List of Song Emperors

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This is a list of emperors during the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) of China.

[edit] Sòng dynasty emperors

Convention: "Sòng" + temple name or posthumous name except last emperor who was revered as Song Di Bing (Sòng Dì Bǐng 宋帝昺).

[edit] Bei (Northern) Sòng dynasty, 960- 1127

Temple Names
(Miao Hao 廟號 Miào Hào)
Posthumous Names
(Shi Hao 諡號)
Birth Names Period
of Reigns
Era Names (Nian Hao 年號) and their according range of years
Taizu (太祖 Tàizǔ) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Kuangyin (趙匡胤 Zhào Kuāngyìn) 960-976
  • Jianlong (建隆 Jiànlóng) 960-963
  • Qiande (乾德 Qiándé) 963-968
  • Kaibao (開寶 Kāibǎo) 968-976
Taizong (太宗 Tàizōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Kuangyi (趙匡義 Zhào Kuāngyì) or Zhao Guangyi (趙光義 Zhào Guāngyì) 976-997
  • Taipingxingguo (太平興國 Tàipíngxīngguó) 976-984
  • Yongxi (雍熙 Yōngxī) 984-987
  • Duangong (端拱 Duāngǒng) 988-989
  • Chunhua (淳化 Chúnhuà) 990-994
  • Zhidao (至道 Zhìdào) 995-997
Zhenzong (真宗 Zhēnzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Heng (趙恆 Zhào Héng) 997-1022
  • Xianping (咸平 Xiánpíng) 998-1003
  • Jingde (景德 Jǐngdé) 1004–1007
  • Dazhongxiangfu (大中祥符 Dàzhōngxiángfú) 1008–1016
  • Tianxi (天禧 Tiānxǐ) 1017–1021
  • Qianxing (乾興 Qiánxīng) 1022
Renzong (仁宗 Rénzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Zhen (趙禎 Zhào Zhēn) 1022–1063
  • Tiansheng (天聖 Tiānshèng) 1023–1032
  • Mingdao (明道 Míngdào) 1032–1033
  • Jingyou (景祐 Jǐngyòu) 1034–1038
  • Baoyuan (寶元 Bǎoyuán) 1038–1040
  • Kangding (康定 Kāngdìng) 1040–1041
  • Qingli (慶曆 Qìnglì) 1041–1048
  • Huangyou (皇祐 Huángyòu) 1049–1054
  • Zhihe (至和 Zhìhé) 1054–1056
  • Jiayou (嘉祐 Jiāyòu) 1056–1063
Yingzong (英宗 Yīngzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Shu (趙曙 Zhào Shù) 1063–1067
  • Zhiping (治平 Zhìpíng) 1064–1067
Shenzong (神宗 Shénzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Xu (趙頊 Zhào Xū) 1067–1085
  • Xining (熙寧 Xīníng) 1068–1077
  • Yuanfeng (元豐 Yuánfēng) 1078–1085
Zhezong (哲宗 Zhézōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Xu (趙煦 Zhào Xǔ) 1085–1100
  • Yuanyou (元祐 Yuányòu) 1086–1094
  • Shaosheng (紹聖 Shàoshèng) 1094–1098

*Yuanfu (元符 Yuánfú) 1098–1100

Huizong (徽宗 Huīzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Ji (趙佶 Zhào Jí) 1100–1125
  • Jianzhongjingguo (建中靖國 Jiànzhōngjìngguó) 1101
  • Chongning (崇寧 Chóngníng) 1102–1106
  • Daguan (大觀 Dàguān) 1107–1110
  • Zhenghe (政和 Zhènghé) 1111–1118
  • Chonghe (重和 Chónghé) 1118–1119
  • Xuanhe (宣和 Xuānhé) 1119–1125
Qinzong (欽宗 Qīnzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Huan (趙桓 Zhào Huán) 1126–1127
  • Jingkang (靖康 Jìngkāng) 1125–1127

[edit] Nan (Southern) Song dynasty, 1127-1279

Temple Names
(Miao Hao 廟號 Miào Hào)
Posthumous Names
(Shi Hao 諡號)
Born Names Period
of Reigns
Era Names (Nian Hao 年號) and their according range of years
Gaozong (高宗 Gāozōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Gou (趙構 Zhào Gòu) 1127–1162
  • Jingyan (靖炎 Jìngyán) 1127–1130
  • Shaoxing (紹興 Shàoxīng) 1131–1162
Xiaozong (孝宗 Xiàozōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Shen (趙昚 Zhào Shèn) 1162–1189
  • Longxing (隆興 Lóngxīng) 1163–1164
  • Qiandao (乾道 Qiándào) 1165–1173
  • Chunxi (淳熙 Chúnxī) 1174–1189
Guangzong (光宗 Guāngzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Dun (趙惇 Zhào Dūn) 1189–1194
  • Shaoxi (紹熙 Shàoxī) 1190–1194
Ningzong (寧宗 Níngzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Kuo (趙擴 Zhào Kuó) 1194–1224
  • Qingyuan (慶元 Qìngyuán) 1195–1200
  • Jiatai (嘉泰 Jiātài) 1201–1204
  • Kaixi (開禧 Kāixǐ) 1205–1207
  • Jiading (嘉定 Jiādìng) 1208–1224
Lizong (理宗 Lǐzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Yun (趙昀 Zhào Yún) 1224–1264
  • Baoqing (寶慶 Bǎoqìng) 1225–1227
  • Shaoding (紹定 Shàodìng) 1228–1233
  • Duanping (端平 Duānpíng) 1234–1236
  • Jiaxi (嘉熙 Jiāxī) 1237–1240
  • Chunyou (淳祐 Chúnyòu) 1241–1252
  • Baoyou (寶祐 Bǎoyòu) 1253–1258
  • Kaiqing (開慶 Kāiqìng) 1259
  • Jingding (景定 Jǐngdìng) 1260–1264
Duzong (度宗 Dùzōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Qi (趙祺 Zhào Qí) 1264–1274
  • Xianchun (咸淳 Xiánchún) 1265–1274
Emperor Gongzong (恭宗 Gōngzōng) Gong Di (恭帝 Gōngdì) Zhao Xian (趙顯 Zhào Xiǎn) 1275
  • Deyou (德祐 Déyòu) 1275–1276
Duan Zong (端宗 Duān Zōng) too tedious; thus, not used when referring to this sovereign Zhao Shi (趙昰 Zhào Shì) 1276–1278
  • Jingyan (景炎 Jǐngyán) 1276–1278
did not exist Di (帝 Dì) or Wei Wang (衛王 Wèiwáng) Zhao Bing (趙昺 Zhào Bǐng) 1278–1279
  • Xiangxing (祥興 Xiángxīng) 1278–1279