List of Suikoden V characters

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This is a list of characters in the PlayStation 2 computer role-playing game Suikoden V. The Prince of Falena is the main character of the game; Lyon, Georg, and Sialeeds are also major characters, featured prominently on the front cover.

This list is organized by Falena's political factions. The main factions are the Royalist faction, the Godwin faction, and the Barows faction. 108 Stars of Destiny (Suikoden) also has a list of these characters, laid out by their order in the Stars of Destiny instead, and Notable Suikoden characters has a list of relevant non-Star characters.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Royalist

The royal family in Falena is not as strong as it would prefer, with large portions of the army more loyal to their local nobles than to the Crown and a powerful Senate to check the Queen. Still, the royal family maintains direct control over the capital Sol-Falena and armies based there. Once, the town of Lordlake also counted itself as very loyal to the Queen, though Lordlake became embittered after Arshtat's harsh punishment of them in the revolt two years prior to the start of Suikoden V.

[edit] Royal family

In official publications and the novelization of Suikoden V, the royal family's last name is given as "Falenas," though this is not seen in the North American localization of the game.

[edit] Arshtat

Original Artwork of Arshtat Falenas from Suikoden V

Arshtat (アルシュタート・ファレナス, Arushutāto Farenasu) is the Queen of Falena and bearer of the Sun Rune, one of the 27 True Runes. Ferid is her husband, the Prince is her son, and Lymsleia is her daughter and heir. Sialeeds is her sister and Haswar is her cousin; she was born to her mother Queen Fahlzram and her father Kauss Barows. She is 34 years of age at the beginning of Suikoden V, though due to having the Sun Rune affixed two years prior, she likely stopped aging at 32.

Arshtat's mother Fahlbram was the younger of two sisters born to Queen Olhazeta, Arshtat's grandmother. Since the elder sister, Queen Shahrewar, bore a daughter in Haswar, Arshtat was not slated to become Queen. However, Fahlzram wanted the throne to herself, and started a covert cloak & dagger conflict in which many nobles on both sides were killed. The royal assassins, Nether Gate, had their loyalties splintered, and typically aided whichever side paid them more. However, Shahrewar proved an unsteady ruler; tired of conflict, she surrendered her claim on the throne and allowed Fahlbram to ascend as Queen. At some time in this lull, Fahlbram convinced her sister to allow Arshtat to have her Sacred Games, the ceremony in which the husband of the Heir Apparent, the future Queen, is chosen. There was a surprise in the Sacred Games, though. Rather than a nobleman's gladiator winning, a traveler from the Island Nations named Ferid won. This is considered a good thing, as it is speculated by some characters in Suikoden V that if a noble had won, the conflict between the two factions would have restarted and perhaps even flared into full-blown civil war, as whichever faction that did not get their preferred candidate would feel that they'd have to strike now or else have no chance.

Fahlzram, paranoid and thinking that renouncing the throne was a trick, had Nether Gate kill her sister. Queen Fahlzram ascended to the throne, but died after reigning only two years due to illness. After this, the three princesses of Falena, Arshtat, Haswar, and Sialeeds entered into a pact. To prevent any type of succession war from happening again, there would be no doubt who the successors would be. Haswar and Sialeeds renounced their claim to the throne, and both of them agreed never to marry or have children.

Arshtat's marriage to Ferid was soon blessed with a son and daughter. Arshtat was known to be a kind and devoted mother as well as a wise ruler. She diplomatically ended a war with the nearby nation of Armes with very favorable conditions, stopped the worst abuses of the gladiator trade, and disbanded Nether Gate, which had grown confused and disloyal during the previous succession struggle.

In the 447 (two years prior to the start of Suikoden V), there was an uprising and a revolt by the people of Lordlake. Although it appeared as though the people were angry with the Queen, the reason they were protesting was because Lord Barows was constructing a dam that was contaminating their water. Lord Rovere, the lord of Lordlake and one of the Queen's closest allies, tried to keep the peace, but the people managed to destroy the dam. To prevent something like this from happening again, the people wanted to go to Sol-Falena and make a formal protest to the Queen. However, Lord Barows semt some of his soldiers into the Lordlake forces and incited them to attack the East Palace instead. While attacking, Lord Barows's forces stole the Dawn Rune housed there and returned it to their lord.

The Godwin faction had been plotting for power for some time, and this incident was thought to perhaps be a spark for their action as well. Lord Godwin's adviser, Lucretia Merces, advised the Queen to bear the Sun Rune herself to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, betraying Lord Godwin himself to tell the Queen this. While perhaps necessary, influenced by the Rune, Arshtat used the power of the Sun Rune to rain judgment upon Lordlake, blasting the land with the power of the sun and drying up all the water and destroying all vegetation.

The Queen proceeded to have several fits of mania over the course of the next two years, through Ferid was usually able to calm her down. She nearly incinerated Stormfist and the Godwins after learning from Sialeeds and the Prince as to how they insulted her daughter by fixing the games. Perhaps suspecting that the end was near, she tells her son the Prince that she believes things are going to be very difficult for him very soon, but he'll be fine no matter what. After Lymsleia's engagement ceremony, the Godwins started their coup with Dark Arcanum in the banquet food. The royal family and certain guards took an antidote prepared by Murad beforehand, thinking they could trick the Godwins into signing their own death warrants. However, the Nether Gate allies of the Godwins proved powerful enough to win anyway. Inside the throne room, Ferid and Queen's Knight Galleon made their stand. During the battle, a stray archer was about to snipe at Ferid, busy slashing at other assassins. To save him, the Queen used the Sun Rune to vaporize the potential assassin. Unfortunately, she then loses herself in the Sun Rune, and Ferid is unable to control her. Ferid is slain by the Sun Rune, which brings Arshtat briefly back to a sobbing sanity, but soon loses it again to incinerate the other assassins. Arshtat declares she will destroy the entire ungrateful country. Prepared by Ferid, Georg Prime kills Arshtat. If the Prince acquired all 108 Stars of Destiny, after he defeats the incarnation of the Sun Rune he sees a brief image of his mother and others.

[edit] Ferid

Original Artwork of Ferid from Suikoden V

Ferid (フェリド, Ferido) is Arshtat's husband and thus the Commander of the Queen's Knights and King of Falena. The Prince and Lymsleia are his son and daughter. He is 34 years old at the beginning of Suikoden V.

Ferid comes from the Island Nations and came to Falena about 16 years before the start of the game, when the Sacred Games for Arshtat took place. Most expected that the champion of a noble would win Arshtat's hand, but in a surprise upset, the foreigner Ferid won. An actually capable commander of the Queen's Knights was unusual, and proved useful in the war against Armes, where Ferid, Raja, and Lucretia Merces helped lead Falena against the invasion. Ferid also rescued Lyon from Nether Gate members after Nether Gate was disbanded, and helped raised her. He also participated in various noble policies, such as restricting gladiators in Stormfist and commissioning a mapping of Falena from Takamu.

Ferid personally handpicked his old friend Georg Prime to be a Queen's Knight shortly before the events of Suikoden V, fearing Arshtat losing her grip on her sanity with the powerful Sun Rune. If Arshtat lost it and Ferid could not kill Arshtat, then Georg would finish the task.

At the Sacred Games for Lymsleia he is quite interested on the swordsman from Kanakan, Belcoot. He orders the Prince to go meet him and find out what kind of man he is. Meanwhile, the Godwins disqualify Zegai, the Barows' champion, and ensure that Belcoot is poisoned for the final match. Both Ferid and Arshtat expected the Godwins to do something underhanded to win the games, and their suspicions are confirmed after both Sialeeds and the Prince tell them about Gizel's plotting. Ferid is unable to do anything with the information immediately since it is speculation and there is no solid proof; however, they do take Zegai back for questioning by the royal forces.

Realizing that the royal faction was on to them and it was only a matter of time before Arshtat concocted an excuse to arrest the Godwins or annul the marriage, the Godwins launched a coup backed by their Nether Gate allies. Ferid, Georg, and Galleon stayed at the Audience Chamber to protect Arshtat. They fought bravely and were not gaining any ground. When Ferid was about to be shot by one of the Godwin's soldiers, Arshtat used her Sun Rune to protect Ferid and kill the soldier. This usage of the Rune caused Arshtat to lose control and start wildly slaying Nether Gate members, and Ferid was unable to make her snap out of it. In trying to bring Arshtat back, he was disintegrated by the Sun Rune. Georg then went on to kill Arshtat after she threatened him with destroying the whole of Falena utilizing the Sun Rune.

Ferid is voice acted by Douglas Rye in the North American release. It is speculated that he is Admiral Skald Egan's son, which would make Bernadette Egan his sister.

