List of Green Lanterns

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The Green Lantern Corps has 7200 members, two per sector (previously 3600, one per sector). While three characters - Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, and Kyle Rayner - are primarily associated with the name, a number of other members of the Corps have appeared in DC's comics

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Eponymous Green Lanterns

These three characters are most closely associated with the "Green Lantern" name, and are the titular characters of the Green Lantern comics.

[edit] Alan Scott, the Golden Age Green Lantern

Main article: Alan Scott

The first Green Lantern to appear in comic books is not a member of the Green Lantern Corps, but instead the inheritor of a mystic power (later established to be the Starheart, a sentient concentration of magical energy). Alan Scott, a civil engineer, discovers a mysterious, magical train lantern, and, with instructions from a voice emanating from the stone, forges part of its metal into a green ring. This ring gives him a variety of different powers, and Scott adopts a costume and the name of Green Lantern. As Green Lantern, he fights crime, and helps found the Justice Society of America. Scott still appears in DC comics as Green Lantern, after retaken the name after a brief period of using the name Sentinel.

[edit] Hal Jordan, the Silver Age Green Lantern

Main article: Hal Jordan

The second Green Lantern is Harold 'Hal' Jordan, who in 1959 is a second-generation test pilot (following in the footsteps of his father, Martin Jordan) who is given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur. When Abin Sur's spaceship crashes on Earth, the alien uses his ring to seek out an individual to take his place as Green Lantern: someone who is "utterly honest and born without fear." Hal is a founding member of the Justice League of America.

Hal Jordan later destroys the Green Lantern Corps and Guardians of the Universe (save for Ganthet) and adopts the name Parallax. He is defeated by a gathering of heroes (in the Zero Hour miniseries), and later sacrifices himself to reignite Earth's sun (in the Final Night storyline). His soul becomes a guide for the Spectre, but he is later revived by Ganthet when (in a retcon) it is discovered that Jordan's actions as Parallax were caused by his possession by a fear elemental (also known as Parallax). Hal Jordan has returned to his role as Green Lantern, and is operating in the rebuilt Coast City.

[edit] Kyle Rayner, Modern Age Green Lantern

Main article: Kyle Rayner

Kyle Rayner is a struggling freelance artist when he is approached by the last Guardian of the Universe, Ganthet, to become a new Green Lantern with the last power ring. For a period of time, Kyle Rayner is the only Green Lantern, but (after turning into a godlike being known as Ion) he reestablishes the Green Lantern Corps and revives the Guardians of the Universe. He returns to his mortal form and reclaims the Green Lantern name afterward, but, after the death of his former girlfriend Jade, he once again transforms into Ion.

[edit] Other Green Lanterns of Earth

With the exception of Yalan Gur, these other characters have served as Earth's Green Lantern and protector. While they are generally not referred to as "Green Lantern" unless Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, or Kyle Rayner isn't serving on Earth at the moment (due to name change, incapacitation, or death), they do serve as supporting characters in a continuing fashion in Green Lantern comics.

[edit] John Stewart

Main article: John Stewart (comics)

John Stewart (Earth's Green Lantern III) is an architect who is Hal Jordan's backup after Gardner was seriously injured, and serves with the JLA on occasion. After Jordan gives up being Green Lantern in the 1980s, the Guardians call Stewart to full time duty as the sector's main Lantern. Stewart fills that role for some years, during which time he marries Katma Tui, the Green Lantern of the planet Korugar. After Tui's murder, Stewart becomes the administrator of the "Mosaic World", a patchwork of communities from multiple planets that had been brought to Oa by an insane Guardian. From this position, Stewart eventually ascends to Guardianhood, which he later relinquishes. During the collapse of the Corps he is a member of the Darkstars. After a brief period of paraplegia, he becomes Green Lantern once again and was a member of the latest incarnation of the JLA, before it disbanded during the events of Infinite Crisis. Following the restoration of the Corps, John shares the duty of protecting Earth's sector with Hal Jordan.

