List of Jewel Riders characters

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This article includes a partial list of characters from the animated series Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
From the left to right: Fallon, Gwenevere, Tamara
From the left to right:
Fallon, Gwenevere, Tamara


[edit] Jewel Riders

[edit] Gwenevere

Princess Gwenevere, also known as Starla, is the star of the show, and the newest Jewel Rider. Gwenevere, the daughter of Queen Anya and King Jared, lives in the Crystal Palace in New Camelot. She receives the Sun Stone at the Friendship Ring Ceremony in the first episode and is bonded with Sunstar, a winged unicorn who becomes her special friend and shares her Sun Stone.

She is good-natured, but also somewhat spoiled and prissy. She loves to dress up in fancy dresses and attend royal parties. She's also a bit of a flirt, and likes to play mind games with Drake, the leader of the Pack, the male band of Jewel Riders who each own a Forest Stone. In the second season, she meets Ian, a beast in a forest who becomes human through a magic spell and vows to come back to see him every year. This may not have a good impact on her future relationship with Drake. Though she is the most inexperienced of the Jewel Riders, Princess Gwenevere becomes their leader after the first episode, and the other riders must follow her commands. She has tan skin, yellow/gold hair, blue eyes, and likes to wear pink.

[edit] Tamara

Tamara is a bit older and more experienced than Gwenevere. She owns the Heart Stone, a red, heart-shaped jewel that contains the power of healing and understanding animals. Though she does not receive her special zebracorn friend, Shadowsong, until the second season, Tamara is constantly surrounded by baby animals because her parents, Doc and Charity, run Heartland Farm, a sort of nursery for future magical animals. The three main animals who are usually with Tamara are Cleo, a bossy pink baby unicorn, Sugar, a green baby dragon, and Spike, a brave blue baby panther.

Tamara is very motherly and always supports whoever she is with, acting as the voice of reason. She is an expert musician and can play any instrument as well as create instruments with her Heart Stone; she loves to sing songs about love and friendship. She has pale skin, pink hair, green eyes, and likes to wear green.

[edit] Fallon

Fallon is the tomboy of the group. She owns the Moon Stone, a blue moon-shaped jewel that creates illusions and other tricks. She finds herself a bit left out when it comes to Gwenevere and Tamara's more girly activities because Fallon prefers to hang out with the guys and go racing on her unicorn friend, Moondance. Moondance is a unicorn princess and is very closely bonded with Fallon. Together, they can overcome any obstacle, and they always tell each other everything and support each other.

Fallon doesn't get along with her parents, Winerva and Alfred, because they did not attend the Friendship Ring ceremony where she received her Moon Stone. She eventually learns to get over it, though, and restores her relationship with them. Fallon is very skilled in athletics and can perform many incredible feats. She has dark skin, purple hair, violet eyes, and likes to wear purple and green.

[edit] The Pack

The Pack, or Knights of Avalon as they are also referred to, consist of Drake (who is the commander), Josh and Max. Each member has a Forest Stone and rides a wolf.

They help Gwen, Tamara and Falon in their fight against the forces of evil. However, since Jewel Riders is primarily a girls' show, The Pack usually stays conveniently in the background so there's more time to focus on the girls.

[edit] Drake

Drake is the leader of the pack, and has the biggest part in the show of the three. His wolf is named Thunder. He is somewhat arrogant, but his heart is always in the right place. He has a huge crush on Princess Gwenevere, but hates when she tries to play games with his mind by flirting and teasing him. He has tan skin, brown hair, and brown eyes.

In the first season, the episode Love Struck involves Drake finding the Magic Sword of Garmondale in a tree, and using its power to set up dates with all three of the Jewel Riders - at the same time! Drake has a friendly ongoing competition with Fallon in the field games put on by King Jared. During the final episode, when Gwen sees into her future, her king is seen from behind, and it is believed (because of the long brown hair) that this means Drake and Princess Gwenevere are destined to be together, although it never specifically says.

[edit] Josh

Josh is a very "cool" member of the pack. He's very outgoing and isn't afraid to speak his mind. His wolf's name is Stormrunner. He has dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

[edit] Max

Max is the quietest member of the pack, but he also seems very sweet. His wolf's name is Shadow (but is named Windwalker according to the trading cards). He has pale skin, blonde hair, and brown eyes.

