List of DC Comics teams and organizations
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Teams and organizations in various DC Comics publications.
Parent article: list of DC Comics characters. Please check Category Superhero Teams before adding any redundant entries for superhero teams to the page.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Note: First App. = First Appearance; Vol. = Volume
[edit] 0-9
- 100, The
- 1000, see 100, The
- 2000 Committee
[edit] A
- The Agency
- Agenda
- Agony and Ecstacy- duo of enforcers of Hell (First App. Hellblazer #12, Dec. '88)
- Ajan Enterprises
- Alien Alliance I&II
- The Alliance (Competalian rebels from JLA: Haven)
- Allies
- Allied Perpetrators of Evil (A.P.E.)
- All-Star Squadron
- All-Star Winners Squadron (Amalgam Comics)
- Altered Strain
- A.S.A or American Security Agency
- Amazons- hidden female tribe (First App. (historical) All-Star Comics #8, Winter '41; (current) (Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #1, Feb. '87)
- American Crusaders (Impact Comics)
- Angel and the Ape
- A.P.E.S. (All-Purpose Enforcement Squad)
- Argent- 50's domestic secret agent team (First App. Secret Origins vol.3 #14, May '87)
- Army of Crime
- Aryan Brigade
- Assassination Bureau
- Atari Force
- Atom Project
- Atomic Knights
- The Authority (Wildstorm)
- Awesome Threesome
- Axis Amerika
[edit] B
- Batman Family
- Batman villains
- Birds of Prey (name of the series; no name given for the group)
- Biospheer Technologies
- Blackhawks Squadron
- Black Dragon Society
- Blasters
- Bloodlines Parasites
- Blood Pack
- Blood Syndicate (Milestone Media)
- Blue Boys
- Blue Trinity
- Body Doubles
- Boy Commandos
- Brotherhood of the Bat - featured in Legends of the Dark Knight #21 and 22
- Brotherhood of Dada
- Brotherhood of Evil
- Brotherhood of the Fist
[edit] C
- Cadre
- Captains of Industry
- the Centurions
- Chain Gang
- Challengers of the Unknown
- Challengers of the Fantastic (Amalgam Comics)
- Champions of Crime
- Champions of Angor
- Checkmate!
- The Chosen (also New Guardians)
- Chris King and Vicky Grant (see Dial H for Hero)
- Circle of Fire
- The Citadel
- Coalition of Crime
- Combine
- The Conglomerate
- The Council
- Creature Commandos
- Crimebusters (see Watchmen Elseworlds)
- Crime Champions
- Crime Council
- Crime Crusaders Club
- Crime Syndicate of Amerika I & II
- Crime Syndicate of Qward
- Crusaders
[edit] D
- Daily Planet
- Daily Star
- Dark Circle
- Dark Nemesis
- Darkseid's Elite
- Darkstars
- Dayton Industries
- Deep Six
- Demons Three
- Demolition Team
- DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations)
- Devil's Dozen
- Deuce and Charger
- Digitronix Corporation (The Hacker Files)
- The Dingbats of Danger Street
- DNAngels- genetically engineered trio of female USA government agents- First App. Superboy Vol. 2 #88 (July 2001)
- Doom Patrol
- Double Dare
- the Duality
[edit] E
- Easy Company
- The Elementals
- the Elite
- The Endless
- EuroCrime
- Euroguard
- The Exchange
- Extreme Justice
- The Extremists
[edit] F
- Fatal Five
- Fearsome Five
- Federal Men
- Ferrous
- Female Furies
- Force of July
- Force Family
- Forgotten Heroes
- Forgotten Villains
- Forever People
- Freedom Brigade
- Freedom Fighters
- Frogmen
[edit] G
- Galaxy Communications
- The Gang
- Gas Gang
- Gemma Masters
- Gen¹³ (Wildstorm)
- Ghost Patrol
- Global Guardians
- The Great Ten
- Green Arrows of the World
- Green Lantern Corps
- the Green Team Boy Millionaires
- Guardians of Metropolis
- Guardians of the Universe
- Gunner and Sarge- WWII US Marines. First App. Our Fighting Forces #45 (May, '58)
[edit] H
- Hammer and Sickle- Russian Supervillain duo. First App. Outsiders Vol. 1 #10 (Aug, '86)
- the Hand - gang featured in Legionnaires #1 (circa 1993)
- Hangmen- mercenary supervillain team. First App. Teen Titans Secret Files and Origins #2 (Sept. 2000)
- Haunted Tank Crew
- Haven
- Hawk and Dove
- Hawk Police of Thanagar
- Hayoth
- Helix
- Heroes of Lallor
- Hero Hotline
- H.I.V.E. (Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination) I&II
- H.I.V.E. of the Anti-Matter Universe (Hierarchy for International Virtuous Empowerment)
- Hollow Men
- House of Pain
- Human Defense Corps
- Hunter's Hellcats- WWII commando unit. First App. Our Fighting Forces #106 (Apr. '67)
- H.U.R.R.I.C.A.N.E.
