List of Moroccan writers

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This list is about writers from Morocco.

[edit] List of Moorish witers

Writers from Andalusia, in the period 750-1496, writing in Arabic are generally referred to as Moorish writers. For much of that Moorish period Andalusia and Morocco formed one state.

[edit] See also

See also: Moroccan literature

[edit] References

  • Morocco - Poetry International Web [1]
  • Birth and Development of the Moroccan Short Story - by Abdellatif Akbib, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco [2]
  • Survey by Suellen Diaconoff, Professor of French, Colby College: Women writers of Morocco writing in French [3]
  • The Literature of Morocco: An Overview [4]
  • La vie littéraire au Maroc sous la dynastie alaouite, by Lakhdar, Rabat, 1971
  • The Literature of Al-Andalus, ed. by M.R. Menocal, R.P. Scheindlin and M. Sells - 2000 - Cambridge University Press (chapter 1) [5]
  • Troubadour Poetry: An Intercultural Experience, by Said I. Abdelwahed, Professor of English Literature English Department, Faculty of Arts, Al-Azhar University Gaza, Palestine [6]
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