List of Japanese terms mistaken for gairaigo

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This is a selected list of Japanese words that appear to be foreign borrowings (known as gairaigo in Japanese), but are in fact words with Japanese origins. This confusion can stem from a number of causes. Katakana are typically reserved for words of foreign origin, but are sometimes used for Japanese words of modern or irregular formation. In addition, some Japanese words bear coincidental similarities to words in other languages (known as false cognates).

[edit] Examples

Japanese Romaji Meaning Etymology Notes
ありがとう (有り難う) arigatō thank you combination of aru ("to be" or "to exist") combined with the verb ending gatai (implying the difficulty of performing the preceding verb), modified to gatō sometimes mistaken as being Portuguese in origin, due to its similarity to the Portuguese obrigado, with the same meaning
ばば (婆) or ばばあ baba or babā old woman (the latter having a derogatory sense) regular Japanese word similar to the term baba (meaning "grandmother") in Russian
チャック chakku a zipper, a zip-fastener (UK) 巾着 (kinchaku) (meaning 'a purse' or 'a money pouch')
餓狼 (がろう) garō hungry wolf 餓 (kiga - hungry) + 狼 ( - wolf) similar to a French word that means "werewolf"
ネタ neta Information, evidence reversal of the Japanese tane, meaning seed, cause, origin

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Takashi Ichikawa, et al (1998). Sanseidō New Modern Dictionary (三省堂現代新国語辞典 sanseidōgendaishinkokugojiten?), Tokyo, Japan: Sanseido Co., Ltd. ISBN 4-385-14034-0.