List of Footballers' Wives episodes

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The following is a complete episode list for the series Footballers' Wives, which began on January 8, 2002, and ended July 15, 2006.

The first season included 8 episodes. The second season also included 8. The third comprised of 9 episodes, one of which was 90 minutes long. The fourth season comprised 9 episodes, two of which were 90 minutes long. The fith and final season included 8 episodes and the season premiere and finale were 90 minutes long.

Normal episodes were 60 minutes long, and around 45 minutes without breaks. Some season premieres and finales (listed above) were 90 minutes long, and around 70 minutes without breaks.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Season 1: 2002

Screencap Title Original airdate # Season # Total
"Getting a Result" January 8, 2002 1 1
Striker Ian Walmsley is thrilled when he gets offered a place on the Earls Park first team. Meanwhile his young wife Donna starts a search for the son she and Ian gave up for adoption nine years ago. Donna's wild-child sister, Marie, arrives from Bolton to stay and immediately scores with the player she's had a crush on for years - the Sparks' charismatic captain, Jason Turner. Famous glamour model Chardonnay Lane and Earls Park FC's resident heart-throb Kyle Pascoe are looking forward to their wedding, despite the interference of Kyle's doting mother Jackie. Jason and his wife Tanya worry about their future when Earls Park announce a new signing - Italian midfielder, Salvatore Biagi, who is a serious threat to Jason's first team place. At the start-of-season party, a violent row breaks out between the Turners and the club chairman, Frank Laslett, and the consequences could be terrible. 
"Take Each Game As It Comes" January 15, 2002 2 2
The Turners worry about their future when they are told that Frank, who remains in a coma, could recover. Ian doesn't want to know when Donna meets the child they gave up for adoption 10 years ago. Tanya catches Jason with Donna's sister, Marie, and learns that Marie was only showing an interest in Salvatore Biagi to make Jason Jealous! Kyle's stag night is as lively as ever, at which Ian is photographed enjoying himself rather too much with two lap-dancers. Chardonnay's hen night goes up in smoke..literally when a couple of drunken fans turn aggressive and cause a terrible accident - will her wedding now take place? 
"On the Ball" January 22, 2002 3 3
The day of Kyle and Chardonnay's wedding arrives, complete with a glossy magazine deal, and despite the burns Chardonnay received. Her happiness is spoiled, however, as she learns that the men who caused her injuries will not be charged! The adoptive mother of Ian and Donna Walmsley's son Daniel arrives distraught at the reception to tell them he is missing. Ian panics when the news about his secret son hits the headlines, but the Sparks' manager Stefan Hauser arranges for the club to assign a lawyer to start a custody battle on Ian and Donna's behalf. Tanya Turner starts to have nightmares about Frank Laslett , who still lies in a coma, and gets little support from Jason who is more interested in his affair with Donna's teenage sister Marie. And Donna is horrified when the Walmsleys' private lives make the papers yet again - this time, it's Ian's exploits with a couple of lap-dancers at Kyle's stag night 
"A Funny Old Game" January 29, 2002 4 4
