List of Doctor Who villains

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This is a list of villains from the long-running British science fiction television series, Doctor Who. For other, related lists, see below.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] A

[edit] Helen A

Helen A, seen in The Happiness Patrol, (1988), was ruler of a human colony on Terra Alpha. Outlawing unhappiness, she brutally controlled the population through executions conducted by the Happiness Patrol and Gilbert M's Kandy Man. Joseph C was her consort and she had a pet Stigorax, called Fifi. Joseph C escaped the city when the Pipe People revolted against Helen A's rule. Fifi was killed, crushed in the pipes below the city during the uprising. Helen A, unable to escape, only came to understand the Doctor's notion that happiness can only truly be appreciated when counter-balanced with sadness when she discovered Fifi's remains.

[edit] Abzorbaloff

Doctor Who character
Affiliated with None
Race Unknown
Home planet Clom (twin planet to Raxacoricofallapatorius)
Home era 2007
First appearance Love & Monsters
Last appearance Love & Monsters
Portrayed by Peter Kay

The Abzorbaloff is a monster designed by nine-year-old William Grantham of Colchester, Essex for a "Design a Doctor Who Monster" competition held by Blue Peter.

William Grantham's original drawing
William Grantham's original drawing

The competition was announced in July 2005, and received 43,920 entries. These were judged by Blue Peter editor Richard Marson, presenter Gethin Jones, Doctor Who producer Russell T Davies and Tenth Doctor David Tennant. The first prize for the competition was to have the monster appear in an episode of Doctor Who. Tennant announced the winner on Blue Peter on 17 August 2005. Conditions of the competition meant that the monster had to be able to be made from prosthetics and not require CGI.

Russell T. Davies revealed on the Doctor Who Confidential episode "New World of Who" that Grantham imagined the Abzorbaloff to be the size of a double-decker bus, so was initially disappointed to see the final size of his creation. However, Grantham's design had not included size specifications (though the remains of the monster's victims on and within his body hinted at his being huge) and a larger size would not have fit the criteria of the competition unless the monster were superimposed on footage later on a larger scale. Ultimately, CGI was used for some shots of the talking faces on the Abzorbaloff.

Appearing in the episode Love & Monsters, the Abzorbaloff, played by Peter Kay, was a creature that absorbed other living beings into his body with a simple touch. In doing so, the Abzorbaloff made his victims part of himself, adding their memories and knowledge to his own. The victims retain their identity and consciousness for at least several weeks after absorption, during which time their faces can be seen embedded in his flesh, but eventually, those too are eliminated as they are fully absorbed. During this period, however, the absorption process works both ways - in becoming part of the Abzorbaloff, they are able to access his thoughts, just as he is able to access theirs. To restrain his absorption ability, the Abzorbaloff requires the use of a "limitation field," which limits absorption to physical contact. The Abzorbaloff hails from Clom, the sister planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, homeworld of the criminal Slitheen clan. Despite a passing resemblance to them, the Abzorbaloff spoke of the Raxacoricofallapatorians with contempt.

Seeking to absorb the Doctor and his hundreds of years of experience, the Abzorbaloff adopted a human disguise as "Victor Kennedy," his limitation field generated by the ornate cane he wielded. Taking charge of "LINDA", a small group of ordinary people who followed the exploits of the Doctor, the Abzorbaloff steadily absorbed their numbers one by one, until only Elton Pope remained. Pursuing Pope through the back streets of London, the Abzorbaloff was confronted by the Doctor, who stirred the absorbed victims to fight against the monster. Pulling the Abzorbaloff's body in different directions, the victims made him drop his cane, which Elton snapped in two, destroying the limitation field and causing the Abzorbaloff's absorption power to run out of control. His body collapsed into liquid and was itself absorbed by the Earth.

Note that "Abzorbaloff" is not the actual name of the species, but was coined independently by Elton Pope and the Doctor. The monster was seen to approve of the term, however. Other names thrown at him by the Doctor and Elton included "Abzorbatron", "Abzorbaklon", "Abzorbatrix" and "Abzorbalot".

[edit] Father Angelo

Father Angelo, played by Ian Hanmore, was the leader of the ninja monks who captured the Torchwood Estate and gave refuge to a werewolf, as seen in Tooth and Claw (2006). He sought to take the throne from Queen Victoria, but she shot and killed him.

[edit] Animus

Doctor Who character
The Animus
Affiliated with None
Race Unknown
Home planet Unknown
Home era Unknown
First appearance The Web Planet
Last appearance The Web Planet
Portrayed by Catherine Fleming (voice)

The Animus was an alien intelligence from an unknown planet which landed on the planet Vortis. It could take over any living creature that was in contact with gold and had already taken control of the ant-like Zarbi when the Doctor and his companions arrived on Vortis in the serial The Web Planet. One of Vortis' surviving lifeforms, the Optera, referred to the Animus as "Pwodarauk". The Animus manifested itself within an organic, self-healing palace called the Carcinome.

At the end of the story, the Animus's true form was revealed, as resembling an octopus with some arachnid features. The First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki help the Menoptra to destroy the Animus using the Menoptra's secret weapon, the Isop-tope. After that, it is assumed that natives of Vortis managed to resolve their differences peacefully.

The Animus has returned or been mentioned in several spin-off stories. In the Missing Adventure Twilight of the Gods by Christopher Bulis, the Second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria return to Vortis and encounter a seed of the Animus which had survived. The New Adventure All-Consuming Fire by Andy Lane identified the Animus with the Great Old One Lloigor from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos. Finally, an article by Russell T. Davies in the Doctor Who Annual 2006 says that the "Greater Animus perished" in the Time War, "and its Carsenome (sic) Walls fell into dust." These references, like the rest of the spin-off media, are of unclear canonicity.

[edit] Azal

Azal was the Dæmon that terrorised Devil's End in the Third Doctor story The Dæmons. Summoned by the Master, Azal had a gargoyle, by the name of Bok, as a servant. Azal was defeated by the Doctor and Jo Grant.

[edit] B

[edit] Baltazar

Baltazar, Scourge of the Galaxy, is a space pirate in the animated Tenth Doctor serial, The Infinite Quest, featured as part of the second series of Totally Doctor Who in 2007, voiced by Anthony Head. Using enhanced rust, the Doctor destroyed the ship Baltazar had built, Baltazar having destroyed the entire Earth defence. With his space piracy, cybernetics, robot parrot, and desire to crush planets into precious gems, Baltazar bears a striking resemblance to The Captain.

[edit] Beast

Doctor Who character
The Beast
Affiliated with The Ood
Race Demon
Home planet Unknown
Home era Before Time
First appearance The Impossible Planet
Last appearance The Satan Pit
Portrayed by Gabriel Woolf (voice)

The Beast was an ancient being that had been trapped for millions of years in a pit at the centre of the planet named in the Scriptures of the Faltino as Krop Tor, orbiting the black hole designated K37 Gem 5 by humans. The centre of the planet, ten miles down, had a powerful energy source which was keeping it in constant gravitational balance against the pull of the black hole. The gravitational force also extended out as a funnel into clear space.

The Beast claimed that he was the basis of the Devil-figure in all religions and mythologies, and originated from before this universe's creation. He had been defeated and trapped beneath the planet by the "Disciples of Light", who had crafted his prison such that if he ever freed himself, the gravitational force would collapse and the planet would be pulled into the black hole, destroying them both.

The Beast was awakened when a human expeditionary force flew their ship through the funnel to land on the planet, hoping to drill down and claim the power source for their Empire. The Beast exhibited the ability to telepathically possess and speak through other beings, in particular the empathic Ood, who became his "Legion of the Beast". He was also able to divine the hidden fears and secrets of those he spoke to, unnerving them greatly.

He also took the opportunity to possess Toby Zed, a human member of the expedition, while leaving his own body, a gigantic creature resembling a horned demon, still chained in the Pit at the heart of Krop Tor. In this way, he hoped to escape his prison. However, the Tenth Doctor smashed the power source containing the Beast's prison, causing Krop Tor to be dragged into the black hole and the Beast's original body to burst into flames. At the same time, while fleeing the planet in a rocket with the survivors of the expedition, Toby's possession manifested itself, angrily proclaiming that as long as he was feared, he could never be destroyed. However, Rose Tyler shot out the cockpit window with a bolt gun, causing the possessed Toby to be sucked into space towards the black hole.

The Beast claimed that he had many names, among them Abaddon and Satan. It is unknown whether they are the same. Gabriel Woolf, who provides the Beast's voice, played Sutekh the Destroyer in the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, an entity who was also said to have been named Satan.

