List of G.I. Joe episodes

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This page is a list of G.I. Joe episodes. It covers both the Sunbow and DiC series.


[edit] Sunbow (1983-1986)

[edit] G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero (A.K.A. The Mass Device)

# Episode title Description
RAH1 "The Cobra Strikes" Cobra attacks G.I. Joe but soon retreats. Destro arrives at Cobra Mountain to reveal his plans for the MASS device. The U.S Military prepares to launch their satellite into orbit; it can send and receive energy from anywhere on the planet, a disguised Baroness tags it with a homing device. Cobra uses the MASS device to transport forces to steal the satellite. During the transport back, Duke is taken and captured. Cobra can now use the satellite to increase their transport capabillities. The Joes want their own MASS device. In contacting the inventor, they fall for a Cobra trap. The Joes win and save the scientist, who reveals they need three rare elements for their own MAS device.
RAH2 "Slaves of the Cobra Master" The Joes begin the race to acquire the elements necessary to build a MASS device of their own. Duke is held captive at Cobra Mountain and is used as entertainment in a Gladiator type game for Cobra Commander and Destro, using a mind control device. Duke is pit against an unwilling foe who is also under Destro’s mind control, Duke manages to defeat his foe and is befriended by an attractive female who gives him a disruptive metal strip to break the properties of the mind control device. Cobra learns of the Joes MASS device plans and begins kidnapping world leaders and stealing major landmarks using the MASS device and threatens to destroy them unless the world surrenders. The Joes (Scarlet, Snake-Eyes, Snow Job and Tripwire) and Cobra both head to the Arctic Circle to retrieve radioactive crystals (the 1st element). The Joes infiltrate the radioactive cave but Cobra sets a trap to kill the Joes in the cave. Snake-Eyes sacrifices himself to save his friends and help them escape, he also manages to acquire the crystals but now is slowly dying from radioactive poisoning. Duke is again put in the tournament and successfully breaks Destro’s mind control. Duke manages to escape Cobra Mountain and gives the female slave a ring to remember him. Duke is rescued by MEDEVAC and returned to Joe HQ but is in critical condition.
RAH3 "The Worms of Death" Duke recovers from his injuries. The Joes introduce Torpedo as the lead man for the heavy water retrieval (2nd element). Cobra is also in the area (having expended all of there elements), both teams attempt to retrieve the heavy water but mysterious underwater tube worms have other plans for both G.I. Joe and Cobra. The Joes and Cobra agree to a cease fire to thwart off the tube worms, both teams are successful in recovering the heavy water. Snake-Eyes, now with radioactive poisoning struggles to stay alive in a snowy wilderness, while walking he saves a wolf who became lodged in a bear-trap, the wolf (known to fans as Timber) shows its appreciation by becoming Snake-Eye’s “pet”. Snake-Eyes encounters a bear but is too weak to defend himself and is near death, Timber is easily dispatched by the bear until they both are rescued by a strange hermit. The hermit somehow manages to cure Snake-Eyes of his poisoning and heal his injuries, he also made the crystals safe for transport by removing the residual radiation from them. The Joes attempt to destroy the satellite but fail. Sometime later (days or weeks), Covergirl returns from a dispatch and says she has a surprise for the Joes, she introduces Snake-Eyes. The Joes are overjoyed to see their comrade still alive and with the crystals, however his canister was booby trapped by Cobra and poison gas floods the air.
RAH4 "Duel in the Devil's Cauldron" Timber assists Covergirl in removing the container before it explodes. Cobra Commander in a silly display of power (with no help from the slave girl) uses the last of Cobras MASS elements and now need even more, aside from the crystals and heavy water. Both forces then begin missions to retrieve the 3rd element, a meteorite which is stuck in a volcano. Cobra causes the volcano to erupt, ejecting the meteor and obtains it after a failed attempt by the Joes to catch it with a large net. The Joes attack the Cobra airborne HQ, Destro kidnaps Scarlet Both forces obtain the 3rd element, Scarlet saves herself and Destro from near death after she damages the control panel of the aircraft. The Joes now with all 3 elements want to attack Cobra but Duke has no recolection of where Cobra Mountain is located.
RAH5 "A Stake in the Serpent's Heart" Cobra begins steps to start executing world leaders, Scarlet befriends the woman and prisoners which assisted Duke in escaping.

Cobra attemps to destroy NYC but the JOE's counter it with their new MASS device. Doc connects a mind probe to Duke to project his memories onto a large monitor. The Joes notice the ring Duke gave to the slave girl was actually a homing device and began assembling all forces and use their MASS device to teleport to Cobra Mountain. The Joes arrive a Cobra HQ and launch their assault, which began as a stalemate as neither could gain an advantage. G.I. Joe gains an advantage and in a desperate attempt to avoid defeat Destro turnes the MASS device to the direction of earths core in order to desintigrate it (how Destro would have survived this is not revealed). Cobra Commander in panic enlisted the help of the Joes in order to stop the MASS device. After successfully destroying the device Cobra Commander is arrested and Destro escapes. The Joes used their own MASS device to correct Cobra's misdeads in the end.

