List of Pokémon video game villains

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This is a list of fictional major Pokémon video game villains.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Team Aqua

They specialize in the field of water Pokémon and dark. Team Aqua is likened to a band of pirates and are experts in the field of oceanography as well as water Pokémon. They only exist in the Hoenn region and, unlike Team Magma, do not recognize Team Rocket. Team Aqua is currently in a brief war with Team Magma and have a bitter animosity. Team Aqua's main goal is to flood the world as a giant ocean for their water Pokémon, believing that by doing this they will be making the world a better place. To that end, they awaken Kyogre from its slumber.

  • Archie - Archie is the leader of Team Aqua. His Pokémon are Mightyena, Crobat, Sharpedo, Walrein and Absol. In the anime he is a ruthless villain who was once a friend of Maxie. But as his skills in Pokémon grew, so did his greed. He organized Team Aqua, an evil water Pokémon organization, to battle Team Magma for world control. In episode 374 (The Scuffle of Legends), Archie had absorbed the red orb into his body, gaining the power to control Kyogre, but the orb was expelled from his body later in the episode because Archie's body couldn't take the power strain of the orb. Archie commented later that he had no memory of the event. In the games he is a misguided individual who believes he is doing the right thing.
  • Aqua Commander Shelly - She is the second in command of Team Aqua and owns a Carvanha and fights the character at times in the game, a Crawdaunt, a Walrein and an Absol. Team Aqua has more females in its group, the Team Aqua Commander is a female herself, and their main thoughts about Ash Ketchum are not made clear, though she and the Team Magma Commander (who seemed to have a relationship of sorts with her once) do see him as a pest.
  • Aqua Commander Robert - He is the male commander of Team Aqua. Not much is known about him other that the player fights him at the Aqua Hideout, where he is instead known as Matt.

[edit] Team Magma

In the Pokémon world, Team Magma is a group of thieves/peacemakers in Pokémon Advanced. They are a group of experts in the fields of geology and plate tectonics. Like Team Rocket, some rebels are Pokémon thieves, but Team Magma specialises in the field of Fire Pokémon. Team Magma are bitter rivals of Team Aqua. Though Team Magma does not exist outside the Hoenn region, they do know the work of Team Rocket, who have no Hoenn branch. Team Magma's main purpose is to expand the land mass, believing that by creating more room for life on land that they will be making the world a better place. To that end, they awakened Groudon from its slumber.

  • Maxie - Maxie is the Leader of Team Magma. In the games, he's an evil leader who wants to destroy Team Aqua and take over Hoenn by using Groudon. In the anime, he is a good man who wants to make life better for everyone, which is why he organized Team Magma to try and improve living conditions for humans and Pokémon. Maxie met Ash in Gaining Groudon, and told him of his dreams. He also told Ash about the Blue Orb, which could control Groudon, and with it in his hands, he could make life better for Hoenn. Suddenly, Harland tried to steal it, but Pikachu stopped him, but got possessed by the Blue Orb in the process. It controlled Groudon, and a cataclysmic battle began. Maxie helped Ash and friends escape Team Aqua, and also defeated Harland. After the battle, Maxie thanked Ash, realizing the land of Hoenn was perfect the way it was, and led Team Magma away.
  • Magma Commander Harland - Second in command is The Commander, named Harland. In the anime, Harland, Maxie's evil sidekick, committed crimes behind his boss's back, and lied to him about borrowing the arsenals they needed. Harland tried to steal the Blue Orb, but Pikachu stopped him, but was possessed by the Blue Orb in the process. It controlled Groudon, and a cataclysmic battle began. Maxie helped Ash and friends escape Team Aqua, and also defeated Harland.
  • Firehead Trio Courtney - Courtney excels at fire assaults and is the Magma boss that the player fights inside the Magma Hideout.

[edit] Cipher

Cipher is the criminal syndicate in Orre and is the main antagonist of Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

[edit] Leaders

The leaders of Cipher are in charge of the entire syndicate. They are often hidden; one of their underlings poses as the main leader until he or she is defeated. When the first one gets caught by the police, a new leader takes over.