[edit] Guy Gardner

Main article: Guy Gardner (comics)

Guy Gardner (Earth's Green Lantern IV) is a former school teacher whom Abin Sur's ring selected as an alternative to Hal Jordan, but Jordan was closer so Sur chose him instead. Gardner later suffered brain damage, and was unbalanced when he recovered enough to function. He was awarded a ring by a rogue faction of Guardians during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

After losing a 1-on-1 fight with Hal Jordan, to see who would be the Green Lantern of the Earth Sector (2814), Gardner was forced to abandon his Green Lantern Ring. Guy acquired the yellow power ring of Sinestro and his own comic series began with him using that ring. The yellow ring did not use a battery to recharge but actually needed to be used against Green Lanterns to restore power. Gardner found this out by accident when a member of the GLC fought him while he had absolutely no power.

As the yellow ring of Sinestro spoke Sinestro's native language, Guy was entirely unable to communicate with the ring, although it seemed to understand him to a degree. He served in Maxwell Lord's JLI until all Green Lantern rings lost their power when Parallax destroyed Oa. Finding himself powerless, he went on a quest for a mythical source of power deep in the jungle. This power source activated dormant extraterrestrial DNA in him, providing him with the ability to morph his body into various different forms -- mainly in the form of weapons. He then adopted the identity of Warrior.

Gardner has since been purged of his extraterrestrial DNA and is currently a Green Lantern once more, having risen to the rank of Honor Guard Lantern #1, now outranking all sector Lanterns and acting as a troubleshooter and advisor.

[edit] Jade

Main article: Jade (comics)

Jennie-Lynn Hayden, known also as Jade, is Alan Scott's daughter, and was born with innate Green Lantern-like powers. After she (temporarily) loses these innate powers, Kyle Rayner briefly bestows upon her a power ring and the title of Earth's Green Lantern. After becoming Ion, Kyle restores her inherent powers, which she had until her death during Infinite Crisis.

[edit] Rond Vidar

Main article: Rond Vidar

Rond was the son of Legion foe Universo. Sent to live with a family on Earth, Rond proved to be a genius at temporal theory, and won a prize at an early age for his invention of the Time Cube, a device which can transport its contents in time. The Time Cube later proved indispensable to the Legion, who used it to stop Rond's father, Universo, from taking over the world.

Rond continued his research, collaborating on many experiments with Legionnaire Brainiac 5. While instrumental in many temporal advances, including the creation of the Time Beacon, allowing for safe travel through time, Rond's experiments took a disastrous turn when they threw Professor Jaxon Rugarth into a time loop, turning him into the Infinite Man.

At some point in Rond's career, the Guardians of the Universe recruited him to be a covert member of the Green Lantern Corps, since Green Lanterns were banned on Earth at the time of the 30th century. Rond kept this a secret, not even telling his friends in the Legion.

[edit] Yalan Gur

Yalan Gur is a Green Lantern introduced (in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #19) as part of an effort to reconcile the Golden Age Green Lantern's origin with the later introduction of the Green Lantern Corps. He is a red-scaled, reptilian humanoid, assigned to sector 2814 (Earth's sector) in the 10th Century AD.

While Alan Scott, along with the rest of the Justice Society of America, is trapped in Limbo, his mystic lantern sends a projection to Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and John Stewart (the Green Lanterns of Earth at the time). After tracing the projection to Scott's home, the lantern tells the story of its origin (effectively retconning the origin of Alan Scott's power.)

In the lantern's story, Yalan Gur was once one of the greatest of the Green Lantern Corps, and, in the 10th Century AD by Earth reckoning, the Guardians of the Universe chose to remove the customary weakness to the color yellow from his power ring. Without this limitation, however, he was corrupted by his power, and he came to Earth and enslaved the people of China. The Guardians of the Universe thwarted Yalan by adding a new weakness to wood to his ring, which allowed the club-wielding villagers to overwhelm their oppressor and mortally wound him. The dying Yalan Gur fled into Earth's upper atmosphere, where he merged with his lantern-shaped power battery as he died. (His lantern then collided with a fragment of the Starheart and was merged with its magical essence, turning the Green Flame that becomes the source of Alan Scott's power.)