- Hybrid
- Hyperclan
[edit] I
- IMHS (The Institute of Metahuman Studies
- Immortals (see New Guardians)
- Inferior Five
- Infinity Inc.
- Injustice Gang
- Injustice League I & II
- Injustice Society
- Injustice Society of the World
- InterC.E.P.T.
- Intergang
- International Ultramarine Corps
[edit] J
- Jokerz (from animated show Batman Beyond)
- Judge And Jury
- Just'a Lotta Animals
- Justice Alliance of America
- Justice Experience
- Justice Guild of America (from animated show Justice League)
- Justice League of Aliens
- Justice League of Amazons
- Justice League of America I&II(JLA)
- Justice League Antarctica
- Justice League of Arkham
- Justice League of Atlantis
- Justice League Elite (also The Elite)
- Justice League International
- Justice League Task Force I&II
- Justice League Europe I&II
- Justice Legion Alpha
- Justice Lords (see Crime Syndicate)
- JLX (Amalgam Comics)
- Justice Society of America
- Justice Underground
- Justice Squadron
[edit] K
- Kents- Family that raised Superman. First App. Action Comics #1 (Jun. '38)
- KWHZ (Whiz radio)
- Killer Elite
- Khandaq
- Kobra (also Strike Force Kobra)
- Knight & Squire- British masked crimefighters. First App. (Originals) Batman #62 (Jan. 51)(New) JLA #26 (Feb. 99)
- Knights of the Galaxy
- Komandi (Elseworlds)
[edit] L
- Labrats- genetically altered teenage heroes. First App. Labrats #1 (Apr. 2002)
- L.A.W.
- Lawless League of America
- League Busters
- League of Assassins
- League of Challenger-Haters
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (America's Best Comics/Wildstorm)
- League of Super-Assassins
- L.E.G.I.O.N.
- Legionnaires
- Legion of Doom
- Legion of Substitute Heroes
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Legion of Super-Pets
- Legion of Super-Rejects
- Legion of Super-Villains
- Legion of the Weird
- LexCorp
- Leymen
- Libra
- Linear Men
- Locus
- Loophole Gang
- The Losers I & II
[edit] M
- Madmen
- Mainframe (see Override)
- Magnetic Men (Amalgam Comics)
- Manhunters
- Mankind Liberation Front or MLF (Elseworlds)
- Marvel Family
- Mas Y Menos (from Teen Titans animated)
- Masters of Disaster
- Maximums - A Bizarro team of the Ultimates
- Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.- bizarre secret agents. First App. Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #35 (Aug. '90)
- The Mercenaries
- Metal Men
- Millennium Giants - guardians of the balance of the Ley Lines. First App. The Man of Steel #78 (Apr. '98)
- Minutemen (also Watchmen)
- Missile Men
- the Misfits - a group of under-rated Batman villians. First App. Shadow of the Bat #7 (Dec. '92)
- Monster Society Of Evil
- Moondancers
- Mud Pack
- the Mutants (Elseworlds)
[edit] N
- The Network (World's Finest Comics #311 (January 1985))
- New Blackhawk Air Corps
- New Conglomerate
- New Extremists
- New Gods
- New Guardians
- The New Hybrids
- New Olympians
- New Order
- Newsboy Legion I&II
- New Rogues
- Night and Fog
- Night Force
- Nightwing and Flamebird
- Nuclear Family
[edit] O
- Old Justice
- Office of Special Operations (O.S.O.)
- O.S.S.-DC Universe version of the Office of Strategic Services. First App: G.I. Combat #192 (Jul. '76)
- O.G.R.E. (Organization for General Revenge and Enslavement)
- Old Justice
- Olympian Gods
- Offending Society (Amalgam Comics)
- OMACs (One-Man Army Corps)
- Omega Men
- Onslaught, The (formerly known as The Jihad) superpowered terrorist team for hire. First App: Suicide Squad Vol.1 #1 (May '87)
- Optitron
- Order of St. Dumas
- The Orishas
- The Orthodoxy
- Our Ladys of the Shadow University
- The Outsiders I - III
[edit] P
- Parliament of Trees
- People's Heroes
- Planeteers- 22nd Century space police force; see Tommy Tomorrow
- Planetary (Wildstorm)
- Point Men (foes of Young Justice)
- Power Company
- Power Posse
- Princes of Darkness
- Primal Force
- Project Cadmus
- Psyba-Rats- superpowered teenage hackers. First App: Robin Annual #2 ('93)
- Punch and Jewelee- duo of jester-themed thieves. First App: Captain Atom Vol. 1 #85 (Mar. '67)
- Purple Trio
[edit] Q
- Q Society
- Quickstart Enterprises
- Quinntettes
- The Quintessense
[edit] R
- Rainbow Raiders
- Ratpack
- The Ravens
- Ravers, The
- R.E.B.E.L.S.
