List of Lithuanians

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This is a list of Lithuanians, both people of Lithuanian descent and people with the birthplace or citizenship of Lithuania.

In a case when a person was born in the territory of former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and not in the territory of modern Lithuania, only persons, who named themselves Lithuanians or were strictly connected to Lithuania in other way, are included.


[edit] Arts

[edit] Architecture and sculpture

Laurynas Gucevičius, considered to be the first professional Lithuanian architect
Laurynas Gucevičius, considered to be the first professional Lithuanian architect
  • Robertas Antinis Jr. (1946–), sculptor and artist
  • Gediminas Baravykas (1940–1995), one of the best-known Soviet architects
  • Vytautas Brėdikis (1930–), planner of Antakalnis and Lazdynai microdistricts in Vilnius
  • Vincas Grybas (1890–1940), one of the influential early monumental sculptors
  • Laurynas Gucevičius (1753–1798), architect of Vilnius Cathedral
  • Gintaras Karosas (1968–), sculptor, founder of Europos Parkas;
  • Vytautas Lansbergis-Žemkalnis (1893–1993), most famous architect in the interwar Lithuania
  • Juozas Mikėnas (1901–1964), sculptor
  • Algimantas Nasvytis (1928–), architect, Minister of Construction and Urbanistics (1990)
  • Kęstutis Pempė (1949–), architect, chairman of the Architects Association of Lithuania
  • Bronius Pundzius (1907–1959), sculptor
  • Petras Rimša (1881–1961), one of the first professional sculptors in Lithuania
  • Antanas Vivulskis (1877–1919), architect of Three Crosses in Vilnius
  • Juozas Zikaras (1881–1944), sculptor and designer the interwar years' Lithuanian litas

[edit] Literature

First Lithuanian book The Simple Words of Catechism published in 1547 by Martynas Mažvydas
First Lithuanian book The Simple Words of Catechism published in 1547 by Martynas Mažvydas
Portrait of Salomėja Nėris, one of the best known Lithuanian female writers
Portrait of Salomėja Nėris, one of the best known Lithuanian female writers
  • Jurgis Baltrušaitis (1873–1944), poet and diplomat, the first Symbolist poet
  • Antanas Baranauskas (1835–1902), priest and poet, author of The Pine Groove of Anykščiai (Lithuanian: Anykščių šilelis)
  • Kazys Binkis (1893–1942), poet and playwright, leader of Lithuanian Futurism movement
  • Bernardas Brazdžionis (1907–2002), an influential romantic poet
  • Petras Cvirka (1909–1947), short story writer and active supporter of communism
  • Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714–1780), priest and poet, author of The Seasons (Lithuanian: Metai)
  • Romualdas Granauskas (1939–), writer about the identity crisis during the Soviet times
  • Juozas Grušas (1901–1986), one of the most important writers under the Soviet rule
  • Jurga Ivanauskaitė (1961–2007), the best known modern female writer
  • Vincas Kudirka (1858–1899), writer and poet, author of the national anthem of Lithuania
  • Maironis (real name Jonas Mačiulis, 1862–1932), priest and poet, best known patriotic poet
  • Justinas Marcinkevičius (1930–), one of the most important poets during the Soviet rule
  • Marcelijus Martinaitis (1936–), writer famous for The Ballads of Kukutis, a mock-epic
  • Martynas Mažvydas (1510–1563), author of the first book in Lithuanian language
  • Icchokas Meras (1934–), Lithuanian-Jewish writer about the Holocaust
  • Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius (1882–1954), writer and playwright, author of major interwar plays
  • Oskaras Milašius (1877–1939), French-Lithuanian writer and diplomat
  • Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas (1893–1967), writer and poet, one of the best known Symbolist poets, author of the novel In the Shadows of the Altars (Lithuanian: Altorių šešėly)
  • Salomėja Nėris (real name Salomėja Bačinskaitė-Bučienė, 1904–1945), the best known female poet during the interwar period
  • Alfonsas Nyka-Niliūnas (1919–), poet, living in the United States
  • Henrikas Radauskas (1910–1970), poet, one of the major figures of Lithuanian literature in exile
  • Šatrijos Ragana (real name Marija Pečkauskaitė, 1877–1930), female writer
  • Antanas Škėma (1911–1961), writer in exile, author of surrealistic novel The White Cloth (Lithuanian: Balta drobulė)
  • Balys Sruoga (1896–1947), writer, poet, playwright, author of the novel The Forest of Gods (Lithuanian: Dievų miškas) about his experience in the Stutthof concentration camp
  • Judita Vaičiūnaitė (1937–2001), modern female poet exploring urban settings
  • Vaižgantas (real name Juozas Tumas, 1869–1933), writer
  • Antanas Vienuolis (1882–1957), writer, a major figure in Lithuanian prose
  • Tomas Venclova (1937–), poet, political activist
  • Vydūnas (real name Vilhelmas Storosta, 1868–1953), writer and philosopher, leader of Lithuanian cultural movement in the Lithuania Minor at the beginning of the 20th century
  • Žemaitė (real name Julija Beniuševičiūtė-Žymantienė, 1845–1921), one of the best known female writers