[edit] Jong Li

Jong Li is a Green Lantern introduced in (Green Lantern, Dragon Lord), a limited series created by DC in 2001, written by Doug Moench and drawn by Paul Gulacy and Josef Rubinstein. He is actually Earth's first Green Lantern, and was a monk raised in the Temple of the Dragon Lords in China.

When Jong Li was growing up, he was taught of the Dragon Lords, beings who ruled in the "Golden Age" of man, and that under these lords, man prospered. He was taught to renounce all earthly possessions and to live a life of peace and discipline, but then one day a concubine named Jade Moon came to him in his temple, begging for help in trying to escape her bonds. Jong Li tried to help her but failed, and his temple and fellow monks were ravaged by the emperor's troops and their commander.

Jong Li later encountered a Guardian who gave him a power ring and a lantern to "Oppose Evil, Ease Suffering and Protect the Innocent." Jong Li later rescued Jade and learned of Lung Mountain, where the last Dragon Lords supposedly lived. He set out to seek their higher authority and with their Blessing of Fire became the last Dragon Lord of the Earth, finally defeating the evil emperor's forces and saving his people.

[edit] Abin Sur

Main article: Abin Sur

Abin Sur was a Green Lantern assigned Sector 2814 (Earth's sector, by the Green Lantern Corps's reckoning). His ship crash-landed on Earth and passed his ring on to Hal Jordan as he laid dying.

[edit] Alien Green Lanterns

While they are rarely the star of any of the Green Lantern comics nor often referred to as "Green Lantern," a number of alien members of the Green Lantern Corps have appeared in DC's various comics.

[edit] Asi-Pak-Glif

Asi-Pak-Glif is one of several Green Lanterns appearing in the "A Lantern Against The Dark: A Forgotten Tale of the Green Lantern Corps" story, from Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3.

He is a stony, vaguely-humanoid Green Lantern from the shattered world of Perressen. He is recruited into the Green Lantern Corps by B'Shi, as part of preparations for a Green Lantern Corps invasion of Apokolips. He participates in this invasion, and, while it fails, he secretly provides the hostage Raker Qarrigat with a power ring and corresponding battery, allowing Qarrigat to fight a continuing guerrilla war against Darkseid's rule.

[edit] B'Shi

B'Shi as she appears in Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3.
B'Shi as she appears in Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3.

B'Shi is one of several Green Lanterns appearing in the "A Lantern Against The Dark: A Forgotten Tale of the Green Lantern Corps" story, from Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3.

She is a monkey-like Green Lantern from the jungle world of Suirpalam, who is recruited into the Green Lantern Corps by Raker Qarrigat (and in turn recruits Ash-Pak-Glif) as part of preparations for a Green Lantern Corps invasion of Apokolips. She participates in this invasion, and is killed along with hundred of other Green Lanterns when it quickly turns into a debacle.

[edit] Ch'p

Main article: Ch'p

Ch'p of the planet H'lven is an anthropomorphic rodent-like creature who was appointed to the Corps to defend his homeworld from an invasion by the evil Crabster army. He serves with the Corps on Earth and on Oa, but is tragically killed when a yellow truck runs him over.

[edit] G'nort

G'nort, created by Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis, is an incompetent member of the Green Lantern Corps, incapable of accomplishing superheroic or even ordinary tasks. In this role, he is occasionally a member of incompetent superhero teams (such as the Justice League Antarctica and the Super Buddies), and often serves as comic relief the various incarnations of the Justice League comics. Despite his incompetence and lack of intelligence, G'nort does his best to be brave, loyal, and honorable, a fact that has been noted by both Superman and the (fictional) mayor of New York City.

