List of PKNA villains

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These are villains in the Italian Disney comic book series PKNA.


[edit] Belgravia Republic

It's a fictional state, ruled by dictator Nestor Grimka. It's often an operations base for many terrorists, such as Oberon De Spair

[edit] Oberon De Spair

  • First Appereance: PKNA #21.

A terrorist, working for Belgravia Republic.

[edit] Due

  • First Appereance: PKNA #2.

Uno's twin A.I.. "Due" means "Two" in Italian. His aspect is red, due to the overload caused by the stress of his files. Like his twin, Due was created by Everett Ducklair and resides in Ducklair Tower. The purpose of his existence is to replace Uno if any malfunction happened. During his period of long inactivity his anger against Uno starts to grow, leading him to awake, trying to destroy his twin. He was defeated several times along the series but he always manages how to survive. Later in the series he eventually understands that Uno's destruction would lead to his own destruction. When he was finally defeated, Uno saves him from completely erasing, thus creating a new droid, union of Uno and a little part of Due, Odin Eidolon.

[edit] Fenimore Cook

  • First Appereance: PKNA #7.

A New Zealand billionaire. He acts in the shadow to cover criminal actions against Māori villages led by Rangi Fangus.

[edit] Geena

  • First Appereance: PKNA #5.

She's a droid from 23rd century. She's one of the leader of the droid's conspiracy against mankind. She manages to destroy Time Zero, the base of Time Police, to erase the historical archives of mankind, thus to can easily modify past History, creating a future where droids are treated as equals by humans.

[edit] Morgan Fairfax

  • First Appereance: PKNA #4.

A scientist working for the D.O.E. (Department of Environment), he tries to flood the West Coast in PKNA #4 "Terremoto" ("Earthquake") but is stopped from PK and Uno. He will later ally himself with De Spair and work for Belgravia.

[edit] Organizzazione

  • First Appereance: PKNA #14.

The major time theft criminal society in 23rd century. Razziatore and Kronin worked for it. It is leaded by three people, two men and one woman. Its name, Organization in English, means that it is unique, because names distinct people and objects, but Organizzazione is unique thus not not needing any name to be recognized. Its technology level is so advanced that its members can even travel in the future, a thing that Time Police can't do.

[edit] Organizzazione Leaders

[edit] Grifone

A time thief working for Organizzazione. He is actually the adult version of Trip (Razziatore's son), who was brainwashed by the Organizzazione.

[edit] Kronin

A time thief, working for Organizzazione. He was the Organizzazione's top agent, until the number two (Razziatore) betrayed him.

[edit] Newton

  • First Appereance: PKNA #14.

A droid working for Organizzazione. He's huge, pretty stupid and wears an awful tie, which was incredibly useful in one of the adventure of Pk.

[edit] Razziatore

  • First Appereance: PKNA #0/2.

Now a former agent.

See Razziatore.

[edit] Vostok

  • First Appereance: PKNA #14.

A scientist working for Organizzazione.

Media | PKNA issues
PKNA Arcs | Evroniani Arc | Xadhoom Arc | Lyla Lay Arc | Angus Fangus Arc | Razziatore Arc | Uno Arc | Due Arc | PBI Arc | Time Police Arc | Urk Arc | Belgravia Arc | Stand-alone Issues | Short Stories
Main: Paperinik | Uno | Lyla Lay | Xadhoom | Razziatore | Angus Fangus | Everett Ducklair
Evroniani: Evron | Gorthan | Grrodon | Trauma | Zondag | Zoster | Zotnam
Other Enemies: Due | Belgravia Republic | Fenimore Cook | Geena | Organizzazione | Morgan Fairfax
Minor Characters: Abraham L. Wisecube | Camera 9 | Colonel Neopard | Eugene Photomas | Leonard Vertighel | Mary Ann Flagstarr | Mike M. Morrighan | Odin Eidolon | Rangi Fangus | Stefan Vladuck | Trip | Urk | Clint E. Westcock | Ziggy Flagstarr
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