Tanya's turns to cocaine to keep her nightmares, is her cocaine habit getting increasingly out of hand? Donna vows to fight for custody of Daniel alone, then throws Ian out of the family home... But soon finds out it's going to be virtually impossible without his lawyers on her side. Ian finds that he is staying at the same hotel as his Italian teammate Sal Biagi, and the two start to become friends. Newly-wed Chardonnay takes a pair of scissors to her long hair when she gets depressed about her burns - Kyle is concerned but his mother Jackie is less sympathetic. Jason tells Tanya that their marriage is over, but Tanya has other ideas and blackmails him into staying. Tanya befriends Frank's intensive care nurse, Janette Dunkley, so that she can keep tabs on his condition, explaining her interest by claiming that they had an affair. Nurse Dunkley, however, has very dubious motives of her own...and Tanya knows it. 
"All To Play For" February 5, 2002 5 5
Ian is back at home and is with Sal Biagi, at the request of the Stefan - much to Donna's annoyance. Tanya promises not to tell anyone of Nurse Dunkley's exploits, on condition that Nurse Dunkley persuades Frank's ex-wife and son to switch off Frank's life support...just as they're about to pull the plug, they get a nasty surprise! Jason is stopped by the police after he tries to force Sal's car off the road. Stefan makes it clear to Jason that he's on his last warning but persuades Sal to cover for his captain. Chardonnay sells the story of her ordeal to a newspaper in the hope of shaming her attackers, but the article does not turn out as she expected. Kyle spends an evening out flirting, as he is furious to see their private life all over the tabloids. 
"Winning The Double" February 12, 2002 6 6
Jason demands to be put on the transfer list when Stefan decides to put him on the bench in favor of Sal...bored and lonely after being dropped from the team, he finds comfort in the arms of Kyle's mother Jackie. Chardonnay arranges a romantic break for herself and Kyle to aid their relationship. Sheena hangs around the training ground, hoping to meet Kyle again. Marie attempts to seduce Sal but is convinced that he's gay when he rejects her advances. Frank is slowly recovering, but has short-term memory loss and can't remember the night of the attack. Nurse Dunkley 'reminds' Frank of the affair that Tanya invented, but can Tanya keep lying? 
"All Credit To The Lads" February 19, 2002 7 7
When Chardonnay faints at the gym, blood tests reveal that she is pregnant! After announcing their news to the press, Kyle is horrified to discover that he is not about to become proud dad, but in fact, a brother as the test results are those of Jackie! Jackie suggests to Kyle and Chardonay that they bring up the child as their own. Ian is made vice-captain but humiliates himself in his first match by getting sent off. Donna finds herself having a passionate encounter with Sal when she becomes irritated by Ian's obsession with his career! Kyle tells Sheena, an obsessed fan, where his loyalties lie. Jason's hooks up with a new top agent, Hazel Bailey. Frank, persuaded by Tanya, has Jason reinstated in the team. Tanya has sex with Frank and he starts to have flashbacks about Nurse Dunkley. 
"They Think It's All Over" February 26, 2002 8 8
Chardonnay and Jackie persuade Kyle that the best thing for everyone would be for the young couple to adopt Jackie's baby. Kyle, however, has other things on his mind as Sheena won't take no for an answer. Annoyed at Tanya for flirting with Frank, Jason finds himself back in bed with Marie and promises to leave Tanya to be with her. Sal tells Donna he loves her. Holly is kidnapped when Marie is late picking her up from school - Sal uses his transfer fee to pay the ransom but Donna's distraught when Holly never appears at the arranged meeting point! Jason's new agent, Hazel, cooks up a plan to get Tanya out of her 'affair' with Frank, whilst protecting Jason's position with the team. She arranges for Jason to 'catch' Tanya and Frank together, but Jason loses his temper… which for Frank, brings back chilling memories of the night of his 'accident.' 

