List of Kiddy Grade characters

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This article is a list of characters from the 2002 anime series Kiddy Grade.


[edit] Main characters

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Éclair

Main article: Éclair (Kiddy Grade)

[edit] Lumière

[edit] Armbrust

Armbrust (from the German word for Crossbow) is 20 years old and an Auditor for the Global Union who is sent to observe Éclair and Lumière on some of their missions. Armbrust is calm and collected, although a bit on the shady side too. A veritable ladies' man, he often flirts with the ladies (and sometimes with Eclair). However, he is never seen without his mysterious black briefcase, which seems to have its own powers. Despite his efforts and good intentions, Armbrust is often the target of Eclair's distrust. Mis-translated as Armblast for the English dub, an error that was caught too late to be corrected although it is spelt correctly in the English subtitled version. Later in the series, it is revealed that Armbrust is also an S Class ES-Member whose partner is Pfeilspitze (also known as Mercredi).

[edit] Eclipse

Eclipse is the Chief of Galactic organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT). Her job is to ensure normal economic activity on all of the planets in the Galaxy, she operates, to an extent under the guise of the Galactic Union. Mainly she ensures this by sending of various groups of people or ES members to either fight, arrest, seize, destroy or assist in order to achieve the goal of normal economic activity. An ES member cannot disobey a direct order from Chief Eclipse, and by doing so this results in a Purge. For instance in Episode 1 she sends a Letter of Attorney to allow trade to pass to Faunus and Medea (a military blockade stops this), in Episode 2 to stop illegal production of High G a gravity control material, and thus to allow normal production. In Episode 3 they must escort prisoners in chrage of extradition back to the GOTT head office.

In each of these instances she sends out an ES team. She never gets directly involved. Though in order for the members to make an arrest they must seek permission through her. Her true job, and what she spends most of her time doing, is never clear. Her superior is Chevalier D'Autrice and her secretary is the number-chrunching expert Mercredi.

Later in the series when there is odd, potentially evil, goings on at the GOTT, it is assumed to be from her. But she is only a pawn through which those at work act, as she has no choice but to obey her superiors.

Eclipse's personality is one of collected calm and eloquence, for this she is greatly admired by Éclair. She rarely speaks her mind and if so it is out of obligation too. She never says a word wrong and smoothly operates the GOTT. Even in anger she is reasonable, but when she is expected to carry out actions she doesn't often do them willingly, another indication that she never speaks her mind. She is also caring towards the teenagers who are the ES members. She often says something along the lines of "I will be looking forward to your safe return." Her other catch-phrase is "Eclair, Lumiere, arrest authorization granted."

Eclipse is an ES-Member herself, contemporary with Eclair and Lumiere, and her G Class ability is known as Kvant (Russian for quantum). It is this ability that enables the ES-Members to be 'reborn', as she is able to quantise the soul itself and transfer it from body to body in a process called encoding. She is also able to perform quantum jumps, or teleportation, over short distances.

[edit] Mercredi

Mercredi (French for Wednesday), although aged only 13, is Eclipse's Private Secretary and can be considered to be her "right-hand girl". She is extremely talented at data gathering and her abilities almost rival a computer. The job also gives her time to hang out with a lot of the ES Members and she's a friend of Éclair and Lumière. Mercredi also excels at making tea, and usually fixes a batch for Eclair and Lumiere before each of their missions. Mercredi goes missing when the GOTT towers are destroyed and is presumed dead, however she turns up again in the rebuilt GOTT building without her usual uniform. In actuality her true codename is Pfeilspitze (German, "arrowhead"), and has been working as a double agent inside the GOTT for her partner, Armbrust.

[edit] Alv and Dvergr

[edit] Alv

(Nordic, Elf) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 20, partner to Dvergr. Special abilities: "Absorb" and "Reflex"

Alv is an ES member of the GOTT, or the Galactic office of Trade and Tariffs. And works with her partner Dvergr to ensure normal economic activity in the Galaxy in which the anime is set. Alv is a generally disliked person in the GOTT even though she is one of the most powerful. Tweedledee states "Oh, great... It's Alv" when Alv and Dvergr appear to help them nullify a Geo-sort bomb, and afterwards it is very difficult for her to give her gratitude (Episode 8). Éclair also "Dislike(s) the way they act, as if they are so superior" and also expresses her dislike of having to go on a mission with her and Dvergr (Episode 2).

Apart from this Alv is an antagonist to the story which appears later on in the series. She is regarded as evil and takes pleasure in killing people, and shows no sympathy for death and doesn't care who dies.

Alv and Dvergr both have the power of Reflex and Absorb. Reflex is not really explained and the name isn't helpful. In episode 2, when a Gravity bomb is placed, and in order to escape the extra gravity they use Reflex and it lets them act, ignorant of the different environment. Absorb as an ability is only available when both Alv and Dvergr activate it, it allows them to absorb energy, and even people, allowing them to use their appearance. Which is used in the main story-line later in the series.

