List of Silent Hill monsters

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The following is a list of monsters in the video game series Silent Hill.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Silent Hill

Air Screamer
Air Screamer
  • Air Screamer/Night Flutter - Pterodactyl-like demons that appear to be either skinless or burned. A source claims "the pterosaur-type monsters found throughout town were brought forth from an illustration in one of Alessa's favorite books, The Lost World." [1]
  • Larval Stalker - Partially visible, harmless ghost-like entities. They cause the radio to emit white noise and make squeaking noises before disappearing. They cannot be killed, although they will stumble and disappear when the flashlight beam is directed at them.
  • Bloodsucker - Large, parasitic worms that have an obsession with drinking blood. Although they are not really an enemy that is faced, they can kill with one attack, so it would be best to find other methods to deal with them.
  • Mumbler - Humanoid creatures that look somewhat like a teddy bear with giant claws. They are only present in the last part of the sewers in the US version and replace the grey children in the PAL version.
  • Grey Child - Knife-wielding demon children. They look as though they have a gaping hole where their face should be. These were censored in the PAL version of the game (although they can still be found in the PAL version of the demo), and were replaced by Mumblers. The groans they make as they attack Harry are actually the sound of a child's laughter electronically slowed down[citation needed]. The monsters may be a reference to the children that tormented Alessa as a child. Near the end of the game, the Grey Children become invisible.
  • Puppet Doctor (Parasitized Doctor) - Monstrous doctors possessed by a parasite. They attack with scalpels. They come from Alessa's fear of hospitals and doctors, and possibly to extract punishment on the medical staff that kept her in isolation.
  • Puppet Nurse - Monstrous nurses wearing old-fashioned uniforms. They attack with scalpels, and like the Doctors, they are controlled by a parasite, giving them a humpbacked appearance. Similarly, they seem to come from Alessa's loathing of hospitals and nurses.
  • Romper - Gorilla-like creatures that are fast, deadly and very difficult to kill. They represent the fear Alessa had for adults.
  • Groaner - Demonic dogs with decaying flesh. They are fast, nimble, and attack in packs. They represent Alessa's fear of large dogs. They appear outdoors and are easily dispatched.
  • Hanged Scratcher - Found in the sewers. They usually ambush in numbers and can be difficult to kill. They resemble an overgrown praying mantis.
  • Wormhead - Similar to the Groaners but are faster and stronger.
  • Creeper - Large insects that lurk in school and the sewers. They can easily be killed with melee weaponry. However, if they attack in a group of two or three, they can cause significant damage.