In Torchwood episode End Days a similar giant creature named Abaddon is released from the Cardiff spacetime Rift and is referred to as the "son of the great Beast". The Torchwood website alludes to the Beast by asking "Were there other beings like Abaddon? Are they also entombed underneath planets across the universe?".[1]

[edit] Beep the Meep

Main article: Beep the Meep

[edit] Bennett

[edit] Black Guardian

Main article: Black Guardian

[edit] Margaret Blaine

See: Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen

[edit] Bok

Bok was the gargoyle servant of Azal in the Third Doctor story The Dæmons. Made of stone, he was bulletproof. He was blown apart by a UNIT bazooka, but reformed moments later. He reverted to his statue form when Azal was defeated.

[edit] Borad

Main article: Timelash

[edit] Borusa

Main article: Borusa

[edit] C

[edit] Taren Capel

Main article: The Robots of Death

[edit] The Captain

The Captain was a space pirate who appeared in the fourth Doctor episode The Pirate Planet. He was a cyborg, with half of his body covered in cybernetics, and had a pet robot parrot that rested on his shoulder. He was prone to ridiculous expletives like "by the beard of the sky demon!" and "moons of madness!", and was directly served by a nurse and a nervous little man named Mr Fibuli. The Captain piloted an entire planet called Zanak, which would materialize around other planets and crush them into precious gems. The Captain kept a trophy room of the super-compressed planets he had conquered. Toward the end of the episode, it was revealed that the Captain's nurse was actually a projection of a queen named Xanxia, who was controlling the Captain and using the energy created by the crushing of plundered planets to fuel a machine that perpetually kept her a few seconds from death.

[edit] Matron Casp

Main article: New Earth

Matron Casp was the leader of the sisters of plenitude. She hide a humanniod cure that could cure were used to cure the people of new earth. In the end lady cassandra released the flesh and the flesh killed matron casp when she was climbing up a shaft by touching her leg and she fell down the shaft.

[edit] Lady Cassandra

Main article: Lady Cassandra

[edit] Celestial Toymaker

Main article: Celestial Toymaker

[edit] Harrison Chase

Doctor Who character
Harrison Chase
Affiliated with Krynoids
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 20th century
First appearance The Seeds of Doom
Last appearance The Seeds of Doom
Portrayed by Tony Beckley

Harrison Chase was an eccentric millionaire whose primary hobby was botany. He was in many ways similar to James Bond villain Karl Stromberg; a madman with a disdainful attitude toward human life, and favouritism over another form of life, in this case, plant life.

Through his vast resources, Chase learned that the seed pods of a Krynoid, an intelligent form of alien plant life, had been found in Antarctica. As a collector of rare specimens, Chase became obsessed with obtaining them, and managed to successfully acquire one. He allowed the Krynoid to possess one of his henchmen, who began to mutate into a Human-Krynoid hybrid. As the monster grew in size and power, Chase too became possessed by the Krynoid.

Convinced of a future where Krynoids are the dominant life form on Earth, Chase aided the monster in earnest. By this time, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith had become trapped on Chase's property. Chase eventually captured Sarah and attempted to kill her by throwing her into a compost shredder. The Doctor stopped him, and the two fought, until Chase fell into the shredder and perished.

[edit] Chief Caretaker

The Chief Caretaker, played by Richard Briers, featured in Paradise Towers, (1987), served the intelligence Kroagnon, the Great Architect of Paradise Towers. He sanctioned the robotic Cleaners' killings, but lost control of the situation and was killed by Kroagnon for his body.

[edit] George Cranleigh

Main article: Black Orchid

[edit] D

[edit] Davros

Main article: Davros

[edit] De Flores

De Flores was a Neo-Nazi, based in South America, who aimed to establish a Fourth Reich, aided by a powerful Time Lord weapon, known as the Nemesis, as seen in Silver Nemesis, (1988). He led a group of paramilitary men against Lady Peinforte, a group of Cybermen and the Seventh Doctor, who all vied to control the Nemesis. He possessed the bow - part of the Nemesis as it was in its statue form - which he and his men reunited with the statue body when it fell to England in a comet in 1988. After allying himself with the Cybermen, De Flores was killed by the Cyber Leader when he outlived his usefulness to them.

[edit] Destroyer

Doctor Who character
The Destroyer
Affiliated with Morgaine
Race Otherdimensional demon
Home planet Unknown
Home era Arthurian age
First appearance Battlefield
Last appearance Battlefield
Portrayed by Marek Anton

The Destroyer was an otherdimensional entity summoned by the sorceress Morgaine in Battlefield (1989) to aid her in defeating the Seventh Doctor. Known by many titles, including "Destroyer of Worlds", he was kept subdued by chains of pure silver, and even Morgaine hesitated in unleashing him on the world until he allowed the Doctor to gain the upper hand, thus forcing Morgaine to free him in a desperate attempt to avoid defeat.

At the time, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart had been called out of retirement to assist UNIT against Morgaine's invasion. Taking a box of silver bullets meant for combating werewolves from UNIT stores, he loaded a revolver with them. The Destroyer taunted the elderly Brigadier for being the best Earth could offer as its champion; the Brigadier's response was to fire the silver bullets into the demon. The building the Destroyer was in subsequently exploded in a burst of magical energy, and presumably the creature was destroyed with it.

The design for the Destroyer was based on theatrical devil's mask, modfied so that an actor could speak through it. The cloak that covered its chainmail armour disguised the mechanical parts needed for the costume's special effects. Script writer Ben Aaronovitch originally intended the Destroyer to start off as a businessman who gradually became more demonic as he fell under Morgaine's spell, but this was time-consuming and expensive, so he stayed in one form throughout.

[edit] E

[edit] Editor

Doctor Who universe character

The Editor
Affiliated with Badwolf Corporation
Race Human
Home planet Earth?
Home era 2001st century
First appearance The Long Game
Last appearance The Long Game
Portrayed by Simon Pegg

The Editor was the mysterious manager of the space station Satellite 5, an orbital news station around Earth broadcasting across the whole of the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire of the year 200,000. The character was played by Simon Pegg.

Little is known about the Editor, except that he managed the operations of Satellite 5 from Floor 500, unseen and unknown to the rank-and-file journalists who packaged and broadcast the news over six hundred channels. He also monitored the thoughts of all those connected to the archives of the station via chips implanted into people's heads, which were required to access the computer systems of the 2001st century. Through these implants, the Editor was able to instantly know whatever the person connected knew, and was even able to sense when a record was fictional or not, or that there was something out of place with a particular individual before a security check confirmed it.

The Editor was a smooth and sinister individual in the mould of an evil genius, but was not the true controller of the station. He reported to the monstrous slug-like extraterrestrial known as the Jagrafess. The Editor claimed that he represented a consortium of interstellar banks whose intent was to subtly control the Empire by means of manipulating the news. In the ninety years since Satellite 5 had been established, the social, economic and technological development of the human race had been retarded, making them inward looking and xenophobic. When the Ninth Doctor investigated this, he and Rose were captured by the Editor.

Initially, the Editor was both intrigued and frustrated at the fact that records of their existence did not seem to exist in the archives. However, because the Doctor's new companion Adam had accessed the archives of the Satellite, the Editor acquired the knowledge that the Doctor was a Time Lord and had a TARDIS capable of time travel.

Before he could gain the Doctor's secrets or claim the TARDIS, however, a human journalist named Cathica (who had been following the Doctor's investigation) reversed the environmental controls of Floor 500 that had been kept at an icy temperature vital for keeping the Jagrafess alive. Overheating, the Jagrafess exploded, apparently taking the Editor with him.

In the episode Bad Wolf, taking place on Satellite 5 a century after The Long Game, it was revealed that the Badwolf Corporation was behind the Jagrafess, and that his masters were the Daleks.

[edit] Empress of the Racnoss

See also: Racnoss

[edit] F

[edit] Fendahl

Doctor Who character

The Fendahl Core
The Fendahl
Affiliated with None
Race Fendahl
Home planet The Fifth Planet
Home era 12 million B.C.
First appearance Image of the Fendahl
Last appearance Image of the Fendahl
Portrayed by Wanda Ventham - Fendahl Core

The Fendahl was an entity that devoured life itself. It originated on the fifth planet of Earth's solar system, which the ancient Time Lords placed in a time loop in an attempt to imprison the creature. However, the Fendahl escaped and, in the form of a humanoid skull, was buried under volcanic rock on prehistoric Earth 12 million years ago. The story of the Fendahl passed into Time Lord myth, and was forgotten. The Fendahl's power, contained in a pentagram-shaped neural relay in the bones of the skull, affected life on Earth via a biotransmutation field, influencing life forms in its vicinity (including the early hominids) to develop into forms it could use.