[edit] G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra (A.K.A. The Weather Dominator)

# Episode title Description
ROC1 "In the Cobra's Pit" The Joes are convoying a high energy fragment, but Cobra ambushes the them with help from Firefly and Scrap-Iron. Duke and Snake-Eyes attempt to stop the device from being uploaded to Cobra’s transport plane but cannot handle the massive number of Cobra officers. Cobra Commander is captured by the Joes but before he can be imprisoned, is rescued by Zartan and the Baroness in the Florida, Everglades. Flint takes command of the Joes in place of the now POW Duke and prepares an assault on Cobra to rescue him and Snake-eyes. Back in Cobra HQ, Destro gloats at the capture of Cobra Commander and is shocked when he and Zartan arrive. Destro briefs the Commander the status of his new "device". Cobra Commander panics at the sight of an incoming G.I. Joe onslaught. Destro unveils his weather device, the device literally blows back the Joes assault causing them to retreat. Flint, Roadblock, and Mutts aircraft are disabled causing them to crash in a pit with mysterious dry plants. Destro briefs the Baroness and Cobra Commander of his mysterious vines that react to water. The plants come to life in the rain and place chokeholds on Flint and company.
ROC2 "The Vines of Evil" Flint, Mutt, and Roadblock manage to fend off the vines while building transport from the damaged Skystrikers. The vehicle works but cannot handle Roadblocks muscular weight and he lets go so the others may escape. Cobra plans an assault on DC but an eves-dropping Duke and Snake-Eyes manage to send Morse code to the Joes. The Joes head to Washington to stop an attack on the Capital using Doc's energy mirrors. They successfully defend D.C but destroy the weather device in the process using the devices own energy and splitting it in three pieces scattered globally. Weather patterns all over the world are in havoc; G.I. Joe and Cobra begin expeditions to recover the shattered device for their own purposes. With the device now broken, Roadblock manages to escape from the vines. Flint and Mutt find themselves in a Cobra run town getting themselves in deep trouble until rescued by an arrogant sailor named Shipwreck. Shipwreck offers Flint and Mutt transport back to Joe HQ until they are swallowed by a sandstorm.
ROC3 "The Palace of Doom" Flint, Mutt and Shipwreck escape the sandstorm and return the Joe HQ. Lady Jaye back-briefs Flint on current events and the Joes head out to retrieve the first fragment. Cobra Commander is back at Cobra HQ drilling Destro for his stupidity (as always) and Cobra also begins to head out to the same location as the Joes. Both forces head “The Palace of Doom”, an alleged cursed Aztec temple. Recondo leads the Joes through the jungle while Major Bludd leads Cobra. Roadblock manages to escape from the vine pit and sneaks onto a supply convoy headed for Cobra HQ, he also befriends a young girl who was captured by Cobra as obviously the supplies are stolen. Back at the Palace the Joes retrieve the fragment but activate a booby trapped statue. The statue attacks the Joes but the statue is distracted when it spots one of Cobras large androids. The two giants begin to battle and inadvertently fall into a pit knocking the Joes and the fragment down with them. Major Bludd retrieves the fragment on his glider and the Joes are last seen falling to their doom.
ROC4 "Battle on the Roof of the World" The falling Joes are rescued by one of Lady Jay’s specialty spears which releases a safety net. The Joes lose the first fragment but have little time to hang their heads as two fragments still remain. Both G.I. Joe and Cobra begin two simultaneous expeditions to retrieve them. The Joes’ Cutter, Wild Bill and Spirit head to an unstable island in the Pacific opposed by the Baroness while Flint, Lady Jaye, Snow Job and Shipwreck head to the North Pole opposed by Destro and Zartan (acting independently of Cobra). Spirit infiltrates the island and retrieves the fragment until met by Stormshadow. The two one up each other with philosophical words then begin fighting. Both fall in an underground river but Spirit saves Stormshadow from drowning. In return for saving his life, Stormshadow allows Spirit to keep the fragment. Roadblock and friend arrive at Cobra HQ, Roadblock begins to wreck havoc and manages to briefly take Cobra Commander hostage until he is apprehended and imprisoned with Duke and Snake-Eyes. In the North, the Joes and Cobra attempt to retrieve the last fragment on slippery ice. Zartan manages to get a hold of it but blackmails both G.I. Joe and Cobra, he then blasts a sheet of ice onto both forces. Destro manages to escape by air but the Joes, who arrived by sled appear to soon be trapped under the ice.
ROC5 "Amusement Park of Terror" Once again Lady Jaye rescues her fellow Joes from death and they return to HQ. G.I. Joe, Cobra and an independently acting Zartan all have 1 ea. of the fragment. Zartan broadcasts an unsecure message to both the Joes and Cobra offering to bargain for his particular fragment, unbeknown to him that both are “tracing his call” to an amusement park, the Joes and Destro both head to Zartans location. Meanwhile, Stormshadow (who allowed them to keep it) sneaks into Joe HQ and steals their fragment. The deployed Joes find Zartans location and manages to destroy his defenses but fail to get the fragment as Destro manages to capture Zartan (and with him the last fragment), Cobra now possesses all 3 fragments to reassemble the weather dominator. Back in Cobra HQ; Duke, Snake-Eyes, Roadblock and his lady friend manage to escape imprisonment and take out some Cobra guards. Roadblock notices the vines that gave him so much trouble and steals them for later use. Destro returns with Zartan hoping to put him out of his misery but Cobra Commander releases Zartan which angers Destro. Duke and company sneak into an unsecured location and Duke plants a homing beacon (which wasn't need for the previous attack to take place). Flint pics up the transmission and the Joes launch another assault. Destroy reassembles the dominator and repeats using mother nature as the Joes enemy along with defending Cobra forces. Duke and company raid the Cobra Command center, Roadblock uses the vines to attack Destro. Mysteriously one of the vines pulls a lever on the weather device forcing “clear skies” ,the Joes have the “all clear” for attack and proceed to destroy the weather dominator, rescue Duke and company and apprehend Cobra Commander. Destro manages to escape on a glider along with Zartan who jumps on the back of it causing its flight to be unstable.