- Rebirth Inc.
- RECOMbatants
- Red Claw (Batman Animated Series)
- Red Morgue
- Red Shadows (Russian Suicide Squad)
- Red Shift
- Red Trinity
- Relative Heroes
- Requiem Inc.
- The Resistance (Wildstorm)
- Revenge Syndicate
- Revson Cosmetics
- Rocket Red Brigade
- Rocket Rollers
- Rogue's Gallery
- Royal Flush Gang
- Rydertech
[edit] S
- The Sacred Order of Saint Dumas
- Scare Tactics
- Scarlet Horde
- Science Council of Krypton
- Science Police
- Scorpio
- S.C.Y.T.H.E.
- Sea Devils
- Searchers Inc.
- Secret Six I, II & III
- Secret Society of Super Villains
- Section 8
- Sentinels of Magic
- Servants of Darkness
- Seven Deadly Enemies of Man
- Seven Shadows
- Seven Soldiers of Victory I, II & III
- The Sex Men - bizarre secret agents. First App. Doom Patrol Vol. 2
- S.H.A.D.E.
- Shadow Cabinet (Milestone Media)
- Shadow Fighters
- Shadow-Force
- Shadowpact
- Shadowspire
- Shadowstryke
- Silicon Dragons
- Silk Brothers
- Sinestro Corps
- Sinister Society (Amalgam Comics)
- Sky Raiders
- S.M.A.S.H. (Society of Modern American Science Heroes America's Best Comics)
- Snatchers
- The Society
- Society of Shadows
- Society of Sin see Brotherhood of Evil
- Society of the Golden Wing
- Solar Council
- Sons of Batman (Elseworlds)
- Sovereign Seven
- Soyuz
- Space Canine Patrol Agents (also Dog Star Patrol)
- Space Legion
- Space Marine Corps
- Space Voyagers
- Special Crimes Unit
- Speed Metal
- S.P.I.D.E.R.
- Spirit of America
- Squadron of Justice
- Stanley and his Monster
- S.T.A.R. Labs
- Starbrand Corps (Amalgam Comics)
- Star Hunters
- Star Riders
- Star Rovers
- Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.
- Steelworks
- StormWatch (Wildstorm)
- Strikeforce
- Strike Force Kobra
- Subterraneans
- Suicide Squad I-III (also Task Force X)
- Super Buddies
- Super Friends
- Super Malon
- Super Squad
- Superior Five
- Superman Family
- Superman Revenge Squad
- Supermen of America
[edit] T
- Task Force Delta
- Task Force X I&II
- Tartarus
- Team Luthor
- Team Superman
- Team Turmoil
- Team Titans
- Teen Titans
- Terrible Three (Amalgam Comics)
- Terrible Trio
- Thunder and Lightning
- Thunderers of Qward
- Thunder, Jakeem & Thunderbolt
- Time Foes
- Time Masters
- Titans East
- Titans West
- Titans of Myth, precursors of the Olympian Gods. First App: New Teen Titans vol. 1 #11 (Jun. '81)
- Thunderers of Qward
- TNT & Dan the Dyna-Mite
- TNT Trio
- Tomahawk's Rangers
- Tornado Twins
- Trigger Twins I & II
- Triumvirate of Hell
- Tyrranoids of Latkovia (Amalgam Comics)
[edit] U
- Uh-oh Squad
- Ultragen Corporation
- Ultimen (based on Super friends from the Justice League Unlimited series)
- Un-People (Amalgam Comics)
- Un-Men
- The Uncanny Amazers
- Underworlders
- Unit Three
- United Planets
- L'Université Notra Dame des Ombres
- Untouchables
- Uranus/Gaea Corporation
[edit] V
- Vandermeer University
- Vanguard
- Van Horn Industries
- Vendetta
- Vigilance Inc. (also known as Seachers Inc.)
- Villainy Inc.
[edit] W
- Wayne-Tech
- Wanderers
- Warlords of Okaara
- Weaponers of Qward
- Weaponers of A.I.M. (Amalgam Comics)
- WEB (Impact Comics)
- Workforce (Legion of Superheroes)
- Wildebeest Society
- WildC.A.T.S. (Wildstorm)
- Wingmen of Thanagar
- Wolf Pack
- Wonder Twins
- Wotan and the Wildhunt
[edit] X
[edit] Y
- Yakuza
- Yellow Peril
- Young Allies
- Young All-Stars
- Young Heroes
- Young Justice
[edit] Z
- Zombi Twins
- Zoo Crew
[edit] See also
- DC Universe
- List of DC Comics alien races
- List of DC Comics characters
- List of DC Comics publications
- List of DC cosmic entities
- List of Justice League members
- List of Legion of Super-Heroes members
- List of criminal organizations in comics
- List of government agencies in comics
- List of correctional facilities in comics