G'nort on the cover of Green Lantern #12
G'nort on the cover of Green Lantern #12

G'nort (along with his uncle G'newman) initially receives his power ring from Poglachians, while they are posing as the Guardians of the Universe while the real Guardians were with the Zamarons. This is part of a Paglachian/Weaponeers of Qward plot to arm incompetents with Green Lantern power rings; the Paglachians want to cause amusing chaos, while the Weaponeers want to discredit the Green Lantern Corps. Despite the initial origin of his ring, after the plot is uncovered, Guy Gardner, against his better judgment, nominates G'nort for genuine Corps membership. (This story, both the origin story and the foiling of the Paglachian/Qwardian plot, is told in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #9-13.)

G'nort generally appears as comic relief, either pestering the Justice League to let him join (or at least help with the latest threat to Earth) or battling wholly unintimidating "threats" to peace and order. In one effort to help the Justice League (in Justice League of America #36), he encounters what would become his arch-enemy, the (equally incompetent) Scarlet Skier, a parody of Marvel's Silver Surfer. He later befriends the Scarlet Skier (in Justice League International Vol. 1 #3) and even brings the Scarlet Skier along when Maxwell Lord founds the Justice League Antarctica in an effort to get both G'nort and the unwillingly-heroic Injustice League out of his way (in Justice League International Annual #4). There G'Nort actually does save lives.

He also appears in Green Lantern group scenes, including, after the events of Emerald Twilight, joining many other former Green Lanterns in joining the Darkstars. He also occasionally appears as a solo character, battling his arch-enemy, the Scarlet Skier, or being (unsuccessfully) ransomed off by Manga Khan to Maxwell Lord in exchange for L-Ron. G'nort was last seen as the sole member of Super Buddies Antarctica.

G'Nort's look over the years has slowly become more and more canine.

[edit] Jack T. Chance

Jack T. Chance as he appears in Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1.
Jack T. Chance as he appears in Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1.

Jack T. Chance is an unusual member of the Green Lantern Corps, one of several Green Lanterns to be introduced in the Green Lanterns Corps Quarterly comic series. He was created by John Ostrander and Flint Henry.

In Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1, the Green Lantern Pavathim Seth-Ottarak travels to the planet Garnet (known as "Hellhole" to its inhabitants), seeking to quell the lawlessness rampant there. Shortly after arriving, however, he is killed by Trosk, a self-titled "anti-lawman" and infamous murderer. As his last act, Pavathim sends his ring to find a suitable replacement, and the ring chooses Jack T. Chance. Jack accepts his new role as Green Lantern, and confronts Trosk, out to succeed where his predecessor failed. Trosk's custom golden bullets, paired with his unwillingness to stop fighting while still alive, prove to be too much for Chance, who resorts to shooting and killing Trosk.

Chance is recalled to Oa for punishment for killing another sentient, but, due to the lack of suitable alternative candidates to serve as Garnet's Green Lantern, Chance and the Guardians broker a deal whereby he able to stay with the Corps, but his ring works only on Garnet. Thereafter, he serves as Garnet's resident Green Lantern.

After this first appearance, Chance enters the roster of incidental and cameo Green Lanterns. In Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #8, he battles and is dismembered (but not killed) by Lobo, and, in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #48 (part of the "Emerald Twilight" storyline), he is one of several Green Lanterns who assemble to stop Hal Jordan reaching Oa and draining the Main Battery of the Green Lantern Corps. As with the other Green Lanterns, Jordan takes his ring and leaves Chance for dead. Recently this character was featured in Green Lantern Vol. 4 #11 (2006).

[edit] Katma Tui

Main article: Katma Tui

Katma Tui leads the Korugarian rebellion against Sinestro, and takes over as Korugar's Green Lantern after the Guardians arrest Sinestro. She eventually marries John Stewart but is later murdered by Star Sapphire.