[edit] Season 1

# Episode title Description
101 "The Further Adventures of G.I. Joe" Zartan and the Dreadnoks captures Space Station Delta as phase one of Cobra's ultimate weapon, the Pyramid of Darkness. To activate the pyramid, four control cubes must be placed at the precise locations.
102 "Rendezvous in the City of the Dead" Shipwreck and Snake-Eyes travel underneath Enterprise City with the secret of the control cubes while G.I. Joe plans to stop Destro from activating the first cube at the Devil's Playground, while other members of G.I. Joe head towards the Mountain of Glass and the City of the Dead to stop two more cubes.
103 "Three Cubes to Darkness" Three cubes have been activated, but not without Tomax being captured by G.I. Joe. Xamot plans on rescuing his brother before Cobra can activate the final cube in the Sea of Lost Souls. Meanwhile, Shipwreck and Snake-Eyes find an ally in a pop singer named Satin who helps them escape Cobra's troopers in Enterprise City.
104 "Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls" Cobra activates the Pyramid of Darkness to leave the Joes stranded at sea, but the Crimson Twins anticipated Cobra Commander's treachery and signalled the Dreadnoks to relieve Zartan and Cobra Commander of control. Meanwhile, Alpine and Bazooka plan to make it back to Joe HQ with their new friend Quick-Kick with the location of Cobra Temple.
105 "Knotting Cobra's Coils" G.I. Joe regains control of Space Station Delta and stop Cobra for now. With power restored, the Joes learn the secret of the cubes and the location of Cobra Temple. The Joes launch a full-scale assault on Cobra Temple and destroy the control cubes and the Pyramid of Darkness with it.
106 "Countdown for Zartan" The Worldwide Defense Center is a place where nations gather anti-terrorist information into their main computer. Cobra Commander sends Zartan in to blow up the defense center, but G.I. Joe captured him and placed him in the Defense Center's prison, hoping to find the bomb before everything is destroyed including G.I. Joe and Zartan.
107 "Red Rocket's Glare" Roadblock's aunt and uncle run a fast food place called Red Rocket that's owned by Extensive Enterprises. The rocket design hides nuclear warheads that Cobra hopes to destroy cities with, until G.I. Joe goes on a countrywide search for Red Rocket restaurants that have Cobra warheads.
108 "Satellite Down" A military satellite crashlands in the South Pacific which causes a race between G.I. Joe and Cobra to gain possession of it, but a primitive tribe found it first and claim it as a god. Naturally the tribe see the Joes and Cobras as an outside threat and this race becomes a three-way battle.
109 "Cobra Stops the World" Cobra uses a cloaking device to make oil tankers disappear as well as detonate them by remote. G.I. Joe hopes to find Cobra's hidden base before every last tanker is eliminated.
110 "Jungle Trap" Dr. Shakur, a scientist who invented a lava-flowing device called the Vulcan Machine, is captured by Cobra and forced to invent it so they can flood cities with molten lava. G.I. Joe must head into Cobra's base, rescue Dr. Shakur and stop Cobra from carrying out their mission.
111 "Cobra's Creatures" Cobra invents a special weapon called Hi-Freq to take control of all animals, including Mutt's dog Junkyard. G.I. Joe has to stop Cobra's Hi-Freq and save every animal in the world and return Junkyard to normal.
112 "The Funhouse" Five scientists have been captured by Cobra and imprisoned in South America. While trying to rescue the scientists, Flint, Lady Jaye, Alpine, Bazooka, Airtight and Dusty are trapped in Cobra's funhouse where the traps are dangerous.
113 "Twenty Questions" TV journalist Hector Ramirez, known for his military exposes, was taken a tour by G.I. Joe that goes wrong. Soon, the Joes discover Cobra's plan to invade the Rocky Mountain Chemical Weapons Arsenal to possess explosive gas and have to stop Cobra before they use the gas for evil purposes.
114 "The Greenhouse Effect" A top secret rocket fuel was stolen and was accidentally stored in a greenhouse. The plants grew immensely and it gave Destro a plan: to seed the world with mutated vegetables and crush G.I. Joe.
115 "Haul Down the Heavens" Cobra creates a weapon called the Ion Attractor that can pull down the Aurora Borealis and flood the world. G.I. Joe head towards the North Pole to stop Cobra's plans and find a cold reception.
116 "The Synthoid Conspiracy (Part I)" Zartan makes constructs call Synthoids, artificial beings loyal only to Cobra. Cobra makes Synthoids of Admiral Ledger, Col. Sharp, Gen. Franks, Gen. Colton and Duke to cut off G.I. Joe's resources and undermine morale.
117 "The Synthoid Conspiracy (Part II)" When Cobra Commander and Zartan thought of making a Synthoid of Destro, Destro was insulted. In retaliation, Destro opted to help G.I. Joe defeat Cobra Commander and Zartan to regain G.I. Joe's resources and for Destro to teach Cobra Commander a lesson.
118 "The Phantom Brigade" Cobra Commander and the Baroness hire a Gypsy to summon three ghosts; a Centurion warrior, a Mongolian Amazon and a WWI American ace, to destroy G.I. Joe. However, Cobra Commander relieved Baroness of her duties after the ghosts delivered on their part. With the Joes' backs against the wall, Baroness tells them to get the Roman coin, wedding ring and heart-shaped locket from Cobra Commander and bury them so the ghosts would be no more.
119 "Lights! Camera! Cobra!" Cobra Commander's personal Firebat with a homing signal was located at a Hollywood studio for a filming of "The G.I. Joe Story". Cobra hires Zartan and the Dreadnoks to recapture the Firebat before G.I. Joe can discover it and use the homing device to attack Cobra headquarters.