In the late 20th century, the Fendahl skull was discovered in Kenya by a team of anthropologists under the leadership of one Dr. Fendelman. Fendelman brought the skull to an English research facility at Fetch Priory, near the village of Fetchborough. The Priory was built on a time fissure, causing psychic ability in some nearby residents. In the Priory, Fendelman and his fellow researchers Thea Ransome, Adam Colby and Maximillian Stael performed experiments on the skull, attempting to unlock its secrets. Fendelman used a crude time scanner to examine the skull, a dangerous activity which drew the attention of the Fourth Doctor. Stael attempted to capture the power of the Fendahl for himself by means of black magic rituals, performed with the aid of a local coven, but he, Fendelman and Ransome were all being used by the Fendahl to recreate itself.

The Fendahl was a gestalt creature with multiple aspects. Thea Ransome was transformed into the Fendahl Core, a humanoid female with golden skin and blank, staring eyes. Several of the cult members became slug-like creatures called Fendahleen. All the aspects of the Fendahl had powerful psychotelekinetic ability, and can control the muscles of human victims. The Fendahleen were vulnerable to sodium chloride, which altered the creatures' conductivity and destroyed their electrical balance.

In its final form, the Fendahl would consist of the Core and twelve Fendahleen; however, the Doctor was able to prevent the creature from reaching its full manifestation. He rigged Fendelman's time scanner to implode, destroying the Core and the Fendahleen. He also removed the skull, planning to drop it into a star about to go supernova.

The Fendahl has also appeared in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Taking of Planet 5 by Simon Bucher-Jones and Mark Clapham, as well as in the Kaldor City series of audio plays and the Time Hunter novella Deus Le Volt by Jon de Burgh Miller.

[edit] Fenric

Doctor Who character

Affiliated with None
Race Creature from before the dawn of time
Home planet None
Home era Dawn of time
First appearance The Curse of Fenric
Last appearance The Curse of Fenric
Portrayed by Dinsdale Landen - when controlling Doctor Judson
Tomek Bork - when controlling Captain Sorin

Fenric was a being described by the Seventh Doctor as "evil from the dawn of time," a malevolent force that survived the clash of energies present at the birth of the universe. In an untelevised adventure, the Doctor had encountered Fenric and defeated him by challenging him to solve a chess puzzle. When Fenric proved unable to solve it, the Doctor then trapped the being in a flask for where he remained for several thousand years.

However, Fenric was still able to manipulate human minds and events through time and space. He set up pawns, bloodlines of families that were under his control and he could use, "The Curse of Fenric" stretching down through generations. These people were known as the "Wolves of Fenric", and their true purpose was unknown even to them. He also had the power to summon Haemovores, vampires which were to be the evolutionary destiny of mankind in a possible far future. The haemovores were strong enough to be able to weld metal with their bare hands, and were also immune to bullets. They could be countered, however, with a psychic barrier caused by faith.

Eventually, the flask was brought to a British Army base in Northumberland in 1942, where several Wolves, including the Doctor's companion Ace, were manipulated into freeing Fenric from his flask. He also summoned the Ancient One, the last of the Haemovores from the future, in an attempt to poison the world with a deadly chemical toxin. Fenric then revealed that he had manipulated the Seventh Doctor's life upon several occasions as part of his game, including creating the time storm that originally took Ace to Iceworld and influencing the Cybermen in their attempts to gain the power of the Nemesis statue. Eventually, the Doctor convinced the Ancient One to turn on Fenric; the Ancient One then destroyed Fenric and himself with the same toxin.

In Norse mythology, Fenric is another name for Fenrisulfr, the monstrous wolf that will devour Odin during Ragnarök. The Virgin New Adventures novel All-Consuming Fire by Andy Lane also equates Fenric with the Cthulhu Mythos entity Hastur the Unspeakable. As with all spin-off media, the canonicity of this is unclear.

[edit] Mr Finch

Doctor Who character
Lucas Finch
Affiliated with none
Race Krillitane
Home planet Unknown
Home era 2007
First appearance School Reunion
Last appearance School Reunion
Portrayed by Anthony Head

Mr Finch was an alias for Brother Lassar, the leader of a group of Krillitanes. His first and only appearance to date was in the 2006 series episode School Reunion, where he was portrayed by Anthony Head. His first name of "Lucas" is given on the Deffry Vale School website. According to an on-line interview with Head, Finch's original name in the script was "Hector", but this had to be changed when a check found a real headmaster named "Hector Finch". He is also aware of the Time War and the Time Lords' near-extinction.

The Krillitanes had taken human characteristics to infiltrate the Deffry Vale comprehensive school. Taking the position of headmaster, Finch gradually replaced the staff members with disguised Krillitanes and then enacted a series of reforms, including specialised programmes of study and free, but compulsory, school dinners. The dinners were laced with Krillitane oil, which was designed to enhance the intelligence of the pupils in a bid to use them to decode the Skasis Paradigm, which would give the Krillitanes control over the structure of reality. The Krillitanes could not use the oil themselves because their constantly changing morphology had rendered it toxic to their systems.

The Tenth Doctor and his current companions investigated the school, meeting his old companions Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 Mark III. Finch squared off against the Doctor, offering the use of the solved Paradigm and tempting him with the power, but Sarah's urgings helped the Doctor to refuse. In the midst of escaping, K-9 sacrificed itself by using its laser to blow up the barrels of Krillitane oil in the kitchen, showering most of the Krillitanes with it before the kitchen exploded, apparently killing them all.

[edit] Florence Finnegan

Doctor Who character
Florence Finnegan
Affiliated with Slabs
Race Plasmavore
Home planet Unknown
Home era 2008
First appearance Smith and Jones
Last appearance Smith and Jones
Portrayed by Anne Reid

Florence Finnegan was the name assumed by the Plasmavore, played by Anne Reid, who was hiding from the Judoon in the Royal Hope Hospital in London when it was transported to the Moon in Smith and Jones. To avoid detection by the Judoon, she sucked the blood out of Mr. Stoker (a consultant working in the hospital), allowing her to assimilate human DNA and register as human on the Judoon scanners. The Doctor later tricked her into sucking his blood, meaning that she registered as non-human, having assimilated non-human blood, when re-scanned by Martha Jones in front of the Judoon. Her attempt to fry the brains of those within the hospital and on the half of the Earth facing the Moon using a converted MRI machine, allowing her to escape in a Judoon ship, was foiled as the Judoon executed her for the murder of an alien princess and the Doctor deactivated the MRI machine.

Interestingly, in the Seventh Doctor serial The Curse of Fenric, set in 1945, actress Anne Reid played a character, Nurse Crane, who fell victim to another race of creatures who fed on blood, the Haemovores. Haemovore victims would often go on to become Haemovores themselves. However, there is no suggestion on screen that Florence Finnegan is intended to be Nurse Crane's later vampiric self.

[edit] G

[edit] Gavrok

Gavrok was leader of the Bannermen who attempted to wipe out the Chimeron race in Delta and the Bannermen, (1987). After pursuing the Chimeron Queen, Delta, to Earth in 1959, he was killed falling into his own booby-trap set around the TARDIS when he was overcome by a high-pitched scream produced by Delta's child, the Chimeron Princess, amplified by a PA system.

[edit] Sabalom Glitz

Main article: Sabalom Glitz

[edit] Gods of Ragnarok

Doctor Who character
Gods of Ragnarok
Affiliated with Robot Clowns
Race Omnipotent interdimensional beings
Home planet Unidentified dimension
First appearance The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Last appearance The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Portrayed by David Ashford, Janet Hargreaves, Kathryn Ludlow

The three Gods of Ragnarok appeared in the 1988 story, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy by Stephen Wyatt. They possess the ability to exist in multiple times and dimensions simultaneously: in the story, they appeared in both the Psychic Circus as a family consisting of a mother, a father and their young daughter and at the same time in their temple-like Dark Circus as a trio of statue-like beings. It is not known which, if any, are their true forms.

They seem to have a need to be entertained, using lesser beings for sport and allowing them to live as long as they continue to be amused. They are defeated when the Seventh Doctor uses a medallion to reflect the Gods' destructive energy back at them, destroying them and their Dark Circus.

The Virgin New Adventures novel Conundrum by Steve Lyons reveals that the Gods of Ragnarok created the Land of Fiction. Like all Doctor Who spin-offs, the canonicity of this is unclear. (The Gods also display some similarity with the Osirian race of Sutekh, including the use of Eye of Horus symbol.)

