List of Charmed ancestors

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This is a list of all the Charmed Ones ancestors that have minor roles on the television series Charmed or have only been mentioned. Characters from the Charmed books are not included, as the books are not considered to follow in continuity with the series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] The Warren Line of Witches

Sadie Stratton as Charlotte Warren
Sadie Stratton as Charlotte Warren

[edit] Charlotte Warren

Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Relationship - Mother of Melinda Warren. Great (x7) grandmother of the Charmed Ones.
Marital Status - Unknown
Powers - Unknown.

Biography - Charlotte belonged to a small coven of witches, in the Colony and Dominion of Virginia, who utilised the magic of herbs and practised traditional paganism. During her pregnancy, it was foreseen that Charlotte would give birth to a very magical baby, one which would use good magic to triumph over evil. Not only was this prophecy foretold by Charlotte's coven, but also by an evil witch by the name of Ruth Cobb. In an attempt to harness the magic of the baby, by raising it evil, Ruth kidnapped Charlotte whilst she was in labour. Fortunately, the elders sent the Charmed Ones (Prudence, Piper and Phoebe) back in time and they narrowly freed Charlotte and helped her deliver a daughter, Melinda Warren. Charlotte vowed to tell her daughter of the three powerful witches who helped bring her into the world.[1]

The credits at the end of "All Halliwell's Eve" did not label Charlotte with a surname, therefore it may not be Warren, as is commonly thought. However, the "officical companion" to Charmed, "The Book of Three", claimed her name to be Charlotte Warren.

[edit] Melinda Warren

Main article: Melinda Warren

Born - 31 October 1670 - Virginia
Died - 1 March 1692 - Salem, Massachusetts
Relationship - Matriarch of the Warren line. Great (x6) grandmother of the Charmed Ones.
Marital Status - Once Married; Lover: Matthew Tate.
Powers - Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilization, Clairvoyance (including Premonitions).

Tyler Layton as Melinda Warren
Tyler Layton as Melinda Warren

Biography - Melinda Warren was born on Halloween, 1670, to Charlotte, who vowed to inform her daughter of the Charmed Ones and how they saved their lives.[1] During her life time Melinda was married (to an unknown husband), and at the ceremony she used a blessing cup which, since then, has been passed through the Warren generations and used at other wedding ceremonies - including Piper Halliwell’s.[2]

In the later part of her life, Melinda moved to Salem[3] where she met her lover Matthew Tate. Melinda had a daughter named Prudence,[4] although whether she was born before or after Melinda’s move to Salem and who her father is, is unknown. As the witch trials began in Salem, Melinda worked closely with the mighty Marx line of witches (of whose descendants include Simon Thaddeus Reginald Marx).[5]

However, Melinda eventually discovered that her lover, Matthew Tate, was in fact a warlock. He had been using her in order to copy her powers. Once able to do so, he reported Melinda to the Salem town council who arrested and tried her for witchcraft. Melinda Warren was sentenced to death and burnt at the stake on March 1, 1692. As she burnt, Melinda "vowed that each generation of Warren witches would become stronger and stronger", culminating in the arrival of the Charmed Ones.

Before she died, Melinda was able to curse Matthew Tate for eternity into a pewter locket, one which could only be opened by a Warren witch. A folder of family history, kept in the Halliwell's attic, reads as follows: "And because the warlock had stolen her love, she cursed him into the pewter heart, where he could spend eternity knowing the sting of betrayal."[6]

Melinda is most famous for creating the Book of Shadows and passing it on to her descendants, including the Charmed Ones. She herself is featured in the Book as well as in several family history books and albums held in the manor. Additionally, her portrait is hung by the manor staircase.[7]

In the future, Melinda Warren's ghost was summoned by the three Charmed Ones in order to curse Matthew Tate, for a second time, after he was accidentally freed from the pewter locket.[4] She eventually became the "favourite ancestor"[1] of the Halliwell sisters and was able to foresee the birth of many more Warren "daughters" in the future. The first-born daughter of a Charmed One was named in honour of her, Piper Halliwell's third child, Melinda Halliwell.