120 "Cobra's Candidate" A sleazy candidate named Harper hires Cobra to cause trouble for his opponent Greenway. The Joes find a local inner city gang hired by Zartan to do their job, but the gang leader's little brother is held hostage. It's up to the Joes to put Harper out of office and stop Zartan.
121 "Money to Burn" Cobra invents a molecular degenerator to disrupt all U.S. currency and plan on minting their own money prompting G.I. Joe to stop Cobra's mad money scheme before the economy collapses and riots begin.
122 "Operation Mind Menace" Tommy Talltree, Airborne's brother, is a telekinetic. Cobra captures young Tommy along with other psionic people in order to exploit their powers to rule the world. Airborne's sixth sense hopes to help G.I. Joe in finding his brother and saving the other psionics from Cobra.
123 "Battle for the Train of Gold" Cobra discovers a hidden tunnel underneath Fort Knox and steals every gold bar in the depository loading it inside a bullet train. G.I. Joe plans on doing a little "Old West" train robbery by trying to stop the Cobra Bullet before it reaches the coast and return the gold back to Fort Knox.
124 "Cobra Soundwaves" Sheik Ali's kingdom is under attack by Cobra and they plan to steal Ali's oil supply. G.I. Joe finds Cobra's mountain base and get an unexpected surprise from Cobra's sonic scrambler, a weapon that can cause metal to warp and disperse.
125 "Where the Reptiles Roam" Wild Bill and a few Joes head back to Texas to investage a farm Cobra bought near the solar panels. Cobra gives the Joes Texas-sized trouble as they plan on using a solar conductor to destroy the Joes' weapons.
126 "The Gamesmaster" A twisted tycoon on a private island orders his automaton army to capture Flint, Lady Jaye, Cobra Commander and the Baroness and have them explore the island which is full of outlandish and unimaginable traps. This prompts both G.I. Joe and Cobra to put their battle on hold and stop the Gamesmaster.
127 "Lasers in the Night" A young student named Amber plans on visiting her mentor Quick-Kick but lands herself in hot water as she's eager to find out about everything. Duke then declared Amber a Cobra spy and prompted Quick-Kick to follow her. However, the Baroness was the real spy gaining access to the laser guidance system for Cobra Commander to use to carve his image on the face of the moon.
128 "The Germ" Cobra's in-fighting cause a strong bacterium and a growth serum to form a living germ that won't stop devouring everything in its path. G.I. Joe plans to stop the germ at all cost before it spreads and causes chaos.
129 "The Viper is Coming" Barbecue gets phone calls from a man who calls himself "The Viper" who seemed to be a Cobra agent giving G.I. Joe information. Naturally, the Viper's messages bring G.I. Joe to Cobra areas causing unrest to Destro, Major Bludd and the Crimson Twins.
130 "Spell of the Siren" The Baroness discovers a conch shell that contains the song of the Sirens and uses its power to hypnotize the Joe and Cobra men, including Cobra Commander and Tomax. The Baroness then takes charge of Cobra and has Destro on her side. Sensing his brother in danger, Xamot helps the female Joes and those Joe men who were offbase invade the Baroness's hideout and free the Joes and Cobras under the song of the siren.
131 "Cobra Quake" Cobra heads to Japan to cause an earthquake that will destroy Tokyo unless G.I. Joe can stop Cobra's plans.
132 "Captives of Cobra (Part I)" Baroness hires Storm Shadow to sneak into the Department of Defense to retrieve the files of G.I. Joe personnel in order to retrieve radioactive crystals accidentally created in a Cobra laboratory. G.I. Joe got to the crystals first and plan on destroying them from a safe distance, but Cobra has hypnotized the family members of the Joes and have their guns aimed at the truck carrying the crystals.
133 "Captives of Cobra (Part II)" The captives continue their pursiut of the truck and the Joes have to fight back without hurting their families. Another team of Joes find a machine that controls the captives' minds and destroy it, freeing their minds. With the hold on the Joes broken, Baroness plans on destroying the crystals and the Joes before they can retaliate.
134 "Bazooka Saw a Sea Serpent" While camping out, Bazooka sees a Cobra flight pod eaten by a sea serpent. The sea serpent is in reality a Cobra submarine planning to steal everything the serpent devours. G.I. Joe find the serpent and plan on stopping it and rescuing anyone trapped in the submarine's hull.
135 "Excalibur" As G.I. Joe sets up a radar tracking station in England, Storm Shadow finds the legendary sword Excalibur and uses its strength to attack G.I. Joe and destroy the tracking station.
136 "Worlds Without End (Part I)" A matter transformer was invented by Cobra to turn all form of matter into other things, but G.I. Joe got their first and steal the machine's blueprints. One accidental use of the machine on the bridge and it sends the Joes into an alternate universe where Cobra succeeds in ruling the world and most of the G.I. Joe forces are dead.
137 "Worlds Without End (Part II)" While stuck in the alternate world, the Joes find an unlikely ally in the Baroness, who is Steeler's girlfriend and a Joe agent in that dimension. With help from the bizarro Baroness, the Joes are rescued from Cobra and plan on finding a portal to head back home.