[edit] Evice

Evice is the true leader of the Cipher syndicate in Colosseum. After the player defeats Nascour in Realgam Tower, he revealed himself to be Cipher's true leader, Evice. Previously, it was believed that Nascour was the leader.

Prior to this revelation, Evice disgused himself as Es Cade, the friendly and ever cheerful mayor of Phenac City. Evice was given details on the operations of his empire by his underlings undetected. In the final showdown, Evice lost to Wes in a battle. He attempts to escape in a helicopter, but Ho‑Oh swoops in and destroys it. In XD, it is revealed that Evice was only the head of Cipher in the Orre region, indicating that there is a much larger Cipher network.

[edit] Greevil

Greevil is the new Grand Master of Cipher in XD. His plan is to turn regular Pokémon into fighting machines, Shadow Pokémon, and use them as weapons to take over the world. He is well known by his other identity Mr. Verich, a mysterious and kind millionare who frequently pays the tab at the Krabby Club. He is also the father of Eldes and Ardos. At the end of XD, Eldes makes him realize the error of his ways. Greevil gives himself up to the police.

[edit] Admins

In both incarnations of Cipher, the leader appoints five admins. Each Admin specializes in their own style of Pokémon battling and often have powerful Shadow Pokémon at their disposal.

[edit] Ardos

Ardos (Admin/Greevil’s Bodyguard) is Greevil’s bodyguard and son. The protagonist, Michael, first battles Ardos on Citadark, after Verich has revealed his true identity. After Michael defeats him, Ardos tries to convince Greevil to blow up the island with Michael on it, but that would mean killing all of Cipher’s loyal staff as well. Ardos’s brother, Eldes, successfully persuades Greevil to surrender to the police.

[edit] Dakim

Dakim is a hot-headed admin in Colosseum. Large and bulky, Dakim is very strong and is easily irritated. He uses Pokémon focused on strength, preferring pure power over subtler tactics. The player first encounters Dakim at Mt. Battle, where he is shown trying to take a Time Flute away from the Mt. Battle leader, Vander. However, after the player defeats him, he is not seen again.

[edit] Ein

Ein is the head scientist for Cipher in Colosseum and is responsible for the creation of Shadow Pokémon. He is headquartered at the Shadow Pokémon lab in the desert, although when you get access to it during the game, they are moving out, most likely to Realgam Tower which had just been completed.

Ein uses very formal language and enjoys taunting others. He is egotistical and thinks very highly of himself. When Wes challenges him, he wonders how he got in, but quickly brushes it off and declares that he will show off the power of his Shadow Pokémon. He is a strategist, and thinks logically about everything. In battle, he can be seen rubbing his chin thoughtfully, as if observing, when the battle begins. He is quite a cruel person, and is not afraid to torment or do the worst to his opponents, as researcher Lethco tells Wes that "Master Ein will do terrible things to you" if he and Rui did not evacuate.

Ein wrote all of the EIN Files that can be found during the game, containing information on all aspects of Shadow Pokémon.

[edit] Eldes

Eldes is Greevil’s bodyguard and most trusted admin, as well as being his son. Michael first sees Eldes in Gateon, but Eldes only introduces himself later, at Mt. Battle. He doesn't mention being part of Cipher, but says that he has begun questioning his motives for gaining power.

At Citadark Isle he is ordered to defeat the player, but he does not believe the battle will have any meaning. He fights anyway and is beaten. After Greevil was beaten, Eldes approached him, and asked to give up being Grand Master of Cipher and have Cipher disband. He succeeded in winning over his father and thanked Michael for stopping his father from going insane. Eldes and Michael later face off again in the Orre Colosseum as rivals.

[edit] Gorigan

Gorigan is a muscular admin for Cipher in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. More specifically, he is the C.E.O of Cipher and is the distributor of the Shadow Pokémon that are made at his lair. Apparently, he was one of the Cipher members spotted on the abandoned S.S Libra.

