List of Go software

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Much computer software exists relating to the game of Go. Go engines provide a computer opponent. Go clients allow you to connect to servers to play other opponents over the internet. Study aids are for personal training in Go problems and playing through professional games in SGF. Other utilities exist for mobile play, solving problems, printing diagrams, and running tournaments.


[edit] Go software

[edit] Go engines

  • Aya, free and strong Go-playing program, ~10-12 Kyu
  • GNU Go, free (in both senses) Go-playing engine, 8-9 Kyu
  • Igowin is a free 9x9 version of David Fotland's The Many Faces of Go
  • GoTools, free (but a password will be required) Java applet for solving life-and-death problems (Tsumego), of professional level.
  • Moyoman is an open-source Go playing program written in Java.
  • The Many Faces of Go, very strong engine, 5-7 Kyu, multiple World and US Computer Go Champion, with study aids and a built in Go Client.
  • Dariush Software that plays Go, can help you to learn Joseki, to play on IGS...
  • Dariush3D 3D Software that plays Go and AtariGo, with animations (very good for children).

[edit] Go clients

  • GoGui, SGF editor and client for GNU Go (you can play standalone) in Java.
  • gGo, SGF editor and client for IGS, in Java; and native variants, qGo (GPL) and glGo (has a 3D display)
  • CGoban1, Go client (Linux, etc)
  • CGoban3, Go client for KGS in Java. Also functions as an SGF editor.
  • Goban, standalone (against GNU Go) and Internet Go client for Mac OS X
  • HandyGo, J2ME Go client that runs on java-enabled cellphones and PDAs.
  • Orneta Go, Windows Mobile Go client for Smartphone and Pocket PC.
  • TanGo, Client for Windows. Written in Visual Basic. Open source. Also contains an SGF viewer, GNU Go player and NNGS Server.
  • GO.FEUP, GO.FEUP 3D Go Game (free Windows 3D Opengl Game with HumanVsCPU and CPUvsCPU features, now in French too).
  • WinIGC, a Windows-based shareware client for IGS.
  • MobileGo, an IGS/NNGS/WING/LGS/CWS client for Palm OS PDA or smartphone (Treo etc.)
  • Quarry, Go client interface for GNU Go (Linux) also with support for Amazons and Reversi

[edit] Study aids

  • Drago, a Windows freeware to edit, replay problems and full games, play against GNU Go, and print or export games or figures to various formats.
  • GoGrinder, a Java program for practising Go problems.
  • Hikarunix, a Linux live CD which includes GNU Go, Go clients, games and documentation.
  • Go Game Assistant, SGF viewer/editor for Windows.
  • Uligo, Multiplatform program to study Tsumego, life and death problems.
  • Interactive Go Maps, web-based program for visualizing such concepts as Influence, Concentration, Tension and Instability.
  • Moyo Go Studio Fuseki, Joseki, Tesuji, "Good Shape"- Pattern Expert, SGF Editor, SQL database and GNU Go Client.
  • SmartGo Windows program to play, study, and print Go games. English, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.
  • Gome is a go game application for mobile phones and PDA. It features online gaming, problem solving, game reviews and much more .... It runs under J2ME compatible devices.
  • Go software, Go software for Windows and mobile(Palm, Pocket PC, Smartphone, Symbian, J2ME).

[edit] Utilities

  • Kombilo is a free database and pattern search engine for sgf game records.
  • BiGo Assistant is a database of professional and amateur Go games. It allows searching by fuseki, joseki, positions and game information fields.
  • WikiTeX Go supports SGF for inserting Go diagrams directly into Wiki articles.
  • PilotGOne A Go game recorder and SGF viewer/editor for PalmOS.
  • GoSuite A Go game recorder and SGF viewer/editor for PocketPC, also including the Vieka GNU Go port for PocketPC allowing you to play against your PocketPC PDA.
  • Games::SGF::Tournament - Perl module useful for creating web pages with tournament tables directly from sets of SGF files, also available through CPAN.
  • mgo, J2ME Go game recorder that runs on java-enabled mobiles and PDAs. Development status is alpha but already useful.
  • YAMGT, J2ME sgf player, recorder that runs on java-enabled mobiles.

[edit] See also