As a pair, Alv is the more sociable one and also the one who is the main reason for them being so disliked.

Later in the series it is revealed that Alv is the daughter of Dvergr.

[edit] Dvergr

(Nordic, Dwarf) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 19, partner to Alv. Special abilities: "Absorb" and "Reflex."

Alv's partner, and as is later revealed, her mother. Even though Dvergr is a major antagonist she has little to no personality, most of what she says consists of who, what, where, when, how or why. She is by no means stupid, merely contained. The reason for this is never apparent, but she has a tendency to do the dirty work out of the pair and also generally finds it easier to get out of hard situations, not easy ones. Dvergr has the same powers as Alv.

[edit] Tweedledee and Tweedledum

[edit] Tweedledee

(From Lewis Carrol's Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 16, partner and twin of Tweedledum. Special ability: "Strom" (German, river, or in this case "Electricity"), joint ability: "Windstoß" (German, gust of wind).

Tweedledee, who is both the sister and partner of Tweedledum, has a commanding presence and values loyalty above all else. She is an "S Class" ES Member rivaling Alv and Dvergr. Tweedledee has the ability to control electricity and can create an effect similar to Lumiere's Puppet. She often scolds her brother for calling her "sister" while on duty. Tweedledee also has a strong sense of pride. While she doesn't agree with Eclipse's secretive nature towards the ES Members, she still trusts her. She also seems to have a deep bond with Lumiere, probably because of their similar abilities.

[edit] Tweedledum

(From Lewis Carrol's Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 16, partner and twin of Tweedledee. Special ability: "Magnetfeld" (German, magnetic field), joint ability: "Windstoß" (German, gust of wind).

Tweedledum, who is both the brother and partner of Tweedledee, is fiercely loyal to his sister. However, he isn't really sociable with anyone else other than Tweedledee. Although he doesn't mean to offend, Tweedledum doesn't really show interest in anyone else other than his sister. Tweedledum has the ability to control the magnetic fields around him, combining with Tweedledee to create a powerful gravitational force. Because of their extremely strong bond, Tweedledum seems jealous when his sister shows interest in Lumiere.

[edit] Viola and Cesario

[edit] Viola

(From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) - GOTT ES Member (C Class), apparent age 9, partner to Cesario. Special ability: "Calamity".

The youngest member of the ES Force, Viola is one of the more precocious members. She also seems to be the main voice of her partnership with Cesario. She often gives the other ES Members nicknames. Viola is also a "C Class" member, although a bit above Eclair and Lumiere's rank. Her power "Calamity", which allows her to alter matter at the molecular level, requires a great deal of energy which is supplied by Cesario's ability so can only be used when she is in physical contact with him. Viola is also often seen with a cute stuffed animal named Dragon Papi.

[edit] Cesario

(From Shakespeare's Twelfth Night) - GOTT ES Member (C Class), apparent age 18, partner to Viola. Special ability: "Driver".

Cesario is the older partner of Viola. He is seen to be a mostly silent person, almost never speaking out loud. Instead, he is usually seen communicating to Viola by whispering in her ear. Cesario seems to prefer communicating with body language instead of voice. He is often an indecisive person, usually on the losing side of his arguments with Viola. His power, "Driver", has no use on its own but when in contact with Viola, it serves as a source of energy for her ability.

[edit] Un-ou and A-ou

[edit] Un-ou

(Japanese/Sanskrit, 吽王, one of the two Buddhist Deva Kings) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 14, partner to A-ou. Special ability: "Amazing".

A mostly cynical and impulsive person, Un-ou enjoys the danger that comes with his job. He and A-ou were formerly mercenaries who were constantly at odds with Eclair and Lumiere. Hardened by his past as a mercenary, Un-ou doesn't seem to agree with the values held by the GOTT, but merely as an outlet from their past rivalries with Eclair and Lumiere. His relationship with Eclair is especially competitive. Un-ou's "Amazing" ability allows him to listen to the various life energies which allow them to track down their enemies.

[edit] A-ou

(Japanese/Sanskrit, 阿王, one of the two Buddhist Deva Kings) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 19, partner to Un-ou. Special ability: "Amplifier".

The older and more stoic member of the Duo, A-ou (unlike his partner) has a stronger sense of honor and justice. He is also more of a pacifist and he often speaks in a profound and meaningful manner, giving him a rather preachy presence among other people. He and Un-ou have has a long and eventful past together during their days as mercenaries. However, despite their differences, the two have forged a strong bond as a team. "Amplifier" gives him the ability to improve his visual perception ten-fold. He also uses the energy seen by Un-ou to increase the power of his physical attacks.