[edit] Silent Hill 2

  • Lying Figure - Skulking, humanoid demons trapped in straitjackets made from their own flesh. They attack by spewing a spray of acidic liquid from a hole in their chest. They are slow whilst standing upright, but when knocked down they stay in a lying position and move by skittering very quickly along the ground. They are intended to invoke the image of a patient writhing in agony, a manifestation of Mary Sunderland's pain and suffering from being sick and bedridden. They may also represent previous victims of Silent Hill who were desperately trying to get out, which is possible since at one point it is suggested the player has found someone whose upperbody has been changed but not his legs. They have also been seen as rather phallic creatures (the monsters of Silent Hill 2 are generally rather sexualized, as a manifestation of James's sexual repression and guilt because of his wife Mary's hospitalization due to her terminal illness). The holes in their bodies that they shoot acid from are also said to resemble a vagina.
A Bubble Head Nurse from Silent Hill 2
A Bubble Head Nurse from Silent Hill 2
  • Bubble Head Nurse - The nurses wear suggestive, low-cut outfits and have heavily distorted and grotesquely swollen faces, that jitter and twitch uncontrollably. The nurses are quicker on their feet than most of the other monsters and wield deadly lead pipes that can do heavy damage. They represent Mary's hospitalization, and their grotesque, sexualized forms once again express James' sexual frustrations.
  • Mannequin - Headless, armless living sewing dummies which bear a resemblance to Hans Bellmer's Dolls. These monsters consist of a feminine human torso and legs, upon which rest two more legs standing upright. The top pair of legs are used for striking while the bottom pair are used for walking. These flailing legs are said to represent all James saw when suffocating his wife under a pillow[citation needed]. They tend to stand still and in plain sight until the player is about three to five feet away and then spring to life and start to attack. Another symbol of James' sexual frustration and objectification of women, as Pyramid Head is seen attacking two of them early on in a manner that many fans interpret as a rape. They are common enemies that inflict normal damage. Although they are not overly strong creatures, they have the advantage of stealth, as the radio will not emit any static to warn the player of their presence until the mannequin moves. Can be seen jumping off buildings or behind bushes outside, and whilst inside, may suddenly walk out of closets after staying motionless for a few seconds. Out on the town's main road, they will also fly down through the fog from a great height, landing in the distance.
  • Abstract Daddy - The Abstract Daddy's appearance suggests rape. It looks like a walking bed, with a large humanoid figure and a smaller figure struggling under the covers. (Some fans have seen the creature as a walking door, dubbing it the Doorman.) It has four legs which are used to approach a victim. The creature lifts its body and reveals a "mouth" that is used to attack. Supposedly, Thomas Orosco, Angela's father, sexually assaulted Angela a great deal, resulting in this monster created out of her own guilt (her mother blamed her for the assaults). After the player fights Abstract Daddy, small versions are encountered which may represent the weaker James suffocating his wife. In some original production documents, the name given for these creatures was "Angela's Papa." They are strong enemies that inflict high levels of damage and usually attack in pairs. Interestingly enough, Angela seems to see Abstract Daddy as her actual father, rather than the monstrous form James sees them as.
  • Mandarin - Giant-armed monsters which hang from gratings. Similar to the Closers found in Silent Hill 3. They may represent James's anguish and for this reason are not allowed to stand above ground. (The game is full of hanging figures - convicts, monsters, the picture of Valtiel at the historical society, etc. - most abundantly in the prison section.) Usually they will be seen hanging under grating and bite James as he passes overhead.
  • Creeper - Insect-like creatures that resemble large cockroaches. They attack by nipping at James' feet and then running away. They may represent the generally decaying, filthy and desolate state that the town of Silent Hill has fallen into.
  • Pyramid Head - (see separate article)

[edit] Silent Hill 3

A Closer
A Closer
  • Closer - Lumbering, giant-armed monster with great strength and reach. Its head is more or less a tube that leads to a mouth. The lower portion of the body looks more like a female with a mini skirt, with high heels for feet. If Heather gets too close, it defends itself by swinging it arms slowly, knocking her back. Large, bony spikes are hidden in their arms and cause a large amount of damage when used. The Closer monster is said by some to originate from the memories Alessa has of her abusive and manic mother, Dahlia Gillespie because of its looming female figure and powerful arms, which could signify an abused child's fear of their attackers' strikes. Also, the face of these creatures has the appearance of the lips of a vagina, a further symbol of sexual frustration.
  • Double Head - Dogs that have heads that split vertically in half. They will howl and quickly pursue Heather when they see her. They are also attracted to beef jerky, the random bloody carcasses found in some areas in the game, and loud noises. The Double Heads are bandaged and may be a reference to Alessa when she was burned and bandaged with her soul split in half. Quite often, they hunt in packs, and are capable of launching surprise attacks.
  • Insane Cancer - Enormous, obese humanoids with great strength. Its name may derive from the fact that its body resembles a grossly overgrown tumor. Although they usually move slowly, shifting their weight back and forth, they will sometimes run at Heather and knock her down. They are usually found sitting down or sleeping, and whilst doing this, they regenerate their health. They will "deflate" after dying.
  • Numb Body - A relatively featureless, bipedal creature which resembles a headless, featherless, wingless chicken or possibly a fetus. They have a single, enormous eyeball as a head and come in two sizes. They also make eerie moaning sounds, (which some believe resemble a crying infant), when they are alive.
  • Pendulum - Two conjoined torsos on stilt-like legs, armed with blades. They can either walk around on its stilt-legs, or can fly by spinning and make a noisy screeching sound like that of grinding metal.
  • Scraper - A humanoid creature wielding two large, rusty blades. It has a head that looks like many folded layers of flesh and quivers rapidly. It resembles smaller versions of the Missionary boss.
  • Slurper - Crawling, anteater-like creatures with great speed. Their face is long and pointed, like that of a rat, and loud noises attract its attention. They often pretend to be dead in order to surprise Heather. They will try to pin Heather down and dart up her skirt, which represents Heather's fear of being raped, and also pertains to finding a taser in her room. It is possibly a by-product of repressed sexual energy or fear.
  • Nurse - This time around, the nurses look more "human", although their faces are still deformed and distorted. As well as the standard steel pipe they all use to attack with, some also carry revolvers. Make panting sounds when alive and strange squishing sounds every time they walk. On their faces, it appears they have either vomited up blood or have been feeding on a bloody carcass, as blood is spattered all around their mouths. When hurt, they utter bloodcurdling screams. If the perfume is equipped, they supposedly attack in greater numbers.