[edit] Lovrina

Lovrina is the second female Admin, and the only female admin in XD. She at first appears to be childish and playful, but she is actually a ruthless perfectionist and cares little for anyone who abstructs her. Lovrina taunts Michael, the protagonist of XD, saying that she put the finishing touches on Lugia (XD001), making it impossible to purify. She encounters Michael twice, and is defeated both times. Like Venus before her, she uses status moves to immobilize the opponent. During the first encounter, she possesses a shadow Delcatty.

[edit] Miror B

Miror B. is a Cipher admin from Colosseum. When Cipher began, Evice appointed Miror B. an admin of Cipher because of his leadership abilities. Two other Cipher members, Trudly and Folly, would always follow him around. He is the first admin that Wes meets and is defeated multiple times. Miror B is a dancer, thus basing his team around dancing. He loves to use Ludicolo, Lombre, and Jumpluff, since they all dance, and has a unique battle theme. In Colosseum, his music has a Latin twist to it (to coincide with his team of Ludicolo).

Later, in XD, when Greevil revived the Cipher syndicated, Miror B. did not rejoin. Instead, when the player fails to Snag a Shadow Pokémon, Miror B winds up with it, and the player can battle him for a second chance to capture the Shadow Pokémon. He also hold the final shadow Pokémon, a Dragonite, which he possesses when you obtain every other shadow Pokémon.

[edit] Nascour

Nascour is a Cipher Admin once believed to be their leader until Evice humbled him. The player first encounters in Phenac City. Later, after the player has defeated the entire syndicate, he appears at the Realgam Tower and tells the player that he will have to pay for all the damage he inflicted on Cipher. After the player defeats him again, however, he attempts to save face, but is interrupted by Evice. He is later arrested.

[edit] Snattle


Snattle is an Admin of the criminal syndicate Cipher in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. He is a tall, slim man with a posh physique, wearing a purple and white coat with large white boots. He also wears glasses and appears to be wearing purple lipstick. He has a very pompous attitude and has a funny run when defeated in battle. Snattle was promised by Grand Master Greevil that when the Shadow Pokémon plan was completed, he would grant him Governor of Orre.

Snattle leads the invasion on Phenac City. However, Michael catches up to him and defeats him. Snattle vows revenge and flees. When Michael reaches Citadark Isle to hunt down Greevil, Snattle appears battles him again. After their second battle, he exclaims that his chances have now been exterminated, and flees.

[edit] Venus

Venus is the only female admin in Cipher's first incarnation. A natural beauty, Venus sets up base camp in an underground area called The Under, becoming an idol to the inhabitants. Venus uses The Under’s closed subway to travel to the Shadow Lab, vice versa for Ein. Venus' strategy involves using status effect moves in battles. If she loses, however, Venus bursts into tears and wails. Her fate after Colosseum is unknown.

[edit] Peons

Peons make up Cipher's lowest rank. There are hundreds of them and have no power in Cipher whatsoever. In Colosseum and XD, they will frequently state that they want to become an Admin.

[edit] Hexagon Brothers

The Hexagon Brothers are a group of six Cipher peons, each one owning a single Shadow Pokémon. They seem to be more interested in sounding off in a formation than battling, though their stupidity often interferes with the count. They first appear in the Cipher desert lab, and then in Phenac city. Each of the Hexagon Brothers has a different color uniform, which corresponds with the type of Pokémon they use:

  • Resix (red) - Fire - Houndour
  • Blusix (blue) - Water - Spheal
  • Greesix (green)- Grass - Seedot
  • Yellosix (yellow) - Electric - Mareep
  • Purpsix (purple) - Poison - Gulpin
  • Browsix (brown) - Variety - Baltoy

[edit] Phobos Battalion

The Phobos Battalions are the enemies in the Nintendo DS game, Pokémon Trozei. They have stolen countless Pokéballs inorder to power up a secret weapon.