[edit] Prince of Falena

Main article: Freyjadour Falenas

The Prince of Falena, referred to in the novelization as Freyjadour Falenas, is the protagonist of Suikoden V. No name is offered in game; it is up to the player to choose, and the voice acting always refers to him as "Prince" or "the Prince." The player controls the Prince throughout the game, choosing his actions, dialogue, and strategy in battle. The Prince is a silent protagonist, as he does not speak except as implied by the player's choices.

The Prince is approximately 16 years old. Falenan royal Princes are not generally given much respect, as they are not in line for the throne in a Queendom. However, the Prince becomes the leader of the royalist force attempting to reclaim the rule of the country after a coup d'état by the Godwin faction.

[edit] Lymsleia

Official Artwork of Princess Lymsleia from Suikoden V.

Lymsleia (リムスレーア・ファレナス, Rimusurēa Farenasu), often shortened to Lym, is the Princess of Falena and heir to the throne. She is the younger sister of the Prince and the daughter to Queen Arshtat and Ferid. Sialeeds is her aunt. She is 10 years old at the beginning of Suikoden V. She is polite and dutiful to her family, and dotes on her older brother. She is guarded by the Queen's Knight Miakis, who is also her friend. Despite being young, Lymsleia proves quite adept at politics.

Lymsleia is not thrilled with the prospect of the Sacred Games, because she doesn't even get to meet or have a say in the man she becomes engaged to. When she goes to at least see the list of contenders, she meets Salum and Euram Barows. Lymsleia thinks Euram is a wimp for using a champion, because, after all, her father Ferid won her mother's heart all by himself.

After Gizel Godwin wins the Princess's hand, Lymsleia is obliged by tradition to go through a purification rite. Along with her brother and Aunt Sialeeds, she makes the trek to East Palace to receive the blesssing of the (stolen) Dawn Rune, and then to the holy shrine of Lunas, where she will be purified in a sacred spring. During her stay at the East Palace, the group meets Zerase, and is none too pleased with her attitude. Lymsleia wishes to chase after and punish the woman for her impertinence, though is stopped when she realizes she must continue with her journey and not be sidetracked.

During her night in Lunas, Lymsleia goes into her brother's room and talks with him. She realizes that she will soon be engaged and things won't be the same as they used to be. She also recalls how much she disdained her brother when he was younger, because he couldn't ascend to the throne. But despite that, her brother still loved her. Now, that she is older, she understands how bad of a little sister she was to him, and is happy that he forgave her.

During the Godwin's coup, Miakis and Galleon attempt to escort Lymsleia to safety, though they are captured by Nether Gate, Zahhak, and Alenia. Both Lym and Miakis are initially confined to the Princess's room, where she learns that her parents have died. Lym will not go to sleep, however, because she fears seeing her parents in her dream. If she sees them, she thinks she'll cry, and she can't shed any tears around the Godwins. Resolute but still saddened, she prays for her brother to rescue her.

Lym is told by Gizel that she will soon need to be coronated as Queen. Lym refuses, because she knows the Godwins will only try to use her station to promote their own agendas. However, Gizel threatens her servants and Miakis, and Lym capitulates. Although Miakis tells her not to, Lym states that, from the day she was born, she was destined to become the Queen.

After her coronation, Lym's attitude turns smarmy at the failure of Gizel, Zahhak, and Alenia to defeat the Prince. She declares that she will end the war herself by riding into battle on the front lines. Although everyone else advises her not to, Lym states to them that as Queen, it is her duty to end the conflict as quickly as possible and bring peace to her people. No one else is bringing results, so she will do it herself. Of course, that is Lym's official, stated reason. Lymsleia did indeed mean to bring peace, and by riding out onto the field, she will give her brother an opportunity to "capture" her. Lym's strategy works, and the Prince's allies find her. However, Sialeeds betrays the Prince and returns Lym to the Sun Palace. Lymsleia is extremely angry with her aunt, telling her to go to hell, knowing she won't get another chance to pull off a plan like that.

Lymsleia watches the duel between Gizel and the Prince at Sol-Falena, and after the Prince's victory, Lymsleia embraces her brother and cries again.

After the Sun Rune is returned and the war ends, Lymsleia consolidates royal power and dissolves the Senate to prevent any new Godwins or Barows from gaining power, much as Sialeeds had intended. Instead of a Senate, Lym creates a parliament with elected representatives from the towns. She also gives the beavers and the cave dwarves a voice in government.

Lym's scream is the only thing that can wake Sialeeds from sleep. Depending on the player's choices as the Prince, some extra scenes with Lymsleia may or may not occur. To see the scenes, the Prince must be kind and stand up for Lym.

[edit] Sialeeds

Main article: Sialeeds

Sialeeds is Queen Arshtat's sister, and thus the Prince and Lymsleia's aunt as well as Haswar's cousin. Like Haswar, she has renounced her claim to the throne. Sialeeds, not tied down by politics at Sol-Falena, travels with the Prince to Lordlake and instructs him and Lymsleia on the nation. She is considered by both Haswar and Arsthat a canny politician, and she detests the greedy nobles dividing Falena. She is voice acted by Kirsty Pape.

[edit] Haswar


Haswar is the daughter of her father Mardas Godwin and her mother Shahrewar, the eldest daughter of the late Queen Olhazeta. While Shahrewar had the better claim to the throne, the younger daughter Falzrahm successfully contested it in a succession struggle. After Queen Falzrahm died, Haswar, Arshtat, and Sialeeds entered into a pact- Arshtat would take the throne uncontested, and Haswar and Sialeeds would never marry or bear children to fend off another bloody succession struggle. Haswar becomes instead the Oracle of Lunas. She shelters the Prince and Sialeeds after the coup, and later comforts Lymsleia during the Godwin occupation. After the civil war is over, she later decides to marry after all.[1]

As a descendant of the Godwins, Haswar is on somewhat friendlier terms with them than the Prince. Haswar is the only member of the royal family other than the Prince to be a Star of Destiny as the Tensyo Star.

[edit] Queen's Knights

The Queen's Knights are the personal bodyguards of the Queen and the rest of the royal family. Only the finest warriors receive the training to be a Queen's Knight. The Queen of Falena 's husband — Ferid, at the beginning of Suikoden V — is the commander of the Queen's Knights. The Knights themselves typically command army divisions in wartime.

The current crop of Queen's Knights in Suikoden V is unusually young; many former Queen's Knights were slain in the war against Armes. The only remaining Knights from that period are Ferid, Galleon, and Zahak. Miakis especially was taken in rather young.

[edit] Georg Prime

Main article: Georg Prime

Georg Prime is a Queen's Knight and old friend of Ferid's. He serves as Sialeeds' bodyguard. He is 29 during the events of Suikoden V.

Ferid brought Georg into the Queen's Knights for one main reason: Ferid felt that if Arshtat finally lost her grip on sanity to the Sun Rune, he'd need a backup to kill her should he fail to either bring her wits back or kill his wife himself. Knowing Georg's superb talent, and with Georg owing his eye to him, Ferid felt that Georg was the only one he could trust for this delicate task. During the coup, Georg does indeed kill Arshtat, and is blamed for the entire coup by the Godwins. Georg would go on to have a colorful career, becoming a Great General of the Scarlet Moon Empire and later serving in the Dunan Unification War in Suikoden II on the City-State's side.

[edit] Lyon

Official artwork of Lyon from Suikoden V

Lyon (リオン, Rion) is a Queen's Knight apprentice and the bodyguard of the Prince. She is not only the Prince's loyal protector, but his dearest friend, and a possible love interest. Lyon is 16 years old at the beginning of Suikoden V.

Lyon was trained in her youth to be a member of Nether Gate, which named her Mismar. However, she was saved from Nether Gate by King Ferid, who gave her the new name of Lyon. Ferid also quietly asked Oboro to try and find Lyon's parents, although Oboro was unsuccessful in this.[2] Lyon decided to become the Prince's bodyguard in order to repay Ferid's kindness, and went into training as a Queen's Knight apprentice. She accompanies the Prince everywhere in-game, often serving as the mouthpiece for the silent Prince, until an incident in the New Queen's Campaign. There, she is stabbed by Dolph while trying to push the Prince away, and is mortally wounded. However, due to the miraculous intervention of the Dawn Rune and first aid from Galleon, she is saved from death, although trapped in a coma. The Prince sets out on a journey to unlock more powers of the Dawn Rune with Miakis, Zweig, and Lorelai to save Lyon. The Prince eventually returns to the castle and heals Lyon with the new power within the Dawn Rune ("Light of Day").