[edit] Silent Hill 4

  • Sniffer Dog - These dog-like creatures have long, prehensile tongues which resemble umbilical cords that they use to drain their prey of blood. They have dirty, leathery yellowish skin. Their canine form is a reference to young Walter's fear of dogs after he visited a pet shop as a boy and was nearly bitten by one. They are usually witnessed feeding on other dead monsters' carcasses. Strangely, when attacked, they make snarling sounds which resemble that of a big cat, rather than a canine. The females (which have a slight purple-pink tinge in their skin), are more aggressive than the males.
One of Walter Sullivan's victims, who appears as a ghost in the game
One of Walter Sullivan's victims, who appears as a ghost in the game
  • Ghosts (Victims) - Walter Sullivan's victims; they cannot be killed. There are 21 Victims in all, but only 16 are fought by Henry as ghosts (however, one of them is fought as a monster and represents 2 victims - see below). Victims attack in a similar fashion to how Walter killed them. They slowly float toward Henry, and when he is vulnerable, will pierce their hands into his chest and attack his heart. Victims are one of the most dangerous enemies in Silent Hill 4. Although they are almost invincible, they can be knocked out by a powerful blow or shot down with a rare silver bullet. All of the ghosts can also be weakened by holy candles and saint medallions (which can also stop Henry from getting headaches from the ghosts). The only weapons capable of permanently putting them down are the five Swords of Obedience. There are 'super' victims (see below) that are noticeably more powerful than other ghosts. These 'super' victims do not have to be pinned, with the exception of Victim 18. For further information on SH4's ghosts, see the article on Walter Sullivan.
  • Twin Victim (Victim 07 + 08) - Walter Sullivan's seventh and eighth victims were twins Billy and Miriam Locane. They are the only two of Walter's victims that manifest themselves monsters instead of ghosts. This is partly due to Walter's guilt over killing innocent children, but by giving them the appearance of monsters, they seem dangerous and far from innocent. The twins' spirits have fused together, giving this monster its two heads. Because Billy and Miriam were the youngest of Walter's victims, the heads of the Twin Victim look disturbingly like calm infants' faces. While these monsters look grotesque and intimidating, they can easily be dealt with, as they have trouble turning around quickly, but they are at their most dangerous at medium range when they lunge at Henry.

(An interesting behavior of the Twin Victims can be witnessed if Henry does not get too close. They appear pointing strictly at him, and their whispers can sometimes be heard echoing through the air. They can be heard saying, "prepare for the Receiver of Wisdom." If Henry approaches the monster, or shoots it, then it will start to attack.)