[edit] Ke'Haan

Ke'Haan is introduced in Green Lantern Vol. 3 #49. He is referred to as "Ke'Haan of Varva", and has red skin and horns. In this issue, he is one of several Green Lanterns attempting to defend Oa from Hal Jordan, but, like the others, he is defeated and left for dead by Jordan. In Green Lantern Vol. IV #3, he appears as one of several ex-Green Lanterns taken captive by the Manhunters.

[edit] Kilowog

Main article: Kilowog

Kilowog of Bolovax Vik (Sector 647) is an alien who recruits and trains new members of the Green Lantern Corps. His most illustrious student is Hal Jordan. When Jordan was possessed by Parallax, Kilowog was one of the last Green Lanterns to try stop Jordan from destroying the central battery. He was killed by Jordan, but his spirit was summoned by a group of ex-Green Lanterns bent on avenging the destruction of the Corps at a Parallax-possessed Jordan's hands. He was subsequently restored to life by Kyle Rayner.

[edit] Medphyll

Medphyll is the Green Lantern from J596, where plants are the dominant life form. He served as a member of the Darkstars, and afterwards encountered Jack Knight and joined Prince Gavyn's rebellion to reclaim his throne. He betrayed the rebels, and was killed by Jack Knight in Starman #60.

[edit] Mogo

Main article: Mogo

Mogo is not only a Green Lantern, but is also an entire planet. Most notably featured in the Alan Moore story "Mogo Doesn't Socialize" from Green Lantern v2, #188. Mogo itself is powered by Green Lantern energy and has control over its own surface and natural defenses. Mogo is also the site of the DC/Dark Horse Comics crossover limited series Green Lantern Versus Aliens - the Green Lantern Corps (during Jordan's first era as GL) encounters the predatory creatures, and decide that Mogo was the best chance for containment. Mogo assisted in the defeat of Superboy-Prime, entering orbit around the red sun Rao in order to act as a battleground for the depowered Supermen. Currently, Mogo acts as a training and recreation facility for the Green Lantern Corps.

[edit] Rot Lop Fan

Rot Lop Fan as he appears in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3.
Rot Lop Fan as he appears in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3.

Rot Lop Fan is one of several unorthodox members of the Green Lantern Corps created by Alan Moore in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 (1987). After his introduction, he later occasionally appears in Green Lantern Corps group scenes.

In the Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 story "In the Blackest Night", Katma Tui is sent by the Guardians of the Universe to a lightless region of space known as the Obsidian Deeps, in order to recruit a new Green Lantern to protect that region of space. Despite the absolute darkness of the Deeps, Katma's power ring led her unerringly to a completely fearless and honest resident of the Deeps: Rot Lop Fan. Unfortunately, when she offered him a power ring, she couldn't explain to him how the ring works (by projecting beams of light, controlled by the wearer's willpower and imagination), because Rot Lop Fan has no experience with or understanding of light, having no sense of sight. To further confuse the situation Rot Lop Fan's species has no words for colors and references to light as all.

After some consideration, Katma reshapes the power ring from a lantern into a bell, and describes the Green Lanterns as the F-Sharp Bell Corps and the ring's powers in terms of sound instead of light. Having solved this dilemma, Katma leaves Rot Lop Fan to protect his people.

Rot Lop Fan later appears in several group scenes, including in the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline (Green Lantern Corps #219) when the Guardians of the Universe depart this plane of existence with the Zamarons, at the trial of Sinestro (Green Lantern Corps #223-#224) and in a group of ex-Green Lanterns freed from slavers by Warrior (Guy Gardner: Warrior #35).

[edit] Salakk

Main article: Salakk

Salakk is the Green Lantern of Sector 1418 and a native of the planet Slyggia. A Green Lantern since before Hal Jordan's assumption of the role, his familiarity with protocol and experience in the field led the Guardians of the Universe to select him to be both the Keeper of the Book of Oa and the Guardians' administrative liaison to the rest of the Corps.

