List of Mozilla products

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The following is a list of Mozilla Foundation/Mozilla Corporation products. All products, unless specified, are cross-platform by design.


[edit] Client applications

[edit] Components

[edit] Development tools

  • Bugzilla – A bugtracker.
  • Bonsai – A web-based interface for the CVS.
  • Tinderbox – A detective tool that allows developers to manage software builds and to correlate build failures on various platforms and configurations with particular code changes.

[edit] API/Libraries

  • Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) – A platform abstraction layer that makes operating systems appear the same.
  • Personal Security Manager (PSM) – A set of libraries that performs cryptographic operations on behalf of a client application.
  • Network Security Services for Java (JSS) – A Java interface to NSS.
  • Network Security Services (NSS) – A set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications.

[edit] Other tools

  • Mozbot – An IRC bot.
  • Mstone – A multi-protocol stress and performance measurement tool.
  • Client Customization Kit (CCK) – A set of tools that helps distributors customize and distribute the client.
  • Mozilla Directory SDK – For writing applications which access, manage, and update the information stored in an LDAP directory.

[edit] Technologies

[edit] Abandoned

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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