[edit] Prudence Warren

Born - Late 1600s - Salem, Massachusetts or Virginia[8]
Died - Unknown
Relationship - Daughter of Melinda Warren; Great (x5) grandmother of the Charmed Ones.
Marital Status - Unknown
Powers - Unknown

Biography - Prudence was the first and only daughter of Melinda Warren[4] and an uknown father. It is most likely, considering the average 17th century lifestyle, that Prudence was born into a married family, thus making her father to be Melinda Warren's (unknown-named) husband and not her lover, Matthew Tate. If, indeed, Prudence Warren was born to the warlock Tate, it would result in Prudence and every successive Warren witch having warlock blood - including the Charmed Ones.

After Melinda Warren was sentenced to death, she chose not to save herself, through the use of magic, in order to protect Prudence from witch-hunters who may later wish to hunt down and kill her young daughter.[4] Following her mother's tragic death, Prudence was raised by kind neighbours who may or may not have been witches themselves.[9] However, it is possible that Prudence was fostered by the Marx family due to the fact that the Marx line of witches "worked with" the Warren family during the Salem Witch Trials,[5] the very time in which Prudence's mother was executed.

Prudence lived on to bear the next generation of Warren witches, passing onto them magical powers, knowledge of the craft and, most importantly, the Book of Shadows. According to "The Book of Three" (the "official companion" to Charmed), Prudence was able to "marry and have a daughter, thus continuing the Warren line".

In the future, at least two of her descendents were also named Prudence. Firstly, Prue Halliwell (the eldest Charmed One) and, secondly, Prudence Halliwell, grand-daughter of Piper Halliwell (the second eldest Charmed One) and daughter of either Wyatt, Chris or Melinda Halliwell.

[edit] Beatrice Warren

Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Relationship - Unknown; Ancestor of the Charmed Ones; Descendant of Melinda Warren.
Marital Status - Unknown
Powers - Unknown
Biography - Beatrice Warren was a one-legged ancestor of the Charmed Ones. How she is related to the Halliwell sisters is unknown, however, a page regarding her life can be found in the Book of Shadows (despite the fact that it has never been shown on screen).[10]

Book of Shadows entry for Brianna Warren (including an illustration of her)
Book of Shadows entry for Brianna Warren (including an illustration of her)

[edit] Brianna Warren

Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Relationship - Great-great-great-aunt of the Charmed Ones; great-grand-daughter of Prudence Warren; had at least one sister;[11] aunt of P. Baxter; possible mother of either P. Bowen or P. Russell.
Marital Status - Unknown
Powers - Telekinesis.

Biography - Brianna was a famous ancestor of the four Charmed Ones and a powerful Warren witch. She was able to master the power of telekinesis, a gift passed down from Melinda Warren, and controlled it will her hands.

Phoebe Halliwell read from the Book of Shadows that Brianna Warren was her, and her sisters', great-great-great aunt.[12] If this family relationship is correct, it would mean that Brianna and/or her sisters would have given birth to the '1920s Cousins'. Therefore, Brianna would be P. Baxter's aunt; Penelope Halliwell's great-aunt; Patricia Halliwell's great-great aunt; and, as confirmed by Phoebe, the Charmed One's great-great-great aunt. This could make her the mother of either P. Bowen or P. Russell.

Brianna's greatest conquest came during the Crimean War where she fought against a demonic Lord of War known as Gabriele Statler. She was able to telekinetically throw his crystal sword hundreds of miles away from him, thus leaving Gabriele defenseless.

And thus the Lord of War, his army invincible, swept through the streets leaving nothing but ashes in his wake. The cause would have been lost, had it not been for the appearance of an unlikely savior in the form of a woman. Her face lined with years of wisdom, her hands the fountainhead of a power beyond belief, the Warren Witch Brianna appeared unarmed before the conquering army. Underestimating his foe, the Lord of War ordered her summarily executed, but his plan was not to be.

Holding aloft her hands, the channel and source of her tremendous energy, Her mind focused, and her will strong, Brianna did what no man, no army could: she sent the Crystal Sword of the Lord of War high into the sky, and hundreds of miles away.

Separated from the weapon that was the source of all his power, the Lord of War was quickly defeated, his armies crushed and his campaign ruined.

