List of Christian Colleges in China

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The following colleges and univeristies were originally founded by Christian organizations:

Part of a series on
to China
Robert Morrison

Chinese history
Missions timeline
Christianity in China
Nestorian China missions
Catholic China missions
Jesuit China missions
Protestant China missions

Karl Gützlaff
W. H. Medhurst
J. Hudson Taylor
Lottie Moon
Timothy Richard
Jonathan Goforth
Cambridge Seven
Gladys Aylward
(more missionaries)

Missionary agencies
China Inland Mission
London Missionary Society
American Board
Church Missionary Society
US Presbyterian Mission
Baptist Missionary Society

Scripture in Chinese
Chinese Colleges
Chinese Hospitals
Chinese Hymnody

Pivotal events
Taiping Rebellion
Opium Wars
Boxer Rebellion
Chinese Civil War
Sino-Japanese Wars

Chinese Protestants
Hong Xiuquan
Liang Fa
Wang Laijun
Xi Shengmo
John Sung
Ming-Dao Wang

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[edit] Colleges and Univeristies

[edit] Theological Colleges and Seminaries

  • Anhui Seminary
  • Ashmore Theological Seminary, Shantou
  • Bush Theological Seminary (1885) later part of North China Baptist College Hwanghsien
  • East China Theological College
  • Fujian Theological College
  • Guangdong Union Theological College
  • Nanjing Union Theological Seminary
  • North China Union College of Theology
  • North East Theological College
  • Shaanxi Bible College
  • Shandong Theological College
  • Shantung Christian University, Theological College, Qingzhou
  • Shanghai Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Sichuan Theological College
  • Yanjing Union Theological College
  • Yunnan Theological College
  • Zhejiang Theological College
  • Zhong Nan Theological Seminary