138 "Eau De Cobra" Socrates Airtese, the world's wealthiest shipping tycoon, is Cobra's latest target. After gathering special ingredients from an Egyptian tablet, they make a perfume for the Baroness to have Airtese fall in love with her so that Cobra will legally own Airtese's shipping fleet. Naturally, G.I. Joe plans on stopping Cobra's plan and getting that perfume out of the way.
139 "Cobra Claws Are Coming to Town" Cobra uses Destro's two-way gun that can shrink and grow any matter to shrink themselves in a rocking horse for a G.I. Joe Christmas charity and overtake the base. Cobra rewires the G.I. Joe equipment and plan on attacking a city to have people believe G.I. Joe has turned traitor. The Joes luckily escape but have to fight back using Cobra's equipment and clear their name.
140 "An Eye for an Eye" The Joes accidentally set a cabin on fire and its owner, Charlie Fairmont, demands redemption. Feeling bad about what happened, Lady Jaye helps Charlie and plans on invading Cobra. Soon, the Joes follow Lady Jaye into Cobra's headquarters to save her and her friend Charlie from Cobra's wrath.
141 "The Gods Below" Cobra heads for Egypt to try and steal the treasure of Osiris but the Joes plan on intercepting them. Suddenly, G.I. Joe find themselves face to face with Osiris and the Egyptian gods while Cobra find themselves befoer Set, the Egyptian god of evil.
142 "Primordial Plot" Cobra kidnaps a biologist named Dr. Massey and have him recreate dinosaurs in order to rule the world. G.I. Joe have to rescue the doctor and stop Cobra from using the dinosaurs for world domination.
143 "Flint's Vacation" Flint takes some time off to visit his cousin Ted Harris and his family in Pleasant Cove, an experimental town. However, as Flint found out, the town is owned by Cobra and has an undersea base. Cobra plans on using a missile to destroy all plant life unless G.I. Joe can stop the missile and save Flint and the townspeople.
144 "Hearts and Cannons" A young prince named Jabal plans on avenging the capture of his people by Cobra. Elsewhere, Dusty and Footloose jump with their Mauler tank from a cargo plane Cobra shot down and find themselves in the middle of the desert. There, they met Dr. Nancy Winters, a tank mechanic who was forced to invent a tank called the Plasma Cannon for Destro. The Joes have to bring the doctor to safety and destroy the Plasma Cannon.
145 "Memories of Mara" Mara was one of Cobra's guinea pigs for an experiment for amphibious troops. She can breathe like a fish and Shipwreck took a shine to her. With Mara's help, G.I. Joe go underwater to find a nuclear submarine called the Nerka and her crew held captive by Cobra.
146 "The Traitor (Part I)" G.I. Joe chemists have made an armor that's impenetrable to laser fire and missiles. Cobra needed special chemicals to make mind control gas, but with the new Joe armor it would be impossible. To help his family pay medical bills, Dusty unwillingly gives Cobra information to G.I. Joe's plans and has seemingly turned against them.
147 "The Traitor (Part II)" With Dusty on the side of Cobra, G.I. Joe have to redo security and launch a full scale assault so no more secrets can be leaked. However, Dusty anticipated their motives and Cobra winds up capturing the Joes. With the mind control gas and the Joe armor in Cobra's hands, Dusty begins to question his loyalty.
148 "Pit of Vipers" Col. Sharp buys a computer program called Watchdog to be the computer commanding officer for G.I. Joe, until they discover later it was owned by Cobra. The Joes then plan an assault on Watchdog and Cobra.
149 "The Wrong Stuff" Cobra captures satellites all over the world and make their own television network filled with propaganda messages. G.I. Joe have to head into space and destroy the space station where Cobra TV is being broadcast worldwide.
150 "The Invaders" UFO's destroy parts of the Soviet Union and the United States to cause a rift between the two nations. It was a plot by Cobra to take control of Washington, D.C. and Moscow. G.I. Joe and their Soviet counterpart the October Guard have to stop Cobra from conquering both capitals.
151 "Cold Slither" Zartan and the Dreadnoks form a band as part of a Cobra subliminal message to take control of the population. Breaker, Shipwreck and Footloose are hypnotized and join a crowd in a concert where Cobra Commander is at the skybox. G.I. Joe plan to stop Cobra's gig and return the crowd to normal.
152 "The Great Alaskan Land Rush" A crooked car dealer named Gurky Potemkin declares himself owner of Alaska after the Baroness recovered the Seward Treaty. G.I. Joe and the October Guard plan on finding the real Seal of Alaska before Cobra takes control of Alaska and its resources.
153 "Skeletons in the Closet" Lady Jaye receives a letter that inherits a Scottish castle which she didn't know was Castle Destro, where Destro's family reunion was held. Flint and the rest of the Joes head towards the castle to rescue Lady Jaye. Destro finds out this was the Baroness's plot for revenge to what Destro called her.
154 "There's No Place Like Springfield (Part I)" On an island, Lady Jaye and Shipwreck rescue Professor Mulaney who remembers a secret formula to turn water into a bomb. Shipwreck passes out trying to escape after a Cobra assault and wakes up in a place called Springfield, and apparently has Mara as a wife and a daughter named Alfea. Somehow, Shipwreck is still confused and investigated further only to find Springfield isn't what it seems on the surface.
155 "There's No Place Like Springfield (Part II)" Trapped in Cobra's hidden base Temple Alpha, Cobra hopes to learn the final ingredient Shipwreck has in his memory from Mulaney's mind neuralizer. With luck and Polly helping out, Shipwreck calls the Joes to Temple Alpha and plan to take down Cobra once and for all.

