List of Paintball Leagues

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Professional and semi-professional paintball leagues regularly hold high-class, well-organized tournaments involving a large number of professional teams, crowds of spectators, and large cash prizes. Though most of the major leagues are based in the United States, many leagues in Europe have become powerhouses in their own right, drawing thousands of spectators at every event.

[edit] U.S. National Leagues

  • NCPA - (National Collegiate Paintball Association), Nationwide association that sanctions college and high school competition, broadcast on College Sports Television Network in the summers of 2005 and 2006.
  • The National Collegiate Paintball Association is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization created by college players for college players.The goal of the NCPA is to promote the positive aspects of the sport in an intercollegiate manner. The NCPA consists of two distinct classes which competes separately across the United States. Class AA is an open-class division where any college may enter and compete in regional and national tournaments. On the other hand, Class A is a closed-class division where only certain colleges may compete after securing a bid in the previous season. Class A represents the best talent of college paintball and includes universities such as: Illinois State University, Purdue University, University of Connecticut, Penn State University, plus 10 other teams across three conferences all fighting for a national title.


  • NPPL - (National Professional Paintball League), Nationwide tournament circuit featuring 7-man format, broadcast on ESPN2 in the spring of 2006
  • PSP - (Paintball Sports Promotions), Nationwide tournament circuit featuring the X-Ball format. PSP's Professional division is known as the NXL, broadcast on ESPN2 in December, 2004
  • WPL - (World Paintball League, 3-man league formerly broadcast on UPN) The WPL ceased operations as of April, 2006.

[edit] U.S. regional leagues

  • CFOA - (The Carolina Field Owner's Association), Southeast US
  • CTS - (Crossroads Tournament Series), Midwest US
  • GPL - (Global Paintball League)
  • NEPL - (New England Paintball League), Northeast US
  • XPSL - (Xtreme Paintball Sports League), West Coast US
  • NYXL - (New York Xball League), Northeast US
  • SXPL - (Southeastern Xtreme Paintball League), Southeast US
  • SCXL - (Southern California Xball League)

[edit] Paintball leagues outside the U.S.