List of Quidam performers

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List of Quidam Performers, an alphabetical list of people who have appeared onstage during Cirque du Soleil's traveling show, Quidam.


[edit] Acrobats and Characters

Abdoulov, Albert (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Acosta, Ortzi (character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Alvarez, Sam (Spanish Webs)
Anna, Li (Diabolos)
Astashkina, Evgeniya (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Baker, Matthew (Target character)
Banhegyi, Kata (Skipping Ropes)
Baumann, Karl (Target character)
Belladonna (acrobat) (Cloud Swing)
Besnard, Jean (character and Manipulation)
Bessette, Geneviève (Aerial Hoops)
Besschetnaia, Kristina (Aerial Hoops)
Besschetny, Konstantin (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Bibaud, René (Skipping Ropes)
Bing, Han (Diabolos)
Bisson, Marie-Ève (Aerial Hoops)
Bodin, Laëtitia (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Boutina, Marina (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Cadeau, Christine (Skipping Ropes)
Carneiro, Jailton (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Carrison, Kristofer (character, German Wheel, and Skipping Ropes)
Chassé, Isabelle (Aerial Contortion in Silk)
Chernyy, Valeryi (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Chiasson, Jano (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Cole, Jonathan (character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Courtright, Shayne (German Wheel)
Décoste, Yves (Statue)
De Moura, Gracilene Oliveira (Rabbit character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Di, Wu (Diabolos)
Drolet, Magalie (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Dubé, Martyne (Aerial Hoops)
Faber, Marie-Michelle (Aerial Contortion in Silk and Aerial Hoops)
Fedortchev, Alexandre (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Fomin, Vladimir (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Gaumond, Elizabeth (Skipping Ropes and Aerial Hoops)
Gavre, Aloysia (Aerial Hoops)
Gilkey, John (John character; link to John's external site)
Gircha, Denis (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Glushchenko, Nikolay (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Gousarova, Tatiana (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Goyette, Mireille (character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Gravolin, Veronica (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Grenon-Emiroglou, Émilie (Aerial Hoops)
Gribstov, Alexey (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Grichine, Serguei (Banquine)
Grygorov, Dmytro (character and Aerial Straps)
Harris, Natalie (Cloud Swing)
Hayball, Philippa (Target character and Aerial Hoops)
Howard, Martine (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Huijuan, Xue (Diabolos)
Huixue, Ma (Diabolos)
Jacinto, Jinny (Handbalancing Contortion on Canes; link to Jinny's external site)
Jecsman, Richard (Statue)
Kholodkov, Sergey (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Kolesnikova, Elena (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Korechkov, Pavel (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Kukva, Dmitri (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Kravtchenko, Alexei (Banquine)
Lashua, Chris (German Wheel; link to Chris' external site)
Lebaut, Jérôme (Statue)
Leontiev, Alexandre (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Lev, Elena (Handbalancing Contortion with Hoops; link to Elena's external site)
Liquorish, Nicolle (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Liu, Qing (Diabolos)
Liu, Xiaojing (Diabolos)
Lorador, Carmita (Statue)
Lu, Lu (Diabolos)
Maslov, Vassili (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Matova, Viktor (Boum-Boum character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Mayorov, Alexandre (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
McGuire, Patrick (Manipulation)
Meijiao, Yu (Diabolos)
Mesnage, Marie-Laure (Statue)
Messier, Patricia (Aerial Hoops)
Mevius, Tony (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Michie, Erin (Aerial Hoops)
Miller, Meghan Elizabeth (Aerial Hoops)
Mingxin, Gu (Diabolos)
Mokhova, Anna (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Morin, Jonathan (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Newton, Eric (Spanish Webs)
Okhai, Serguei (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Orzata, Rares Iulian (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Ouchakov, Oleg (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Papp, Jason (character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Pascoe, Lucy (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Pestov, Alexander (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Pestova, Natalia (Mother character, Skipping Ropes, and Spanish Webs)
Pikhienko, Olga (Handbalancing Contortion on Canes; link to Olga's external site)
Pirogov, Denis (Banquine)
Polishchuk, Roman (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Poulin, Dominique (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Qianqian, Li (Diabolos)
Ragatz, Steven (Father character, Juggling, and Manipulation; link to Steven's external site)
Rissouev, Serguei (Skipping Ropes)
Rollins, Holly (Aerial Hoops)
Roy, Mathieu (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Sapetto, Bianca (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Savine, Alexander (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Shane, Faon (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Shulga, Ala (Skipping Ropes and Aerial Hoops)
Shulga, Olesya (Aerial Straps and Aerial Hoops)
Sidorenko, Dmitro "Dima" (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Sisi, Liu (Diabolos)
Siwen, Gao (Diabolos)
Skwirsky, Edward (Father character and Juggling)
Sokol-Kubiak, Asa (Statue)
Souvorova, Svetlana (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Spitsyna, Elena (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Sprecher, Petra (Cloud Swing)
Stark, Russ (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Stevens, Donna Maree (Cloud Swing)
Strijanov, Igor (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Sylvester, Cory Paul (German Wheel)
Taguchi, Norihisa (Skipping Ropes)
Tamilio, Neomi (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Tong, Sun (Diabolos)
Touchette, Daniel (character and Spanish Webs)
Trouchina, Marina (Handbalancing Contortion on Canes)
Vaudelle, Isabelle (Aerial Contortion in Silk)
Venizelos, Anna (Aerial Contortion in Silk and Aerial Hoops)
Vintilov, Andrei (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Vlassov, Maxim (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Wal, Denise (Skipping Ropes and Spanish Webs)
Wang, Yu (Diabolos)
Ward, Mark (John and Quidam characters)
Wenjuan, Zhao (Diabolos)
Xiaoshuang, Wang (Diabolos)
Xie, Meng (Diabolos)
Xin, Sun (Diabolos)
Yaxuan, Xu (Diabolos)
Yi, Ge (Diabolos)
Yuan, Siqi (Diabolos)
Zaitsev, Alexandre (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Zakharenko, Konstantin (Skipping Ropes and Banquine)
Zhao, Xin (Diabolos)
Zhao, Xue (Diabolos)
Ziegler, Andrea (character)

