List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 2005

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[edit] U.S. and Canadian Fellows

[edit] A

  • Mark Abley, Writer, Pointe Claire, Québec, Canada: A book about language change.
  • Kim Addonizio, Poet, Oakland, California: Poetry.
  • Anne Aghion, Film Maker, New York City: Film making.
  • Ian Agol, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Chicago: Studies in 3-manifold geometry and topology.
  • Alito Alessi, Choreographer, Eugene, Oregon; Artistic Director, Joint Forces Dance Company/Dance Ability: Choreography.
  • Michael Almereyda, Film Maker, New York City: Film making.
  • Fernando Arenas, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Minnesota: The contemporary cultural production of Portuguese-speaking Africa.
  • Sarah Arvio, Poet, New york City; Free-lance Translator, United Nations, New York City and Geneva, Switzerland: Poetry.

[edit] B

  • Blake Bailey, Writer, Waldo, Florida: A biography of John Cheever.
  • Michael J. Balick, Philecology Curator and Director, Institute of Economic Botany and Vice President for Research and Training, New York Botanical Garden: The ethnobotany of Pohnpei, Micronesia.
  • Leonard Barkan, Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Comparative Literature and Director, Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, Princeton University: The analogy of poetry and painting.
  • Jo Ann Beard, Writer, Rhinebeck, New York: A memoir.
  • John Belton, Professor of English and Film, Rutgers University: Digital cinema.
  • Sadie T. Benning, Video Artist, Chicago: Video.
  • Kent C. Berridge, Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan: The psychology and neurobiology of reward.
  • David Bezmozgis, Writer, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Fiction.
  • M. Gregg Bloche, Professor of Law, Georgetown University; Adjunct Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University: Medicine in the public sphere.
  • Iain A. Boal, Independent Scholar, Berkeley, California: The bicycle in world culture.
  • Chakaia Booker, Artist, New York City: Sculpture.
  • Marianne Boruch, Poet, Lafayette, Indiana; Professor of English, Purdue University: Poetry.
  • Susan Botti, Composer, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Assistant Professor of Music Composition, University of Michigan: Music composition.
  • Gerhard Böwering, Professor of Islamic Studies, Yale University: The formative influence of al-Sulami's commentary on the Qur'an.
  • Julie Bozzi, Artist, Fort Worth, Texas: Painting.
  • Geoffrey Brock, Independent Scholar, Writer, and Translator, Tucson, Arizona: A bilingual anthology of 20th-century Italian poetry.
  • Patricia R. Burchat, Professor of Physics, Stanford University: Dark matter in the universe.
  • David A. Burney, Director of Conservation, National Tropical Botanical Garden, Kalaheo, Hawaii; Professor of Biological Sciences, Fordham University: An ecological history of prehistoric Kaua'i.
  • Paul Spencer Byard, Director, Historic Preservation Program, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation; Partner, Platt Byard Dovell White Architects, New York City: The public interest in old architecture.

[edit] C

[edit] D

[edit] E

  • Mark Edmundson, NEH/Daniels Family Distinguished Teaching Professor, University of Virginia: The death of Sigmund Freud.
  • John Elder, Stewart Professor of English and Environmental Studies, Middlebury College: Forestry, sugarmaking, and the destiny of Vermont.
  • Mark Ellis, Professor of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle: Daily geographics of the color line in American cities.
  • Steven Englund, Writer, Paris, France: A biography of Charles de Gaulle.

[edit] F

  • Sharon Ann Farmer, Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara: Oriental luxuries, Parisian crafts, and the making of Europe's fashion capital.
  • Vincent Fecteau, Artist, San Francisco: Sculpture.
  • Elizabeth A. Fenn, Assistant Professor of History, Duke University: The rise and fall of the Mandan Indians, 1738-1838.
  • Beverly Fishman, Artist, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Artist-in-Residence and Head of Painting, Cranbrook Academy of Art: Painting.
  • John Fleischman, Free-lance Journalist, Cincinnati, Ohio; Science Writer, American Society for Cell Biology: A children's book about genomes.
  • Eckart Förster, Professor of Philosophy, The Johns Hopkins University: The transition from Kant to Hegel.
  • Simone Forti, Choreographer, Los Angeles; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dance, University of California, Los Angeles: Choreography.
  • Linda L. Fowler, Professor of Government and Frank J. Reagan Chair in Policy Studies, Dartmouth College: The decline of institutional competence in U.S. foreign affairs.
  • Alison Frazier, Associate Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin: The creation and reception of Bonino Mombrizio's Sanctuarium.
  • Don Freund, Composer, Bloomington, Indiana; Professor of Music Composition, Indiana University: Music composition.

