List of Planar dragons

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The following is a list of the planar dragons from the role playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Planar dragons inhabit the outer planes.


[edit] Types

[edit] Adamantine dragon

  • Breath weapon: White-hot fire, Hold monster gas
  • Terrain: Twin Paradises of Bytopia
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Notes: Oversized natural weapons

[edit] Arboreal dragon

  • Breath weapon: Razor-sharp thorns
  • Terrain: Olympian Glades of Arborea
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Notes:

[edit] Astral dragon

  • Breath weapon: Dismissal effect, scouring dust
  • Terrain: Astral Plane
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Axial dragon

  • Breath weapon: Force
  • Terrain: Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Notes:

[edit] Battle dragon

  • Breath weapon: Sonic energy, Fear gas
  • Terrain: Heroic Domains of Ysgard
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Notes:

[edit] Beast dragon

  • Breath weapon: Mixed cold and electricity
  • Terrain: Wilderness of the Beastlands
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Notes:

[edit] Chaos dragon

  • Breath weapon: Random (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sound), Confusion gas
  • Terrain: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
  • Alignment: Any Chaotic
  • Notes:

[edit] Chole dragon

  • Breath weapon: Poisonous insanity vapors
  • Terrain: Infinite Layers of the Abyss
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Notes: Chole dragons cannot make any noises and do not have wings, making them very different from other dragons. They also are engimatic, having strange runes on their bodies and tentacles that always are randomly of a specific set of numbers.

[edit] Concordant dragon

  • Breath weapon: Antithetical energy
  • Terrain: Concordant Domain of the Outlands
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Notes:

[edit] Ectoplasmic dragon

  • Breath weapon: Whitefire
  • Terrain: Astral Plane
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Elysian dragon

  • Breath weapon: Sonic energy, inebriation gas
  • Terrain: Blessed Fields of Elysium
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Notes:

[edit] Ethereal dragon

  • Breath weapon: Force
  • Terrain: Ethereal Plane
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Gloom dragon

[edit] Howling dragon

  • Breath weapon: Howling sound, Maddening wails
  • Terrain: Windswept Depths of Pandemonium
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Notes:

[edit] Oceanus dragon

  • Breath weapon: Lightning, Tranquility gas
  • Terrain: Upper Planes; Arcadia
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Pyroclastic dragon

  • Breath weapon: Superheated ash & waves of sonic, Disintegrating line
  • Terrain: Bleak Eternity of Gehenna
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Radiant dragon

  • Breath weapon: Force, Light
  • Terrain: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
  • Alignment: Always Lawful Good
  • Notes: The Radiant dragon is argueably the most powerful of all extraplanar dragons in D&D!

[edit] Rust dragon

  • Breath weapon: Acid, Rusting liquid
  • Terrain: Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Styx dragon

  • Breath weapon: Acid, Stupefying gas
  • Terrain: Lower Planes; Baator
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] Tarterian dragon

  • Breath weapon: Force, Will-sapping gas
  • Terrain: Tarterian Depths of Carceri
  • Alignment:
  • Notes:

[edit] See also

Outer Planes
Celestia Bytopia Elysium Beastlands Arborea
Arcadia ↑Good↑ Ysgard
Mechanus ←Lawful Outlands Chaotic→ Limbo
Acheron ↓Evil↓ Pandemonium
Baator Gehenna Hades Carceri Abyss
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Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Creature types: AberrationAnimalConstructDragonElementalFeyGiantHumanoidMagical beastMonstrous humanoidOozeOutsiderPlantUndeadVermin

Categories: Dragonlance creaturesEberron creaturesStandard creaturesUndead creaturesSpelljammer creaturesGreyhawk creaturesForgotten Realms creaturesExtraplanar creatures

Lists of dragons: ChromaticDragonlanceGemMetallicPlanarOther