List of Chinese dissidents

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[edit] Detained, jailed and/or exiled people

Many Chinese political activists have been detained, jailed and/or exiled. Among them are (period of detention in brackets, followed by current status):

There are also a large number of Chinese who claim to be dissidents and seek to defect, usually to USA, Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand. To support their application to migrate, it is quite common for self proclaimed dissidents to cite their participation in Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, their strong religious belief in Falun Gong or that they are being pursued by a network of spies (Chen Yonglin). (See Economic migrants)

A Beijing's Dissident Blacklist has been reported in the South China Morning Post, January 8, 1995. It includes the following people:

[edit] To Be Arrested on Entry to China

  • Yan Jiaqi, 53. Former aide to ousted party chief Zhao Ziyang. Escaped from China after June 1989. In New York.
  • Chen Yizi, 55. Former director of the Chinese Research Institute for Reform of the Economic Structure in Beijing. Escaped after June 1989. In Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Wan Runnan, 49. Former chief executive officer of the Stone Computer Corp in Beijing. Escaped after June 1989. In France.
  • Su Xiaokang, 46. Writer, author of controversial TV series River Elegy. Escaped after June 1989. In Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Wu'er Kaixi, 27. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. In San Francisco.
  • Chai Ling, 29. Former student leader who escaped to the US after June 1989. In Boston.
  • Liang Qingtun, 26. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. In San Francisco.
  • Feng Congde, 28. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. In France.
  • Wang Chaohua, 43. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. Studying in Los Angeles.
  • Zhang Zhiqing, 31. Former student leader, still on Beijing's most wanted list. Whereabouts unknown since June 1989.
  • Zhang Boli, 37. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. In Washington.
  • Li Lu, 29. Former student leader who escaped after June 1989. Studying in New York.
  • Yue Wu, 49. Former factory director in Shanxi, China. Involved with organising workers during the 1989 movement. In France.
  • Zhang Gang, 46. Former deputy director of public relations at the Chinese Research Institute for Reform of the Economic Structure. Escaped after June 1989. In New York.
  • Yuan Zhiming, 40. Writer. Escaped after June 1989. In Mississippi.
  • Wang Runsheng, 40. Former researcher with the Institute of Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Escaped after June 1989. In France.
  • Chen Xuanliang, 48. Former teacher of philosophy at the Chinese College of Politics. Escaped after June 1989. In France.
  • Zheng Yi, 46. Writer. In hiding for three years after June 1989. Escaped in 1992. Now in Princeton, New Jersey.
  • Lu Jinghua, 33. Former merchant who became involved in the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation in 1989. Now in New York. Attempted to return to Beijing in June 1993 but was refused entry and sent back to US.

[edit] To Be Refused Re-Entry to China

  • Wang Bingzhang, 48. Arrived in Canada in 1981 to study medicine. Founded the Chinese Alliance for Democracy in 1984. Now in New York.
  • Hu Ping, 48. Activist in the Beijing Democracy Wall Movement in 1979. Went to US in 1986. Former president of the Chinese Alliance for Democracy. In New York.
  • Xu Bangtai, 46. Former Shanghai student. Went to US in 1984 to study journalism. Chair of the Alliance for a Democratic China. In San Francisco.
  • Han Lianchao, 44. Former officer of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Now a congressional assistant in Washington.
  • Cao Changqing, 42. Former deputy editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Youth News. Lost his job in 1987 after publishing an article calling on Deng Xiaoping to retire. In New York.
  • Liu Yongchuan, 36. Went to US in 1986. Ex-president of the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars in Washington. Now in San Francisco.
  • Liu Binyan, 70. Author and former journalist for the People's Daily. In Princeton, where he publishes monthly newsletter China Forum. South China Morning Post, January 8, 1995
  • Han Dongfang, 32. Former leader of the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation. Imprisoned for two years following the 1989 crackdown. Went to US for medical treatment in 1992. Returned to China in August 1993 but was deported to Hong Kong.
  • Xiong Yan, 31. Former student leader. Arrested in Beijing and served two years in jail before leaving China in 1992. Now in US Army. Chair of the Chinese Freedom and Democracy Party.
  • Zhao Pinlu, 39. Involved in Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation in 1989. Escaped and now in New York. Chair of the International Chinese Workers Union.
  • Cheng Kai, 49. Former editor-in-chief of Hainan Daily. Left China in 1989. Now doing business in Hong Kong and has made several trips to China over the past two years. Blacklisted on August 21, 1993.

[edit] To Be Dealt With "According to Circumstances of the Situation"

  • Fang Lizhi, 59. Former vice-president of the Chinese University of Science and Technology. Arrived in the US after a year-long refuge in the US Embassy in Beijing. Now professor of physics at the University of Arizona.
  • Li Shuxian, 60. Wife of Fang Lizhi and former professor of physics at Beijing University.
  • Yu Dahai, 34. Went to US in 1982 to study physics at Princeton. Now acting editor-in-chief of the journal Beijing Spring in New Jersey.
  • Wu Fan, 57. Former teacher in Anhui University. doing business in San Francisco. Chairman of the Board of the Alliance for a Democratic China.
  • Ni Yuxian, 50. Democracy Wall activist. Secretary general of the Chinese Freedom and Democracy Party. Attempted to return to China in 1992 but was refused entry. In New York.
  • Yao Yueqian, 57. Lives in Tokyo.
  • Tang Guangzhong, 46. Teacher in US.
  • Guo Luoji, 63. Former professor of philosophy at Nanjing University. Punished for criticising the conviction of Wei Jingsheng in 1979. Now a scholar at Columbia University.
  • Harry Wu, 58. Went to US in 1985 as a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Now executive director of the Laogai Foundation in California and a US citizen. Refused Chinese visa in Hong Kong in 1993 but managed to twice enter mainland secretly last year.
  • Shen Tong, 27. Former student leader who went to US after June 1989. Studying at Boston University. Chair of the China Democracy Fund. Returned to China in August 1992, arrested in September in Beijing and deported to the US.
  • Wang Ruowang, 77. Writer and human rights activist in Shanghai. Imprisoned for a year after June 1989. Arrived in the US in 1992. Now in New York. Convenor -general of the Co-ordinating Committee of the Chinese Democratic Movement.
  • Feng Suying (also known as Yang Zi), 57. Engineer and human rights activist. In New York.
  • Liu Qing, 47. Imprisoned for almost 11 years after the Democracy Wall Movement of 1979. Arrived in US in July 1992. Now chairs New York-based Human Rights in China.
  • Xue Wei, 52. Went to US in 1980. Now business manager for Beijing Spring. Chen Jun, 37. Former democracy activist in Beijing. Deported in April 1989.
  • Yang Jianli, 32. Went to US as a student in 1982. Now at Harvard University. Vice-chair of the Alliance for a Democratic China.
  • Zhao Haiqing, 39. Went to US in 1982 to study at the University of Pennsylvania. Former president of IFCSS. Now doing business in Washington. Chair of the National Council of Chinese Affairs.
  • Zhu Jiaming, 45. Economist. Former deputy director of the International Policy Institute of the Zhongxing Investment Company. Now a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Xu Jiatun, 79. Former director of the Hong Kong bureau of Xinhua. Defected to the US after 1989 crackdown. In Los Angeles.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

List of famous political dissidents

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