Lyon spends some time recuperating and exercising after receiving the second Dawn Rune-powered recovery. After Lyon is healed, she returns to the battlefield once again with the Prince in the siege of Sol-Falena. As Sialeeds lies dying, the Twilight Rune chooses Lyon as its new host. Lyon eventually is allowed to avenge her upbringing on Dolph in the Sun Ruins and defeats him in a duel. After this duel, Dolph throws a (possibly poisoned) weapon at the Prince, but Lyon jumps in front of the Prince to protect him and is hit instead. Afterwards she insists that she's fine and pushes on, helping the Prince in the fight with the Sun Rune Incarnation. She dies shortly after the battle. The Twilight Rune then passes on to the traumatized Prince, who possesses both runes and the nation, but not his erstwhile friend and protector. However, if the Prince has acquired all 108 Stars of Destiny, then the power of the Three Runes (Dawn, Twilight, and Sun) combine, and Lyon is miraculously revived. She either becomes the youngest-ever Queen's Knight alongside the Prince, who becomes Commander of the Knights, or she joins Prince in his journey toward the northern continents with Georg.

It can be speculated that Lyon has feelings for the Prince that go beyond duty and friendship. Some novelizations and fanons depict a romantic relationship between Lyon and the Prince and have them marry at the end of story.[citation needed] This speculation is further backed by the fact that at the end of the game in which all 108 stars were collected, Lyon says that she'll always stand by the Prince's side wherever he goes.[citation needed]

Lyon use a Nagamaki (short sword) as her weapon. This weapon was given to her by Ferid. Also, thanks to her time in Nether Gate, she is familiar about the drugs Nether Gate uses, such as Raging Nostrum and Dark Arcanum. She is voice acted by Carrie Savage in the North American version.

[edit] Miakis

Miakis the Queen's Knight.

Miakis (ミアキス, Miakisu) is a member of the Queen's Knights and the personal bodyguard of Princess Lymsleia. She is 22 years old.

Miakis was born is the Sauronix castle-town, and originally wanted to be one of Sauronix's famed Dragon Cavalry. She cheerfully trained at combat with the other young inhabitants at the time and became friends with Roog and Rahal, who considered her a worthy sparring partner. Craig Laden, the commander of the Dragon Cavalry, seemed to know her father quite well. However, the cavalry rules prohibited women from joining. Seeing her skill, Craig sent Miakis to Sol-Faleena with a recommendation to serve the royal family as a Queen's Knight instead. There, Miakis honed her skills as a fighter and magician.

Perhaps due to her combination of great skill as well as her youth, Miakis was chosen to become Lymsleia's personal bodyguard. A cheerful and affable person, Miakis rapidly became friends with Lymsleia, the Prince, Sialeeds, Lyon, and others.

During the attack on the Sun Palace, she witnesses the killing of Queen Arshtat by Georg's hand, although not the events preceding that. She and Galleon return to escort the Princess away, but are stopped by Alenia, Zahak, and surviving Nether Gate assassins. They surrender rather than risk the Princess's life.

Miakis and Galleon are kept on as Queen's Knights for show, but are mostly used as hostages. Miakis is allowed to continue to comfort the Princess for a time, although she is removed from the position once Gizel Godwin marries Lymsleia. She is sent to Doraat to aid Alenia in its defense, despite her morale as a "Queen's Knight" being extremely low, making sarcastic comments about who betrayed who to Alenia in the process. Extremely depressed about failing in protecting Lymsleia and having nothing left to stand for, she holds on to being a Queen's Knight as best she can by aiding Alenia and Dolph's escape. The Prince duels her, and helps cheer her back up afterward by promising to get the Princess back, giving Miakis a reason to continue onward. Miakis's troops in Doraat all surrender without a fight.

Back at the Sindar Castle, Miakis confronts Georg and accuses him of killing the Queen, which was thought to be a false Godwin rumor by the Prince's camp. Georg refuses to answer and leaves. Miakis wonders afterward if this was a contingency of Gizel's; even if she was captured, he knew that she would spread the Georg rumor from a reliable source.

Miakis aids in the attempt to "kidnap" the Queen in the Queen's Campaign, which of course was precisely Lymsleia's plan. The attempt goes awry, but Galleon is captured, and he explains the full truth of Georg's situation and Arshtat's madness. To cover for the injured Lyon, Miakis serves as the Prince's bodyguard afterward. She aids the Prince in requesting the Dragon Cavalry's services, albeit to no avail. She also participates in the search of the Western Ruins.

After Lyon returns to health, Miakis still serves the Prince's cause, and participates in the final march into Sol-Faleena and the Castle showdown with the traitorous Alenia and Zahak. She watches the Prince's final duel with Gizel after helping rescue Lymsleia.

After she became a Queen's Knight, her parents retired to travel the world. She doesn't know their current whereabouts.[3] Also, if the Prince loses the duel with Miakis, then Miakis kills the Prince, oddly enough. She doesn't hold back despite succeeding in her "mission" no matter what. It is speculated that Roog may have romantic feelings for Miakis.

In battle, Miakis uses daggers. She initially bears a Shield Rune. Miakis is voice acted by Kate Higgins.

[edit] Galleon

Galleon is the most senior of the Queen's Knights and a veteran of the war with Armes.[4] He hails from Lordlake, though since becoming a Queen's Knight he has spent most of his time protecting the royal family in Sol-Falena.

Galleon believed he should have been the one to escort the Prince to Lordlake because he knows the place, though Georg thinks Ferid didn't give him the order because it would be heartless to remind Galleon of Lordlake's devastation. During the Godwin coup, Galleon fought alongside Ferid and Georg to protect Arshtat. After the death of the monarch, Galleon goes to protect Lymsleia with Miakis and escort her escape. However, Alenia, Zahhak, and Nether Gate prevent them from doing so.

Galleon remains in the castle afterward. The only time he participates is when Lymsleia decides to ride out to war herself. He guards Lymsleia in the battle and fights the attacking Prince. Galleon is defeated and ordered to stand down by Lymsleia. After Sialeeds' betrayal, Lyon is mortally wounded by Dolph. This infuriates Sialeeds who never intended for such a thing to happen, and orders Galleon to offer first aid since "he's better than most doctors" at that. This likely saves Lyon's chance at life, along with the Prince's usage of the Dawn Rune.

Galleon takes Lyon back to Sindar Castle, but then prepares to leave because he was unable to help the royal family, and his stubbornness caused both the Prince and Lymsleia grief. Dr. Silva, who was taking care of Lyon, chastises Galleon and he then offers to enter the Prince's service.

Galleon and Silva used to be married decades ago, when Silva was an army doctor. However, they were divorced twenty years prior for "private reasons." He retires soon after the war to help rebuild Lordlake.

Galleon uses a halberd in battle.

[edit] Kyle

Kyle the Queen's Knight.

Kyle (カイル, Kairu) is a member of the Queen's Knights. He has a tendency of being very casual and familiar with his superiors and members of the royal family. He is 24 years old.

Kyle was born in Lelcar and was looked after by the aggressive Volga.[5] He enlisted in the army for the Armes invasion and caught Ferid's eye, thus later getting the opportunity to train as a Queen's Knight.[6] Later on, he helps the Prince escape from the Sun Palace by helping drive off Dolph and Childerich with Zegai, and then helps the Prince navigate Lelcar's troubles.

Kyle is something of a playboy and can usually be found on the prowl for girls when not on duty. That said, he also apparently has special feelings for Sialeeds and is one of the people who comment regarding her intentions behind her betrayal. At the end of the Falenan Civil War, he left the Queen's Knights, and lived a quiet life abroad.

Kyle uses a sword and bears a Water Rune for battle. He is voice acted by Yuri Lowenthal.

[edit] Zahhak

Zahhak the Queen's Knight.

Zahhak is a Queen's Knight and veteran of the Armes invasion 10 years prior. He is a distant relative of the Godwin family, and was recommended to his post as Queen's Knight by Marscal Godwin. When the coup occurs at Sol-Falena, Zahhak sides with the Godwins. During the civil war, he is one of the major commanders of the Godwin forces along with Dilber Novum and Childerich. He is responsible for the burning of Lelcar to enable his troops to escape, a major public relations disaster for the Godwins. He later accompanies General Sparna of Armes, serving as the government's adviser to their forces. Zahhak is killed in battle at Sol-Falena after using Raging Nostrum.

[edit] Alenia

Alenia the Queen's Knight.

Alenia is a Queen's Knight. She seemingly admires Gizel Godwin a great deal, and aids the Godwin coup at Sol-Falena. Jeane later affixes the Twilight Rune to her despite the lack of compatibility; she uses it in the defense of Doraat, much to Zerase's chagrin. She only narrowly escapes from Doraat thanks to Dolph's intervention, and Gizel has the Rune removed afterward in favor of Sialeeds. She is sent to be the Godwin adviser to Shula Valya's Western Marine Corps, where she is frustrated at Shula's failure to do much for the Godwin side. She is killed in battle at Sol-Falena with Zahhak after using Raging Nostrum, despite Gizel telling her to leave and save herself.