Moreover, the fall from grace of this Lord of War was made even worse in the eyes of those who stood in judgement by the instrument of his destruction, a simple witch.

—Brianna, as described by the Book of Shadows

Brianna probably didn't live during the time of the Crimean War as the dates of the war conflict with the fact that she (or her sisters) would have to have given birth to the '1920s cousins'. This would mean that she either time traveled, or the name of the War given in the episode "Which Prue Is It, Anyway?" is incorrect.

[edit] 1920s Cousins

The 1920s Cousins, the Charmed Ones past lives
The 1920s Cousins, the Charmed Ones past lives

[edit] P. Russell

Born - July 2, 1900
Died - February 17, 1924
Relationship - Charmed Ones' first cousin thrice removed (Phoebe Halliwell's past life); P. Baxter's and P. Bowen's first cousin.
Marital Status - Lover: Anton.
Powers - Pyrokinesis

Biography - P. Russell was born as a good Warren witch in the 19th century. She worked at the Halliwell Manor's speakeasy where she would read tarot or sell charms and hexs to customers. Unfortunately, after she fell in love with an immortal warlock known as Anton, she was slowly turned evil and began to go against her two cousins, P. Bowen and P. Baxter.[13] Anton gave P. Russell a magical amulet which applified her power of pyrokinesis and gave her immunity against good magic. On February 17, 1924, P. Russell, under instruction from her warlock lover, attempted to murder her two cousins in order to steal their powers and take-over the manor. However, P. Baxter and P. Bowen fought back and ended up killing their cousin by strangulation.[13]

P. Baxter and P. Bowen were also able to cast a curse on all future lives of their evil cousin, including Phoebe Halliwell. In order to save herself from the curse, Phoebe (from February 17, 2000) was able to time-travel back to the fateful day when her past life was murdered.[13] Six years later, Phoebe (from April, 2006) again traveled to the 1920s, where Coop, a cupid, showed her that her past life shared great love for Anton, the motive behind her turning evil.[14]

Altohugh P. Russell's first name remains unknown, it may have been Pearl, as Phoebe Halliwell claims that her ancestor, "Aunt" Pearl, owned a couch in the family manor's attic. As P. Russell worked in, and even possibly lived in, the manor, she could easily fit this profile (See: Other Family, below).

[edit] P. Bowen

Born - June, 1895
Died - May, 1970
Relationship - Charmed Ones' first cousin thrice removed (Prudence Halliwell's past life); P. Baxter's and P. Russell's first cousin.
Marital Status - Unknown
Powers - Ice breath

Biography - P.Bowen was a professional photographer, during the 1920s, working in the family manor.[13] She had the power to generate ice, and as she acted as a good witch, her powers grew into the more powerful telekinesis in her next life, Prudence Halliwell.[13] Her first name may have been Phoebe (Patricia Halliwell's "favourite aunt") as she died in the 1970s, allowing the pair enough time to form a close bond. Her first name may also have been Pearl, as Phoebe Halliwell claims that their ancestor, Pearl, owned a couch in the family manor's attic. As P. Bowen worked in, and even possibly lived in, the manor, she could easily fit this profile.

References - "That '70s Episode", "Sense and Sense Ability"

[edit] P. Baxter

Born - September, 1897[15]
Died - December, 1970
Relationship - Charmed Ones' great-grandmother (Piper Halliwell’s past life); P. Bowen's and P. Russell's first cousin; Penelope Halliwell's mother, Patricia Halliwell's grandmother; Brianna Warren's niece.
Marital Status - Married: Gordon Johnson (Dan Gordan’s past life); Affair with: Leo Wyatt's past life
Powers - Molecular immobilization

Biography - P. Baxter was Piper Halliwell’s past incarnation. She was gifted with the power of molecular immobilization (causing molecules to slow-down or freeze altogether)[13] and as P. Baxter was a good and noble witch in her lifetime, her future life (Piper Halliwell) was passed down the very same power and even experienced its growth into molecular combustion.