[edit] Season 2: 2003

Screencap Title Original airdate # Season # Total
"Just Can't Give Up" January 8, 2003 1 9
Five months have passed since the end of series 1...5 months of hell for Donna and Ian, whose daughter Holly is still missing. Tanya and Frank are in court...not because of Tanya's attack on Frank but because she claims he raped her! Jackie has had her baby in the States and is happily claiming that it's Kyle and Chardonnay's - how long will this act be successful as Jason is beginning to realize that it's his baby from his one night stand with Jackie. Tanya withdrew her allegations against Frank but nothing happened because she convinced the court that he had mental problems. Ian faced being dropped from the team - especially when he left a game, without telling anyone, to follow a postman with a lead on his daughter's whereabouts. 
"The Ties That Bind" January 15, 2003 2 10
Ian and Donna are overjoyed to have Holly home...but not so delighted when Stefan tells them that Ian is to be put on the transfer list! Jason has a chat with Jackie about the baby, that he now knows is his. Kyle is questioned by the well as Chardonnay and the press... about the body in the pool - did he have an affair? - After some good work by Hazel though, he was given a full apology when it emerges that he didn't. Chardonnay catches Jackie breastfeeding the baby. After a night drinking with Hazel, Tanya wakes up in bed next to her. 
"Go For the Overkill" January 22, 2003 3 11
Jackie begins to search for a new home. Jason wants to be a baby...but Tanya doesn't! Tanya's cocaine habit is exposed to the public when she is arrested for possessing Class A drugs! Ian is devastated to learn that Donna has been having an affair with Sal, so leaves to stay in a hotel... where he has a drink and drugs cocktail... The Pascoe's Christen their baby son and are surprised at the gift they receive from the Turners. 
"...And In With the New" January 29, 2003 4 12
Ian tells Frank where to stick his contract and leaves Earl's Park FC for good. Jason and Jackie are determined to get back baby Paddy but differ in their planned tactics. Tanya is determined to 'win' her argument with Jason and decides to sleep with Darius, the team's new 17-year-old recruit. Sal and Donna are surprised at how well Ian is taking his break-up. Tanya says on live TV that Jason is an impotent alcoholic. While Donna has second thoughts about her new life with Sal, Jason snatches baby Paddy from the Pascoes. 
"A Change of Career?" February 5, 2003 5 13
Depressed and lonely after discovering that Donna has gone back to Ian, Sal falls into the arms of Fredrica... Stefan's daughter. Tanya worms her way back into the marital home, but even so, Jason treats her badly. Tanya's due in court for drugs offences... will she get sent to prison? Jason manages to talk his way out of trouble with the Pascoe's and even persuades Kyle to let Jackie keep the baby for the time being. Tanya has another encounter with Darius. Jackie and Jason try to decide what to do about baby Paddy, but have more important things on their mind when he develops a fever. 
"Facing the Truth" February 12, 2003 6 14
Jason and Jackie were told that since surgery wasn't an option for Paddy, they would have to wait to see how the situation unfolded. Jason nearly caught Tanya with Darius again, but then confided his terrible secret to her! Hazel told the Pascoe's that they would have to be seen with baby Paddy, in order to stop the suspicions of the press and later, at Sal's house, had to put up with a drunken Freddie pestering her and Sal for a threesome! Jason and Tanya decided to give their marriage another go. Archie, Stefan's right hand man, pestered Freddie for a date again. Tanya bribed the matron and then hired a double to do all her community service, but received a nasty surprise in the form of Nurse Janette Dunkley... the only person who knows the truth about what happened with Frank. 
"Bitter Medicine" February 19, 2003 7 15
Kyle finally loses his temper and so teaches Jason a lesson he won't forget in a hurry. Darius tells Tanya how he feels, but doesn’t get the reaction he'd have expected. Jason thrills Tanya by telling her that he wants them to renew their wedding vows...but then gets cozy with Fredrica who is trying to make Sal jealous! The Turners hold a press conference to raise awareness of baby Paddy's condition. Jannette Dunkley's collaboration with Frank (using a hidden microphone) goes drastically wrong when Tanya says too much during their meal... but will Frank get the information he needs? 
"Fall From Grace" February 26, 2003 8 16
Freddie tries to make Sal jealous by going on a date with Jason. Kyle and Chardonnay try to make peace with Jason, but he refuses to cooperate, horrifying Jackie with his loathing for baby Paddy. Tanya is busy planning the ceremony to renew her wedding vows, but unplanned rows ruin the occasion. Jackie packs her bags and leaves, with baby Paddy. A secret from Freddie's past, involving Archie, is revealed. A drunken Jason falls... or rather, gets pushed off the roof. Is he dead? Who's responsible? 