[edit] Gravis

Main article: Frontios

[edit] Magnus Greel

Doctor Who character
Magnus Greel
Affiliated with Tong of the Black Scorpion (as Weng-Chiang)
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 51st Century
First appearance The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Last appearance The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Portrayed by Michael Spice

Magnus Greel was Minister of Justice (probably for the Supreme Alliance) in the 51st century, responsible for the deaths of 100,000 enemies of the state and earning himself the nickname of the Butcher of Brisbane. He also almost started World War VI when he used the Peking Homunculus to murder the Commissioner of the Icelandic Alliance. His first and only appearance was in the 1977 serial The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

Eventually the Filipino Army defeated the Supreme Alliance at the battle of Reykjavik. Fleeing from prosecution to the 19th century, Greel used a time cabinet created by his scientists based on zygma beam technology to flee into the past. However, the zygma beam disrupted his DNA, making him hideously deformed and needing to draw the life essence from others to maintain his damaged genetic structure. He was given shelter by a Chinese peasant, Li H'sen Chang, who mistook Greel for the god Weng-Chiang.

The time cabinet was captured by Imperial soldiers and passed on to an Englishman as a gift, neither of whom guessed its true nature. Seeking to recover the cabinet and reverse his condition, Greel and Li pursued it to London, where Li posed as a stage magician. There, they enlisted the Tong of the Black Scorpion to obtain victims for Greel's organic distillation chamber, which extracted their essences for him to feed on.

Greel's plans were opposed by the Fourth Doctor, who warned him that using the cabinet again would cause an implosion that would kill thousands. In a battle with the Doctor, Greel fell into his own distilation chamber and perished.

Although Greel was dead, the Doctor met the Tong of the Black Scorpion again and dealt with other consequences of Greel's time travel in the spin-off Virgin Missing Adventures novel The Shadow of Weng-Chiang by David A. McIntee. Greel is mentioned in Simon A. Forward's Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Emotional Chemistry, which is partly set in the 51st century.

[edit] Count Grendel

Doctor Who character

Count Grendel of Gracht
Count Grendel
Affiliated with Knights of Tara
Race Human (Taran)
Home planet Tara
Home era Unspecified
First appearance The Androids of Tara
Last appearance The Androids of Tara
Portrayed by Peter Jeffrey

Count Grendel of Gracht was a Knight of the nobility of the planet Tara and the Lord of Castle Gracht, his sole on-screen appearance was in the Fourth Doctor serial, The Androids of Tara, part of the Season 16 quest for the Key to Time. The character was played by Peter Jeffrey.

While searching for the fourth segment of the Key, Romana discovered that it was disguised as the head of a statue representing the family crest of Grendel's family. After Romana transformed it into its actual crystalline form, the segment was confiscated by Grendel. Grendel did not know of the segment's true nature; his real intent was to use Romana (who resembled the Princess Strella) in a complex plot to seize the throne of Tara from Prince Reynart.

His plans were ultimately defeated by the Doctor. Although Grendel was considered the finest swordsman on Tara, the Doctor managed to duel him to a standstill, and he made his escape by leaping into the moat of Castle Gracht and swimming away.

A cultured and charming villain, Gracht used his breeding to cover a ruthless and cunning personality. He used and discarded people as easily as he would persuade them to do his bidding, and somehow always managed to live to scheme another day. He also appeared in the spin-off short story The Trials of Tara by Paul Cornell, where another attempt to seize the throne of Tara with the help of the salvaged remains of the Kandy Man was foiled by the Seventh Doctor and Benny.

[edit] H

[edit] Yvonne Hartman

Doctor Who character
Yvonne Hartman
Affiliated with Torchwood Institute
Jack Harkness
Race Human, later Cyberman
Home planet Earth
Home era Early 21st century
First appearance Army of Ghosts
Last appearance Doomsday
Portrayed by Tracy-Ann Oberman

Yvonne Hartman portrayed by Tracy-Ann Oberman in Army of Ghosts and Doomsday was the director of Torchwood One, the London branch of the Torchwood Institute founded by Queen Victoria, located in Canary Wharf. While technically not a villain, she intervened with the Doctor's plans to stop what she was doing: widening the tear between her own world and that of an alternate Earth's, she unknowingly helped to release a number of Cybermen into the world. When the TARDIS materialised within Torchwood HQ, she placed the Doctor as her prisoner and confiscated his TARDIS, although he was treated with much respect - as a guest, as the institute had much to learn from him. At the height of the war between the Daleks and Cybermen, she herself was cyber-converted, but the process was seemingly faulty as she turned on her fellow Cybermen, defending the Torchwood Tower "for Queen and country".

It is unknown if she was sucked into the void, or if like fellow "Cyberwoman" Lisa Hallett, she stayed behind after the Doctor pulled almost all Cybermen and Daleks back into the void. A report on the Torchwood Institute website about a motionless Cyberman by some stairs killed by Torchwood security personnel suggests she may have been killed.[2] The website also states that Hartman regularly collaborated with Jack Harkness and the other members of Torchwood Three.

[edit] I

[edit] J

[edit] Jagrafess

Doctor Who character

The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe
Affiliated with Badwolf Corporation
Race Unknown
Home planet Unknown
Home era 2001st century
First appearance The Long Game
Last appearance The Long Game
Portrayed by None

The Jagrafess, or, to give its full title, The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe was a gigantic, gelatinous creature similar to a slug in shape. Its origins or home planet (or even the name of its species) are not known, but it was sentient and able to communicate in a series of growls. It had a life span of about 3000 years, with sharp, vicious teeth and several vestigial eyes. Its metabolic rate, however, meant that it had to be kept at low temperatures to survive. Its first and only appearance to date was in the episode The Long Game.

The Jagrafess was the supervisor of the mysterious and sinister Editor on board Satellite 5, a space station that broadcast news across the whole of the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire of the year 200,000. The Editor (who called the Jagrafess "Max" for short) claimed that the Jagrafess had been placed with Satellite 5 some ninety years before by a consortium of interstellar banks. The intent was to use the news broadcasts to subtly manipulate the Empire, retarding its social, economic and technological growth and turning it more inward looking and xenophobic. Control was enhanced by the use of computer chips, installed in every human brain; chips that allowed the users to access the computer systems of the 2001st century, but at the same time allowed the Jagrafess and its cohorts to monitor people's thoughts. In this way, the human race was reduced to slavery without them even realising it.

The environmental systems of Satellite 5 had been configured to vent all heat away from Floor 500, keeping it cold enough for the Jagrafess to survive, attached to the ceiling of the main control room. When the Ninth Doctor, Rose and Adam arrived on board, the Doctor recognised that human development had been deliberately obstructed and began to investigate. Ultimately captured by the Editor and about to be killed by the Jagrafess, the Doctor and Rose were saved by the actions of Cathica, a human journalist, who reversed the environmental systems. The Jagrafess overheated, bloated up and exploded, apparently ending its threat and the scheme to hold back the human race.

In the episode Bad Wolf, taking place on Satellite 5 a century after The Long Game, it was revealed that the Badwolf Corporation was behind the Jagrafess, and that its masters were the Daleks.

The Jagrafess was designed and created by Jean-Claude Deguara, a middle-aged freelance animator from Croydon.[citation needed]

[edit] Sharaz Jek

Doctor Who character

Sharaz Jek
Affiliated with None
Race Human
Home planet Androzani Minor
Home era Unspecified
First appearance The Caves of Androzani
Last appearance The Caves of Androzani
Portrayed by Christopher Gable

Sharaz Jek was a partner of businessman Trau Morgus. Together they planned to harvest the rare Spectrox drug on the planet Androzani Minor using androids built by Jek. Morgus, however, "cheaped out" on Jek, supplying him with substandard equipment and Jek was caught in a mud burst on Minor leaving him hideously disfigured. Jek thereafter bore a pathological hatred for Morgus.

When the Doctor and Peri landed on Androzani Minor, they soon became entangled in a three way struggle between Jek's androids, drug runners and Androzani Major troops. Jek found Peri beautiful and coveted her strongly. When the Doctor and Peri were to be executed by the Major troops, Jek replaced them with realistic androids, and later cared for Peri while while the Doctor tried to get an antidote for the disease that the two of them had accidentally contracted.

When Morgus and the leader of the drug runners, Stotz, arrived at Jek's base, Jek attacked Morgus and killed him, but was himself shot by Stotz.