[edit] Season 2

# Episode title Description
201 "Arise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 1)" It begins by introducing all the new Joes as the new command staff tours the base and notices that the Joes are goofing off playing baseball and video games, watching tv, ect. Cobra is thus able to surround and attack Joe Headquarters with their new Battle Android Troopers (BATs). Only with the help of Sgt. Slaughter are the Joes able to defeat the Bats. Hawk asks Sarge to stay and re-train the Joes and the Joes embark on a mini-remedial boot camp. Meanwhile, Cobra Commander is blamed for the Cobra defeat. Dr. Mindbender has a mysterious dream and sets out to create the new Cobra leader. As a result of their new training, the Joes intercept and destroy a Cobra Night Raven and retrieve a Cobra message pod. Inside is a message for Zartan. Sarge, Beach Head and Lowlight are sent to the Dreadnok's camp where they discover Zartan holding an "audition" for membership into the Dreadnoks. The Joes are able to get half of a letter from Cobra from Zartan, detailing the Dreadnok's mission (breaking into tombs of history's greatest leaders and conquers). Then new Dreadnok Thrasher comes back in his tank and "crushes" the Joes in the Dreadnok's shack.
202 "Arise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 2)" Sarge, Beach Head, & Low Light return to Joe HQ with the partial list of the tombs Cobra is planning to attack, including Napoleon in Paris, a General in Egypt, The Crypt of Vlad Tempe aka Dracula, Sun Zu, Ghangis Khan, Montezuma, Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible. The Joes set off to protect the tombs, even though they don't know what Cobra wants. Hawk heads to Paris to defend Napoleon's tomb, running into Paris' Mayor who's not happy with tanks driving down the streets of his city. Duke teams up with the Oktober Guard in Siberia to protect Ivan the Terrible's tomb. Flint is in the Yucatan, having to hike through the jungle to get to Montezuma's tomb. Dusty is in Egypt, and is the first to be attacked by Cobra. Zarana tricks the Joes into helping some local villagers, and leaving the tomb of the Egyptian General undefended. They destroy a dam to escape and Dusty and Joes have to be rescued. In Paris, Cobra troops arrive by Submarine, and the Crimson Twins are able to get to Napoleon's tomb, and then escape. Flint's unit is attacked by Zartan, his siblings, & the Dreadnoks. They aren't able to stop them from getting Montezuma's DNA and escaping. Duke and the Oktober Guard don't have any better luck with defending Ivan's tomb. The Joes in Transylvania are having fun with the whole Dracula thing. Mainframe and Beach Head hear noises coming from Vlad Tempie's tomb, and when they investigate, are attacked by Cobra, and forced to hide in Vlad Tempie's coffin when the castle collapses.
203 "Arise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 3)" Dracula's castle collapses and Beach Head and Mainframe are forced to take shelter in the crypt. Duke and his group head to defend Ghangis Khan's tomb while Shipwreck and his group defend Alexander the Great's underwater tomb. At Sun Zu's barrel mound, Sarge is able to stop Cobra and retrieve one of the boxes. The Joes are able to analyze the box and discover that it is used for extracting DNA. They guess that Cobra is building an army of super cloned soldiers. Cobra uses the old 'pretend the jet is crashing trick' to distract the Joes and get Ghangis Khan's DNA, along with Sarge, who is pulled up to the Cobra jet in with the coffin.
204 "Arise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 4)" Dr. Mindbender insists on taking Sarge prisoner instead of dumping his out of the airplane. Back at Joe HQ, the Joes plan an attack on Cobra island. Cobra is busy 'making' Serpentor, Dr. Mindbender also uses DNA from Sergeant Slaughter, which infuriates Sarge. Cobra Commander allows Sarge to escape, and sabotages the process, creating a giant blob of a monster. The Joes arrive during Cobra's chase for the giant blob, and Sarge goes head to head with the monster, destroying it and is recaptured by Cobra. Dr. Mindbender tries again to create the new Cobra Emperor, extracting more DNA from Sarge, and stopping Cobra Commander from contaminating the DNA. CC then releases Sarge in order to stop Mindbender, but he is too late, Serpentor arises from the goo on the table.
205 "Arise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 5)" The Joes uses Lifeline to distract the Cobras and sneak into the Terror Drome to rescue Sarge. Serpentor makes quick work of Sarge, and quickly takes control of Cobra. Serpentor is on an ego trip, but lacks self-control, being provoked by Sarge to go another round. Serpentor releases Sarge, and the chase begins, straight into Cobra' control room where Sarge's rescue party is battling Cobra. Back at the Joes HQ, they have learned about Serpentor, but before they can stop him, Serpentor has rallied his troops into taking over Washington DC. Cobra Commander tries to convince Serpentor say they "...can't hold Washington, much less conquer the United States, I know I've tried." Serpentor isn't convinced, falling for General Hawk and the Joes posing for the President and other officials surrendering to Cobra. This allows the Joes to get close enough to mount an attack. Reinforcements arrive by Land, Sea, & Air, and Cobra retreats. Serpentor is saved by Cobra Commander, who makes a deal with Serpentor to let him be Serpentor's escape goat as long as they take him with them. Serpentor agrees and they Cobra's escape to launch the second season of GI Joe.
206 "Last Hour to Doomsday" Cobra has put a machine called the vortex cone underwater near the Panama Canal. The Joes know about Cobra's plan and intercept Baroness' hydrofoil, but the Baroness escapes. Lady Jaye (disguised as the Baroness) and Flint go to the Cobra base. Lady Jaye access their computer and steals some information before the real Baroness arrives. She and Flint barely escape and return to Joe HQ with the badly damaged computer disk. Meanwhile, Cobra Comm has demanded that the US surrender to Cobra or he will use the giant vortex (which causes huge title waves) to destroy the East Coast. The Joes send a fake fleet out into the Atlantic. Cobra falls for the bait and they know where the underwater base and the giant vortex cone are. The Joes are first pushed back by the BATs guarding the base and must hide in the robots they have with them. LJ and Flint are captured, but escape. They radio Joe HQ. Mainframe has figured out a way to read the disk which contains the plans for the vortex cone and tells Wet Suit which panel to take out. The Joes come out of the robots and attack the underwater base. The base exploded, everything makes it out safely and Shipwreck has a BAT arm stuck on his leg.