Alenia doesn't get along very well with Miakis, as is noted when they are both sent to Doraat.[7]

[edit] Godwin

Gizel Godwin
Gizel Godwin

The Godwin faction is one of the major factions of Falena. It is currently led by the 58 year-old Marscal Godwin. Marscal's wife Rosalind was slain in the succession struggle between Falzrahm and Shahrewar, as was Shahrewar's husband Madras Godwin. Gizel Godwin is his 24 year-old son; he believes that his mother would want him to make Falena a strong nation so that no one would suffer through the vestiges of war, and is a scheming, manipulative person who enjoys plotting for its own sake. The Godwin's base of power is Stormfist, the old capital of Falena, and exert influence over the Herschville Naval Base as well as Doraat and parts of Lelcar.

Gizel was slated to marry Sialeeds, and both of them were reportedly happy with the union. However, after Arshtat became Queen, both Sialeeds and Haswar agreed to never marry or have children so as to avoid another succession conflict. This, of course, cancelled the engagement. Both Gizel and Sialeeds were not happy with this arrangement, but did it anyway.

During the interim, the Godwins prospered in Falena. Their land was untouched by the Armes invasion eight years before the start of the game, and Gizel and Marscal proved able administrators. They successfully stopped Ferid and Arshtat from banning gladiatorial combat, a mainstay of entertainment in Stormfirst, although cruelty to gladiators became banned and their treatment regulated. After Nether Gate was disbanded by Arshtat, the Godwins apparently manage to move past the fact that they were responsible for Rosalind's death. They offered at least some members of Nether Gate sanctuary in exchange for their services. It is implied that standards for Nether Gate fell under Godwin control; one of Gizel's favorites is Childerich, an erratic, emotional, and cruel assassin. Oboro, a member of the Intelligence division of Nether Gate (the only division that took the order to disband gracefully), comments that Childerich would have made a horrible assassin in his time; he's far too emotional and out of control.

At the beginning of Suikoden V, Gizel plots to win the Sacred Games and thus become Lymsleia's eventual husband. The Prince first meets Gizel when he is en route to Stormfist. The royal ship is attacked by lizards, and Gizel arrives to destroy the beasts. Sialeeds comments that it's entirely possible it was all a setup by Gizel, although a strange one since it seems too obvious. Gizel greets the party warmly, and escorts the royal party around the Stormfist arena. Although Gizel plays an excellent host, he schemes to win the Sacred Games through any means, and to eliminate anyone who could potentially beat Childerich, his representative. He lays many half-baked schemes to cover his tracks rather than one major elaborate one, under the theory that at least one of them would work. His plan to eliminate Zegai relied on a considerable amount of luck: it was only chance that Armes would take the bait of the secret passage under Stormfist, and that the gladiator Shoon would hear them talking. However, when it succeeds, Gizel plays his cards right. He acts just as surprised as the royal party, and does not try to implicate Salum or Euram in such a plot. After Zegai is disqualified and imprisoned, Marscal warns Gizel not to engage in intrigue too much.

During the Sacred Games, Gizel has several plots to get rid of Belcoot, the favorite other than Childerich. The plan that succeeds was getting Marina, the young innkeeper, to place Dark Arcanum in Belcoot's food. Because the girl loves Belcoot, he figures she'll use it so that Belcoot won't be engaged to someone else. The Prince's entourage reassure Marina afterward by saying that Gizel would have ensured his victory no matter what, and that it's possible that she even saved Belcoot's life. It's unclear if this is actually correct, or was merely said as consolation. Gizel does say that he has other plans ready, but he'd prefer for the plan involving Marina to work.

After the end of the Games, Gizel sees off the royal party. As they leave, Marscal tells Gizel that while his plans may have worked in the short term, the Prince seems to have changed because of this incident. In general, while they may not have any proof, Gizel has not made any friends in the royal family, who know that he is entirely too hungry for power.

While Gizel has successfully started a non-violent path to become King, he realizes that his path is fraught with peril. The royal family has a considerable amount of time from the engagement to the actual wedding, not to mention until the fairly young Queen Arshtat actually dies. Additionally, Ferid took Zegai for "questioning" as an Armes spy. Given time to research the matter, it would not be hard for the royal family to prove the Sacred Games fixed and annul the engagement, or even simply dummy up a different charge against Gizel. Worse, Arshtat's increasing erraticness could mean that even with no proof, she might simply decide to simply annihilate Stormfirst as she did Lordlake.

Gizel decides that immediate action is required. He makes his move during the engagement banquet. He arranges for his cooks to make the meal, and places Dark Arcanum in the banquet food. He also conspires with Alenia and Zahhak to have some people on the inside. His plan is to drug everyone so that his takeover can be as bloodless as possible, but all of the royal family, minus Lymsleia, would have to be killed. Both sides underestimate each other. Arshtat and Ferid are ready for the plot, and while letting some guards take the Dark Arcanum, maintain a reserve force who weren't at the banquet, and also have the royal family & Knights take an antidote prepared by Murad. However, the royals did not know that the Godwins had elite remnants of Nether Gate on their side, which help turn the tide against them. With their help, the Godwins successfully capture the Princess, Miakis, and Galleon. The attack was even more of a gamble than the Godwins knew; had Ferid and Georg not preferred a Falena in civil war to a scorched Falena, the attackers and Gizel would have been annihilated by the Sun Rune, along with Stormfist and perhaps most of Falena.

Gizel handles planning and strategy in Sol-Falena for the duration of the war, allowing others to command his armies. He implausibly claims that Georg single-handedly killed the King and Queen, kidnapped the Prince and Lady Sialeeds, and was somehow also responsible for a slew of deaths in the royal palace. When the Prince shows up leading a "rebel" army, doubt is cast on the legitimacy of the Godwin coup. Gizel also loses the public relations battle, something which was already difficult for him considering the violent nature of his rise to power. The Prince bloodlessly restores Lordlake and leads an inspired, volunteer army, while the Godwins strengthen the "royal" army as quickly as possible via massive impressment and drafting. The Godwins also inexplicably drive the normally disinterested demihumans of Falena into the Prince's arms by wasting Nether Gate's talents on attacking populaces that would have happily stayed out of the war.

To their credit, the Godwins research the power of the Sun Rune, a powerful trump card in case of emergency. Gizel does take a major risk in giving the Twilight Rune to Alenia, knowing that Doraat will likely fall to the Prince's onslaught (as he sends Miakis with Alenia, figuring that she might give credence to his claim that Georg was the true killer of the Queen).

Gizel has some domestic problems with his new wife, Lymsleia. Initially, he sequesters her in her room with Miakis to prevent her from committing suicide. But Gizel needs Lymsleia to become Queen so that he can become Commander of the Queen's Knights. Lymsleia refuses. Gizel threatens Miakis, however, and the Princess capitulates. Lymsleia and Gizel constantly try to get the better of each other, with Lymsleia even riding out onto the front lines of battle to escape her husband and meet her brother. But her plans fail due to Sialeeds's defection. Gizel is pleased to see her again, although he can tell she did not leave her nephew for his benefit.

Given a new chance to win the war (as, if Lymsleia had been "captured," the Godwins would have been forced to sue for peace on the spot), Gizel recruits the gullible Commander Sparna and the Armes Southern Mountain Corps to his side via offering all of the former Barows territory to Armes. The offer, of course, is costless, as if the Godwins lose the war their offer would have been irrelevant, and if they win, the Godwins hope to have finished researching the Sun Rune for use as a "negotiating tool" with Armes. He matches this canny act with a less calculated one, nominating his favorite assassin Childerich to be a Queen's Knight, a move that startles even Alenia. While a feared warrior, Childerich proves a poor commander and Knight. Childerich destroys whatever goodwill the Godwins had left via senselessly slaughtering Godwin-loyal citizens in Doraat, and by his general maniacal nature.

As the Godwin faction crumbles, Gizel prepares to make his stand in Sol-Falena. He knows the Prince will storm the palace looking for Lymsleia. He initially tells Lymsleia to leave, but she refuses. So Gizel waits with her in the throne room, telling Alenia and Zahhak that he wants to speak to the Prince and that the King must never abandon the Queen. However, they do not listen and die attempting to prevent the Prince from coming in.

