List of Provinces of Japan
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The following provinces of Ancient Japan located from 7th century until the Meiji Period.
The borders of the provinces changed until the end of the Nara Period and during the Meiji Period. However, from the Heian Period until the Edo Period, the borders remained unchanged. The following list of provinces is based on the Gokishichidō, including the short-lived provinces. Provinces located within Hokkaidō are listed last. To date, no official order has been issued abolishing the ancient provinces. Nonetheless, today they are considered obsolete, although their names are still widely used in names of natural features, company names, and brands.
Contents |
[edit] Goki
[edit] Kinai 畿内 (
- Yamashiro 山城国 (formerly also written as 山背国 or 山代国; this is the province in which Kyoto is located)
- Yamato 大和国 (then imperial seat) (written as 倭国 in ancient times until the reign of Genmei Tennō, who established Japan's first permanent capital at Nara, which is located within this province, in 710 CE)
- circa 716-circa 738
- Yamato 大和国
- Yoshino Gen 芳野監
- circa 716-circa 738
- Kawachi 河内国
- Izumi 和泉国 (created in 716 from Kawachi Province as Izumi Gen(和泉監). Although occupied by Kawachi Province in 740, in 757 the province divided again from Kawachi)
- Settsu 摂津国
[edit] Shichido
[edit] Tōkaidō 東海道 (East-Sea-Route)
- Iga 伊賀国
- Ise 伊勢国
- Shima 志摩国 (Divided from Ise at the begining of the 8th century)
- Owari 尾張国
- Mikawa 三河国
- Tōtomi 遠江国 (literally "Far Freshwater Sea," see Lake Hamanako)
- Suruga 駿河国
- Izu 伊豆国
- Kai 甲斐国
- Sagami 相模国
- Musashi 武蔵国 (transferred from Tōsandō in 771)
- Kazusa 上総国 (literally "Upper Fusa," part of ancient Fusa Province)
- Awa (divided from Kazusa in 718. Although occupied by Kazusa in 741, Awa divided from Kazusa in 781)
- Shimousa 下総国 (literally "Lower Fusa," part of ancient Fusa Province)
- Hitachi 常陸国 (literally "Sun-Rise," i.e. /hi-tachi/, implying the east end, but the Chinese characters used to write the name actually mean "Always-Land," i.e. /hita-chi/)
[edit] Tōsandō 東山道 (East-Mountain-Route)
[edit] Some brief periods
- Ōmi 近江国 (literally "(Near) Freshwater Sea," see Lake Biwako)
- Mino 美濃国
- Hida 飛騨国
- Shinano 信濃国
- circa 721 to circa 738
- Shinano 信濃国
- Suwa 諏訪国
- circa 721 to circa 738
- Kōzuke 上野国 (literally "Upper Keno," part of ancient Keno Province)
- Shimotsuke 下野国 (literally "Lower Keno," part of ancient Keno Province)
- Mutsu 陸奥国 (also called Michinoku 陸奥(みちのく), literally "Obscure Recesses of the Land")
- Dewa 出羽国
[edit] Hokurikudō 北陸道 (North-Land-Route)
- Wakasa 若狭国
- Echizen 越前国
- Kaga (divided from Echizen in 823)
- Noto (Divided from Etchu in 718. Although occupied by Etchu in 741, Noto divided from Etchu in 757)
- Etchū 越中国
- Echigo 越後国
- Sado 佐渡国 (Although occupied by Echigo in 743, Sado divided from Echigo in 752)
[edit] San'indō 山陰道 (Mountain-Back-Route)
- Tamba 丹波国
- Tango 丹後国 (Divided from Tamba in 713)
- Tajima 但馬国
- Inaba 因幡国
- Hōki 伯耆国
- Izumo 出雲国
- Iwami 石見国
- Oki 隠岐国 (a group of several islands in the Sea of Japan north of Shimane Prefecture)
[edit] San'yodō 山陽道 (Mountain-Front-Route)
- Harima 播磨国
- Mimasaka 美作国 (divided from Bizen in 713)
- Bizen 備前国 (part of ancient Kibi Province)
- Bitchū 備中国 (part of ancient Kibi Province)
- Bingo 備後国 (part of ancient Kibi Province)
- Aki 安芸国
- Suō 周防国
- Nagato 長門国
[edit] Nankaidō 南海道 (South-Sea-Route)
- Kii 紀伊国 (also called Ki)
- Awaji 淡路国 (literally Path to Awa Province; the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea, located between the Kii Peninsula of Honshū to the east and the island of Shikoku to the west)
- Awa 阿波国
- Sanuki 讃岐国
- Iyo 伊予国
- Tosa 土佐国
[edit] Saikaidō 西海道 (West-Sea-Route)
- Chikuzen 筑前国(part of ancient Chikushi Province)
- Chikugo 筑後国(part of ancient Chikushi Province)
- Buzen 豊前国 (part of ancient Toyo Province)
- Bungo 豊後国 (part of ancient Toyo Province)
- Hizen 肥前国 (part of ancient Hi Province)
- Higo 肥後国 (part of ancient Hi Province)
- Hyūga 日向国
- Ōsumi 大隈国 (divided from Hyūga in 713)
- From 702 to 734
- Osumi Province
- Tane 多褹国 (small islands south of Kyūshū)
- From 702 to 734
- Satsuma 薩摩国 (divided from Hyūga in 702)
- Iki 壱岐国 (an island in the Genkai-Nada region of the Sea of Japan north of Kyūshū)
- Tsushima 対馬国 (a pair of islands between Japan and Korea, separating the Korea Strait from the Tsushima Strait)
[edit] Other
[edit] Hokkaidō (North-Sea-Route)
- Renamed Ezo Region to Hokkaidō, and place 11 provinces (1869-1882)
- Oshima 渡島国
- Shiribeshi 後志国
- Iburi 胆振国
- Ishikari 石狩国
- Teshio 天塩国
- Kitami 北見国
- Hidaka 日高国
- Tokachi 十勝国
- Kushiro 釧路国
- Nemuro 根室国
- Chishima 千島国 (After the Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1875), Japan added north of Urup Island and placed Urup(得撫郡), Shimushiru(新知郡), and Shumushu(占守郡) Districts)
[edit] Related Links
[edit] External Links
Former province names and borders based on Kojiki(古事記)(pre-Ritsuryō)
Aki | Awa (Kanto) | Awa (Shikoku) | Awaji | Bingo | Bitchu | Bizen | Bungo | Buzen | Chikugo | Chikuzen | Chishima | Dewa | Echigo | Echizen | Etchū | Harima | Hida | Higo | Hitachi | Hidaka | Hizen | Hoki | Hyūga | Iburi | Iga | Iki | Inaba | Ise | Ishikari | Iwami | Iyo | Izu | Izumi | Izumo | Kaga | Kai | Kawachi | Kazusa | Kii | Kitami | Kōzuke | Kushiro | Mikawa | Mimasaka | Mino | Musashi | Mutsu | Nagato | Nemuro | Noto | Oki | Omi | Oshima | Osumi | Owari | Sado | Sagami | Sanuki | Satsuma | Settsu | Shima | Shimousa | Shimotsuke | Shinano | Shiribeshi | Suō | Suruga | Tajima | Tamba | Tango | Teshio | Tokachi | Tosa | Tōtōmi | Tsushima | Wakasa | Yamashiro | Yamato | Yoshino