[edit] Sinestro

Main article: Sinestro

Sinestro is a long-time foe of Hal Jordan and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps. He was once the Green Lantern from the planet Korugar (in Sector 1417); however, he believed that the best way to maintain order on Korugar was by using his ring to become the planet's dictator. The Guardians of the Universe convict him of criminal actions and banish him to the antimatter universe of Qward, where he is given a yellow power ring, and returns to our universe to become Hal Jordan's greatest enemy. He is apparently killed in action, helping defend the central power battery on Oa from the seemingly insane Jordan. However, he is recently seen during Green Lantern: Rebirth, where he revealed that he had somehow faked his death as part of a ploy to make Hal Jordan vulnerable to possession by Parallax. In a battle against Jordan, he flees to the Anti-Matter Universe.

[edit] Sodam Yat

Sodam Yat is a prophesied future member of the Green Lantern Corps, created by Alan Moore and appearing only in "Tygers", a story in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2. He is mentioned in passing to Abin Sur by a demon named Qull of the Five Inversions, who had been imprisoned on the planet Ysmault by the Guardians of the Universe. As a Daxamite (a race with inherent Superman-like powers) with a power ring, he would be nearly unstoppable. Despite this, in Qull's prophecy, he is still defeated as part of the final destruction of the Green Lantern Corps.

He is also mentioned in the proposal Alan Moore wrote for his series "Twilight of the Superheroes", which was never published. In the proposal that was leaked onto the internet, the Daxamite Green Lantern is named "Sodol Yat" and is also referred to as "The Ultimate Green Lantern". In that story, Sodol Yat is the last Green Lantern to confront Superman, who has just killed many Green Lanterns, Thanagarians and the Martian Manhunter. Sodol Yat then kills Superman.

[edit] Xax

Xax of Xaos is a grasshopper-like alien from a planet ruled by insects. He first appeared in Green Lantern v2, #9 and became one of Hal Jordan's good friends in the Corps. He was slain during a battle on the moon of Qward during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

[edit] Others

[edit] Miscellaneous Green Lanterns

"Teen Lanterns"

Although not 'official' members of the Green Lantern Corps, four teenagers--Frankie (M), Kelly (F), Jaclyn (F) and Samosa (M)--are given simplified Green Lantern rings by John Stewart after their homes are abducted to Oa by the Mad Guardian in Green Lantern (Volume 3, 1992) and Moasic (Volume 1, 1992-1993).

Able to create simple objects and empower flight, these rings enabled the young heroes to explore Oa in the hopes that their youthful ways of looking at the Moasic (and the other beings trapped there) would help ease relations between the Earthlings and other races.

Having a moderate degree of success, the four helped where they could until the Moasic was torn apart when dozens of space fleets appeared over Oa, each planet determined to bring their people home.

Presumably the four are back on Earth readjustng to a 'normal' life. At this time, it is unknown how the destruction of the Central Power Battery (GL V3 #50) and subsequent reconstruction by Ion/Kyle Rayner effected the teenagers' rings. It is possible they still exist and can be recharged if given access to a Lantern.

Duck Dodgers as Green Lantern, from "The Green Loontern" (episode #9 of Duck Dodgers).
Duck Dodgers as Green Lantern, from "The Green Loontern" (episode #9 of Duck Dodgers).

[edit] Kid Lantern

Issue 3 of the miniseries Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave And The Bold has Flash, Kid Flash and Green Lantern in pursuit of Mirror Master and Black Hand. In an attempt to steal Flash's speed, it is Kid Flash who loses his powers. To help out, Green Lantern creates a temporary Power Ring for Wally to use, dubbing him Kid Lantern. Wally's costume is identical to Hal's, with the head piece resembling his Kid Flash uniform.

[edit] Daffy Duck/Duck Dodgers

In episode #9 ("The Green Loontern") of the 2003 Duck Dodgers animated series, Duck Dodgers claims his laundry at the dry-cleaners, but mistakenly takes a Green Lantern uniform instead of his usual outfit.