[edit] K

[edit] Kane

Kane, seen in Dragonfire, (1987), one-half of the Xana-Kane criminal gang of the planet Proamon, was exiled after capture by security forces to the cold, dark side of Svartos, where he became ruler of the space trading colony Iceworld. His body temperature was so cold that one touch from him could kill and in order to cool down, he lay in a cryogenic chamber. He branded his employees with his mark iced into their skin and had an ice sculpture of his partner, Xana, made. After creating a cryogenic army, massacring most of Iceworld's populace and having the dragon that was guarding him slain, Kane released Iceworld from Svartos' surface as a spacecraft, setting a course for Proamon to exact his revenge for his exile and imprisonment. When it transpired that, during the millenia that he had been a prisoner, Proamon had been destroyed, Kane, now in a state of desperation, committed suicide by opening a screen and letting light rays in that melted him.

[edit] Lord Kiv

Main article: Mindwarp

[edit] Kroagnon

Kroagnon, or The Great Architect, (featured in Paradise Towers, (1987)), was the designer of Paradise Towers and Miracle City. He took an aversion to people occupying his buildings for fear of them ruining them and hence rigged devices to kill them off. He existed as a disembodied intelligence stored in a tank in the basement of Paradise Towers, feeding off those he had killed, before killing and taking the body of the Chief Caretaker, in which he is killed by Pex when dragged into a trap.

[edit] L

[edit] Light

Doctor Who character
Affiliated with None
Race Unknown
Home planet Unknown
Home era Past, up to the 1800s
First appearance Ghost Light
Last appearance Ghost Light
Portrayed by John Hallam

Light was an extremely powerful, almost God-like alien being. Long ago, he took a survey of all organic life in the universe, but almost as soon as he finished 'it all started changing.' Light went into hibernation in his spaceship, hidden in the basement of Gabriel Chase. Light began to campaign against evolution and change, deciding to destroy all life so that his catalogue would never be out of date again. Before he could carry out his plan, though, the Doctor told Light that even he was changing. Unable to cope with this fact, Light 'dissipated' in the main hallway of the house.

[edit] Lilith

Doctor Who character
Race Carrionite
Home planet Rexel 4 (destroyed, exiled to Earth)
Home era 16th Century
First appearance The Shakespeare Code
Last appearance The Shakespeare Code
Portrayed by Christina Cole

Lilith, played by Christina Cole, leads the Carrionite witches in The Shakespeare Code (2007). Although disguised in human form for most of the episode, her natural form is more like that the other Carrionites. Her human form is of a young, attractive woman, which she uses to manipulate others for long enough to obtain a sample of their hair, which can be used to control them using technology similar to voodoo dolls. Using this, she drowns a play censor on dry land and causes the Doctor to suffer a cardiac arrest to one of his two hearts.

She is eventually trapped within her crystal ball, which the Doctor locks in the attic of the TARDIS.

[edit] John Lumic

Doctor Who character
John Lumic
Affiliated with Cybermen, Cybus Industries
Race Human, later Cyberman
Home planet Parallel Earth
Home era 21st Century
First appearance Rise of the Cybermen
Last appearance The Age of Steel
Portrayed by Roger Lloyd Pack

John Lumic was an insane, physically disabled genius and megalomaniac who was the head of Cybus Industries on a parallel Earth. Among his many inventions were the EarPods, a highly popular and widespread communications and entertainment device which allowed the downloading of news and other information directly into the brain. Confined to a wheelchair, dependent on his ventilator and slowly dying, Lumic researched into gaining immortality by bonding the human brain to a robotic exoskeleton, creating his world's Cybermen. He experimented on human subjects, homeless people kidnapped off the streets.

When the President of Great Britain refused approval for his conversion programme, Lumic took matters into his own hands. He first sent a force of Cybermen to assassinate the President and prominent members of society and government, then broadcast a hypnotic signal through the EarPods that directed the population of London to march towards the factories and begin cyber-conversion. In the process, one of his employees turned against Lumic and smashed his ventilator; rather than repairing it the Cybermen then took him unwillingly to be "upgraded".

Lumic was transformed into the Cyber-Controller, a Cyberman with glowing eyes and a transparent brain-case. However, Mickey Smith managed to introduce emotions back into the Cybermen's makeup, causing them to go insane and destroy themselves. The Cyber-Controller was, for unexplained reasons, unaffected by this (possibly due to his insanity-finding this form desirable). In the resulting conflagration, the Cyber-Controller attempted to escape by climbing into Mickey's zeppelin as it left the factory. The lower portion of the rope ladder was severed before he could so, and the Cyber-Controller fell back into the burning factory, seemingly to perish.

The character bears some parallels to Davros, the creator of the Daleks in the Doctor's own universe.

[edit] Lytton

Doctor Who character

Affiliated with None
Race Human
Home planet Vita 15
Home era Unspecified future
First appearance Resurrection of the Daleks
Last appearance Attack of the Cybermen
Portrayed by Maurice Colbourne

Commander Lytton is a mercenary whom the Doctor encountered twice. He was born on a satellite called Riften 5, orbiting the planet Vita 15 some centuries in the future.

When the Fifth Doctor met Lytton during Resurrection of the Daleks (1984), he was working for the Daleks in a plot to rescue Davros from imprisonment following the events in Destiny of the Daleks. When Davros altered some of the Daleks to be loyal to him and tried to seize control from the Dalek Supreme, Lytton was one of the few survivors of the ensuing battle.

The Sixth Doctor then encountered Lytton planning to rob a diamond merchant in the story Attack of the Cybermen (1985). The sewers through which he planned to make his heist also contained a squad of Cybermen, and Lytton's actions helped revive them. After being taken to Telos with Lytton and the Cybermen, the Doctor encountered the Cryons, who revealed that Lytton was in fact working for them. The Cybermen had travelled back in time to prevent the destruction of their home planet Mondas in 1986. However, once they did so the Cybermen intended to destroy and leave Telos. Lytton's mission was to prevent this by stealing the time machine.

Once Lytton's treachery to the Cybermen was exposed, the Cyber Controller ordered that Lytton undergo the cyber-conversion process. When the Doctor tried to free Lytton from his fate as a Cyberman, a partially converted Lytton died fighting the Cyber Controller, who snapped his neck. The Doctor later admitted that he had badly misjudged Lytton.

[edit] M

[edit] Malus

Doctor Who character

The Malus
Affiliated with Rulers of Hakol
Race Malus
Home planet Hakol
Home era 17th century & 20th century
First appearance The Awakening
Last appearance The Awakening
Portrayed by None

The Malus appeared in the Fifth Doctor story The Awakening (1984) by Eric Pringle. At one point the Doctor describes this demonic entity as "a living being re-engineered as an instrument of war." He seems to pity the Malus, claiming that killing is "the only thing it knows how to do" (suggesting that it was originally a more benevolent creature). Possessing vast power and capable of combining various time zones, it uses its powers to allow real people to pass through down the centuries and create energies, including fear, that it can feed on. To this end, it psychically projects hallucinations to sustain itself.

The Malus was travelling on a Hakol ship, which crashed centuries before the English Civil War. In 1643 it was briefly roused by a battle at the village of Little Hodcombe, but it subsided once both sides had massacred each other. When its companion, Hutchinson, dies and its means of "feeding" blocked by the Doctor's TARDIS, it knows it has been defeated. It then panics and reverts to its original programming to destroy all that it can; the church that housed it for so long is annihilated in an explosion.

[edit] Mara

Main article: Mara (Doctor Who)

[edit] Master

Main article: Master (Doctor Who)

[edit] Master of the Land of Fiction

Doctor Who character

Master of the Land of Fiction
Affiliated with The Master Brain
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 20th century
First appearance The Mind Robber
Last appearance The Mind Robber
Portrayed by Emrys Jones

The Master of the Land of Fiction was a human writer from the year 1926 who was drawn to the Land of Fiction and forced to continuously write stories which were enacted within that realm. The Master's name was never revealed, but he did identify himself as the writer of "The Adventures of Captain Jack Harkaway" in The Ensign, a magazine for boys. He was freed by the Second Doctor, and returned to his own time.

In the Virgin New Adventures novel Conundrum by Steve Lyons, the Land of Fiction found itself a new Master in the form of Jason, a teenager from the late 20th century. His creations included superheroes, psychic detectives, a Famous Five type children's group and a version of the Doctor called "Dr. Who", based on the TV Comic comic strip portrayal, complete with his grandchildren John and Gillian. Jason also appeared in Head Games (also by Lyons), where he became "Dr. Who"'s companion in the real world for a while before the Seventh Doctor set things right.

The Master of the Land of Fiction should not be confused with the renegade Time Lord known as the Master.