207 "Computer Complications" A space probe containing anti-matter crashes into the ocean and both Joes and Cobra try to retrieve it. The Joes are using robot subs, which are reprogrammed to fend off a Cobra sub. Zarana goes to the Joe base pretending to be Sgt. Carol Weebler, a computer specialist and tries to reprogram the robot subs to work for Cobra. She is suppose to kill Mainframe, but ends up falling in love with him. She does eventually end up electrocuting him when the Dreadnok's break in, but rescues him from a bomb. Cobra sends in a huge flying aircraft carrier to get the probe, which the Joes have recovered. Cobra steals the probe and uses the anti-matter to power their aircraft, which then crashes into the USS Flagg. Both sink with the anti-matter aboard.
208 "Sink the Montana!" The Joes are at the decommissioning ceremony for a battle ship, the USS Montana. However, the Montana's captain, Admiral George Lattimer, has different plans. Cobra seizes the Montana and Lattimer joins Cobra. Gen. Hawk, a friend of Lattimer's, tries to reason with the admiral, but can't. Destro uses the pulse modulator to defend the ship, which causes anything in the surrounding 2 mile radius to loose powers. The Montana heads to destroy the Atlantic Fleet. After the Joes' aircraft and hovercraft are destroyed by the pulse modulator, they launch an unauthorized strike against the Montana using the old wind-driven USS Constitution. The Joes board the Montana just as the Atlantic fleet intercepts the it. Destro sets the automatic gun control and escapes. The fleet fires at the Montana. Lattimer helps the Joes stop the guns, but the fleet continues to fire and sinks the Montana. Lattimer wants to go down with his ship, but Hawk drags him overboard. (Note: Neil Ross does 2 of Hawk's lines)
209 "Let's Play Soldier" The Joes raid a village in SE Asia. The villagers there are collecting tree sap for Cobra. The sap hypnotizes people and Cobra plans to put it in everything from gum to toothpaste. In Bangkok, Leatherneck and Gung-Ho befriend some "dust children" (kids fathered by American GI's who live on the street). One of the kids had stolen a Cobra knife at an inn. The kids lead the Joes back there, where they met up with the Dreadnoks. The Dreadnoks speed away on the a Swampfire and the Joes follow them and are captured. At the airbase, a woman tells the other Joes that Cobra is at her village. But the woman is really Zarana and she leads the Joes into a trap. The kids follow Zarana to Cobra's base and free Leatherneck and the others. Leatherneck stops Dr. Mindbender and a plane carrying the mind control sap. The Joes want the kids to come to the US, but they decide to stay in Thailand. (Note: Neil Ross does all of Beach Head's lines)
210 "Once Upon a Joe" Cobra Stratovipers attempt to steal the McGuffin Device, which no one knows what it really does. However, GI Joe stops them. In the process, the McGuffin device falls from the firebat into the woods and another Firebat crashes into an orphanage. The Joes save the kids then rebuild the orphanage. Zartan goes alone (since the Dreadnoks are engaged in a deep philosophical debate about mints) to recover the McGuffin Device. After wreaking havoc on the construction site, Shipwreck ends up telling the orphans a ridiculous fairy tale about The Duke and his three sons (Leatherhead, Frog Face and Ship Shape) and their quest to get some hamburgers. Beach Head has Shipwreck go check for unexploded missiles in the forest. Shipwreck finds the McGuffin Device and Zartan finds him. However, Zartan's Swampfire is located by the Joes, so she disguises himself as Shipwreck and ends up telling the rest of Shipwreck's story. One of the orphans, Jenny, knows something is wrong and goes off and finds the real Shipwreck. Zartan uses one of the orphans, Bobby (voice David Mendenhall), as a hostage to escape, but Shipwreck stops him and activates the McGuffin Device. The characters from his story come to life and the Cobra jets fall apart. Shipwreck finishes his story.
211 "The Million Dollar Medic" In the Joe/Cobra battle in the Caribbean, a civilian yacht is sunk. Lifeline rescues the family on board and Bree Van Mark (voice- Sue Blu) falls in love with him. She sends him a series of gifts that only cause more trouble. Cobra is after her father, a wealthy industrialist whose holding include a defense company. But the Joes think that Bree is working for Cobra since some of her gifts, including a gold plated helicopter, have backfires. She flies off in a Tomahawk taking Lifeline with her. They head to a cabin in the Rockies and are followed by Cobra. Lifeline, who is a pacifist, must fend off Cobra until the Joes arrive.
212 "Cobrathon" #
213 "The Rotten Egg" #
214 "Glamour Girls" Madame Vail (voice- Mary McDonald Lewis) agrees to sell her youth transference machine, which makes people young (and beautiful), in return for kidnapping some of the world's top models, who's youth and beauty will be transferred to the machine's user. One of these models is Low Light's sister, Una. Low Light and Dial Tone help Una and her friend, Satin, move when the girls receive an invitation for a modeling secession. Upon hearing that Una has disappeared and that the modeling studio is owned by Extensive Enterprises, the Joes get involved and sent Lady Jaye and Cover Girl in undercover as models. They are hypnotized by the camera, as the other models were, and are taken to a dungeon on Madame Vail's island, along with Zarana, who the Dreadnok's hypnotized because she was bossing them around. A group of Joes following LJ and CG are captured, but Zartan releases them so that they will rescue the models and Zarana. Meanwhile, the models bust out of the dungeon and Una is taken to the transference machine. The Joes arrive and Low Light is able to blast the machine and save Una, but Madame Vail is left without a face.
215 "Iceberg Goes South" The Joes are in an arctic region training and testing new equipment. Iceberg meets up with his girl friend, Mahea, who's collecting tissue samples of animals for her uncle's research at the Tropadome- a large dome that's tropical inside (think Biodome). Iceberg goes there to visit her and is captured by mutant creatures. Inside the Tropadome, Dr. Mindbender is mutating people into animals and creating a mutant army for Cobra. The Joes notice that Iceberg is missing and send Wet Suit and Snow Job after him. Snow Job is then captured. Wet Suit radios Beach Head for reinforcements. The Joes attack the Tropadome only to find out that Iceberg has been mutated into a huge killer whale. Iceberg then escapes and the Joes have to track him down. They reverse the process by feeding him raw meat that turns him human again.
216 "The Spy Who Rooked Me" #
217 "Grey Hairs and Growing Pains" #
218 "My Brother's Keeper" #
219 "My Favorite Things" #
220 "Raise the Flagg!" #
221 "Ninja Holiday" #
222 "G.I. Joe and the Golden Fleece" #
223 "The Most Dangerous Thing in the World" #
224 "Nightmare Assault" #
225 "Second Hand Emotions" #
226 "Joe's Night Out" #
227 "Not a Ghost of a Chance" #
228 "Sins of Our Fathers" #
229 "In the Presence of Mine Enemies" #
230 "Into Your Tent I Will Silently Creep" #