[edit] Enemies

Lady Kale and Morgana
Lady Kale and Morgana

[edit] Lady Kale

Princess Kale, the villain of the show, is the sister of Queen Anya, which makes her Princess Gwenevere's aunt. Angry that her sister received the Sun Stone and became queen instead of her, proud and vain Kale finds an untuned jewel, a reddish purple Dark Stone, and uses it to try to destroy Merlin and take over the throne of Avalon.

Lady Kale has two comical dweasels (dino-weasels), which have the uncanny ability to smell wild magic helping her so that she can find more enchanted jewels, and rides around in a wooden wagon carried through the air by her dragon, Grimm. She has tan skin, black hair, violet eyes, and likes to wear dark colors - especially red.

[edit] Morgana

The second season's main villainess, Morgana is a legendary dark elf evil sorceress. She Merlin's ultimate nemesis and the original creator of the Dark Stone. 1000 years ago she led the wizards in a coup to overthrow Merlin and usurp the magic of Avalon for themselves. Merlin proved too powerful, however, and they were all banished into the Wild Magic - once here, she was unable to return to Avalon without her Dark Stone, drifting as part of the magic itself.

Even when she finally does discover her Dark Stone, it has already re-tuned itself to Kale, leaving Morgana to search for other soures of magic to return to Avalon. Morgana is only able to appear in Avalon via insubstantial projections in order to communicate with Kale, but is still able to use her powers to fight the Jewel Riders. She has dark skin, white hair, and blue eyes.

[edit] Other characters

[edit] Merlin

Merlin is the wise, powerful, and good dwarf wizard who first discovered the Crown Jewels of Avalon and bound them together for good. 1000 years ago, he banished the rest of the wizards into the Wild Magic for attempting to take over Avalon and use its great power for their evil ends. His familiar is the owl Archimedes (better known as Archie) who guides the Jewel Riders in Merlin's absence.

The jewel on his staff was also the key to the Jewel Box that held the seven Crown Jewels. After Kale breaks it in the end of the first season, Merlin is unable to return to Avalon until he is given the One-Jewel Staff by Gwenevere. He is very short, with a long white beard and matching purple hat and robe embroidered with stars.

[edit] Queen Anya

Anya and Jared
Anya and Jared

Gwenevere's mother and Kale's twin sister, Queen Anya is the ruler of Avalon married to King Jared. Her large purple-and-white cat is named Wintermane (it often watches Tamara's baby animals). Anya has a large collection of magical maps, and can often be found in the Jewel Keep (to which only she knows the entrance codes). She has tan skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and likes to wear white and blue.

[edit] King Jared

Jared is Commander-in-Chief of Avalon. He is married to Anya and father to Gwen. He used to be a member of the Pack; his large brown wolf's name is Goliath. They both work to organize field games for Fallon and the Pack. Jared has a medium-length brown beard and long brown hair. He tends to wear blues, browns, and greens.

[edit] Ian the Werewolf

Ian is the werewolf prince of the forest. When Gwenevere first meets him, he is in human form, but the local villagers know him as a blue-furred beast. Under the direction of Kale they attempt to capture him to get the wizard jewel that he's guarding. Morgana later tempts him with the prospect of a permanent human form, which he nearly accepts in the hope of wooing Gwen, but she assures him that she will be his friend no matter what he looks like. Ian returns to aid the Jewel Riders in the second series finale.

[edit] Magic animals

[edit] Good

  • Archie (Archimedes), the owl
  • Cleo, the unicorn
  • Goliath, the wolf
  • Kit, the prism fox
  • Moondance, the unicorn
  • Shadowsong, the zebracorn
  • Spike, the panther
  • Stormrunner, the wolf
  • Sugar, the dragon
  • Sunstar, the winged unicorn
  • Thunderbolt, the wolf
  • Wind, the dragon
  • Windwalker/Shadow, the wolf
  • Wintermane, the tiger

[edit] Evil

  • Grim, the dragon
  • Rufus, the dweasel
  • Twig, the dweasel

[edit] External links

Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders
Jewel Riders: Princess Gwenevere | Tamara | Fallon
Villainesses: Lady Kale | Morgana
Other main characters: Drake | Prince Ian | Merlin | Queen Anya