[edit] Sinistra and Dextera

[edit] Sinistra

Sinistra (Latin for left) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), apparent age 18, partner to Dextra. Special ability: "Whenever".

Among this handsome duo of ES Members, Sinistra appears to be the silent type, but he is really a sociable person. He is also very chivalrous. Whenever he is in battle, he is calm, collected and fearless.

[edit] Dextera

Dextera (Latin for right) - GOTT ES Member (S Class), partner to Sinistra. Special ability: "Anywhere".

Dextera has a reputation for being the victor of numerous battles in the past. He also has strong leadership characteristics. The right hand man of Eclipse, he has a long period of respect among the GOTT. The abilities of both him and Sinistra seem to be a mystery. However, both have plenty of strength and speed.

[edit] Minor Characters

Liquide "Liquiy" Cole (Ricki in the English dub) is a GOTT receptionist who works (and is friends with) Éclair and Lumière at the front gate of GOTT Headquarters. She often hangs out with Éclair outside of work and is there for her whenever she needs help. Her name is from the French for liquid.

Bonita Gerard is another GOTT receptionist who works with Liquiy, Éclair and Lumière.

Caprice is a friend of Éclair who works as a waitress at Fleur's Cafe. Not seen very often during the series, but it is implied that they have also had a long friendship.

Mrs. Padushka is another friend of Éclair and an SO member of GOTT. Mrs. Padushka retires from the GOTT in order to devote her time to family life with her husband, Gluck. She also gave birth to a baby girl, which she names after Éclair. However, she never learned about Éclair being an ES member until she left GOTT. Her name is pseudo-Russian, probably derived from podushka, "pillow".

Chevalier d'Autriche, at 56, is the Secretary General of the GOTT and head of the GU Economic Dept. Despite the fact that he's a Nouvlesse, Chevalier is a key figure to Éclair's past and her forgotten former lives. In his lifetime, he has never forgotten Éclair and is always willing to help her. He worked his way up to his current position all for Eclair's sake (it is revealed late in the show that Chevalier is Éclair's adopted son.) His name is French, literally meaning "Knight of Austria".

Vendredi is a GOTT SO member who replaces Mercredi as Eclipse's secretary later in the series. She wears the same uniform and wig as so looks very similar. Her name is French for Friday.

[edit] Non-human Kiddy Grade characters

  • Donnerschlag is Éclair and Lumière's guard robot. Support machinery with escort mode, avian-humanoid form, and vehicle mode. Also functions as Éclair's "solid shell", keeping a record of all her experiences, activities and genetic information. Name means thunderclap in German.
  • The La Muse is Éclair and Lumière's spacecraft. High speed cruiser ID SSC2045343. Capable of independent warp and fitted with an "inertial drive" system that boosts acceleration to theoretically infinite levels and also functions as a shield by bending space around the ship. Named after the Muses of Greek legend.
  • Wirbelwind is the name of the artificially intelligent quantum computer (AI) that controls La Muse and supports Lumière, also recording all her memories, experiences and genetic information. Name means whirlwind in German.
  • Cheshire Cat (aka C-Square) - Tweedledee and Tweedledum's spacecraft. High speed cruiser. Named after the character in Lewis Carroll's novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, it is capable of stealth operations using "phase elevate" by phasing out of normal space leaving only a small periscope visible, like the eponymous cat's grin.
  • Dodo - Tweedledee and Tweedledum's guard robot. Support machinery with a vehicle mode, an optional assault body, and possibly other mission-specific optional add-on bodies. Name after an extinct, flightless bird, most likely in relation to the dodo from Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
  • Salyut - A-ou and Un-ou's spacecraft. High speed cruiser, equipped with an intertial drive and a powerful sensor array.
  • Ganador - A-ou and Un-ou's guard robot. Name means "victor" in Spanish.
  • Svart - Alv and Dvergr's spacecraft. High speed cruiser. Equipped with advanced stealth capabilities. Name means "black" in Swedish.
  • Thor - Alv and Dvergr's guard robot. Support machinery with two possible forms: "aggressive" form and "high-speed" form. It cannot transform like other guard robots, is equipped with only a rudimentary AI and, since it was manufactured after the limitations on such technology was imposed, does not function as a solid shell.
  • Fenice - The Golden Ship, Fenice, is the high speed cruiser used by GOTT ES members, Viola and Cesario.
  • Titano - Titano is a guard ship robot that supports Viola and Cesario. Titano's body is armored in super-crystalline monomolecular armor and its major emphasis is on its defenses.
  • Centurion - Sinistra and Dextera's high speed cruiser. This ship has the ability to spilt apart into two separate ships, one controlled by Sinistra and the other controlled by Dextera. The main weapon for this ship is the One Dimensional Blade that is located between the two ships when they are apart. This weapon can slice through virtually anything.
  • Zephyrus - Sinistra and Dextera's guard robot.

[edit] References