[edit] DIC Series (1989-1991)

[edit] Operation Dragonfire mini-series

# Episode title Description
01 "Day 1" Serpentor seizes control of the Dragonfire
02 "Day 2" Cobra Commander is returned to Human form by Baroness
03 "Day 3" Cobra Commander find the Dragonfire energy and Scoop finds out Cobra lied to him!
04 "Day 4" Cobra Commander regains control of Cobra in a coup (by Lowlight) over Serpentor
05 "Day 5" The final battle between GI Joe and Cobra

[edit] Season 1

# Episode title Description
06 "United We Stand" Ambush and Pathfinder have to work together or perish!
07 "Revenge of the Pharoahs" Night Creeper Leader thinks he is an Ancient Pharoah and has his sights set on Lady Jaye!
08 "Granny Dearest" Metal-Heads granny comes to visit and thinks Cobra is the good guys!
09 "Victory at Volcania I" Cobra attacks while the Joes are resting, and Genral Hawk questions his usefullness to G.I. Joe
10 "Victory at Volcania II" Cobra has the Joes on the run, can Hawk rally for a victory?
11 "The Nozone Conspiracy" Cobra decides to blackmail humanity into protecting itself from the Ozone!
12 "Pigskin Commandos" Sgt.Slaughter is kidnapped and its up to Grid-Iron to save him
13 "Cold Shoulder" GI Joe/Oktober Guard team up to work on a space satellite, but Cobra wants it for themselves!
14 "Injustice and the Cobra Way" There is a new Hero in the world, will G.I. Joe be forgotten?
15 "General Confusion" G.I. Joe's massive expenses come under review by the Government
16 "Night of the Creepers" Lowlight and Scoop track Night Creeper Leader into an ancient city
17 "Thats Entertainment" General Hawk becomes angered at the lax nature of his troops and their infatuation with a movie star
18 "I found you Evy" Ambush reveals a story from his past, about the only person who has ever been able to find him....a Female Viper named Evy!
19 "An Office and a Viperman" Someone from G.I. Joe is leaking sensitive information, 3 Joes infiltrate Cobra to find the culprit
20 "D-Day at Alcatraz I" Cobra is finally arrested and put in prison...but is there more to their capture?
21 "D-Day at Alcatraz II" Cobra has deceived the Joes and has captured the Comstock load, can Grid-Iron defeat the odds and win the day?
22 "The Mind Mangler" Duke is captured by the Mind Mangler to reveal the location of the Joes base, can Sky Patrol save him?
23 "BIOK" Super Computer BIOK decides to attack the Joes using their own weapons, can Sky Patrol defeat it?
24 "Stuck on You" Pathfinder and Cobra Commander attempt to escape a Jungle safely when both crash during a battle

[edit] Season 2

# Episode title Description
25 "The Elminator" When sensitive information is leaked, can Mercer convince the Joes he is not a traitor?
26 "Chunnel" Cobra Commander kidnaps of the Queen of England, can Duke save her in time?
27 "A is for Android" General Hawk has a clone, and the Joes have to figure out which Hawk is real!
28 "El Dorado: The Lost City of Gold" Grunt discovers the Lost City of Gold, will Cobra soon follow!
29 "Long Live Rock N Roll I" Cobra creates a sonic attack that can cripple the city, G.I. Joe has to stop them!
30 "Long Live Rock N Roll II" Rock N Roll and Snake Eyes race to save the city against Cobra's sonic attacks
31 "The Sludge Factor I" Cobra attacks a chemical plant and causes an environmental distaster
32 "The Sludge Factor II" Cesspool who was created during the attack has both G.I. Joe and Cobra at his mercy
33 "Messenger from the Deep" G.I. Joe discovers an ancient underwater city...but Cobra is hot on their heels!
34 "Infested Island" Cesspool has a new plan to bring humanity to his turning into bugs!
35 "The Greatest Evil I" The Headman has the city in his grips with drugs, and he gets Falcon hooked!
36 "The Greatest Evil II" G.I. Joe and Cobra have teamed up take down the Headman, can they rescue Falcon in time?
37 "The Sword" Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow race against the clock to beat Night Creeper Leader to a magical sword
38 "Keyboard Warriors" Cobra's computers are infiltrated by a young computer hacker who thinks its a video game
39 "Shadow of a Doubt" Cobra Commander is imprisoned and Storm Shadow helps him escape, has Storm Shadow become a traitor?
40 "Cobra World" Cobra buys an amusement park, has Cobra turned good?
41 "Kindergarten Commandos" Cobra Commander wants the perfect solider, can Mercer stop his evil plan?
42 "Metal Heads Reunion" There is a High School Reunion and Metal-Head wants to make sure he is remembered!
43 "Basic Training" Recap episode detailing events of Season 2 and the life of a G.I. Joe
44 "The Legend of Metal Head" Recap episode detailing Metal-Heads time in the DIC series