List of EarthBound locations

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The Super Nintendo video game EarthBound contains numerous towns and areas of importance.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Eagleland

Eagleland (Japanese: イーグルランド Īgururando) is the main fictional country in EarthBound. The game's hero, Ness, hails from this country, as does Paula. Meanwhile, Jeff hails from Winters, Foggyland, and Poo hails from Dalaam, Chommo.

Eagleland's major cities include Onett, Twoson, Threed, and Fourside. In between Threed and Fourside lies the Dusty Dunes Desert, and the colony of Saturn Valley also rests in this country. Notice that the towns are named after one, two, three, and four, respectively.

[edit] Onett

Onett is the name of the first town visited by Ness, where both Pokey and he live. There is a debate as to how the town's name is pronounced. Logically it would be One-et, in keeping with the numerically related town names, but it is also commonly called On-ett, Oh-nett and various other names.

Onett is a fairly big city, with a mountainous area to the north, a promontory to the west, and the road to Twoson down south. In the mountainous area lives Lier X. Agerate, a world famous treasure hunter, and Ness and Pokey's families. On the outskirts of the town is the Travelling Entertainer's Shack, Treehouse, and Onett Library (which gives only maps to kids). In the main area there's a drugstore and burger shop, as well as the Hotel, Bakery, City Hall, Hospital, Pizza Parlor, and Police Station. There is also an arcade, which is the Sharks' hideout at the beginning of the game. On the promontory (named Beak Point) lies a house that costs $7,500. When the player buys it, they get a run-down shack, but one more photo gets added to the scrapbook.

The Police Force in Onett is corrupt. Captain Strong is the chief, and is also one of the bosses. The government of Onett also seems to be corrupt, but to a lesser degree than the police force.

At the beginning of the game, a meteor crash lands on the cliff above Ness's house. Near the end of the game, the town becomes infested with Giygas' monsters.

Onett appears as a stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

[edit] Twoson

Twoson is the second town visited by Ness, and is where Paula and the Apple Kid and Orange Kid live. The Runaway Five are met for the first time here, performing to pay their debts. It lies adjacent to the Peaceful Rest Valley, where Happy Happy Village is.

The town's slogan is "We got this name because we weren't first." Twoson has a department store, which sells various goods. There is also a bicycle shop, which will give Ness a free bike. Unlike Onett, Twoson has a nursery and a Bus Station. Polestar Nursery is where Paula and her parents work and live.

Burglin Park is the main area in Twoson, where players can buy items and junk, as well as fight Everdred.

[edit] Happy Happy Village

Across a small valley from Twoson, the Peaceful Rest Valley, there is a small but odd village named the Happy Happy Village. In the village, a man named Mr. Carpainter (possessed by means of the Mani Mani statue) has established a cult of brainwashed "Happy Happyists", who have painted everything in the town blue and kidnapped Paula.

Happy Happy Village has no distinguishing characteristics that set it apart from other towns, other than the massive hall in the middle of town which acts as a hub for the Happy Happyists.

[edit] Threed

Threed (Japanese: スリーク, Rōmaji: Surīku, English: Threek), is the third town visited by Ness and his friends, after gaining passage through the haunted tunnel by means of the Runaway Five. It is a dark town, inhabited by zombies and ghouls. Once Ness & co. defeat Master Belch and take care of the zombies, Threed becomes a normal, bright city like any other in the game.

Threed's most prominent attraction is the large cemetery located to the north, where many zombies are located. There is also a big tent in the center of town used for the circus.

[edit] Saturn Valley

Saturn Valley is a town inhabited entirely by the peculiar Mr. Saturns, who have their own strange society there. Master Belch, a monster working under Giygas, has a base here. From the Belch Base, he directs the zombies to take over Threed and imprison numerous Mr. Saturns.

[edit] Dusty Dunes Desert

The Dusty Dunes Desert between Threed and Fourside is a vast, arid region. Here, the characters are prone to sunstroke from prolonged exposure. Among the desert's notable locations are a gold mine inhabited by monsters and the cave of Talah Rama, a wise sage who shares his cave with numerous monkeys.

[edit] Fourside

Fourside is the fourth town that Ness and company visits. It is significantly larger than any town that Ness has visited before, with skyscrapers everywhere. Moonside is the illusionary opposite of Fourside.

Fourside appears as a stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee.