[edit] G

[edit] H

  • Yotam Haber, Composer, New York City: Music composition.
  • Brooks Hansen, Writer, New York City: Fiction.
  • Paul L. Harris, Professor of Education, Harvard University: The development of trust and doubt.
  • Richard Harris, Professor of Urban Historical Geography and Urban History, McMaster University: The commercialization of owner-building in North America and Australia, 1945-1960.
  • Adam Haslett, Writer, New York City: Fiction.
  • Marc D. Hauser, Professor of Psychology, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, and Biological Anthropology, Harvard University: Evolution of a moral instinct.
  • Jake Heggie, Composer, San Francisco; President, Bent Pen Music, San Francisco: Music composition.
  • Maria Heim, Assistant Professor of Religion, Amherst College: Buddhist theories of intention.
  • Ian Hodder, Dunlevie Family Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology, Stanford University: The emergence of settled villages in Anatolia and the Middle East.
  • Dorothy L. Hodgson, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director, Anthropology Graduate Program, Rutgers University: Transnational advocacy and the concept of "indigenous" among Maasai in Tanzania.
  • Mamie Holst, Artist, Fort Meyers, Florida: Painting.
  • Eric Hongisto, Artist, Bozeman, Montana; Assistant Professor of Art, Montana State University: Installation art.
  • Fanny Howe, Poet and Writer, West Tisbury, Massachusetts; Richard L. Thomas Visiting Professor of Creative Writing, Kenyon College; Professor Emerita of English, University of California, San Diego: Essays on the relationship between conversion and rhetoric.
  • John Huehnergard, Professor of Semitic Philology, Harvard University: A historical grammar of biblical Hebrew.

[edit] I

  • Judith T. Irvine, Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan: Ideologies of language in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Pico Iyer, Writer, Santa Barbara, California: Reflections on the fourteenth Dalai Lama.

[edit] J

  • Matthew O. Jackson, Edie and Lew Wasserman Professor of Economics, California Institute of Technology: Studies in social and economic networks.
  • Alexander Jones, Professor of Classics and History, and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto: Ptolemy's sciences.

[edit] K

  • Sabre Kais, Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University: Studies in finite-size scaling theory.
  • Woowon Kang, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Chicago: Studies in the physics of correlated electrons.
  • Theresa M. Kelley, Marjorie and Lorin Tiefenthaler Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison: Botany and Romantic culture.
  • Yannis G. Kevrekidis, Professor of Chemical Engineering and the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University: Equation-free studies of complex systems.
  • Adeeb Khalid, Associate Professor of History, Carleton College: The making of Soviet central Asia, 1917-1929.
  • Victoria Kirkham, Professor of Romance Languages, University of Pennsylvania: The marriage of Laura Battiferra and Bartolomeo Ammannati.
  • Claudia Koonz, Professor of History, Duke University: Ethnic panic and the headscarf controversies in Europe, 1945-2004.
  • Lisa Kron, Playwright and Actor, New York City: Play writing.
  • Arnold Krupat, Professor of Literature and Global Studies, Sarah Lawrence College: Studies in Native American literatures.

[edit] L

  • Christopher Lane, Professor of English, Northwestern University: The ethics of psychopharmacology.
  • Maud K. Lavin, Associate Professor of Visual and Critical Studies and Art History, Theory, and Criticism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Representations of women's lust and aggression in contemporary American visual culture.
  • Jin Lee, Photographer, Chicago; Associate Professor of Art, Illinois State University: Photography.
  • Sze Tsung Leong, Photographer, New York City: Photography.
  • C. Stanley Lewis, Artist, Leeds, Massachusetts; Instructor in Painting, New York Studio School and Chautauqua School of Painting, New York: Painting.
  • Guohua Li, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Health Policy and Management, The Johns Hopkins University: Aging and injury.
  • Bill Lichtenstein, Film Maker, Lexington, Massachusetts; President, Lichtenstein Creative Music, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Film making.
  • Jonathan B. Losos, Professor of Biology and Director, Tyson Research Center, Washington University in St. Louis: Adaptive radiation in anolis lizards.
  • John A. Lucy, William Benton Professor in Comparative Human Development, Psychology, and the College, University of Chicago: The impact of language differences on intellectual development.
  • Tryna Lyons, Assistant Professor of Art and Design, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Visiting Scholar, University of Washington, Seattle: The clay festival-image tradition in eastern India.

[edit] M

[edit] N

  • Anne Nelson, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University: German resistance activity in Berlin, 1933-1942.
  • Philip Nord, Professor of History, Princeton University: Institutional and cultural reform in the modern French state, 1930-1950.
  • Lynn Nottage, Playwright, Brooklyn, New York; Visiting Lecturer in Play Writing, Yale University: Play writing.

