.

[edit] Siva (Monique Cassie)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Technos, Mall Rats, Zootists
  • Estimated Age: 19 (S4) - 20 (S5)

Like her sister, JAVA, Siva is betrothed as one of RAM's "girls" and carries considerable influence in the Technos. But unlike JAVA, Siva is not content with this - she fears RAM for his anger and jealousy and doesn't like being anybody's "property".

Siva is looking for genuine love with the guy of her dreams - this isn't RAM. But she is loyal to RAM for what he has done for her and will defend him. With good computer skills and hand-to-hand fighting, SIVA often leads ground operations for the Technos.

[edit] Slade (Matt Robinson (actor))

  • Seasons: 5
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 22 (S5)

Slade is a new character in Tribe 5 who is a drifter and an opportunist and winds up in 'Liberty', the frontier-style town, fully intending to move on but getting increasingly caught up in events.

Slade is a 'Pale Rider' character. He's out for himself, and his motives are often ambiguous. But there's a basic decency there behind the gruff exterior, and he can occasionally surprise us with acts of tenderness. What's more he doesn't judge others, (except to know that they will also look out for number one, if they've any sense).

He is certainly not a 'baddie', he doesn't want to rule the world, but neither does he harbour any illusions about building a Utopia from the ashes of the adult world.

It is revealed towards the end of Series 5 that Slade's real name is Ron, and that he is the older brother of Mega.

[edit] Tai-San (Michelle Ang)

Tai-San in the third season
Tai-San in the third season
  • Seasons: 1 - 3, 4 (guest)
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Chosen, Technos
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1) - 17 (S4)

The mystical, spiritual figure of the group. A practitioner of alternative healing, and a great story-teller and weaver of myths for The Tribe.

Tai-San can be somewhat aloof, very sure of her own beliefs in her own world. Her persuasive powers and zealous conviction in her own morality can be an irritant to some of the others, especially Amber who accuses her of meddling with others emotions.

[edit] Tally (Amelia Reynolds)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats (however, she was never fully accepted by the other members)
  • Estimated Age: 11/12 (S3)

Ned's younger sister is her brother Andy's twin. Like Andy, Tally is very smart and quick to recognise any opportunities that might benefit her - especially from a financial perspective.

She looks up to KC and enjoys the art of the scam. Tally may seem shrewd and selfish but she can also be sensitive and sympathetic to others in need, and seeing this kind side of her often surprises others…

[edit] Trudy (Antonia Prebble)

Trudy in the third season
Trudy in the third season
  • Seasons: 1 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats, Chosen
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1) - 18 (S5)

Probably the character that changes the most during the five seasons,Ebba loves jack Trudy gets to experience a lot of difficult situations in her young life. She starts out as a needy, frightened 14-year-old teenager who’s in search of a secure place to deliver her baby. Unable to cope with the responsibility for her daughter and the drastically changed world around her, Trudy desperately tries to find love and a secure place for herself. She goes through post-natal depression and a suicide attempt and runs away with Dal, before she can finally accept her role as a mother and take on her responsibilities.

However, she then falls for the deceptive notion of security presented by the religiously fanatic tribe of the Chosen, who kidnap her and her daughter Brady. Prodded by their leader, the Guardian, she betrays her Mallrat friends and takes on the position of the Supreme Mother. It is only when she is abducted by the Mallrats and brought to Amber that she realizes her erroneous behavior. After the downfall of the Chosen, she and Amber are kidnapped by Ned, as a try to give out the Guardian to the crowds who want the Guardian dead. Trudy proves to be strong and hopeful in such a precarious situation and she continues to assist the pregnant Amber after they have been freed. She helps deliver Amber’s baby and goes to live with her in the woods.

In the fifth season, Trudy faces situations that are challenging for her, such as her fight with her best friend Amber, or the decision to help Amber and Jay even though they have betrayed her. She recognizes that she has been manipulated once again, this time by Mega. However, even though she is still a struggling, sometimes whiny drama queen, Trudy keeps on trying to grow and learn from her mistakes. She might still have a long way to go, but it is undeniable that she has also made tremendous progress.

She also loses her temper very easily. For example in S5, when she hits Amber, and Amber hits her back. She is almost always angry at someone, often becuse they have done something that Trudy doesn't like. In S2-S3, when she's with The Chosen and spying on The Mallrats, she gets angry at every little thing that Cloe says.

[edit] Ved (Dan Weekes-Hannah)

  • Seasons: 4
  • Tribe(s): Technos
  • Estimated Age: 15 (S4)

As younger brother to Jay, many think VED has a lot to live up to - but he is determined to lead his own life and is very different to Jay. Unlike steady Jay, VED is impulsive, headstrong, stubborn and unpredictable - this leads him into troubles at times.

He enjoys wielding power and female company but is dismissive of "virts" (non-Technos). Second only to RAM in computer skills and technical competence, VED is inspired by RAM, who seems more of an influence and role model than Jay is for him. VED is a rebel with a cause.