[edit] Theater and cinema

  • Regimantas Adomaitis (1937–), theatre and film actor, successful in Russia
  • Artūras Barysas (1954–2005), "counter-culture" actor, singer, photographer, and filmmaker, known as the father of modern Lithuanian avant-garde.
  • Donatas Banionis (1924–), actor, and star of Tarkovsky's Solaris
  • Šarūnas Bartas (1964–), modern film director
  • Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė (1963–), internationally successful actress
  • Gediminas Girdvainis (1944–), prolific theatre and movie actor
  • Ann Jillian, (1950-), American television actress
  • Rolandas Kazlas (1969–), well-known comedy actor
  • Oskaras Koršunovas (1969–), best known modern theater director
  • George Maciunas (1931–1978), initiator of Fluxus movement
  • Vaiva Mainelytė (1948–), popular actress remebered for the leading role in Bride of the Devil (Lithuanian: Velnio nuotaka)
  • Arūnas Matelis (1961–), acclaimed documentary director
  • Jonas Mekas (1922–), filmmaker, the godfather of American avant-garde cinema
  • Juozas Miltinis (1907–1994), theater director from Panevėžys
  • Nijolė Narmontaitė (1959–), actress
  • Eimuntas Nekrošius (1952–), theater director
  • Algimantas Puipa (1951–), film director
  • Kostas Smoriginas (1953–), popular actor and singer
  • Jonas Vaitkus (1944–), theater director, director of Utterly Alone
  • Adolfas Večerskis (1949–), theatre and film actor, director, General Director of Lithuanian National Drama Theatre
  • Arūnas Žebriūnas (1930–), one of the most prominent film directors during the Soviet rule

[edit] Music

  • Linas Adomaitis (1976–), pop singer, participant in the Eurovision Song Contest
  • Osvaldas Balakauskas (1937–), ambassador and classical composer
  • Alanas Chošnau (1974–), singer of Naktinės personos
  • Rytis Cicinas (1973–), popular pop singer
  • Egidijus Dragūnas (1976–), leader of Sel, one of the first hip hop bands in Lithuania
  • Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875–1911), arguably most famous painter and composer
  • Balys Dvarionas (1904–1972), composer
  • Algirdas Kaušpėdas, architect and lead singer of Antis
  • Vytautas Kernagis (1951–), one of the most popular bards
  • Andrius Mamontovas (1967–), rock singer, co-founder of Foje and LT United
  • Marijonas Mikutavičius (1971–), singer, author of Trys Milijonai, the unofficial sports anthem in Lithuania
  • Irena Milkevičiūtė-Grigorian, opera singer (soprano), Primadonna of Lithuanian opera
  • Virgilijus Noreika (1935–), one of the most successful opera singers (tenor)
  • Kipras Petrauskas (1885–1968), popular early opera singer (tenor)
  • Stasys Povilaitis (1947–), one of the popular singers during the Soviet period
  • Virgis Stakėnas (1953–), singer of country-folk music
  • Jonas Švedas (1908–1971), composer
  • Violeta Urmanavičiūtė-Urmana, opera singer (soprano-mezzosoprano) appearing internationally

[edit] Painters and graphic artists

[edit] Politics

President Valdas Adamkus (right) chatting with Vice President Dick Cheney (left)
President Valdas Adamkus (right) chatting with Vice President Dick Cheney (left)
Jonas Basanavičius, the patriarch of Lithuania's independence
Jonas Basanavičius, the patriarch of Lithuania's independence
See also: List of Lithuanian rulers

[edit] Science

[edit] Mathematics

[edit] Economy

[edit] Sports

[edit] Religion

[edit] Roman Catholicism

[edit] Judaism

[edit] Eastern Orthodoxy

[edit] Other

  • Tadas Blinda - Lithuanian Robin Hood
  • Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas - pilots.
  • Jurgis Kairys - aerobatic pilot, FAI World Grand Prix of Aviation FAIWGPA champion, famous of flight under 10 bridges in Vilnius. He also flew inverted under a bridge in Kaunas.
  • Benediktas Mikulis - Lithuanian freedom fighter.
  • Jokūbas Smuškevičius, also known as Yakov Smushkevich, Смушкевич Яков Владимирович (1902-1941) - general lieutenant of Soviet Army, Commander-in Chief of Soviet Air Force, twice Hero of Soviet Union.
  • Vytautas Putna, also known as Путна Витовт Казимирович (1893-1937) - comcor (general lieutenant) of Red Army, Soviet military diplomat
  • Ian Koshnick - politician/attorney (member of the Lithuanian diaspora in the US)
  • Jeronimas Uborevičius. also known as Уборевич Иероним Петрович or Ieronim Uborevich (1896-1937) - comandarm 1rst rank (General of the Army) of the Red Army, commander of Armament of Red Army, later commander of military district.
  • Antanas Gustaitis (1898-1941) - general of Lithuanian Air Force, engineer, designer of airplanes.
  • Josifas Grigulevičius, also known as Григулевич Иосиф Ромуальдович (1913-1988) - famous Soviet intelligence agent in West Europe and Latin America, later historian of Catholic Church and Latin America (corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of USSR).
  • Rimantas Stankevičius (1944-1990) - Soviet test pilot and cosmonaut.
  • Feliksas Vaitkus - Sixth pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic.
  • Abba Kovner (1918-1987) poet, writer, and partisan leader.
  • Martha Skavronskaya - Empress Catherine I of Russia
  • Jerry Siegel (1914-1996) - co-creator of Superman. Son of Lithuanian Jewish immigrants.

[edit] Fictional

[edit] Related to Lithuania by birthplace (before 1918) or citizenship (after 1918) or origin

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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