  • Greedy Worm - A large, fleshy worm-like creature seen burrowing endlessly through Walter's various Otherworlds, "chaining" them together. It can never die, but it cannot threaten Henry. It is symbolic of his umbilical cord and the importance it carries in Walter's mind of being what formerly connected him to his mother, but it 'betrayed' him when it was severed. Walter's real umbilical cord, saved and kept in a box the Superintendent's apartment, can be found in a box and smelling of rot.
  • Gum Head - A rotting, ape-like zombie creature. Some hold and use golf clubs as weapons. They come in "new" and "old" types. The New-Type Gum Head is generally stronger than the old-type. When playing the game under "hard", New-Type Gum Heads steal weapons from Henry with every successful hit that they land. It appears that they only steal weapons that function like the steel pipe (the golf clubs, the baseball bat, and possibly the torch).
  • Hummer - A small, strange, monster that resembles a mosquito. It flies around in the air and makes a buzzing sound. It attacks by hovering over Henry's head and then jabbing him with a sharp, needle-like stinger. In the second half of the game, Walter attacks these creatures. In some oriental cultures, mosquitoes generally represent aggression.
  • Toadstool / Whitestool - A snake-like demonic fungus that grows in tight groups. They come in two varieties, Toadstools, which are reddish-brown, and Whitestools, which are appropriately white.
  • Tremer - These slug-like creatures crawl slowly on the floors, walls and roofs, and generally do not bother to attack Henry. However, if you walk too close or one should slip and fall on you from above you can take harm, but they are easily beaten with just one hit from any weapon and will then burst and die. As a child in the Water Prison, Walter was forced, by Andrew, to drink water with leeches in it. This is because Andrew overheard a conversation between members of the cult, talking about the re-birth of God, and was his way of trying to help, thinking that the leeches would act as a 'fetus'.
  • Wall Man - Powerful monsters that emerge from the walls. Wall Men take the texture of the walls that they come out of, usually with cables from within the wall pulling at them. When approached, they roar and take violent swipes at Henry. If they manage to hit him, he will be thrown across the room. Near the end of the game, some Wall Men that Henry encounters have the ability to scroll up and down the wall. They cannot be killed, though they can be knocked out.
  • Wheel Chair - An ordinary wheelchair that has a will of its own and cannot be killed. They are possessed by ghosts, giving Henry headaches when he nears them. The shadows of the wheelchairs look like people are sitting in them.
  • Patient/Nurse - Extremely tall, feminine monsters that according to some, resemble maternity patients, and to others, nurses. They are found in the Hospital world and usually carry powerful meleé weapons. Walter excessively disfigured their faces and removed their wombs and lungs. They make strange belching noises when hit or when they fall down stairs.
  • Bottoms - These monsters are very similar to the Twin Victims, but instead of having two heads, Bottoms resemble a human turned upside down with long arms attached where the thighs should be, and the "head" of the creature appears to be in the shape of a distorted human's buttocks, hence its name. Like the Twin Victims, Bottoms also walk with their hands, have similar attack patterns and are roughly the same size. However, Bottoms appear to be stronger than the Twin Victims by at least 50%. Because the Twin Victims represent an incarnation of Billie and Miriam, some have even claimed that the Bottoms are just as much of an incarnation of Joseph since they were only encountered after Henry's meeting with him in the Past Apartment 302. It is also with this that some theorize thatsome ghosts have a level of intelligence in terms of acting not just on instinct like the others. But this may only be confirmed for Joseph with his second tile of "Giver of Wisdom" hence wanting to provide more help to Henry then harm.

