List of Kodokan Judo techniques

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Like many other martial arts, Kodokan Judo provides lists of techniques students must learn to earn rank. For a more complete list of judo techniques by technique classification, including Japanese kanji, see the article judo techniques.


[edit] Ukemi

Students first learn how to fall, and must master the fall exercises before moving on to the throws lists.[1]

  • Mae Ukemi, forward fall.
  • Ushiro Ukemi, backward fall.
  • Yoko Ukemi, side fall (accompanied by hard slap of tatami mat).
  • Zenpo Kaiten, forward Judo roll.

[edit] Nagewaza

The 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo[2]

[edit] Dai Ikkyo

(1st group, yellow belt)

  1. Deashi Harai
  2. Hiza Guruma
  3. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi
  4. Uki Goshi
  5. Osoto Gari
  6. O Goshi
  7. Ouchi Gari
  8. Seoi Nage

[edit] Dai Nikyo

(2nd group, orange belt)

  1. Kosoto Gari
  2. Kouchi Gari
  3. Koshi Guruma
  4. Tsurikomi Goshi
  5. Okuriashi Harai
  6. Tai Otoshi
  7. Harai Goshi
  8. Uchi Mata

[edit] Dai Sankyo

(3rd group, green belt)

  1. Kosoto Gake
  2. Tsuri Goshi
  3. Yoko Otoshi
  4. Ashi Guruma
  5. Hane Goshi
  6. Harai Tsurikomi Ashi
  7. Tomoe Nage
  8. Kata Guruma

[edit] Dai Yonkyo

(4th group, blue belt)

  1. Sumi Gaeshi
  2. Tani Otoshi
  3. Hane Makikomi
  4. Sukui Nage
  5. Utsuri Goshi
  6. O Guruma
  7. Soto Makikomi
  8. Uki Otoshi

[edit] Dai Gokyo

(5th group, brown belt)

  1. Osoto Guruma
  2. Uki Waza
  3. Yoko Wakare
  4. Yoko Guruma
  5. Ushiro Goshi
  6. Ura Nage
  7. Sumi Otoshi
  8. Yoko Gake

[edit] Habukareta Waza

(preserved techniques from 1895 gokyo)

  1. Obi Otoshi
  2. Seoi Otoshi
  3. Yama Arashi
  4. Osoto Otoshi
  5. Daki Wakare
  6. Hikikomi Gaeshi
  7. Tawara Gaeshi
  8. Uchi Makikomi

[edit] Shinmeisho No Waza

(newly accepted techniques)

  1. Morote Gari
  2. Kuchiki Taoshi
  3. Kibisu Gaeshi
  4. Uchi Mata Sukashi
  5. Daki Age
  6. Tsubame Gaeshi
  7. Kouchi Gaeshi
  8. Ouchi Gaeshi
  9. Osoto Gaeshi
  10. Harai Goshi Gaeshi
  11. Uchi Mata Gaeshi
  12. Hane Goshi Gaeshi
  13. Kani Basami
  14. Osoto Makikomi
  15. Kawazu Gake
  16. Harai Makikomi
  17. Uchi Mata Makikomi
  18. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi
  19. Ippon Seoinage

[edit] Katamewaza

The 29 Official Grappling Techniques of Kodokan Judo[3]

[edit] Osaekomi-waza

(pins or matholds)

  1. Kuzure-kesa-gatame
  2. Kata-gatame
  3. Kami-shiho-gatame
  4. Kuzure-kami-shiho-gatame
  5. Yoko-shiho-gatame
  6. Tate-shiho-gatame
  7. Kesa-gatame

[edit] Shime-waza

(chokes or strangles)

  1. Nami-juji-jime
  2. Gyaku-juji-jime
  3. Kata-juji-jime
  4. Hadaka-jime
  5. Okuri-eri-jime
  6. Kata-ha-jime
  7. Do-jime
  8. Sode-guruma-jime
  9. Kata-te-jime
  10. Ryo-te-jime
  11. Tsukkomi-jime
  12. Sankaku-jime

[edit] Kansetsu-waza

(joint locks)

  1. Ude-garami
  2. Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame
  3. Ude-hishigi-ude-gatame
  4. Ude-hishigi-hiza-gatame
  5. Ude-hishigi-waki-gatame
  6. Ude-hishigi-hara-gatame
  7. Ashi-garami
  8. Ude-hishigi-ashi-gatame
  9. Ude-hishigi-te-gatame
  10. Ude-hishigi-sankaku-gatame

[edit] References

  1. ^ Falling
  2. ^ The 67 Throws of Kodokan Judo
  3. ^ The 29 Official Grappling Techniques of Kodokan Judo

[edit] External links