List of Minor Hannibal Characters

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This is a list of the support characters from the Hannibal Lecter series. The series consists of four novels and their five film adaptations (Red Dragon was remade from Manhunter to the original book title).


[edit] List of Support Characters in the Hannibal Lecter series

[edit] Ardelia Mapp

A close friend of Clarice Starling's in both the films and novels. Ardelia Mapp is also Starling's roommate and a fellow Special FBI agent. Not much is known about her, but she is a close enough friend where Starling mails her an emerald ring in the end of the Hannibal novel. Ardelia appears in two of the novels and only one of the films.

[edit] Barney Matthews

The head orderly for the maximum security unit at the hospital in Baltimore where Lecter is housed for 8 years. Barney is a caring man and even earns Lecter's respect during the six years that he works with him. Barney first appears in the Silence of the Lambs, but the remake of Manhunter (called Red Dragon) featured him earlier in the canon. After Lecter escaped during a transfer and assumably killed the hospital chief of staff Frederick Chilton, the hospital was shut down, leaving Barney with no job. It is unknown what Barney does with his time for the seven year gap between the books, but during the events of Hannibal, he is seen to be working with Lecter's forth victim Mason Verger. Barney falls in love with Mason's sister named Margot, who is a lesbian, so the relationship unfortunately does not go far.

[edit] Benjamin Raspail

Lecter's ninth victim, he was a flutist from the Baltimore Philharmonic Orchestra and was also a patient of Lecter's. It is said in the novels that Lecter stabbed him in the heart while he was in his office, and placed his body in a church pew where his pancreas and thymus had been removed. It is assumed that this is the man whom Lecter infamously fed to the Orchestra Committee. Raspail plays an important role later in the series when the FBI attempts to capture the serial killer Buffalo Bill. Lecter tells Agent Clarice Staling that Raspail was romantically involved with "Buffalo Bill" (real name: Jame Gumb). Raspail does not appear in any of the novels, but is mentioned in Silence of the Lambs.

[edit] Catherine Martin

The abducted daughter of Senator Ruth Martin in the Silence of the Lambs. She is the last victim taken by the serial killer known as Buffalo Bill. In the end of the novel and the film, she is rescued by Clarice Starling.

[edit] Carlo Deogracias

A pig farmer from Sardinia, he originally worked for Mason Verger's father named Molston Verger as one of the farmers that supplied his meat packing company with pig products. In Hannibal, it is revealed that Carlo and his brother had spent years breeding a group of specially adapted boars for Mason. These boars were to be utilized in order to exact revenge on Hannibal Lecter for paralyzing and disfiguring Verger. Carlo is killed by Clarice Starling when she comes to Mason's farm to rescue Lecter from the boars that Carlo had bred. Carlo appears in the novel Hannibal and its film adaptation.

[edit] Cesar

A draft horse that Lecter's family owned when he was a child, which whom Lecter builds a strong bond to. Cesar becomes important in the murder of Dorlitch. Lecter builds a contraption and uses the horse's power to hang Dorlitch. Cesar only appears in Hannibal Rising.

[edit] Cordell

Mason Verger's personal physician. In the novel Hannibal, he dispises Mason and in the film, kills him by pushing him into the pen with the boars that were bred specifically to kill Hannibal Lecter. In the novel, he is killed by Mason's sister Margot.

[edit] Count Lecter

Count Lecter is the father of Hannibal Lecter and Mischa Lecter. His first name is never revealed, but it is possibly Hannibal as well considering that the name is passed down through generations. Count Lecter was descended from the warlord "Hannibal The Grim", and lived in the castle that was built by that ancestor (Lecter Castle), Count Lecter only appears in the novel "Hannibal Rising", and dies during a shootout between the Nazis and Soviets.