[edit] O

  • Dale A. Olsen, Distinguished Research Professor of Ethnomusicology, Florida State University: Popular music, memory politics, and willed amnesia in Vietnam.
  • William Olsen, Poet, Kalamazoo, Michigan; Professor of Creative Writing, Western Michigan University: Poetry.
  • Han Ong, Writer, New York City: Fiction.
  • Christine Osinski, Photographer, Ridgefield, Connecticut; Professor of Art, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art: Photography.
  • Susan Ossman, Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, Rice University: Arab serial migrants in a global world.
  • Jonathan T. Overpeck, Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth and Professor of Geosciences, University of Arizona: Paleoclimatic perspectives for society and the future.

[edit] P

  • Carl O. Pabo, Visiting Professor of Structural Biology and Psychology, Stanford University: Theories of thought.
  • ZZ Packer, Writer, Pacifica, California; Senior Visiting Professor of Creative Writing, California College of the Arts: Fiction.
  • Jeffrey D. Palmer, Distinguished Professor of Biology, Indiana University: Studies in horizontal and intracellular gene transfer.
  • Susan Pedersen, Professor of History, Columbia University: The impact of the League of Nations on colonial governance.
  • Janice E. Perlman, Visiting Fellow in Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University; Visiting Scholar, World Bank, Washington, DC: The urban poor and the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, 1968-2004.
  • John Abel Pinto, Howard Crosby Butler Memorial Professor of the History of Architecture, Princeton University: Architecture and urbanism in Rome, 1680-1780.
  • Gerald J. Postema, Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: The discipline of public reason.
  • Drazen Prelec, Digital Equipment Corporation LFM Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management: Truthfulness and truth in subjective data.
  • Jennifer Price, Writer, Venice, California: A field guide to Los Angeles.
  • Trevor Price, Professor of Biology, University of Chicago: Speciation in birds.
  • Sally M. Promey, Professor of Art History, University of Maryland, College Park: The public display of religion in the United States.

[edit] R

  • Donald J. Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Soviet baby boomers.
  • Spencer Reece, Poet, Juno Beach, Florida: Poetry.
  • Lynne Regan, Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and Professor of Chemistry, Yale University: Studies of novel anti-cancer reagents.
  • Elaine Reichek, Artist, New York City: Conceptual art.
  • Bruce L. Rhoads, Professor of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Fluvial dynamics of river confluences.
  • Ruth Rogaski, Associate Professor of History, Vanderbilt University: Nature, science, and empire in Manchuria, 1700-2000.
  • Louis Rosen, Composer, Brooklyn, New York; Distinguished Lecturer in Music Theory, History, and Appreciation Studies, 92nd Street YM-YWHA School of Music, New York City: Music composition.

[edit] S

[edit] T

  • Kimi Takesue, Film Maker, New York City: Film making.
  • Diana Taylor, Professor of Performance Studies and Spanish, New York University: Political spectatorship in the Americas.
  • Diana Thater, Artist, Los Angeles; Professor, Graduate Studies in Fine Art, Art Center College of Design: Installation art.
  • Margaret A. Tolbert, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder: Studies of clouds on early Earth.
  • John C. Tully, Arthur T. Kemp Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University: Chemical dynamics at metal surfaces.
  • Peter Turchi, Writer, Asheville, North Carolina; Director, MFA Program for Writers, Warren Wilson College: Writing as a way of seeing.

[edit] V

[edit] W

  • Meenakshi Wadhwa, Curator of Meteoritics, Field Museum, Chicago: Analysis of solar wind returned by the Genesis spacecraft.
  • Andrew Waggoner, Composer and Musician, New York City; Composer-in-Residence and Associate Professor, Setnor School of Music, Syracuse University: Music composition.
  • Eugene Y. Wang, Gardner Cowles Associate Professor of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University: Ninth-century Chinese mandalas and reliquaries from the underground.
  • Lai-Sheng Wang, Professor of Physics, Washington State University: Studies in atomic clusters and multiply charged anions.
  • Bruce Western, Professor of Sociology, Princeton University: The growth and consequences of American inequality.
  • Martin J. Wiener, Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of History, Rice University: Violence, race, and authority in the British Empire.
  • Christopher Williams, Artist, Los Angeles; Adjunct Professor, Graduate Studies in Fine Art, Art Center College of Design: Installation art.
  • Deborah Willis, Professor of Photography and Imaging and of Africana Studies, New York University: A cultural history of photographs of African-American women, 1900-1930.
  • Mark Wingate, Composer, Tallahassee, Florida; Assistant Professor of Composition and Director of Electroacoustic Music, Florida State University: Music composition.
  • William Wylie, Photographer, Charlottesville. Virginia; Assistant Professor of Art, University of Virginia: Photography.

[edit] X

  • J. M. (Jimmy) Xu, Kravis University Professor of Engineering and Physics, Brown University: The feasibility and mechanisms of all-silicon lasers.

[edit] Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

[edit] External links