[edit] Other areas

[edit] Moonside

Moonside is an alternate universe of Fourside, possibly covering all of Eagleland as well, created by the Evil Mani Mani statue. The player enters Moonside after defeating the Department Store Spook, and checking behind the counter in the cafe. It has several obscure villains, such as the Robo-Pump and Dali's Clock, and much of Moonside is opposite (ie, yes means no). Once the Mani Mani Statue is defeated, it is revealed that Moonside is only an illusion, and the character was only walking around a warehouse with a "vacant look on his face."

[edit] Winters

Winters is a small country to the north, and as the name would suggest, it is continuously cold and snowy there. Jeff resides at the Snow Wood Boarding School in Winters, and Dr. Andonuts, his father, lives at a lab to the south. Tessie, a sea creature resembling the Loch Ness Monster lives here, as does a Tessie-Watchers club dedicated to researching her.

[edit] Summers

Summers is a high class beach resort town. Most of the people here are rich tourists. Summers also has an Egyptian museum and an exclusive "Stoic Club", a satire on pseudointellectuals.

[edit] Dalaam

Dalaam is a floating country somewhere in the Far East, and it is also the home country of Poo. There are no ATMs here, though the shops still accept normal cash.

[edit] Scaraba

Scaraba is a desert town south across the ocean from Summers. Like the Dusty Dunes Desert, it is extremely hot (causing the player to get sunstroke if they remain too long), and it is where desert-faring creatures and monsters make their home. South of Scaraba, there lies an ancient pyramid teeming with treasure as well as monsters.

[edit] Deep Darkness

The Deep Darkness is a swamp which has few inhabitants other than monkeys and some shopkeepers. Marine monsters are common here, and Master Belch returns in this area as the more dangerous Master Barf.

[edit] Tenda Village

Soon after the Deep Darkness ends, the player finds the Tenda Village: a cave inhabitied by small, green creatures called Tendas. They are initially unable to talk to any outsiders, because they are extremely shy.

[edit] Lost Underworld

Deep within the Earth lies the Lost Underworld, a massive region filled with dinosaurs and other gigantic beings. Another camp of Tendas live here; they separated themselves from their cave-dwelling brethren since they were not as shy.

[edit] Magicant

Magicant exists as a figment of Ness's imagination. In Magicant, Ness talks to peculiar characters inside his mind and must defeat his nightmare before reawakening. In the Japanese version, he is naked in this area.

[edit] Sanctuaries

Throughout EarthBound, Ness and his friends must travel to eight "Your Sanctuary" locations in order to attain the power necessary to defeat Giygas. Each place is signified with a Shining Spot, where a boss must be defeated in order to reach the Sanctuary.

[edit] Giant Step

At the top of the hills and mountains in Onett, there is Giant Step. The caves beneath it are populated with insects and mice. This Sanctuary's boss is Titanic Ant, a large insect flanked by smaller ants.

[edit] Lilliput Steps

Lilliput Steps lies beyond a cave in Happy Happy Village. Bats, bears and moles populate the cave, and the Shining Spot is guarded by Mondo Mole.

[edit] Milky Well

Milky Well is located in Saturn Valley. Numerous hostile plants guard the area, and the Shining Spot is protected by a giant sprout called the Trillionage Sprout.

When visiting this sanctuary, the tones from Rainy Circle can be heard here. This was a mistake in the game, but fortunately the Sound Stone will play the melodies in the correct order.

[edit] Rainy Circle

In Winters, Jeff passes through the Rainy Circle on his way to Threed but cannot face the Sanctuary's guardian without Ness. Various monsters inhabit the caves preceding Rainy Circle, and the Shining Spot is home to a monstrous mushroom named "Shrooom!"

When visiting this sanctuary, the tones from Milky Well can be heard here. This was a mistake in the game, but fortunately the Sound Stone will play the melodies in the correct order.

[edit] Magnet Hill

This area lies in the midst of Fourside, accessible only through the sewers. Rats and other vermin are common, and the Sanctuary is appropriately guarded by a boss known as the Plague Rat of Doom.

[edit] Pink Cloud

In Poo's homeland of Dalaam, a cave is guarded by black rabbit statues. With a key obtained at Magnet Hill, Ness may clear these statues and enter. Strange electrical spirits and floating beasts make this area their home. The Shining Spot is guarded by Thunder & Storm, two electrical entities who have merged together.

[edit] Lumine Hole

Past the Tenda Village, there is a cave filled with holes and numerous small caverns. Various odd creatures inhabit the area, and the Shining Spot is guarded by an equally strange monster: a metallic figure called the Electro Specter.

[edit] Fire Spring

Fire Spring is hidden in a cave in the Lost Underworld filled with lava and fire creatures. This final Sanctuary is patrolled by Carbon Dog, who transforms into Diamond Dog when defeated.

Spoilers end here.