[edit] Season 3: 2004

Screencap Title Original airdate # Season # Total
"Series 3 - Episode 1" February 11, 2004 1 17
The deaths of Jason and Chardonnay hit Kyle hard. Three new players have been signed - northern wizz-kid Harley Lawson, Noah Alexander and international striker Conrad Gates. Tanya marries Frank Laslett but is soon smitten by bisexual adventurer Conrad. Jackie dates new manager Roger Webb, much to Kyle's disgust. Tanya and Conrad become acquainted and Jason's murderer is revealed. 
"Series 3 - Episode 2" February 18, 2004 2 18
Amber and Conrad find themselves at the mercy of a Triad gang demanding a huge sum of money. Harley's girlfriend Shannon joins him in London, but soon finds her face doesn't fit and pays a visit to a plastic surgeon. Tanya discovers Frank is broke, and soon sets her sights on Conrad - resulting in a catfight with Amber. Kyle seeks solace in gambling dens. 
"Series 3 - Episode 3" February 25, 2004 3 19
As Kyle lies in agony his future in the Premiership is also in doubt. Shannon is pleased with her nose job and turns her attention to her weight. Hazel wants to take over the club. Amber attempts to revive her flagging film career. Frank lays his future on the line with Tanya, who is more concerned about snagging Conrad from Amber. 
"Series 3 - Episode 4" March 3, 2004 4 20
Harley and Shannon prepare for their wedding, with Jordan as special guest and with coverage from 'Hello!' magazine. Hazel takes charge at the club and makes her mark, reinstating Elaine as Kyle's physiotherapist. Tanya stumbles across a perfect plan to get rid of Frank. 
"Series 3 - Episode 5" March 10, 2004 5 21
Harley and Shannon wake up the morning after their wedding looking into the jaws of death - in the form of a 400 pound man-eating lion; Conrad receives a ransom demand for Amber, who has been kidnapped; and Frank appears to have a new lease of life, despite Tanya's scheming. 
"Series 3 - Episode 6" March 17, 2004 6 22
Frank has never felt fitter, and his renewed energy frustrates Tanya, who hoped he would fade fast under her harsh regime of Viagra and sex - will she succeed? But she soon has other matters to occupy her time - her archenemy Amber has lied about the abduction and Tanya must prove it to Conrad. Kyle's gambling habit threatens to take over his life. Conrad finds out the truth about Amber, who herself begins to turn to dark magic for assistance. 
"Series 3 - Episode 7" March 24, 2004 7 23
Frank Laslett is dead and buried and Tanya just loves playing the glamorous widow, while living the high life off her hefty inheritance. Kyle wins back Elaine, but now has to break the news to Roger. Amber meets her agent, who has bad news for her - and she takes out her anger on Tanya. Noah's actions land him in trouble with Hazel. 
"Series 3 - Episode 8" March 31, 2001 8 24
Kyle's first day back at training looks doubtful when he arrives home bruised after a night of bare-knuckle boxing. Shannon has just had her lips done and Harley starts to despair. Tanya is furious as Amber appears to be winning her way back into Conrad's life - then she discovers that Noah is also a player for Conrad's affections. 
"Series 3 - Episode 9" April 7, 2004 9 25
Conrad breaks the news of Amber's pregnancy to Tanya, landing a bitter blow as she is on a quest to secure Conrad for herself. Kyle has to deal with the police before stepping onto the pitch for one of the team's biggest games ever, while Noah finds himself on the subs bench. 