When the Prince enters the throne room, Gizel and the Prince talk. Although Gizel threatens Lymsleia's life, she calls his bluff and knows he won't do it. Gizel claims that he merely wanted Falena to be strong, and felt that he was the man to do it. Gizel challenges the Prince to a duel to the death, with the Prince accepting and being victorious. Gizel is at peace when he dies, and mentions that the Prince is not the real winner of this conflict. The only real winner was Sialeeds, who ensured that the powerful nobles were completely discredited and annihilated. He then dies, joining his once-fiancée Sialeeds in death.

Meanwhile, Marscal flees to the icy mountains north of Lunas with the Sun Rune. There, the Prince's advisors are worried he will melt the glaciers and flood Falena. However, that was not Marscal's plan, and he dies after the Prince and his allies fight the Sun Rune Incarnation there. When the Prince sees a vision of Arshtat in the Sun Rune, Marscal and Gizel are also seen among the crowd, saluting the Prince.

Doug Erholtz voice acts Gizel Godwin and Michael McConnohie voices Marscal Godwin.

[edit] Godwin allies

Dilber Novum is the General of the West. He commands the army in the western, Godwin-affiliated sections of Falena and is quite loyal to Marscal. He is killed in battle at Stormfist.

Bahram Luger is the Admiral of the Fleet. He both studied and served under Raja previously; he ascended to his position with Raja's retirement. Though Luger does not show any particular loyalty to the Godwins, he nevertheless serves the new government under Queen Lymsleia after the coup, and is killed in battle at Doraat when trying to save the rest of his fleet by having his ship suicidally charge the Dahak.

It is not entirely clear in Suikoden V as to who controls Agate Prison; presumably, it was under direct royal control, as Lucretia Merces was not immediately executed following the coup, and she was imprisoned by Queen Arshtat's orders. However, the enemies encountered there by the Prince when he is attempting to free Lucretia are listed as "Godwin soldiers" and wear Godwin-style uniforms. Additionally, Killey is imprisoned here by the Godwins. In any case, Lelei and Cius are both guards at the prison assigned to watch over Lucretia. Lelei also becomes Lucretia's student in strategy, serving as an alternate advisor to the Prince.

Haleth is a corrupt supply official at Port Herschville. He smuggles goods on the side and is a friend of Logg's. Shoon is a gladiator at Stormfist owned by the Godwins. He aids the Prince in investigating the suspicious occurrences prior to the Sacred Games, and much later aids the Prince in sneaking into Stormfist to avoid a costly assault.

Orok is the leader of the western islet of Lelcar and acts as the Godwin's intermediary there. Mohsen is an armorer in Lelcar sympathetic to the Godwin cause. Zahhak's burning of Lelcar sours both of them from the Godwin's side, however.

[edit] Barows

Luserina Barows
Luserina Barows

Salum Barows is the head of the Barows family during Suikoden V and 65 years old. He has three children; his eldest son Hiram died in the previous succession struggle, most likely from Nether Gate assassins. Salum's wife has since locked herself in her room and refused to go out since. Surviving children include the 20 year-old Euram Barows and the 18 year-old Luserina Barows. Salum is considered an eccentric but effective political plotter and is called "that snake" by Sialeeds and others. Euram is an incompetent. Luserina inherited her father's skills, though not his amorality; she is competent, idealistic, organized, and good at heart.

The Barows clan was once the most powerful of all the nobles in Falena, though the Godwins have been steadily rising in power since. Kauss Barows even married into the royal family, and was Arshtat's father (and thus the Prince's grandfather). However, their lands suffered the most in the Armes invasion. They are in favor of a more open trading agreement and friendship with Armes, having the border nearby and standing to profit from such a deal. Rainwall is their base of power; Haud Village, Estrise, and Sable all fall under the Barows sphere of influence as well.

Salum and Euram attend the Sacred Games, sending Zegai as their champion. However, Gizel gets Zegai disqualified. After the Godwin coup, the Prince flees to Rainwall where Salum meets him with open arms and offers his support. Salum, seemingly desiring to marry into the royal family, wishes to arrange a marriage between Luserina and the Prince. Salum's exact plans in this regard are unclear; should the Prince decide to follow Salum's plan and secede from Falena to found an independent state in Barows territory, "allied" Armes soldiers depose and slay the Prince. It's possible that the Prince showed some reticence to the marriage proposal which caused Salum to think he would not be an easily controlled puppet, or perhaps the proposal was all a ruse to begin with. After rejecting the proposal, Salum attempts to force an alliance with Armes to the Prince, by having the Southern Mountain Corps suddenly appear to "help" the Prince/Barows forces. Regardless of what the Prince said, everyone would assume he approved of the decision, and he'd be forced to fight the war as Salum intended.

Euram Barows
Euram Barows

The marriage plans and the Armes alliance fall through after the recently recruited Lucretia Merces hires Oboro to investigate. The investigation reveals that Euram was the commander of the guard during the Lordlake uprising, and miserably failed to control the situation, inciting things to be even worse. Additionally, the Barows family then took advantage of it to steal the Dawn Rune themselves. Luserina disowns her family for this act of treason and leaves to aid the Prince instead. Most Barows allies also leave Salum and join the Prince instead, leaving the Barows faction with just Rainwall. Euram personally blames the Prince for this misfortune.

Euram attempts to thwart the Prince in various ways as the war goes on, inciting Roy and his bandits to ruin the Prince's name in Sable, trying to use a cursed book on the Prince, and attempting to get the Maximillian Knight Isabel to attack the Prince as a traitor. Later, bereft of allies, the Godwins take Rainwall from the Barows and capture their old rival Salum.

As the war draws to a close, the Godwins retreat from Rainwall as indefensible. Sialeeds goes herself, and as part of her plan against the noble families infesting Falena, executes Salum, saying that with an idiot like Euram in charge, the Barows faction shall surely come to ruin. When news is brought to Luserina of her father's demise, she is unfazed. She considers his death just punishment, considering the number of deaths he caused in Lordlake, as well as silently standing by the execution of the innocent Lord Rovere and his entire family. Sialeeds claims that Luserina "has forgotten all about" her immoral father, although it's possible that she was only psychologically torturing Salum before his death. After this, if Eresh has not been recruited, the Prince and Luserina can recruit Euram, who vows to mend his ways. Luserina solemnly accepts her brother's repentance, and vows to help him rebuild the honor of the Barows family name.

[edit] Barows allies

Boz Wilde is the lord of Estrise and commands its army. Solis Raubel is the leader of Sable. He is quick to support the Prince and the Barows family against the Godwins; later, when the Prince is suspected of being a bandit, he stands by the Prince's innocence. Dinn is a high-ranking soldier of Sable who later marries Solis Raubel's daughter, Salisha.

Norden was a member of the guard under Euram's command that failed to control the Lordlake protest, and stole the Dawn Rune. He has since become a drunk, attempting to forget his actions, but later agrees to aid the Prince in order to gain retribution. Chuck is a large but slow-witted storage guard loyal to Luserina.

[edit] Lordlake

Lordlake was formerly considered the most loyal of all the towns to the Queen, and was extended special privleges. Lord Rovere, who ruled the town, was highly respected in the Senate as a rare upstanding voice of virtue. However, after Lordlake was implicated in the theft of the Dawn Rune, Arshtat nearly obliterated the town with the Sun Rune, drying its lake and wasting its vegetation.

Talgeyl acts as Lordlake's representative and is the current leader of the town. Toma is an angry boy who eventually decides that the Prince wants a new start with Lordlake. Goesch is a farmer.

The Queen's Knight Galleon is from Lordlake. Silva is Galleon's former wife and Lordlake's doctor.

[edit] Raftfleet

Raftfleet is an autonomously governing city that moves about on the Feitas River. They are rather independent, and do not typically pay taxes.

[edit] Raja

Official artwork of Raja from Suikoden V

Raja is the leader of Raftfleet and the former Admiral of Falena's navy. She joined the Navy as a girl and rose so quickly through the ranks that she was nickname "Hurricane" Raja. Raja was appointed Admiral by the Prince's great-grandmother, Queen Olhazeta. She served with distinction during the Armes Invasion 8 years prior to Suikoden V and was a key figure in the defense, along with Ferid and Lucretia Merces. She has since retired and given her position to Bahram Luger, her former student.

Raftfleet chose not to immediately swear allegiance to Lymsleia after the coup. After the Prince assisted Raftleet in stopping the Falenan fleet's advance on Raftfleet (led by Bahram Luger), Raja threw her and Raftfleet's lot in with the Prince in gratitude. During the war, she commands the Navy from her flagship, the Dahak.

Raja is a fan of the tea ceremony, but only allows older folks to participate. The only younger people who have had the Admiral's tea are the Prince and Lun.