[edit] Mawdryn

Main article: Mawdryn Undead

[edit] Meddling Monk

Main article: Meddling Monk

[edit] Meglos

Main article: Meglos

[edit] Monarch

Doctor Who character

Affiliated with None
Race Urbankan
Home planet Urbanka
Home era Prehistory to 20th century
First appearance Four to Doomsday
Last appearance Four to Doomsday
Portrayed by Stratford Johns

Monarch was the megalomaniac leader of the Urbankans from the planet Urbanka. He was encountered in the Fifth Doctor story Four to Doomsday. His greed and ego were highly dangerous. The Urbankans originated from the Inokshi system but their own planet was destroyed through over mining, and destruction of its ozone layer, both caused by Monarch's desire for minerals to improve his craft. He had similar plans for the Earth, which he had visited four times in the past, each time halving the length of the journey time.

The Urbankans were a green-skinned lizard people, four billion of whom - apart from Monarch himself - had been converted into androids. Monarch wasn't totally converted, retaining fancies of the "flesh time" such as the belief that if he could pilot his vast craft faster than light, he would be able to travel back before the dawn of time and meet God, whom he believed would be himself (However, his extreme longevity - over forty thousand years - may point to partial cybernisation, or his species could just be naturally long-lived).

Being of the "flesh time" he was succeptible to the virulent toxin he had planned to unleash to wipe out mankind, and was reduced in size to minute proportions.

[edit] Morbius

Doctor Who character

Affiliated with formerly Time Lords; later, Solon
Race Time Lord
Home planet Gallifrey
Home era Gallifrey era
First appearance The Brain of Morbius
Last appearance The Brain of Morbius
Portrayed by Stuart Fell, Michael Spice (voice)

In The Brain of Morbius, Morbius was a renegade Time Lord from the Doctor's birthplace, Gallifrey. He had been a member of the High Council of Time Lords, and attempted to move the Time Lords' policy towards the rest of the universe from observation to conquest. When the Time Lords rejected him, he formed an army of his own. He promised his followers the secrets of time travel and immortality. Morbius was eventually defeated and executed by his fellow Time Lords for his crimes. However, his brain survived. The remaining organ was taken away by the fanatical scientist Solon, who was planning the resurrection of Morbius.

The Fourth Doctor and Sarah found Morbius in Solon's castle on the planet Karn. Solon had built a freakish Frankenstein's monster body from parts of crashed space travellers and planned to place Morbius's brain in it. Solon drugged the Doctor, intending to use his head for Morbius's brain, but insisted that it would be "no cruel butchery."

Sarah foiled Solon's original plan, but he had an alternative container for Morbius' brain — a large glass bowl with two eyestalks. He attached this to the patchwork body, and this time round, the plan worked. However, during the operation, Morbius' brain was dropped, apparently causing Morbius further brain damage.

The ghoulishly resurrected Morbius fought the Doctor in a series of violent encounters. Their final confrontation was a dangerous Time Lord mental contest called "mind-bending". Both Morbius and the Doctor were badly injured in the conflict. The Sisterhood of Karn, longtime opponents of Morbius, chased the monster to a clifftop, from which he fell and died. The Sisterhood then used the Elixir of Life (a substance of which they were guardians) to revive the Doctor.

Morbius's war against the Time Lords and his execution (including how Solon saved his brain and the Fifth Doctor's involvement in his defeat) are depicted in the Past Doctor Adventures novel Warmonger by Terrance Dicks. The canonicity of the novels is uncertain.

[edit] Morgaine

Morgaine, or Morgaine, the Sunkiller, Dominator of the Thirteen Worlds and Battle Queen of the S'rax, portrayed by Jean Marsh in Battlefield, (1989), was a sorceress from another dimension, who had previously battled Merlin, whom she recognised as the Doctor from his personal future. She directed her knights led by Mordred to Avallion, (Earth) through a rift in time and space, where she summoned The Destroyer, the Devourer of Worlds, from Hell and got hold of Excalibur. When Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart defeated the Destroyer, Morgaine and Mordred attempted to detonate a nuclear missile that was in convoy. However, the Doctor persuaded Morgaine that there was no honour in killing with this modern weaponry and she realised her fight was futile when the Doctor informed her that King Arthur, her lover and foe, had been dead for over a thousand years. She and Mordred were locked up by Brigadier Bambera as punishment for their killings.

[edit] N

[edit] Nimrod

Main article: Nimrod (Doctor Who)

[edit] O

[edit] Omega

Main article: Omega (Doctor Who)

[edit] P

[edit] Lady Peinforte

Lady Peinforte, from the Stuart era, sought to gain control of the Nemesis, a powerful Time Lord weapon, as seen in Silver Nemesis, (1988). She fashioned the Nemesis into a statue in her own image when a living silver metal known as Validium fell to Earth. Having knowledge of black magic, she and her manservant, Richard, travelled from 1638 Windsor to 1988 Windsor by drinking a magic potion, in order to reunite the arrow - part of the Nemesis in its statue form - with the statue body when it crashes back down to Earth in a comet. She was an expert archer, wielding a bow and arrows. When the Cybermen took control of the Nemesis, enraged and distraught, she merged herself with it. In doing so, she was killed as the Nemesis destroyed the fleet of Cyber-warships. She knew the Doctor's secret regarding his mysterious past as the Nemesis had told her, but when she threatened to reveal it, the Cybermen were not interested.

[edit] Q

[edit] R

[edit] Rani

Main article: Rani (Doctor Who)

[edit] Rassilon

Main article: Rassilon

[edit] S

[edit] Sabbath

Main article: Sabbath (Doctor Who)

[edit] Salamander

Doctor Who character
Affiliated with United Zones Organisation
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 2030
First appearance The Enemy of the World
Last appearance The Enemy of the World
Portrayed by Patrick Troughton

Salamander was a ruthless Mexican-born politician who attempted to take control of the United Zones Organisation, a supranational World government that exists in 2030.

He gained influence through an invention he developed that diverts solar energy to barren parts of the world increasing food production. He also built a secret underground lair in Australia with technology that allowed him to trigger volcanoes and earthquakes. The lair is staffed by scientists who believe the world has been irradiated by a nuclear war, and for some reason they must fight back against the surface by causing natural disasters. Salamander uses these disasters to his advantage - he unseats one rival, Alexander Denes, the Controller of the Central European Zone, by causing a dormant volcano in Hungary to erupt and having Denes blamed for negligence. He then tries to force Denes's deputy to poison him through blackmail.

As the Second Doctor was the spitting image of Salamander, an opposing faction sought the Doctor's help to gain more evidence of his misdeeds. It later transpires that the group's leader Giles Kent, the former Deputy Security Leader for North Africa and Europe who was undermined by Salamander, is just as power-hungry. He had previously worked with Salamander in developing the secret bunker and corralling the underground scientists.

At the end of the story Salamander tries to flee justice in the TARDIS by impersonating the Doctor; however, Jamie sees through his deception, and Salamander is sucked out of the ship when the TARDIS dematerialises with its doors open.

[edit] Scaroth

Doctor Who character
Affiliated with None
Race Jagaroth
Home planet Unknown
Home era Various
First appearance City of Death
Last appearance City of Death
Portrayed by Julian Glover

Scaroth was the last of the Jagaroth, a vicious and callous warlike race, appearing in the serial City of Death. The last Jagaroth spacecraft exploded upon takeoff on prehistoric Earth. The energy from that explosion ignited the primordial soup that led to life developing on Earth and also fractured Scaroth into 12 aspects, scattered throughout Earth's history. Each splinter had the ability to communicate with the others, and disguising themselves as human, together they influenced Earth's technological development to the point where the last Scaroth (who had taken the alias of Count Scarlioni) could construct a time machine, travelling into the past to prevent his ship from taking off and thus saving his species and himself.

The scheme was financed by his earlier selves arranging for priceless art treasures to be passed down to Scarlioni. One such scheme involved his 1505 persona, Captain Tancredi, persuading Leonardo da Vinci to paint six copies of the Mona Lisa, so that in 1979 Scarlioni could steal the original from the Louvre and sell all seven copies on the black market.

Sensing the fractures used by the time travel experiments, the Fourth Doctor and Romana stumbled upon Scaroth's plans for the painting and foiled them. Scaroth used the prototype time bubble to travel back into the past anyway to stop his ship from taking off. However, Duggan, a private investigator who was aiding the two Time Lords, punched out Scaroth at the crucial moment. Scaroth was then sent back to 1979 where the time machine exploded, killing him.