[edit] Bosses in Silent Hill

  • Alessa/Incubator/Mother of God - The merging of the physical and spiritual Alessa, and incarnation of god to Alessa, fought in Silent Hill 1 if the player does not save Kaufmann. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Incubus/Baphomet/God - Incarnation of the god that Dahlia Gellespie had envisioned, fought in Silent Hill 1 if the player saves Kaufmann. There is some player speculation that Incubus is the Yellow God: Lobsel Vith. For further information, see Divine Creatures in Silent Hill.
  • Cybil - Demon-possessed police officer fought in Silent Hill 1. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Abstract Daddy - (Supposedly) the father of Angela in the form of a doorman (quite literally, a creature with a body resembling a door, but many believe this to be a bed) fought in Silent Hill 2. It latches onto the player's head to deal damage.
  • Eddie - Gun-toting psychopath fought in Silent Hill 2. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Flesh Lips - Monsters sealed in metal frames fought in Silent Hill 2. They appear as bloated, amorphous corpses suspended within a metal frame, like a cage. This harsh metal frame also looks like a twisted and sadistic interpretation for a death bed, an inescapable prison. They attack James in a locked room in Brookhaven Hospital by lifting him off the ground with their legs, (the only part of their body that are exposed), and strangling him. Later in the game, they appear in the background of a painting of Pyramid Head, entitled "Day of Judgment." They are obviously manifestations of James' guilt at killing his wife.
  • Twinfeeler - The larval form of the Moth fought in Silent Hill 1.
  • Leonard Wolf - Degenerated, former cult leader fought in Silent Hill 3. Father of Claudia Wolf, the new cult leader in Silent Hill 3. He attacks by diving underwater and surfacing. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Split Head - A dragon-like creature conjured by Alessa from a memory of a children's fairytale. The Split Lizard is fought by Harry Mason beneath Midwich School in Silent Hill 1.
  • Mary/Maria - Either Maria in her true form (a demon conjured by James' guilt surrounding his wife), or the manifestation of James' memory of his wife (Maria Ending only), fought in Silent Hill 2. The boss fight is dependent on the ending, though the monster's actual appearance is identical in either scenario. She appears similar to "Hangers" in that she is encased in the same metal framework, but is upside down. Her primary weapon are tentacles which emerge from her mouth. She also unleashes a swarm of black "butterflies," which do not deal any harm but delay James from moving temporarily. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Missionary - This is a scraper sent by Claudia Wolf to kill Harry Mason in Silent Hill 3. It is stronger than other scrapers. Missionary is armed with two blades, and he tends to run at a decent speed.
  • Memory of Alessa - The Memory of Alessa that clings to Silent Hill. Silent Hill 3. It greatly resembles a dark, burned and bloody version of Heather, which refers to Alessa after she suffered from the extensive burns caused by the fire that was started by her mother (Dahlia Gillespie). It wields a large variety of weapons, such as the SMG or knife.
  • Floatstinger - A monster moth conjured by Alessa from a memory of her insect collection fought in Silent Hill 1.
  • Pyramid Head - A lumbering, monstrous creature that wields an impossibly large blade or spear and wears a blood stained, triangular metal helmet in Silent Hill 2. He is often attributed to being a manifestation of James' desire to be punished for the guilt surrounding his wife and his repressed sexual urges. It's image is based off of executioners of the town's past.
  • Split Worm - A giant, vile creature with a protective outer skin fought in Silent Hill 3. It is said to strongly resemble a phallic symbol.
  • Walter Sullivan - Sadistic serial killer fought in Silent Hill 4. He pursues Henry in the other worlds during the second half of the game. He is found to be armed with a pistol (single or dual), a chainsaw, and a pipe. The player must defeat Walter at the end to complete the game. For further information, see List of Silent Hill characters.
  • Victim 16 (Cynthia Velasquez) - Ghost form of Cynthia, who Henry first encounters in the subway. Her ghost form depicts her with long jet-black hair, which hides her entire face, and deathly pale skin, similar to Sadako from Ring. She as the ability to immobilize Henry by catching him in her hair. When she is knocked down, she emits a loud, piercing shriek and occasionally slithers away from the screen. Fought in Silent Hill 4.
  • Victim 17 (Jasper Gein) - The ghost of Jasper, who Henry encounters in the forest. His body is severely charred and still burning from his death, and wields the candlestick he was burned with. He has a powerful ghost aura, and should be dealt with caution. Fought in Silent Hill 4.
  • Victim 18 (Andrew DeSalvo) - Ghost of Andrew, found in the Water Prison. His corpse is severely bloated from his drowning. The numbers 18/21 are carved into his stomach. Like Victim 17, he too has a rather powerful ghost aura, coupled along with ramming and barrel roll attacks. He is the only ghost who is able to grasp some sense of speech, and he can be heard singing and talking to himself in a heavily distorted voice. He also tends to hover where Henry cannot reach him. Unlike the other 'Super Victims', it is required to pin down Andrew to retrieve a key item. Fought in Silent Hill 4.
The One Truth
The One Truth
  • Victim 19 (Richard Braintree) - Ghost of Henry's deceased neighbor. Richard harnesses a pipe/crowbar weapon. Richard is a powerful ghost. He attacks with tremendous speed (sometimes appearing to lag), and has the ability to teleport in electrical-like flashes behind Henry. To prevent this, equip a Saint Medallion. He is the only ghost that is found to walk (as compared to floating).
  • The One Truth - The One Truth is a larger, more powerful type of wall man. Its attacks cause a great deal of damage and it has the power to scroll up and down walls. The One Truth is fought along with dummies of itself. To win the battle, Henry must find and defeat the One Truth among the dummy wall men. Fought in Silent Hill 4.
  • The God - Final boss in Silent Hill 3. The lower half of its body is in an immature state, due to its recent birth and it is capable of manipulating fire.