[edit] Season 4: 2005

Screencap Title Original airdate # Season # Total
"Series 4 - Episode 1" March 31, 2005 1 26
Roger takes the players to Spain for a 'bonding session', but will one player's shocking behavior with a girl called Katie cause legal and PR disasters for the entire team? Meanwhile, the wives are having a 'bonding session' of their own. Both Amber and Tanya gave birth to their babies, but Tanya hires a face from the past to do her devious work... will Amber get the upper hand? Harley and Shannon reconcile while Noah takes drastic action to 'cure' his homosexuality. 
"Series 4 - Episode 2" April 7, 2005 2 27
It's a sad day for Conrad and Amber as they bury their dead baby, and Tanya sheds a secret tear for the loss of her true son. Tanya and Conrad find a nanny for Troy - but she looks familiar... Will Harley discover her ulterior motive before her scissors are let loose? Roger and Jackie marry. Noah has joined a church group which promises to cure him of his homosexuality. Shannon offers to host Hazel's birthday party - but her attempts at cooking are a disaster until Antony Worrall Thompson saves the day. 
"Series 4 - Episode 3" April 14, 2005 3 28
Tanya asks Amber to be godmother of 'her' baby, but is unaware that Amber is out for revenge because she's discovered that Pundarik was covered in fake tan when he died. Shannon checks out Harley's story and visits Katie to get the truth about what happened in Spain. On the day of Troy's christening Amber takes to the podium to drop her bombshell... but who'll believe her? Noah is dating the beautiful Bethany - but is his heart really in this new relationship? 
"Series 4 - Episode 4" April 21, 2005 4 29
Will Katie use her harpoon gun as Darius wakes up to find himself at her mercy? Noah is pleased as punch - he's done it with a girl and she's gagging for more! At the opening night of Bruno's new club, Tanya steals the show with her new engagement ring, but when Conrad hears the result of the DNA test, the engagement is called off - What will the repercussions be for Tanya? Roger does the deal on a new player - his son Seb! Hazel is far from amused when she learns that Amber has Tanya's shares, meaning she is now on the board. 
"Series 4 - Episode 5" March 28, 2005 5 30
Amber has triumphed by sending Tanya packing – but she's got no interest in a reconciliation with Conrad because she's determined to become a singing star, with help from Peter Andre and a track called 'Bhangra Bootie'. Harley isn't happy now that his life with Shannon is the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary; gay Noah is struggling with girlfriend Bethany's insatiable desire; Darius is wrecking his life with booze; and Roger's son Seb gets a place in the Earl's Park team. 
"Series 4 - Episode 6" May 5, 2005 6 31
Bruno Milligan is furious when his club Nabakov's Cocoon gets bad publicity in the tabloids; Roger tries to keep an eye on steroid-abusing son Seb and has to make excuses to Hazel; Harley clashes with Shannon whose desire for celebrity is ruining their lives – especially when she adopts a granny to look good on the docusoap; Conrad goes to great lengths to win back Amber; Seb makes a move on stepmum Jackie after downing loads of vodka; and Amber is interviewed by Dr Neil Fox about her pop single 'Bhangra Bootie'. 
"Series 4 - Episode 7" May 12, 2005 7 32
Seb looked on as Jackie and Roger argued... but what is he planning to do? Lucy plays a dangerous game by agreeing to meet her internet friend, Giles Arrowsmith. Hazel is on a warpath when Roger refuses to let Seb play again. Amber tries to beat Hazel at her own game at a board meeting. 
"Series 4 - Episode 8" May 19, 2005 8 33
Roger and Jackie's marriage hits crisis point and Seb is determined to twist the knife in further. Bruno is becoming suspicious of Lucy. Noah breaks the news of his engagement to Conrad - there's no turning back now. Amber's record is getting lots of airplay, but her pop career looks doomed when Conrad is told he's being sold to Madrid. A distraught Jackie spots Roger entering a brothel and seeks comfort in the arms of her stepson. 
"Series 4 - Episode 9" May 26, 2005 9 34
Amber demonstrates that she will sink to any level to gain a bigger stake in Earls Park, thereby keeping Conrad and Phoenix in England... but as ever, Hazel calls her bluff! At the Milligans' shooting party, Hazel shows off her new squeeze - an international tennis pro. Noah gives in to his sexual urges and visits a sauna. Lucy makes her escape from Bruno into the arms of solid, dependable Giles. But she is heading for imminent as trigger-happy Bruno comes after her - armed. Giles tries to kill himself, Lucy and Angelica. 