[edit] Other Raftfleet

Logg and Lun are members of Raftfleet who tried to pan for gold in Lunas's river, considered sacred and off-limits. Since the Prince did not have them executed, they owe their lives to him. They aid the Prince in various ways, such as getting to Agate Prison and general transportation around the Feitas River. Kisara is Logg's wife, Lun's mother and Raja's chief assistant in running Raftfleet. Lun is voiced by known voice-actress Lia Sargent.

Sairoh is a retired merchant and trader. Shinro is also a trader and Sairoh's grandson. Subala is a fisher who grew up with Lun and is her rival to a degree; she also has an unrequited crush on the Prince.

[edit] Dragon Cavalry

Craig Laden
Craig Laden

The People of the Dragon were not originally Falenans, but allied with Falena in gratitude for Falena helping them drive off Nagarea's attack years ago. The Dragon Cavalry is pledged to stay out of internal disputes, and only guard the border against foreign invaders. However, when the Godwins buy some factions of Armes to support them (thereby becoming traitors and inviting foreign enemies into the country), the cavalry sees no reason not to enter the civil war. However, the Godwins had planned ahead, and sent Nether Gate to Gordius to hold the eggs of the dragon horses hostage. Thanks to the efforts of Georg Prime, Roog, and Rahal, the eggs are saved, and the Dragon Cavalry enters the war on the royalist side. (Depending on the player's choice to defend Ceras Lake Castle, the Prince of Falena may have aided in freeing the eggs as well.)

Roog and Rahal are both members of the Dragon Cavalry, seen at Stormfist for the Games and at various other times by the Prince's group. Respectively, their mounts are Lance, a red male dragon horse, and Flail, a blue female dragon horse. Craig Laden is the current head of the Dragon Cavalry. He is 44 years old. After the war, Craig returns to Sauronix, but soon retires his position to Rahal. Nick is a young boy training to be a member of the Dragon Cavalry; while his riding is adequate, he is horrible at flute playing.[8] Ax is his violet-colored mount. Yoran is a Gordius stable boy and friend of Nick. Rania is Rahal's older sister and a crafter of the flutes the Dragon Cavalry uses to communicate with the dragon horses.

The Queen's Knight Miakis is also from the Sauronix area. Females are not allowed to join the Dragon Cavalry, so she was sent to train as a Queen's Knight instead so as not to waste her talent - her father was friends with Craig Laden.

[edit] Nether Gate

Nether Gate is an organization that functioned as the royal assassins for Falena's monarchy. After the struggle for succession and Queen Arshtat's ascendancy to the throne, Nether Gate was disbanded by her order. The Intelligence Division was the only part of Nether Gate to take this order gracefully. Marscal Godwin was able to recruit at least some members to his service by offering them shelter. In a book detailing the history of Nether Gate found in Stormfist, it is indicated that at least two leaders of Nether Gate fled to Nagarea: Kayanu, the head of the assassin training division, and Takefute, the overall commander of Nether Gate and head of the assassin division. Tsurunai, the head of the pharmaceutical division, was quite possibly allied with the Godwins considering the large usage of drugs by Godwin-affiliated members of Nether Gate.[9] The leader of the intelligence division's name is indicated to be Shinatsu; it's possible that Oboro is Shinatsu, but this is never revealed, even if the Prince investigates Oboro himself.

[edit] Childerich

Childerich is a 27 year old Nether Gate assassin and a large part of Gizel's plans. He was Gizel's champion during the Sacred Games and also participated in the coup at Sol-Falena. During the attack on the palace, Childerich's job was to take out the Prince and/or Lady Sialeeds. However, the Queen's Knight Kyle and Zegai are able to protect them.

Later in the war, Childerich is made a Queen's Knight by Gizel despite the objections of both Alenia and Bahram Luger, and is put in charge of the Godwin's western army around Doraat (with Bahram Luger and Dilber Novum). Later, at Stormfist, Childerich lays an ambush in the arena for the Prince, which he falls into. However, it is later foiled by Sialeeds who incinerates the soldiers with the Twilight Rune. It was described that Childerich went on a killing rampage, strangling old men and cutting through women's stomach's.

Childerich then takes Raging Nostrum, a chemical designed to give superhuman strength, to go out killing as many people as possible. Members of the Prince's party compete over who gets to kill Childerich in the ensuing duel (Belcoot and Zegai are both interested). If the Prince loses the duel, it is game over; if another character loses, they simply die.

Childerich possesses an incredible amount of bloodlust and is seen killing people for the smallest of transgressions (such as at Doraat after it is retaken). Unlike other assassins that show no emotions, Childerich is quite the opposite and expresses many emotions towards many of the characters. He is voice acted by Lex Lang.

[edit] Dolph

Dolph, also known as Michafute, serves as Nether Gate's emissary several times in Suikoden V. He is 20 years old. Dolph knew and trained with Lyon, then known as Mismar, and offers her to come back into Nether Gate's fold. He also offers Oboro service with the Godwins, leads the assault on the Beaver Lodge, and negotiates with Sialeeds for her plan. He accompanies Marscal to the northern mountains, and is killed in a duel there against either the Prince or Lyon.

[edit] Oboro Detective Agency

Oboro is the main detective for the Prince's Royalist Army and a former member of the Intelligence Division of Nether Gate. He is 38 years old, and assisted by Shigure and Sagiri who are also former Nether Gate members, and Fuyo who keeps the books at the Detective Agency.

Oboro grew up as a member of the Intelligence Division of Nether Gate. Oboro, Sagiri, and Shigure struck out on their own after Nether Gate was disbanded to form the Oboro Detective Agency, putting their skills to civilian use. Some time later, Fuyo abandoned her parents to join them.

Oboro is a contact of Lucretia's, and is recommended by her to the Prince of Falena in order to investigate the Lordlake matter of two years prior (which, incidentally, was the indirect cause of Lucretia's imprisonment). Oboro lightly interrogates Norden, the vice-commander of the guard at the Lordlake protest. Norden reveals that Euram Barows panicked and turned the protest into a riot by ordering the troops to attack. Additionally, Barows agents then stole the Dawn Rune in the confusion after sending the rioters toward the East Palace. If the Prince aided in this investigation, Oboro will agree to join the Prince's side exclusively. Otherwise, Oboro requires constant nagging by the Prince to join his cause. Regardless, Oboro will refuse Dolph's offer to join the remnants of Nether Gate siding with the House of Godwin.

Later on, Oboro's assistance is required for the Prince to recruit Nakula. Lucretia asks for Oboro's team to spread alarming rumors in Doraat of the Godwin forces; Oboro then orders his compatriots to set fire to Doraat and blame the Godwin troops. The panicked townspeople open the gate, preventing a long siege. At the end of the events of Suikoden V, Oboro leaves for Nagarea to "settle things."[10]

Despite his impressive qualifications with regards to the plot, Oboro is not particularly helpful to the Prince and player in-game with most of his investigations. Unlike other Suikoden detectives, he very rarely offers many hints on how to recruit a character; he can only even attempt to discover their whereabouts, and very often fails at even that. Some of Oboro's investigations are rather amusing; if Oboro investigates Zerase, Zerase starts leaving threatening messages in the Prince's suggestion box. Shigure indicates in a message himself that he's the one stuck investigating her, and pleads that the Prince stop asking Oboro to put him through this. If asked to investigate Jeane, Oboro flagrantly holds back whatever information he finds, saying "So you really want to know, eh? All right, fine. Jeane is... a very nice young lady, with absolutely no mind-boggling secrets to hide. None whatsoever. Moving on..."

Oboro is trying to spread the practice of using business cards, without much success.

[edit] Other Falenans

Roy is a bandit in the Sable area, hired by Euram Barrows to impersonate the Prince. Aside from hair and eye color, Roy does look extremely similar to the Prince, and he can wear a wig to disguise his hair. Roy is jealous and somewhat resentful of the Prince, and has an odd relationship with Lyon. He is assisted by brother and sister Faylon and Faylen.

Babbage is an inventor in Estrise. He designed the revolving bridge after the Lordlake revolt to ensure that the East Palace and Sol-Falena could be shut off from the east in case of emergency. He is assisted by Sorenson and Lu.

Murad is a traveling doctor who once worked with Silva. He treats Belcoot in Stormfist, and helps administer the antidote to Dark Arcanum to the royal forces prior to the coup. Egbert Aethlebald is the scion of the Aethlebald family which previously ruled Stormfist before the Godwins gained control. Egbert still nurses a grudge against the Godwins and considers Stormfist "his" town; he also keeps detailed genealogical charts documenting his claim. Raven is a thief who bears an Invisibility Rune; he is lured out by the promise of stealing Egbert's chart, and caught (again) by Oboro. Nikea is a fighter who unsuccessfully attempts to enter the Sacred Games, apparently without realizing that the winner would marry Lymsleia. She later takes a job as Orok's bodyguard in Lelcar.