Unlike most Pokémon villains, there does not appear to be any underlings, only Generals. They have many Secret storages and huge storage (that contains many more Pokémon than the secret storages) and six Phobos Mobile that contains a General that the player must defeat in order to move on.

They have a clever maneuver to attempt to confuse the player. In the game, the player has a number of Pokémon to Trozei. Phobos Battalion Generals use a Jammer flash that only lets the Pokémon's shadows to be seen, add 50 more Pokémon to Trozei'd, and will use Jammer Balls, which look like rocks, to try to block the player's Trozei. The only way to get rid of the jammer balls is to line them up with Ditto.

  • Buzz - General Buzz is the first general that the player faces; he controls the Phobos Train. He attacks the player by tossing Jammer Balls on top of the pile of the Poké Balls Trozeis, but it doesn't stop the Pokémon from being Trozeid.
  • Avery - General Avery is the second general; he controls the Phobos Jet. He pushes a Jammer Ball in the touch screen on the left, causing the Pokémon on the right to disappear.
  • Grock - General Grock is the third general; he controls the Phobos Drill. He attacks the same way General Buzz does.
  • Aquarella - General Aquarella is the fourth general; she controls the Phobos Sub. Like Venus and Lovrina, she is the only female villain in the game. She attacks the same way General Avery does.
  • Boolum - General Boolum is the fifth general; he controls the Phobos Walker. He attacks the same way Grock and Buzz do.
  • Baron Phobos - Baron Phobos is the leader of the Phobos Battalion, and the final boss. He is the most difficult general of all the other generals. Unlike the other generals, he uses his robot arms to replace a Pokémon with a Jammer Ball. He mostly targets rare Pokémon, Ditto, or even sometimes Pokémon about to be Trozei'd. He controls the Phobosphere, the secret weapon that requires the energy of a lot of Pokémon.

[edit] Team Rocket

  • Giovanni - Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket and appears in the games Red and Blue. He appears in several areas, such as on the top floor of Silph Co. and in the Team Rocket Hideout at Celadon City. His final role is in Viridian City, where he reveals himself as the secret gym leader in charge. After the player defeats him, Team Rocket is disbanded.
  • Jessie and James - These two characters, originally from the anime, appear in Pokémon Yellow, replacing the nameless Team Rocket grunts in Red and Blue. They appear in various areas of the game, usually as bosses or sub-bosses. They use their signature Pokémon Koffing, Ekans, and Meowth, although the latter is not evidenced to have any ability to talk, unlike its Anime counterpart. Like in the anime, they leave via "blasting off," which is conveyed through them disappearing when the screen blacks out. By the time Red arrives at Silph Co., they disappear and the player never sees them again.

Silver: your rival whos giovannis son who wants to destroy the Rockets

[edit] Team Snagem

  • Gonzap - Gonzap is the leader of Team Snagem. He personally confronts Wes just before he is about to climb Realgam Coloseum. He challenges Wes to a battle and loses. In Pokémon XD, he helps Michael get into the Cipher Key Lair.

Agrev:an peon in XD an Admin in Collosium

Wakin: main admin in xd first battle with team snagem i n colliusium

Biden: an admin in collisium in xd loses aginst THUG ZOOK.

[edit] Go-Rock Squad

The Go-Rock Squad is the main antagonist of the Pokémon game Pokémon Ranger. They seem to love music and seek to become a new kind of Rangers in Fiore. The leader of this group is named Gordor. Their original plot was that using a powerful Capture Styler, which resembled a piano, to take control of Entei, Suicune, and Raikou to attack citizens of Fiore. They would then command them to stop, leading people to believe the Go-Rock Squad were heroes. They would then command Pokémon to start other problems and charge money to solve the problem. After this plot failed and the Go-Rock Squad disbanded, some members have attempted to resurrect the Go-Rock Squad by capturing other Legendary Pokémon.

[edit] Team Galactic

A villainous team that tries to catch Dialga and Palkia to rule over all universe. The boss of the group is known in the Japanese version as Akagi, while his Executives are named Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.