Then while he was at the casino, he met Cloe. (She was a Mallrat, an enemy tribe.) They seemed to be getting on ok when Ved turned ice cold, Humiliating Cloe. But she went back a few days later, when she spiked his drink, then dressed him up in a nappy, with a dummy in his mouth and her teddy under his arm. Ved soon woke up to the entire casino staring at him. Embarresed, Ved went to find cloe, they soon settled their difference and started going on date together. Their first real date was the night of the switch on, Ved was pressuring Cloe to sleep with him, but she refused until she felt that she was ready, He was clearly disappointed, but seemed to understand her feelings. When Cloe thought that she was pregnant, she told Ved, but he dumped her. On finding out that she was not pregnant, he took her back. Again Cloe got Ved drunk, using this as a chance to get his password for the techno system so the mallrats could hack into it. When he finds out, he is not happy, But when she tells him that she 'took advantage' of him, he soon forgives her. But later in the season Cloe goes missing in reality space. Ved even fights Ram to get her back, But he does not win. Ved also then disappeared. Jay found out in season 5 that Ved has been 'DELETED' along with Cloe and Bray.

[edit] Zandra (Amy Morrison)

  • Seasons: 1
  • Tribe(s): Mall Rats
  • Estimated Age: 14 (S1)
Zandra in her wedding gear (S1)
Zandra in her wedding gear (S1)

14-year-old Zandra epitomizes naivete and ditziness. In an attempt not to face up to the trauma of the extinction of adults, she immerses herself into a fantasy world full of fashion and make-up, an invented dimension where her biggest worry is the decision between cherry red or lilac nail polish. She is the embodiment of youth and teenagehood: fickle, thoughtless and self-absorbed. Often unintentionally amusing both to the characters around her and to the audience, Zandra isn’t always aware of the effect she has on other people. But essentially kind and well-meaning, she tries to look after the people she cares for.

In her callow infatuation, she doesn’t realize that her boyfriend – and later husband – Lex uses her, until, in a desperate attempt to clean his conscience, he spells it out for her. It is then that she starts to gain some maturity and take over the responsibility for her own life and happiness. Lex and Zandra finally marry, but their luck is short - Zandra gets killed at the explosion at Eagle Mountain.

[edit] Zoot / Martin (Daniel James)

  • Seasons: 1 (guest appearances in 2, 3, 4 and 5)
  • Tribe(s): Locos
  • Estimated Age: 15 (S1)

Zoot was the leader of the Locos and Ebony's lover. He created his "Zoot" identity in the early days of the virus, when most of the children were still unsure of the new situation in which they found themselves. He held the city in thrall until he was accidentally killed by Lex partially through season one. Ebony then took over command of the Locos, but their power of the city was never the same.

Zoot was revealed to be the younger, rebellious brother of Bray, who is set up as a sort of hero-figure to contrast Zoot's evil excess. He always felt inferior to his Adonis of an elder brother. When Bray rebuffed Trudy's advances, she latched onto Martin instead, but Martin was painfully aware that he was a stand-in for Bray. Eventually, during the chaos of the period as the Virus began to take hold, Trudy slept with Zoot, conceiving his child, Brady.

Zoot lingered in the series as the sort of embodiment of evil, long after his death. The Chosen, the tribe which invaded the city in season 3 under the leadership of the Guardian, were inspired to revere Zoot as a god-figure. They adopted a "holy trinity" of Zoot, the "Divine Mother" (Trudy, and later Tai-San), and the "Holy Child" Brady.

Even after the defeat of the Chosen, Zoot's image was strong enough in the minds of the people of the city to be used to convince them of his divinity in season 5. A look-alike, Darryl, was dressed up by Mega to assume Zoot's status as a god. Mega then used the threat of Ebony and her zealot Zootists to create a "safe zone" over which he could rule. Zoot's image was later used as the face of Ram's Artificial Intelligence program.

[edit] Minor Characters

[edit] Ginny (Mia Taumoepeau)

  • Seasons: 4
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S4)

[edit] Glenn (Keegan Fulford-Wierzbicki)

  • Seasons: 1
  • Tribe(s): Locos
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S1)

In the start he follows Lex, Zandra and Ryan, until they meet the Locos. Lex makes the Locos angry and they start hunting Lex and the others. Lex who ran in front of Glenn, thus pushing Glenn further behind the others made Glenn get caught by the Locos so he could save himself.

[edit] Hawk (Sam Kelly)

  • Seasons: 4 - 5
  • Tribe(s): Gaians
  • Estimated Age: 19 (S4) - 20 (S5)

[edit] Kandy (Sally Martin)

  • Seasons: 4
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S4)

[edit] Moon (Deenah Mayhew)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Horse Traders
  • Estimated Age: 16/17 (S3)

Moon helped getting Bray better after his "accident".

[edit] Moz (Miriama Smith)

  • Seasons: 3
  • Tribe(s): Mozquitoes/Mozzies
  • Estimated Age: 17/18 (S3)

Moz is the leader of the all female Tribe 'Mosquitos'. Their headquarter is an old factory, which they prepared with many nets, black leather things and cages to look more like what they call it: The 'Mosquitonest.

Moz is a strong, tough young women to the outside, but has a softer side for some things -kids for example as she mentioned to Ellie one day, during an Interview for the 'Amulet'

Moz is also the leader of the City, together with Ebony for a short while, before she totally disappears in the end of Season three without leaving a clue to where she is, to anybody.


(a website about Moz, Miriama Smith and the Mosquitos)

[edit] Spike (Lee Donoghue)

  • Seasons: 1 - 2
  • Tribe(s): Locos
  • Estimated Age: 16 (S1) - 17 (S2)

[edit] Roanne (Rose Bollinger)

  • Seasons: 1
  • Tribe(s): -
  • Estimated Age: 14/15 (S1)

[edit] Top Hat (Sam Husson)

  • Seasons: 1 - 2
  • Tribe(s): Tribe Circus
  • Estimated Age: 17 (S1) - 18 (S2)