Volga is the leader of the eastern inlet of Lelcar, and is sympathetic to the royal side. He helped raise the Queen's Knight Kyle. Wasil is the diplomatic leader of the central isle of Lelcar and the one who initially solicits the Prince's aid.

Bastan is an art appraiser in Haud Village, though he considers Salum and the other residents of Haud's taste awful. Cornelio is a composer of Haud obsessed with the "DoReMi elves." These elves are not Stars of Destiny, but they are usable in battle. They include FaSoLa, LaTiDo, MiFaSo, ReMiFa, and SoLaTi.

Mueller leads a small mercenary outfit along with Wilhelm. Richard is a swordsman in training who greatly admires Mueller. Linfa is a gambler deep in debt. Shun Min is a cook, and is assisted by Retso. Alhazred is a collector of rare tomes and is seeking a cursed book (sold to Euram Barows). Taylor is a journalist who publishes the Dawn Times for the Prince's side.

[edit] Demihumans

The demihumans in Falena do not usually consider themselves Falenans or bound to the human government at all. They govern themselves and ignore the humans; in return, they are ignored back. The Prince makes some effort to reach out to demihumans; the Godwins, meanwhile, believe the demihumans a blight upon Falena and attempt to kill them off, even sending their elite Nether Gate agents to do such work. Such attacks drive the beavers and dwarves to the royalist side.

The elves of Falena live in the northern forests, hidden from almost all prying eyes (only Zegai and Takamu allow the player access to the path). Isato is an elf who left the village to aid Haswar at the temple. Urda is an associate of Isato's who is constantly nagging him to return to the elven village of Alseid and to abandon the short-lived humans, though she eventually relents. They both use a bow and arrows as weapons.

The dwarves of Falena live underground, with their camp being near Agate Prison. Gunde is a dwarven digger who is friends with Logg. Wabon is an informal elder of the dwarven village and has a certain fondness for the dwarf mining carts. Dongo is a blacksmith. Zunda is a window maker. Bergen is also a dwarf, though he doesn't seem to have anything to do with the other dwarves, spending all his time with Levi instead.

The Beavers live in a lodge near the Ceras Lake ruins. They aided the Godwins in the construction of Hatred Fortress, which sealed off the river to Lordlake; they felt rather guilty over this and have since retreated from human politics. Fuwalafuwalu is the chief of the Beaver Village; other Beavers include Moroon, Miroon, Muroon, Maroon, and Meroon. The beavers greatly respect the creature Genoh, an ancient sentient sea turtle. Byakuren is a strange, snake-like monster that lives in Ceras Lake.

[edit] Armes

Shula Valya is the commander of the Armes Western Marine Corps and member of the moderate Madra Clan. He is assisted by Sharmista and Nifsara. Josephine, whose true name is Yuma, is his younger sister and a self-proclaimed "fashion diva." She despises her true name and living in Shula's successful shadow.

General Maha Sparna is the commander of the Armes Southern Mountain Corps. Jidan Guisu is her subordinate. She makes an ill-considered invasion of Falena due to an offer by the Godwins to cede large amounts of eastern Falena to Armes. It is pointed out by Shula and others, though, that if the Godwins gained control of the Sun Rune, they'd likely attempt to take the territory right back, and perhaps even invade Armes itself.

Zegai is a warrior from Armes who ended up a gladiator in Salum Barows' service. He was to fight as Euram's representative at the Sacred Games, but was framed as a conspirator by Gizel Godwin, disqualified, and arrested. Nakula is another Armes warrior. He swore vengeance upon Nether Gate for the killing of his father (done by Sagiri). He is initially found wounded in Sable after Jidan Guisu's retreat from the short-lived Barows alliance. Gavaya attempted to join the Sacred Games, but was rejected due to him being from Armes. He is known for ineffectually courting women.

[edit] Island Nations


The Island Nations were the setting of Suikoden IV. King Ferid is originally hailed from the Island Nations, though he moved to Falena after winning the Games and Arshtat's hand. The Island Nations are basically uninvolved in the civil war, though Admiral Egan gives Shula Valya an excuse to leave Estrise by moving his fleet against Armes in a feint.

Admiral Skald Egan is the delegate the Island Nations Federation send to Lymsleia's coronation as Queen. He supports the Prince's cause, but knows that the Island Nations Federation is not eager for a war. His daughter Bernadette Egan, a vice-captain, volunteers to aid the Prince in order to stave off her father from doing anything rash. Bernadette is aided by Nelis and Yahr; they are technically charged with finding Rune Cannon ammunition, though they abandon this in order to aid the Prince (at least if the player performs certain actions in helping them). Yahr also destroys Rune Cannon ammunition rather than recovering it.

At Nirva Island, Chisato is a voice mimic and stages puppet shows for children.

[edit] Outlanders

This includes foreigners and people of unknown origin.

[edit] Lucretia Merces

Official artwork of Lucretia Merces from Suikoden V

Lucretia Merces (ルクレティア・メルセス, Rukuretia Merusesu) is the chief strategist of the Prince of Falena's army. She is 31 years old at the beginning of Suikoden V.

Lucrecia’s exact origins are unclear besides the fact that she hails from an unspecified region to the north of the Northern Continent, though a Grasslander necklace that she constantly carries[11] and her aesthetic appearance suggest a Karayan descent. Much of her character background is unknown, but the game confirms the following information: Some time during her tenure in Harmonia, she met and befriended Cathari, a gunner and member of Harmonia's Howling Voice Guild. Marscal Godwin found her on a trip north and brought her back with him to Falena, where she became his adviser (though initially, people thought she was his mistress).[12] Lucretia eventually cuts ties with the Godwins, notably by suggesting that Queen Arshtat bear the Sun Rune herself to protect it from nobles who would want the power themselves — in other words, the Godwins that Lucretia was theoretically supporting). This caused Arshtat's gradual change in personality by the corrupting power of the Sun Rune, and indirectly eventually led to Arshtat's death. Because of this, the queen's younger sister, Sialeeds, does not like Lucretia.

When the Dawn Rune was stolen in the Lordlake revolt, Lord Godwin used the excuse to exact revenge on Lucretia. Lucretia counseled clemency on Lordlake and Lord Rovere, but Arshtat, influenced by the Sun Rune, instead took draconian punishment measures. Marscal claimed that Lucretia had been disloyal by her suggestion to allow the outrage to go unpunished, and asked for her execution. Arshtat agreed to a point, but imprisoned her rather than executing her. During this time, she became close friends with two guards, Cius and Lelei, and began teaching Lelei the art of strategy. She predicted that either Lord Godwin would find her and execute her, or that Lord Barows would come seeking her help. Instead, the Prince of Falena comes. Lucretia informs the Prince beforehand about what went on between her and Arshtat and that if, at any time, Lucretia believes the Prince is doing the wrong thing, she will betray him. He still accepts her services.

Lucretia's first efforts are against Lord Barows's, in investigating his dealings with Armes and the theft of the Dawn Rune. During the course of the game, Lucretia plans meticulous strategies to return the royal family to power, while at the same time, promoting the Prince's image as a tolerant and good figure. An example of this effort was in getting the conscripted and scared guards of Hatred Fortress to abandon their posts before it is destroyed. She also anticipates the Godwins; knowing that the Godwins would expect the Prince to go to Raftfleet (should the player choose to abandon the Ceras Lake Castle), Lucretia insures that the Prince's double, Roy, is there instead.

During the siege of Sol-Falena, Lucretia talks to the dying Sialeeds. Despite Sialeeds' hatred for Lucretia, they both respect each other, and both believe the Prince is a wonderful young man, though Lucretia seems to have more confidence in his constitution than does his aunt.

After the war, Lucretia vanishes, along with Lelei.

Lucretia believes a strategist should never make a public apology, because then people will lose faith in them. Apologies are made only in private to the general. This issue comes up when Lelei apologizes in council to the Prince. Lucretia's suggestion for the name of the Ceras Lake Castle is "May Sigh Shimmering On The Pale Blue Water." Raja comments that "You are an extremely talented tactician, but are awful in naming." Lucretia is the first strategist to the Hero in the Suikoden series who does not have any known connection (bloodline or not) to the Silverberg family. (Shu was not a Silverberg, but did train under Mathiu Silverberg)

[edit] Belcoot

Belcoot is a Kanakian fighter expert in Falcon-Style Swordsmanship. Originally a young mediocre gladiator in Falena's ex-capital Stormfist, he managed to escape and made his way to Kanakan where he dramatically improved his skills under the tutelage of the renowned master Roundier Haia. He competes in the Sacred Games at Stormfist, though he loses the final match against Childerich due to being betrayed and drugged by Marina, an inn maid in love with him. Later, he may join the Prince's forces and aid them against the Godwins.