After discovering that with the aid of his power ring he can fly, he has a few mishaps involving flight (most notably the attempted murder of a dog while trying to romance a girl in a Romeo and Juliet spoof), before he is summoned to Oa: in a memorable scene, he zooms uncontrollably through outer space, dragged by the power of his ring.

The entire Green Lantern Corps is kidnapped by Sinestro; as a last resort, Duck Dodgers is dispatched by the Guardians to save the Corps. Through various flukes, he manages to do so, before Hal Jordan returns (dressed in Dodgers' normal spacesuit) to demand the return of his ring and uniform.

While asked by Kilowog to recite the Green Lantern power oath at the Corps Central Battery, a flustered Dodgers gabbles a random rhyme in desperation:

In blackest day or brightest night
Watermelon, cantaloupe, yadda-e-yadda
Erm...superstitious and cowardly lot
With liberty and justice for all!

This episode made use of discarded character concepts for a proposed Green Lantern Corps animated series. The series would have focused on the adventures of Kyle Rayner with a slightly comical version of the Corps. The episode included the first animated versions of Guy Gardner, Ch'p, and Boodika.

[edit] Iron Lantern and Green Guardsman

Main articles: Iron Lantern and Green Guardsman

Iron Lantern and Green Guardsman, introduced in Iron Lantern #1, are Green Lantern-based characters created as part of the DC Comics/Marvel Comics "Amalgam Comics" crossover series. Iron Lantern is a combination of Iron Man and Hal Jordan, while Green Guardsman is composed of Kyle Rayner and the Guardsman. Another character, Stewart Rhodes, is based on John Stewart and Jim Rhodes, but does not take on a superhero identity in the book. Oa the Living Planet (Oa crossed with Ego the Living Planet) and deceased Green Lantern Rhomann Sur (Abin Sur combined with Rhomann Dey from Marvel's Nova comics) also appear in the book.

A different Green Guardsman was featured on the Justice League animated series' season one two-part episode Legends as a homage to the original Alan Scott. He appeared as a Justice Guild of America member on an alternate Earth that was devastated by nuclear war, but reconstructed as a vast mental illusion by a psychic, Ray Thompson. This was a reference to the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths crossovers between DC Comics' Multiverse (which began in Sep. 1961 "Flash of Two Worlds"). To mirror the Golden Age Green Lantern ring's vulnerability to wood, the Green Guardsman's ring had no power over aluminum. He represented the Golden Age mentality of comics, accidentally making a racist gaffe when he told the African-American Green Lantern John Stewart "you're a credit to your people"; however, the Green Guardsman proved to be a loyal superhero of a bygone era, and willingly sacrificed himself to defend the Earth he protected.

[edit] Human Lantern

Another Amalgam Comics superhero, Human Lantern, appeared as a member of the All-Star Winners Squadron during the Golden Age of comics. His Green Lantern roots originate from Alan Scott, while his powers are originated from Jim Hammond, the first Human Torch (Golden Age) of Timely Comics, later Marvel Comics.

[edit] Jade Nova

An agent of Dr. Strangefate, Jade Nova was an Amalgam Comics character based on Kyle Rayner, Jade, and Frankie Raye/Nova version of Nova. She constantly used her power ring as a cigarette lighter, and was deployed to capture Access (comics).

[edit] Current Green Lanterns by Sector

Since the second reorganization of the Corps, there have been two Lanterns to each sector. The status of many of the incumbent Lanterns is unknown following the numerous crises that arose in DC continuity in the 1990s, and as such numerous "known" Lanterns and/or sectors have been omitted for canonical reasons.

112 Laira
1014 B'dg (formerly Ch'p)
1417 Soranik Natu
2261 Mogo
2813 Tomar-Tu
2814 Hal Jordan and John Stewart
2815 Arisia
2682 Vath Sarn and Isamot Kol

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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