[edit] Clowns

Azoulay, Philippe
Buendia, Gabriel Chamé
Cantonne, Alain
Castineiras, Guillermo "Toto" (links to Toto's external site and blog)
Cornet, Marie-Élizabeth
Gomez, Begoña
Kalfayan, Voki
Martos, Ambrose (links to Ambrose's external site and blog)
Mauléon, Joshean
Pannequin, Guy

[edit] Musicians

Avakian, Tristan (guitar)
Bayard, Hammadi (saxophone, keyboards)
Bertrand, Georges (percussion)
Bevan, Jim (conductor, keyboards; link to Jim's external site)
Campeau, Josée (cello)
Chaput, Claude (conductor, keyboards)
Côté, Sylvain (violin)
di Blasio, Mario (percussion)
Dubé, Geneviève (violin)
Dumont, Michael (guitar)
Egan, Martin (conductor, guitar)
Finck, Robin (guitar)
Genten, Olivier "BJ" (percussion; link to BJ's external site)
Gulacci, Daniel (percussion)
Labelle, Ali (keyboards)
Lavoie, Mathieu (violin; also a vocalist)
Masse, Raynald (percussion)
Pelletier, Paul (saxophone, keyboards)
Plante, Éric (saxophone, keyboards)
Savage, Chris (saxophone, keyboards)
Savard, Sébastien (violin)
St-Pierre, Martin (violin)
Thériault, Sébastien (guitar)
Turgeon, Yves (saxophone, keyboards)

[edit] Male Vocalists

Boileau, André (2003-2005, Jan/2006-July 2006)
Jennings, Craig (2001-2003)
Labrie, Alain (Sep-Dec/2005, July2006-Oct 2006)
Lavoie, Mathieu (1996-1998)
Price, Richard (1998-2002, 2003, 2004)

[edit] Zoes

Brisson-Jutras, Audrey (1996-1999)
Cloutier, Gabrielle (2001-29/Jun/2002)
Downey, Catherine (28/Aug/2002-31/Jul/2004)
Duncan-Brown, Emily (1997-1999)
Forbes, Letitia (Jun/2003-?)
Gonzalez, Denise (2002-5/Jul/2003)
Landry, Amélie (2000-2002)
Letzler, Tori (Jun/2006-?)
Poliquin, Camille-Hélène (23/Jul/2004-?)
Samman, Katherine (1999-2001)

[edit] Other External Links