Belcoot is one of the only three known disciples of Master Haia to have appeared in the games, the other two being Valeria and Anita, though it's unclear whether he is an acquaintance of the two women.

Hazuki is a swordswoman who considers herself a rival of Belcoot's and wishes to avenge a loss in a duel to him.

[edit] Zerase

Official Artwork of Zerase from Suikoden V

Zerase (ゼラセ, Zerase) is a mysterious sorceress. She is quite knowledgeable about the Sun, Dawn, and Twilight runes, and seems to be connected to the Night Rune.[13] She bears the Star Rune, a rune considered associated with the Night Rune. She initially meets the Prince of Falena, Lymsleia, and Sialeeds at the East Palace, where she chastises them about the missing Dawn Rune before disappearing.

When the prince of Falena finds the Dawn Rune and it chooses him as to bear it, Zerase appears again to tell him that he should work on being a worthy successor to the rune.

When the Sindar Ruins reveal themselves from Lake Ceras, Zerase shifts from threatening the Prince, and instead says that she should aid the Prince. However, she remains closed-mouthed regarding the true nature of the Runes, and maintains an imperious and haughty demeanor. When the Godwins begin to use the Twilight Rune, she shows a reinvigorated zeal, and demands to accompany the prince to Doraat where it was used. She takes great offense when Alenia cannot use the rune properly, and is eager to fight her both in Doraat and in the Queen's Campaign. During the siege of Stormfist, Zerase is actually a bit frightened, because Sialeeds, the new bearer of the Twilight Rune, can use the rune to great effect. Sialeeds is able to use the Twilight Rune to force a Zerase's attempted effects.

After the war, Zerase departs the company of the prince and is not heard from again.

Zerase is an acquaintance of both Jeane and Leknaat. Zerase, like Leknaat, has the ability to summon the Tablet of Stars and Zerase recognizes Jeane's advanced abilities as a rune mistress. According to Oboro's investigations, Zerase is not seen sleeping at all.[14] Additionally, her pale skin never becomes flushed, even in hot water.[15] This leads some to suspect that she is not human. If Zerase is brought to the ancient Genoh, he will say that "I think I sense...someone who has lived quite long...I must've mistaken." This suggests that Zerase is perhaps considerably older than she appears.

Zerase is also referred to (generally sarcastically) as Cloak Lady, Crazy Druid, Bearer of Stars, Traveler of Night, and the Lady in Black. She is voiced in the North American version by Carol Stanzione.

[edit] Jeane

Main article: Jeane (Suikoden)

Jeane is the runemistress of Sol-Falena. She has appeared in every Suikoden game to date, and is somewhat more revealing about her past in Suikoden V. Jeane aids the Godwins in the examination of the Sun Rune, and affixes the Twilight Rune to Alenia in spite of the lack of compatibility between them. She also seems to know Zerase to a degree, and takes an interest in Sindar Ruins, as she asks the Prince to go there to retrieve an item for her. Jeane also seems to know the mysterious Eresh, as she invites the Prince to aid Eresh at the same Ruins again in the comment box.

Jeane's hair color was changed from silver to pink for Suikoden V, so as not to cause confusion with the royal family's famous silver hair.[citation needed]

[edit] Viki

Main article: Viki (Suikoden)

Viki is a clueless girl who bears the Blinking Rune. She teleports near the Prince at the Ceras Lake Ruins, confused, and decides to help the Prince out with her teleportation magic. She has appeared in every other game of the main Suikoden series.

[edit] Sindar experts

Further information: Lorelai and Killey

Zweig is a scholar researching the Sindar civilization. He knows Lucretia, and while not exactly friends, they are both intelligent and know when their goals coincide. Zweig thought that Marscal Godwin's gathering of Sindar experts was suspicious and avoided it, thus earning Lucretia's interest.[16] Lorelai is a young explorer who desires to see the inside of ruins. In exchange for their expertise and help, the Prince opens various Sindar Ruins and allows them inside, notably the Ceras Lake Ruins and the Western Ruins.

Killey is a rune expert brought in by the Godwins to examine the Sun Rune. However, he was seen as too suspicious and curious about the wrong things by Gizel, and was subsequently imprisoned at Agate Prison. If the Prince sets him free, he can later be recruited for the Prince's side at the Western Ruins.

[edit] Other outlanders

Cathari is a member of the Howling Voice Guild of Harmonia. She studied with Lucretia in Harmonia for her education. She is in Falena to try to ensure that the powerful Sun Rune does not fall into irresponsible hands - it is implied that if the Godwins won the civil war and started to use the Sun Rune wantonly, Harmonia would intervene and likely attempt to assassinate Falena's new leaders.

Ernst is a human cursed by the Beast Rune to take the form of a leopard. Norma is trying to help Ernst remove the curse, and eventually solicits the aid of the experienced mage Levi (who is assisted himself by the dwarf Bergen).

Isabel is a Maximillian Knight assisted by Mathias. Euram Barows attempts to rope them into attacking the Prince, though this ploy does not work.

[edit] References

The main reference is Suikoden V itself.

  1. ^ Haswar's ending text: "As the oracle of Lunas, supports the new queen both publicly and privately. One day she announces a surprise wedding..."
  2. ^ Oboro's 2nd investigation: "Actually, if you want to know, Ferid once asked me to find her real parents, I checked everywhere, but... nothing. Lyon's probably better off not knowing about that, though..."
  3. ^ Oboro's 3rd investigation: "#3: Her father was a Dragon Cavalry soldier. When his daughter became a Queen's Knight, he retired, and he and his wife began a leisurely trip around the world. Even Miakis doesn't know where they're traveling right now."
  4. ^ Oboro's first investigation: He´s the oldest active Queen´s Knight. Back in the Armes Invasion, he fought right on the front, brave as all hell. He's from Lordlake, and ever since the uprising there two years ago, he seems worried about something...
  5. ^ Oboro's 2nd investigation:"When he was in Lelcar, Volga often looked after him. Even as a kid, he hit on every girl in sight, whenever he wasn´t pummeling his sparring partners. Even for Volga, that kid must have been a handful."
  6. ^ Oboro's 3rd investigation: "#3:About 10 years ago, he had some trouble in Lelcar, packed his bags, and left. During the Armes invasion, he became a volunteer soldier and fought like mad. His performance caught Ferid´s eye, and that led him to what he is today."
  7. ^ Oboro's 2nd investigation of Miakis:#2: "She's the kind of person who could get along with just about anybody, but I hear Alenia couldn't stand her. I guess it was some kind of instinctual thing..."
  8. ^ Oboro's 2nd investigation: "He´s the best swordsman in his class and his riding´s top-notch, but at playing the flute, he´s just hopeless. He says it´s because he can´t sing, but you don´t have to be a good singer to play an instrument."
  9. ^ Comment Box from Sagiri on Raging Nostrum: "That drug loses its power quickly, so you can't make a lot of it in advance. So the stuff they're using can't be from the old organization. They have to be making new batches. They know how to make it, so that means they'll use it again. I'd be careful if I were you."
  10. ^ Oboro's ending text: "Leaves the agency to Fuyo and departs apparently to Nagarea, to 'settle things once and for all.'"
  11. ^ Oboro's third investigation: She always carries this unusal necklace, with braided cord and gems, but I´ve never seen her wear it. It looks like it might have come from a Grasslands clan, way up to the north.
  12. ^ Oboro's second investigation: Lord Godwin originally found her on a trip to the northern continent and came back with her. At first, people called her his mistress, but after all she did during the Armes invasion, no one ever bad-mouthed her again.
  13. ^ Oboro's second investigation: She keeps up a calm face, but people have overheard her grumbling. Like "the Sword of Night, blah, blah, blah," or "Why do I have to do this?" What´s she talking about? I´m working on that.
  14. ^ Oboro's third investigation: You know, I´ve never ever seen her sleep. Does she, even? Eh? Do I usually watch women while they´re sleeping, you ask? That´s strictly confidential.
  15. ^ During the bath scene between Zerase, Bernadette, and Nikea, Nikea expresses surprise at Zerase's presence, stating that the idea of Zerase bathing never occurred to her. This causes Zerase to become angry and reply, "Of course I bathe! What do you think I am?" Then she leaves Nikea and Bernadette, who are left to consider her odd choice of words.
  16. ^ Oboro's 2nd investigation: "A few years ago, when Lord Godwin first started gathering up Sindar civilization experts, Zweig thought it was suspicious and didn´t go. Lucretia heard that he´d refused and tracked him down in secret. That´s how they first met."