P. Baxter married Gordon Johnson, the past life of Piper Halliwell’s neighbour Dan Gordon.[13] However, she was also having an affair with another man, who happened to be the past life of Leo Wyatt, up until his death on May 6, 1924. Her extra-marital affairs mirror that of her grand-daughter, Patricia Halliwell with her whitelighter lover Sam Wilder. Additionally, the fact that P. Baxter loved both Gordon Johnson and "Past Leo" is similar to that of Piper Halliwell’s simultaneous relationships with both Dan and Leo.

In 1906, P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson reconstructed the present-day Halliwell Manor after is was destroyed in San Francisco's Great Earthquake. The manor itself was built directly above a spiritual Nexus (or "Woogyman" as it is known in the family) so that P. Baxter was able to have total contol over the Nexus' power in order for it not to be used for evil magic.[16]

Eventually, the couple began running a speakeasy within the manor. By the 1920s, it had gained a large amount of popularity with P. Baxter running the events whilst her husband, Gordon Johnson, acted as a pianist in a band. Unfortunately, on February 17, 1924, P. Baxter, her husband and her cousin, P. Bowen, were all attacked, during a speak-easy, by their third cousin P. Russell and her immortal warlock lover, Anton. Although, Anton escaped unharmed, P. Baxter and P. Bowen were forced to murder their pyrokinetic cousin. P. Russell was strangled to death and all her future incarnations were cursed to die young - including Phoebe Halliwell who, fortunately, managed to fight off the curse.[13]

P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson had at least one daughter, who was born during a visit to Boston, Mass. and named Penelope "Penny" "Grams" Johnson (following the newly-established tradition of naming all daughters with a "P").[13] However, within the Charmed series there have been hints that P. Baxter had other children including a son named Gordon Johnson II (although, Penelope Halliwell almost outrightly denied this, claiming to not be blood-related to any males) and three possible daughters by the names of Sylvia, Phoebe and Pearl (see: Other Family, below). P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson are also the grandparents of Patricia Halliwell and the great-grandparents of the four Charmed Ones.[13]

According to her daughter, Penelope, P. Baxter was a "real looker", whose eyes resembled those of Paige Matthews.[17]

[edit] Additional Family

  • As praised in the spell to vanquish the Source, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace were all powerful ancestors of the Charmed Ones.[18] Their connection to the other Warren witches, their lives and their powers all remain unknown. A theory as to why the Charmed Ones included these ancestors in the vanquishing spell is that they had to call upon all ancestors who would, at the time, be in spirit form and not, as of yet, be reincarnated into their next life. This would explain why they did not contact the 1920s cousins (as they have all been reincarnated into the spirit form of Prudence - who was contacted - and the living Piper and Phoebe).
  • According to Patricia Halliwell in, her daughter, Phoebe, was named after 'her favourite aunt'.[19] Many argue that she could be Patricia's great-aunt because Penny had no sisters. "Aunt Phoebe" could conceivably have been one of Allan Halliwell's sisters, or one of the 1920s cousins, especially P. Bowen as she died in the 70s allowing the pair many decades to closely bond together. Although P. Bowen is actually Patricia's first cousin twice removed, not an aunt, it is not implausible that Patricia could have affectionately called her "Aunt" Phoebe.
  • According to Phoebe Halliwell, a couch in the family manor's attic belonged to their Aunt Pearl.[20] Some theorize Pearl could be the name of one of the 1920s cousins (as all three of them lived in or frequented the manor). Again, although P. Bowen and P. Russell were actually Phoebe's first cousins thrice removed, they might have been referred to as aunts by other family members or simply for conveniance.
  • According to Piper Halliwell, the sisters have a great-aunt Sylvia who collects Hummels, as it is easier to deal with them than with real people.[21] Piper says "who collects", implying that Sylvia is currently alive. Due to the reference of 'dealing with real people', one might assume that her magical life (if she has one) conflicts with mortals around her. This may be the "manic aunt" Piper refers to in the first episode, along with a "cousin who's a drunk" and "a father (Victor Bennett) who's invisible".
  • Janice Halliwell, not part of the Warren line, nor a witch, was Allen Halliwell's sister, therefore the sisters' great-aunt. According to her brother, she looks extremely similar to the Charmed One, Paige Matthews).[22] This could imply that Janice was Paige's past life.
  • According to Leo, Hubert, Milton and Clarence were the names of husbands of the Warren Witches.[23] He read these names from the Warren family tree, however, the entire tree teems with continuity errors [including the claim that Melinda Warren had two daughters, that the Charmed Ones had male Warren ancestors (in particular Grams' 'brother' and 'great-uncle', despite the fact that she had vowed no men were born into the Warren line), naming Allen Halliwell as 'Jack', wrongly claiming that Brianna Warren was their great(x5)-grandmother as opposed to their great(x3)-aunt (though there could have been more than one Brianna in the family, one being the great-granddaughter of the other), not having Melinda Warren as their great(x6)-grandmother but as their great(x15)-grandmother, as well as many incorrect birth and death dates].