[edit] Season 5: 2006

Screencap Title Original airdate # Season # Total
"Series 5 - Episode 1" February 23, 2006 1 35
Amber learns that Bruno may have been responsible for Conrad's death. Lucy learns that Bruno has only been divorced from his first wife and leaves him at their "wedding". Darius is injured after crossing Garry. Meanwhile Tremaine joins the club after being released from jail, but is surprised to find that his girlfriend Liberty's personal assistant is living with him. 
"Series 5 - Episode 2" March 2, 2006 2 36
While Amber wages psychological torture on Bruno, Shannon finds a new man. It's a frustrating time for Liberty and Urszula as they struggle to find time away from Tremaine. Finally, Darius learns some disturbing news about his future. 
"Series 5 - Episode 3" March 9, 2006 3 37
Liberty and Urzulas hit front-page news, and Tre and Libs go onto Richard and Judy to help their relationship. Callum's mother Trisha is unwilling to forgive Shannon. Callum is angry at his mother for ruining his chances with Shannon. Bruno loses his grip on reality and even gets fired as skipper. Roger and Jackie attend one of Garry's parties where Jackie gets more than she bargained for. Meanwhile sparks fly between Tre and Lucy. Lucy helps Bruno regain his mind with a revelation about Amber. 
"Series 5 - Episode 4" March 16, 2006 4 38
When Bruno finds out that Amber is trying to poison him he kicks her out but she wants revenge. She dresses up as goddess, Kali and goes to Shannon and Callum's house warming party, with a gun! All hell breaks loose! Meanwhile, recently widowed Tanya Turner returns after Amber is sectioned. 
"Series 5 - Episode 5" March 23, 2006 5 39
It is the battle of the bitches as Tanya Turner clashes with ruthless magazine editor Eva de Wolffe. But Tanya has her eye on Eva's partner, the mysterious Paulo - who will win out? 
"Series 5 - Episode 6" March 30, 2006 6 40
Eva has splashed dreadful photos of Tanya all over her magazine, but Tanya has uncovered a dark secret about Eva and Paulo - the man she wants - and plans blackmail. Callum and Shannon organize a charity auction and Lucy is thrilled that the outfits she created fetched such a high price, but the bidder was Bruno, and he is desperate to win her back. With Urszula gone, Liberty has thrown herself into her marriage - but Tremaine is inexplicably avoiding her. 
"Series 5 - Episode 7" April 6, 2006 7 41
Tanya Turner couldn't be happier. She's won the battle for Paolo. To celebrate, she hosts a Brazilian fiesta. Meanwhile, Jackie confronts Garry about Bruno's promotion but he spikes her drink and tries to rape her. When Callum makes a pass at Tanya, she laughs it off but Paolo's jealous streak soars out of control and he thrashes the house. Rodger takes a trip to the Earls Park and comes across Garry. The two fight about what happened to Jackie and Rodger threatens to take his suspicions that Darius was nobbled to the press. Garry takes drastic action and guides Rodger to an out of order lift. An unaware Rodger steps in and plummets to the ground. 
"Finale" March 14, 2006 8 42
Tanya comes up with a plan to get her hands on some quick money after her ex-husband's cash is frozen, but when Garry Ryan takes her for a ride she resolves to exact her revenge. 

[edit] Sport Relief Special

Screencap Title Original airdate # Special # Total

"The Last Ever, Ever Footballers' Wives" July 15, 2006 1 N/A
When the Sparks' new signing, Brendan Spunk, arrives, Amber, Tanya and Shannon all want a piece of him. Amber, Shannon, Tanya and Normski all end up in bed with him at the same time and when Bruno comes in, he threatens to kill them all seeing as there will be no series six. He tries to shoot them but he misses so he picks up a can of hair spray and a lighter and the flat room explodes. Then Tanya wakes up and realizes that the past five series were all a dream. She picks up the lighter and her flat room explodes. 

[edit] External links

Footballers' Wives
Episode list Season 1 Season 4 Season 5 Official site
Tanya TurnerJason TurnerChardonnay Lane-PascoeJackie Pascoe-Webb
Amber GatesConrad GatesLucy Milligan-LochhartBruno Milligan
Shannon Donnelly-LawsonLiberty Baker-GidigbiTremaine GidigbiUrszula Rosen
Other Footballers' Wives: Extra TimeFootball Wives