List of Stanford University people

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This is a list of encyclopedic persons (students, alumni, faculty or academic affiliates) associated with Stanford University in the United States.


[edit] Notable Stanford alumni

[edit] Academics

[edit] Academia

[edit] Computer Science

Vinton Cerf, "Father of the Internet"
Vinton Cerf, "Father of the Internet"

[edit] Humanities

[edit] Other Science

[edit] Arts and Literature

[edit] Artists

[edit] Film/Television

[edit] Journalism

[edit] Music

[edit] Writers

[edit] Astronauts

Eileen Collins, first female commander of a space shuttle
Eileen Collins, first female commander of a space shuttle

[edit] Entrepreneurs and business leaders

Jerry Yang, Yahoo! co-founder
Jerry Yang, Yahoo! co-founder

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Politics

[edit] U.S. Congress

[edit] U.S. President

[edit] Foreign politicians

[edit] Other

[edit] U.S. Supreme Court Justices

[edit] Notable Stanford faculty and affiliates

[edit] Biology/Biochemistry

[edit] Chemistry

  • John Brauman, Professor in chemistry, National Medal of Science winner.
  • Carl Djerassi, Professor emeritus in chemistry, National Medal of Science winner and Wolf Prize.
  • Paul Flory, former professor of Chemistry, winner of 1974 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • William Johnson, former professor in chemistry, National Medal of Science winner.
  • Chaitan Koshla, Professor in chemistry, winner of Alan T. Waterman Award.
  • Harden McCornell, Professor emeritus in chemistry, National Medal of Science winner.
  • Linus Pauling, former professor in chemistry, Nobel prize winner in Chemistry and in Peace.
  • John Ross, Professor emeritus in chemistry, National Medal of Science winner.
  • Henry Taube, former professor in Chemistry, winner of 1983 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • Robert Waymouth, Professor in chemistry, winner of Alan T. Waterman Award.
  • Richard Zare, Professor in chemistry, winner of National Medal of Science and Wolf Prize.
  • Vijay S. Pande, Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department, founder of Folding@home distributed computing project

[edit] Computer science

[edit] Economics

[edit] Engineering

[edit] History

[edit] Law

[edit] Literature and arts

[edit] Mathematics

[edit] Political science

  • Coit D. Blacker, political science professor, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; and Senior Director for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian Affairs, National Security Council; Executive Office of the President
  • Morris P. Fiorina, political scientist and author
  • Alexander Kerensky, Russian revolutionary leader, Hoover Institute fellow

[edit] Philosophy

[edit] Physics

[edit] Other

[edit] Notable Stanford athletes

[edit] Baseball

[edit] Basketball

[edit] Football

[edit] Golf

Tiger Woods spent two years at Stanford
Tiger Woods spent two years at Stanford

[edit] Gymnastics

[edit] Rowing

  • Jamie Schroeder, rowing, US National Team
  • Samantha Magee, rowing, olympic silver medalist

[edit] Soccer

[edit] Swimming

[edit] Tennis

[edit] Track and field

[edit] Volleyball

[edit] Water polo

[edit] Other sports