[edit] Divine Creatures in Silent Hill

  • The God - The unnamed God worshiped by the Silent Hill cult was, according to their dogma, born from two humans and brought an end to the suffering of ancient man by taking away eternal life from humankind. She created many gods (Including Xuchilbara and Lobsel Vith.) and angels to help lead people to her. Then, she set out to create "Paradise" for people, but her strength ran out and eventually it caused her death. However, she promised to return again one day. In Silent Hill 3, Claudia Wolf tried to get Heather to remember her "true self" in order to birth what Claudia believes to be God of the Order, incubating in Heather. Claudia's idea was to have God born and usher in Paradise. The role of Mother of God was shifted when Heather exorcised the deity by vomiting it up and Claudia swallowed the fetus of God, causing her demise. It has been further explained that the appearance of the God changes depending on the person who evokes it's presence and may be due to the town's power to manifest one's delusions. In reality the God that the cult worships was orginally a solar deity and is actually female.
  • Lobsel Vith - The yellow god, referred to in the paintings in The Chapel in Silent Hill 3 and one of the beings said to be made to lead people in obedience to God. The nature, appearance, and purpose of Lobsel Vith is unknown, as nothing is explicitly stated about it in any of the games. There are various fan-based theories on the nature of Lobsel Vith, ranging from claiming Valtiel is Lobsel Vith, to claiming that other characters/entities such as Alessa, Incubator or Incubus represent it. None of these have been confirmed by Konami.
  • Xuchilbara (Xuchilpaba) The red god of Silent Hill and one of the beings mentioned in a painting in Silent Hill 3 created to lead people in obedience to God. A god of judgement, Xuchilbara presides over rebirth and has been known to be used in a ceremony to resurrect the dead, called the "Crimson Ceremony". It should be noted that the etymology of Xuchilbara's name is classical Nahuatl for flower [2] and Japanese for rose.[3]
  • Samael - Samael is the name of a Hebrew archangel, known in Christian religions as the Angel of Death or the tenth plague of Egypt. In the first Silent Hill Dahlia Gillespie refers to the marking Alessa spreads over town as "The Mark Of Samael", and leads Harry to believe that Alessa is a demon herself.[4] Due to the events of Silent Hill 3 the name Samael is a point of contention for fans. Despite what fans say, any speculation as to his presence or lack of presence is merely that, speculation. The fact is that Samael is mentioned only in Silent Hill 1 and only Konami can answer this, in future instalments.
  • Metatron (Metratron) - Metatron is another archangel mentioned in the series, known to be a messenger for Yaweh in Abrahamic religions and is consider to be 'Lesser Yaweh' himself.[5] Metatron is only explicitly mentioned once in the series through The Talisman Of Metatron or Seal of Metatron (Also known as the Virun VII Crest.) in Silent Hill 3. Although the tailsman itself appears in Silent Hill 1, as well as in Silent Hill 3, it was not actually named until the 3rd installment. The seal was said only to be given the name Metatron because of it's difficulty to control.[6] Heather attempts to use the Seal Of Metatron against Claudia Wolf in Silent Hill 3, but it does nothing. Claudia refers to it as "useless". Many fans speculate that Samael mentioned in the first game is in fact Metatron or connected, and while this is certainly possible based on the happenings of the two games, it is nothing but speculation. It is also important to note that both Metatron and Valtiel were described by Hiroyuki Owaku (Silent Hill scenario writer) as "agents of God" in "Book of Lost Memories".
  • Valtiel - A strange creature that appears numerous times in Silent Hill 3. It does not attack Heather, nor can it be killed, and it only appears in the otherworld. The word Valtiel comes from "valet" which means attendant. Valtiel's purpose is to make sure that Heather survives in order to birth god. In many places you can see Valtiel turning a valve which is a symbol of the cycle of the rebirth of god as well as the world transforming into its nightmare counterpart. It is suspected that Valtiel has some connection to the Pyramid Head character.
  • Hagith, Phaleg, Ophiel, Aratron and Bethor - These five beings, known as the Olympic Spirits, are involved to help get past the last area in Silent Hill 1. Their significance is trivial but they represent planets in Greek mythology, and along with two other powerful spirits, Och and Phul, they form a group of relative significance to the kabbalah known as the Arbatel.