[edit] Family Tree


[edit] See also

List of Charmed family and friends

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c "All Halliwell's Eve". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2000-10-26.
  2. ^ "Just Harried". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-02-22. Preceding Piper Halliwell's marriage (to Leo Wyatt), her younger sister, Phoebe chose "Melinda Warren's blessing cup" as 'something old' to give Piper. According to Phoebe, it was "the actual cup that our favourite ancestor drank from at her wedding."
  3. ^ During "All Halliwell's Eve", Phoebe Halliwell made reference to Melinda Warren "moving from Virginia to Salem".
  4. ^ a b c d "The Witch Is Back". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1998-12-16.
  5. ^ a b "The Last Temptation of Christy". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2006-02-19. After Simon Thaddeus Reginald Marx attempted to gain Paige Matthews' hand in marriage, Phoebe Halliwell discovered that his ancestors and "the Warren line of witches" had "worked together during the Salem Witch Trials."
  6. ^ Was read out by Piper Halliwell, to her sisters, in "The Witch Is Back".
  7. ^ During "Chris-Crossed", Chris Halliwell travels to an alternate future where the Halliwell manor had become a museum of witchcraft. The museum's tour guide informed her group that a painting of Melinda Warren is hung in the foyer.
  8. ^ It was never revealed whether Prudence Warren was born before or after her mother, Melinda Warren, moved from her birth-home of Virginia to Salem, Massachusetts.
  9. ^ In "The Witch Is Back", Melinda Warren told the Charmed Ones that she once prayed "some kind soul will take pity on my daughter and raise her in a safe home". She goes on to claim "it must’ve worked".
  10. ^ "There's Something About Leo". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-11-24.
  11. ^ Brianna Warren‘s sibling(s) must have been female as after “300 years“ of Warren witches there has “not been a male in the bunch“ (Penelope Halliwell, “Necromancing the Stone”). Therefore, her sister would have been a direct ancestor of the Charmed Ones: their great-great grandmother.
  12. ^ "Which Prue Is It, Anyway?". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-03-03. Phoebe Halliwell claimed that "our ancestor Brianna [...] was our great, great, great aunt. She could move things with her mind like Prue".
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Pardon My Past". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2000-02-17.
  14. ^ "Generation Hex". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2006-04-16.
  15. ^ Although it is the date given by the family tree in Pardon My Past, it also contridicts the fact that she bought the Halliwell manor in 1906, according to Prue in "Is there a Woogy in the House?".
  16. ^ "Is There A Woogy In The House". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-02-24.
  17. ^ "Happily Ever After". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2002-09-29.
  18. ^ "Charmed and Dangerous". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2002-02-07.
  19. ^ "That '70s Episode". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 1999-04-07.
  20. ^ "Sense and Sense Ability". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-04-27.
  21. ^ "Size Matters". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2001-10-25.
  22. ^ "Witchstock". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2004-01-11.
  23. ^ "Baby's First Demon". Charmed. The WB Television Network. 2003-03-30.
Main: Season summaries | Episode guide | Multimedia | Terms | Trivia
Locations and Artifacts: Bay Area | Halliwell Manor | Magic School | The Nexus | Book of Shadows
Good beings: Charmed Ones | Close friends | Ancestors | Family and friends | Whitelighters | Elders
Evil beings: Darklighters | Warlocks
Neutral: Avatars | The Hollow | Firestarters