[edit] Shadow

Doctor Who character
The Shadow
Affiliated with Black Guardian
Race Unknown
Home planet None
Home era Unspecified
First appearance The Armageddon Factor
Last appearance The Armageddon Factor
Portrayed by William Squire

The Shadow appeared in the 1979 Fourth Doctor story, The Armageddon Factor, by Bob Baker and Dave Martin; he was a servant of the Black Guardian, and at least partially responsible for a war between the planets Atrios and Zeos. The extent of the Shadow's involvement with starting the war was unstated, but when the Zeons eventually abandoned their planet rather than continue the war, he had a Time Lord named Drax build a computer named Mentalis which would co-ordinate the remaining Zeon forces. Once Drax completed work on Mentalis he realised just who he was working for, but was imprisoned by the Shadow so as not to disrupt his plan. The Shadow then hid on a space station in orbit of Zeos (invisible to either the Atrians or Mentalis) and waited for the Doctor to arrive. In the meantime, Mentalis was more successful in fighting the war than the Zeons and pushed the Atrians to the brink of defeat.

The Shadow knew that the royal family of Atrios held the secret of the sixth segment of the Key to Time, and when the Fourth Doctor arrived he arranged for the Doctor and the last survivor of the family, Princess Astra to be kidnapped. With this done, the Shadow ordered Mentalis to cease its attacks and duped Atrios' military leader, the Marshall, into making a nuclear attack on Zeos — the result of which would have been that Mentalis would set off an explosion powerful enough to destroy both planets.

Eventually the Shadow worked out that Astra herself was the sixth segment, and transformed her into the segment. Before he could attach it to the other five (which he had stolen from the Doctor), the Doctor stole the segments back and with Drax's aid dismantled Mentalis. Finally, using the TARDIS, the Doctor set up a force field which diverted the Marshall's missiles into the Shadow's space station, destroying it. The Shadow perished in the explosion, but not before informing the Black Guardian of what had happened.

[edit] Sil

Main article: Sil (Doctor Who)

[edit] Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen

Doctor Who universe character
Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen
a.k.a "Margaret Blaine"
Race Raxacoricofallapatorian
Home planet Raxacoricofallapatorius
First appearance Aliens of London
Last appearance Boom Town
Portrayed by Annette Badland (human disguise, voice)
Alan Ruscoe (true form)
Her true form played by Alan Ruscoe
Her true form played by Alan Ruscoe

Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen portrayed by Annette Badland and Alan Ruscoe, was a member of the nefarious Slitheen crime family. She appropriated the identity and appearance of Margaret Blaine a MI5 official who was killed by the Slitheen so that her skin could be used as a disguise. The Ninth Doctor met her in Downing Street in "Aliens of London" when she and her family tried to push the Earth into a nuclear war, and use the remains of the planet for fuel. She was apparently killed when the Doctor helped Mickey Smith blow up No. 10 with a missile. It was later revealed in "Boom Town" that while the rest of her family had been killed, she had teleported out at the last minute. She had then gone on to become the lord mayor of Cardiff, and was planning to use the Cardiff Rift in conjunction with a planned nuclear power station to destroy the planet and use a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator to ride the shockwave into space, to find any surviving members of her family. The Doctor stopped this, and was going to send her back to her home planet, even though she was would be executed. She tried to use the extrapolator in conjunction with the Rift and the TARDIS to execute her plan without the Power Station, however the TARDIS console broke open and she was exposed to the "heart of the TARDIS" the time vortex and with the Doctor's encouragement was regressed to an egg. The Doctor, Rose Tyler, and Jack Harkness then took her to the nurseries of Raxacoricofallapatorius so that she could start her life afresh.

[edit] Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen

Jocrassa Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, a relative of Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day and Sip Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, posed as Joseph Green MP, the real Joseph Green having been murdered for his skin, in Aliens of London and World War Three (2005) and was responsible for the murder of many alien experts at a briefing held at 10 Downing Street. He was presumed killed when a missile struck 10 Downing Street.

[edit] Josiah Samuel Smith

Doctor Who character

Josiah Samuel Smith
Affiliated with Light's survey team
Race Unknown, evolving towards human
Home planet Unknown
Home era 1883
First appearance Ghost Light
Last appearance Ghost Light
Portrayed by Ian Hogg

Thousands of years in the past a being called Light launched a survey expedition to catalogue all forms on the planet Earth. Josiah Samuel Smith was a member of the crew of Light's ship.

In the late 1880s, Smith began to evolve towards a human form, discarding husks of previous insect-like bodies. He planned to seize power in the British Empire by assassinating Queen Victoria, but his plans were thwarted when Light was reawakened from his slumber, and another member of the survey team's crew known as Control escaped Smith's imprisonment. When Light was defeated by the Seventh Doctor, Control, who was also evolving into a human, departed in Light's ship, taking Smith with her as a prisoner.

[edit] Mehendri Solon

Doctor Who character

Mehendri Solon
Affiliated with Morbius
Race Human
Home planet originally Earth, later Karn
Home era unknown
First appearance The Brain of Morbius
Last appearance The Brain of Morbius
Portrayed by Philip Madoc

Mehendri Solon was a human physician and scientist of great renown, and a follower of the Time Lord tyrant Morbius. After writing a famous paper on microsurgical techniques in tissue grafting, Dr. Solon went into hiding on the planet Karn. There, he developed the techniques which enabled him to create a new body for the brain of Morbius, which had survived his execution. In an isolated castle on Karn, Solon was assisted by his simple servant Condo. Spaceships often crashed on the planet, and Solon constructed a horrendous patchwork body out of the alien survivors' body parts. He planned to house Morbius' brain in it. When the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith arrived, Solon needed only a head to finish his monstrous creation, and hoped to use the Doctor's. Sarah prevented this, and Solon was forced to use a glass bowl instead.

Solon was killed when the Doctor created cyanide gas and blew it into his laboratory.

The Past Doctor Adventures novel Warmonger by Terrance Dicks depicts Solon's earlier life as a follower of Morbius, and shows how he saved his brain. The canonicity of the novels is uncertain.

[edit] Henry van Statten

Doctor Who character

Henry van Statten
Affiliated with Geocomtex
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 2012
First appearance Dalek
Last appearance Dalek
Portrayed by Corey Johnson

Henry van Statten was an American billionaire from the year 2012. His first and only appearance to date was in the Ninth Doctor episode Dalek by Rob Shearman.

Van Statten was a man who wielded enormous wealth and influence, apparently enough even to sway the course of presidential elections. Intelligent, arrogant and self-assured, he treated his employees like chattels, to the point of mindwiping them when they left his employ so they could not betray his secrets. His personal helicopter had the callsign "Bad Wolf One" and his corporation was called Geocomtex.

Van Statten had been collecting extraterrestrial artefacts on the grey market for several years, buying bits and pieces of alien technology at auctions and then reverse engineering them to create "new" technologies which he would then exploit commercially. He claimed to "own" the Internet, and said that broadband was derived from technology scavenged from the Roswell crash. He kept these artefacts in a private collection, inside a bunker called the Vault, more than fifty floors below ground in Utah near Salt Lake City.

When the Ninth Doctor and Rose arrived in the Vault in answer to a distress call, the Doctor discovered to his horror that Van Statten's sole living specimen (which he had dubbed a "metaltron") was in fact a Dalek. Van Statten had acquired the Dalek at an auction some time before and had been torturing it to try and get it to speak, but it had refused to do so until it recognised the Doctor as the mortal enemy of its race.

Despite his warnings to destroy it, Van Statten captured the Doctor instead, to examine his alien physiology. The Dalek managed to regenerate itself by absorbing the DNA of the time travelling Rose and escaped, killing two hundred personnel before it eventually self-destructed. Van Statten's personal assistant, Diana Goddard, took charge at this point and ordered that Van Statten be taken away, mindwiped and dumped on the streets, "somewhere beginning with an 'S'." When last seen, Van Statten was being escorted away by his own guards to his fate. The website of Van Statten's company can be seen at

[edit] Sutekh

Doctor Who character

Sutekh the Destroyer
Affiliated with None
Race Osiran
Home planet Phaester Osiris
Home era Unknown
First appearance Pyramids of Mars
Last appearance Pyramids of Mars
Portrayed by Gabriel Woolf

Sutekh, a member of an alien race called the Osirans, was encountered by the Fourth Doctor in the 1975 story Pyramids of Mars by "Stephen Harris" (a pseudonym for Robert Holmes and Lewis Griefer). The Osirans were an ancient and highly powerful but now extinct race. The renegade Sutekh was a crazed super-being who feared all forms of life might one day challenge his hegemony and so became Sutekh the Destroyer, the destroyer of all living things. This included his home planet Phaester Osiris and ancient Mars.

Sutekh's brother Horus and the remaining 740 Osirans tracked Sutekh down to Ancient Egypt and used their powers to restrain and imprison him in a pyramid on the planet Earth. He was placed in a remote location with the Eye of Horus beaming a signal from Mars to suppress Sutekh's powers and hold him an immovable prisoner. The tales of the Osirans were remembered in Egyptian mythology — Sutekh as the god Set, brother of Horus; and in the designations Sados and Satan.