[edit] Silent Hill Movie

Several creatures from the games make a big screen comeback in the Silent Hill film. All of the creatures except for one are present in the games. The creatures in the Silent Hill movie were, evidently, a number of the townsfolk that were transformed by Alessa's nightmares and dark energy.

  • Grey Child (Silent Hill 1) - They do not wield knives like they do in the game, but instead are blackened and smoldering, using their hands to grab and drag any victim. They emit a high-pitched shriek and are first seen swarming Rose when she chases an image of Sharon, similar to what Harry experienced in Silent Hill 1. Some believe they represent Alessa herself. In the film, they cry and reach out for a motherly figure, like Rose, and try to hold on to her. A theory suggests they are manifestations of the pain and torment the children lost in the fire must have suffered. They are possible embodiments of Alessa's fear of her own peers, who bullied and tormented her. Their tormented and charred forms could be seen as Alessa's revenge upon them. But they can be also part of a hallucination made by Alessa, either to give more "background" to Rose on what's happening on Silent Hill, or to guide her through the town to find her (they were children, and she may have thought it was obvious that children "are" in the school).
  • Creeper - (Silent Hill 1 and 2) - Thousands of these crawl around Pyramid Head in Midwich Elementary School where he first finds Rose. They are later seen swarming Silent Hill cult members and finally crawling through the hole made by Pyramid Head to attack Cybil and Rose. The symbolic significance of the creepers is not known, but they might represent Alessa's opinion of the human race; or, perhaps, they are supposed to be taken as scarab looking creatures to go with an Egyptian theme in relation to Pyramid Head. It may be worth mentioning, however, that when Cybil stares down at one of the upturned insects, to her horror, she sees it bears a tiny, almost human, screaming face. They are seen in Silent Hill 1 and 2.
  • Nurse - (Silent Hill 1,2, and 3) - React strongly to light and wield scalpels; their heads look disfigured and almost monstrous. They wear suggestive clothing and stick together in groups. Rose turned off her light to try to sneak by them. In an attempt to slash her, they ended up cutting and stabbing each other instead. They were stopped when Rose turned on her flashlight, set it down, and ran away while they swarmed the light. The nurses possibly symbolize Alessa's jealousy of beautiful women. When Alessa was burned, she was forced to live out the rest of her life in an ugly, charred shell. Their blank faces have been interpreted as the fact that none of the nurses that cared for Alessa, apart from Lisa Garland (The Red Nurse), dared to look inside the oxygen tent that was Alessa's prison for many years and meet her hateful gaze. She would never mature sexually and would never be considered "beautiful." Another theory suggests the nurses' violent natures and monstrous appearances symbolize Alessa's fear of sexuality, taking her experience with The Janitor into account. (Note: the movie representation looks closer to the Nurse Demons seen in Silent Hill 2.)
  • Patient Demon (Silent Hill 2) - These demons are seen attacking Cybil, spraying her with an acidic, tar-like substance when she was trying to arrest Rose. When Rose gets away and Cybil kills the creature, she notices that there are many others wandering in the edge of sight. The Lying Figures' siginificance has been interpreted as Alessa's pain and torment. The straitjacket made of flesh imagery possibly symbolizes Alessa's fear of her own hospitalization and that she felt trapped in her own disgustingly damaged body, although this is disputed since these monsters are also seen in Silent Hill 2 and may simply have been included only for that. These monsters are also believed to be in body bags, not straitjackets. It is also worth noting that it is the only creature to appear during the daytime. Their movie name is Armless.
  • Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2) - Symbolic significance is debated, although in the movie he is believed to be some sort of a redeemer, killing those who have done wrong and are incorrect in belief. Yet in the second game, he has been believed to be a manifestation of James' subconscious fears and attacks mostly anything he comes in contact with. Some speculate that Dahlia has some control over him, as she points toward one of the cult members, Anna, with the same devil sign that Christabella makes at Rose, right before the Pyramid Head kills her. However, it is unclear if her pointing was indicating Anna as a target to the monster, or if she was effectively telling Anna "look behind you." This theory could be challenged, as Pyramid Head did not appear behind Anna until after Dahlia gestured at her using the same gesture the cult use when declaring someone a witch. This is disputed because throughout the entire movie as Anna is alive, Dahlia makes the same gesture at her. Alternatively, the devil sign Dahlia made could be merely an obscene hand gesture toward Anna and not at all connected with Anna's death. It's also worth noting that while Pyramid Head displays some sexually based aggression in the video game (causing many to assume he partially represents James' sexual frustration towards his wife), any sexual edge to his character is completely removed in the movie, most likely for obscenity reasons, but in the process lending support to the theory that Pyramid Head is one of Silent Hill's executioners reborn to punish those who have done wrong. His movie name is the Red Pyramid.

  • The Janitor - A creature created specifically for the film; it was discovered by Rose while searching for her daughter Sharon at the Midwich Elementary School. While fleeing a trio of Miners, Rose stumbles into the school's washroom where she first meets the Janitor. He resembles a man bound by barbed wire, and is wearing a ripped Janitor's uniform with a name tag reading "Colin". Located behind him on the wall written in blood are the words "Dare you, dare you, double-dare you" with an arrow pointing into his mouth where a part of a key chain from a hotel is found. It is speculated that The Janitor is discovered in the same bathroom stall where a janitor named Colin presumably raped young Alessa Gillespie years before. It is presumed he was transformed into a monster by her nightmares. After the shift to the otherworld, he escapes his confines and crawls towards Rose, his feet still bound to the back of his head. When he touches the wall, it decays, and holes appear that spawn creepers. This spread of "infection" the Janitor possibly signifies a venereal disease, imagery brought forth from Alessa's anger and utter disgust at the Janitor. Now, he cannot touch anything without it becoming corrupt and fetid. It was said that Akira Yamaoka liked The Janitor so much that he plans to include him in a future Silent Hill game.[7] Alternatively, the creature bears a striking resemblance in style and action to the "ghost" monsters in Silent Hill 4, "melting" through the wall and corrupting the environment around them. The visual appearance of the character seems to have been heavily inspired by "Nosferatu" (Alexander Ashford) from Resident Evil : Code Veronica.
  • Alessa Gillespie - The physical body of Alessa makes an intimidating appearance inside the church in the movie's finale. Being unable to move, the hospital bed she has lain upon for 30 years becomes part of her monstrous guise, similar to the Lying Monsters with body bags. She controls hundreds of tentacle-like barbed wire strands that sprout from the bed and uses them to bring bloody deaths to all the religious zealots who made her what she has become. There is a striking resemblance between Alessa's movie appearance and the Mary/Maria demon that James Sunderland was forced to destroy in Silent Hill 2. Mary was also lain on a bed-like contraption, although it more resembled a metal cage, and uses barbed wire tentacles.

[edit] References

  • Christophe Gans' Production Diary (citation #1 is contained within the second Q&A: "On Preserving and Contributing to the Mythology of the Games," published Friday, March 10, 2006.)