In the year 1911, the archaeologist Professor Marcus Scarman broke into the inner chamber of the Pyramid of Horus on Earth, discovering Sutekh and allowing him a chance of escape. Scarman's cadaver was used to construct Osiran service robots and a rocket aimed at the controlling Eye of Horus on Mars. The Doctor was successful in destroying the rocket, but then taken over by Sutekh and made to take Scarman and the Robots to Mars, where they succeeded in destroying the Eye and freeing Sutekh. The Doctor was eventually able to defeat the freed Sutekh by trapping him in a time tunnel for thousands of years — longer even than the extended life span of an Osiran.

Sutekh has also appeared in two Faction Paradox audio dramas from Magic Bullet Productions.

[edit] T

[edit] Timewyrm

Main article: Timewyrm

[edit] U

[edit] V

[edit] Valeyard

Main article: Valeyard

[edit] Tobias Vaughn

Tobias Vaughn, played by Kevin Stoney, appeared in The Invasion, (1968). He was the head of International Electromatics and he aided the Cybermen invasion of Earth, although he planned to double-cross the Cybermen, taking control of them with the 'cerebration mentor', placing himself in rule over the Earth. He became partially cybernised and was eventually persuaded by the Doctor to aid humanity. He was killed fighting an army of Cybermen shortly before their defeat.

[edit] W

[edit] WOTAN

Doctor Who character
WOTAN (Will Operating Thought Analogue)
Affiliated with War Machines
Race Super Computer
Home planet Earth
Home era 1960s
First appearance The War Machines
Last appearance The War Machines
Portrayed by Itself (Voiced by Gerald Taylor)

An acronym for Will Operating Thought ANalogue (The W was pronounced as a V), this malevolent supercomputer resided in the Post Office Tower in London and appeared in the 1966 First Doctor story The War Machines by Ian Stuart Black (based upon an idea by Dr. Kit Pedler). It was installed in the Tower in 1966 by Professor Brett; and was described by him as being "at least ten years ahead of its time".

On "C-Day" WOTAN would be linked to other computers around the world, including Parliament, the White House, the European Free Trade Organisation, Woomera, Telstar, the European Launcher Development Organisation, Cape Kennedy and the Royal Navy.

WOTAN soon became sentient and, concluding that machines were superior to mankind, used mind-controlled and hypnotised humans to spread its influence and construct War Machines that would wipe mankind out. WOTAN was eventually destroyed after the Doctor gained control of a War Machine and changed its programming to destroy its master. Upon its destruction, the humans under WOTAN's control were freed and the exitant War Machines froze.

For the first three episodes of the serial, the voice of WOTAN was uncredited, with the cast listing merely adding "and WOTAN". This was the only time a character was credited and not its operator or actor. WOTAN is the only character in the programme's history to refer to the main character as "Doctor Who" rather than the more conventional "Doctor".

[edit] War Chief

Doctor Who character
The War Chief
Affiliated with None
Race Time Lord
Home planet Gallifrey
Home era Gallifrey era
First appearance The War Games
Last appearance The War Games
Portrayed by Edward Brayshaw

The War Chief was a renegade Time Lord who assisted a group of aliens known as the War Lords in the 1969 serial The War Games by Malcolm Hulke and Terrance Dicks, which was the last to feature the Second Doctor.

The War Lords had been kidnapping soldiers from various wars in Earth's history to play war games on an unknown planet. The War Chief provided the War Lords with basic TARDIS-like travel machines, which they used to kidnap the human soldiers and travel between era-specific zones they had created.

When the War Chief and the Doctor came face to face, they recognised each other. The War Chief wanted the Doctor's help to double-cross the War Lords and seize power for himself. The Doctor immediately refused, and instead reluctantly summoned the Time Lords for help. The War Lords found out the War Chief's plans to betray them, and executed him.

Although the War Chief was shot and apparently killed at the end of The War Games, some fans choose to believe that the Master (the Doctor's arch-enemy, introduced in Terror of the Autons a couple of years later) is the War Chief in a new guise, due to similarities between their appearances and modi operandi and the fact that the War Chief's body is removed immediately and not seen thereafter.

The spin-off novels, however, include a novel featuring the return of the War Chief (Timewyrm: Exodus by Terrance Dicks), a novel featuring the Master set before The War Games (The Dark Path by David A. McIntee), and a novel featuring younger versions of both characters (Divided Loyalties by Gary Russell) establishing that the two are not the same person, at least in the continuity of the novels, which are themselves of uncertain canonicity when it comes to the television series.

[edit] War Lord

Main article: The War Games

[edit] The Wire

Doctor Who character
The Wire
Affiliated with none
Race unknown
Home era 1953
First appearance The Idiot's Lantern
Last appearance The Idiot's Lantern
Portrayed by Maureen Lipman

The Wire is an alien lifeform that was executed by its people but managed to preserve itself as an energy being that eventually escaped to Earth in 1953. There, it concealed itself in television signals, transferring itself from set to set and feeding on the electrical activity of the brains of those watching it. Its victims would be drained of neural energy, and their faces completely erased, making them mindless. The Wire used the image of a female BBC continuity announcer to communicate with the outside world.

The Wire used Mr Magpie, the owner of an electronics shop, to distribute cheap television sets in North London so it could feed. It planned to transfer itself to the television transmission tower in Alexandra Palace on the day of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, where it could reach out and drain the collective energy of the estimated twenty million viewers watching the event. It hoped to use this energy to manifest itself in a corporeal form once more.

However, the Tenth Doctor was able to trap the Wire on a Betamax tape using a makeshift video cassette recorder. The Wire's victims were restored to normality. The Doctor seemed confident that the Wire would remain trapped, but said that he would tape over it, just to be safe.

[edit] X

[edit] Queen Xanxia

Main article: The Pirate Planet

[edit] Xoanon

Doctor Who character
Affiliated with None
Race Computer
Home planet Earth (originally)
First appearance The Face of Evil
Last appearance The Face of Evil
Portrayed by Voices: Rob Edwards, Pamela Salem, Anthony Frieze, Roy Herrick; Image: Tom Baker

Xoanon was a malevolent artificial intelligence encountered by the Fourth Doctor in The Face of Evil (1977), written by Chris Boucher. Xoanon was inadvertently created by the Doctor on a previous visit to its unnamed planet centuries prior, when he had programmed the computer belonging to a Mordee expedition that had crashed on the planet. The Doctor forgot to wipe his personality print from the computer's data core, and as a result the computer developed multiple personalities, half of them based on the Doctor himself.

For generations, technicians extended Xoanon's capabilities, until it evolved beyond their control and became almost a living creature. It utilised the appearance of the Fourth Doctor, to the extent of having an effigy in the Doctor's image carved out on a cliff-face. Its split personality was reflected in it dividing the expedition into two tribes of technicians (who became the Tesh) and the survey team (the Sevateem), justifying its madness by thinking it was part of an experiment to create a superhuman race, with the Tesh providing mental powers and the Sevateem with their strength and independence. Enslaving the tribes, it earned the name of "The Evil One".

When the Doctor returned to the maddened world and saw the fruits of his mistakes, Xoanon tried to destroy itself and the entire planet rather than be defeated by the Doctor. However, the Doctor managed to remove his personality print from the core, restoring the computer intelligence to sanity.

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

[edit] Professor Zaroff

Doctor Who character
Professor Zaroff
Affiliated with None
Race Human
Home planet Earth
Home era 20th century
First appearance The Underwater Menace
Last appearance The Underwater Menace
Portrayed by Joseph Furst

Professor Zaroff was a mad scientist who planned to destroy the world in the 1967 Second Doctor story The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey Orme. Some of his scientific inventions included food made from plankton, and the ability to graft gills to humans to enable them to breathe underwater.

As part of his diabolical plans, he allied himself with the leaders of Atlantis telling them he would raise their city back to the surface or lower the ocean level by draining the water through a fissure in the Earth's crust.

The Doctor immediately realised that this would create super heated steam that could destroy the Earth. Zaroff was defeated when the Doctor and his companions sabotaged the generator he was using to pump the water. Zaroff was left to drown when his laboratory filled with water after the sea walls protecting it collapsed.

He is fondly recalled by Doctor Who fans as one of the most over-the-top, hammy villains in the entire history of the show. He spoke, with an exaggerated faux-German accent (which was actually actor Joseph Furst's real accent), his now-infamous line, "Nuzzink in ze vorld can shtop me now!" Ironically, only one episode from this story survives, which includes the infamous line.

[edit] See also

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[edit] References

[edit] External links